Official Trophy Thread - 4/21: Enhanced Trophy Lists Coming in Firmware 3.30

I'm not really sure what thread I should've posted this in, but this is good enough.

Fallout 3 has been updated for the DLC trophies. Hopefully that means we'll be getting the first one this week.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I'm not really sure what thread I should've posted this in, but this is good enough.

Fallout 3 has been updated for the DLC trophies. Hopefully that means we'll be getting the first one this week.[/QUOTE]

I can second this. I compared trophies with freaky and Fallout 3 came to 57% with Platinum.
They better hurry with the Game of the Year edition coming in about a month and a half since each week that passes gives PS3 owners another reason to just wait for the retail game rather than pay $50 for each expansion.
Because they still want something for those of us that neglected to get the game at all. Coming out the same day as Brutal Legend and Uncharted 2 wasn't a great idea either.
I was able to go through it, although it was no cakewalk. I think Naughty Dog recognized just how much they made enemies into bullet sponges in the first game. I think the real thing that might limit the Plat is the difficulty of the online based trophies.
:lol: Even if you just shoot the body it only takes three or four shots at most to take them down. I imagine bullet sponges would take a lot more than that.
Cover people... use cover and kill from a distance. There's only a few difficult spots if you use cover effectively.
I had planned on trying to plat Uncharted before I pick up 2 but with NG2/Demon Souls/Tekken 6 and Dragon Origins I am thinking I won't be platting it anytime soon.
[quote name='Devil May Cry']I could've swore I had trouble killing guys with just bodyshots. Maybe I'm just becoming senile.[/QUOTE]
I find the AK takes like 6+ shots. The pistol is about 3-4.

The thing I hate is when there are endless waves of enemies, and either (1) like the last guy in the wave kills you or (2) another guy pops up out of nowhere a few more feet up the path and ends up killing you / more waves of enemies come after you and make you start over.

I did manage to get from level 5 to 11 today, so maybe platinum isn't too much to ask.
Ah, games are like that... it can't be taken too seriously. But yeah, it can't be too ridiculous too (come on now, a full mag at the goon's leg and the dude is still able to stand?). Anyway, U: DF, i'm still working on the Crushing Mode trophy, which is the last one to unlock Platinum. I'm at the first encounter with the mercenaries part, my patience and perseverance are getting thin (still quite a way to the end)...
PLATINUM!!! Sick. My platinum play through took little under 8 hours? Not sure how I pulled that off, haha.

Serpentor, type in like "Uncharted Crusing level __" on youtube. It'll give you a good general idea of where to cover, what to do, etc. This helped me on more than one occasion.
Yo MillerTime, thanks man, all this time i've been doing it my way, which is obviously hard and wrong. I'll do some youtube to me and the Plat will be mines, hahahaha...
IGN: Speaking of that, how are Trophies being handled in the game? Are they being treated as if there are two separate games, or…

John Hight: Yes, yes it is. We actually got the OK from our network platform guys to give us… essentially we're getting double the amount of Trophies because we have two games on one disc.

IGN: So are there two Platinums in there?

John Hight: I haven't looked at the final list, but I would say "probably".

Holy crap. Thanks for the link, Broly.
^ This motherfucker not only platinum'd the Sega Genesis Collection, he has an import "Sega Mega Drive Collection" he's playing right now to get a platinum.

Man, now I know I have Hannah Montana platinum, but jeez...

Wait wait wait, Sega Mega Drive Collection has separate trophy system? Man, i want that! Yo Freaky, if you don't mind, when you're done, lend it to me, i'll pay you $10 :) That's one easy Plat man...

I Plat'd Uncharted, finally! The plane wreckage is the hardest part IMO... At first i thought the final showdown between the demons and the mercs are hard, but it turned out, it was pretty easy (i didn't even YouTube). But yeah, YubTube do get you out of jams, like the Trap chapter, i didn't know there's a sniper rifle in the corner, which totally changes the game plan (the chickshit dude on the balcony can kiss my ass and the other one mounting the machine gun too).
Okay, i need a quick answer, it's driving me mad... What's the name of that trophy in Batman AA that requires full upgrades? Or is there a such trophy? I went through my trophy list couple of times and i don't see it (and i have fully upgraded everything in Batman AA).

EDIT: can anyone post the Batman AA trophy list? Other sites are blocked... thanks in advance!
Just reached 300 trophies and I got Unreal Tournament III for 11 bucks at my Gamestop. Compared to the other Unreal games this one isn't as good, but I am willing to play it a little bit more for some bronze trophies. I know one guy on here on CAG got Platinum. Anyone else?

Also got Uncharted, Naughty Dog never fails me. I am already 60 percent.
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I am new to PS3 trophies so this might be a dunb question. I have been playing Batman:AA all week and have unlocked a lot of trophies but none of them show up on my PSN profile page under my trophies. Is there a reason why this is happening?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You need to sync them to the server. You can do that by just clicking on the trophy icon under Games when you return to the XMB.[/QUOTE]

or by comparing trophies with someone on your friends list (which works in game)
Picked up Star Wars Force Unleashed from a Gamecrazy for $11.xx and spent about an hour last night churning out trophies. I had started the game on the 360 a year ago when I bought it for $45 used from GS (at least as part of a B2G1 though). I never played more than a few chapters :wall:. I have always wanted to finish the game at least, but it just seems pointless to play it on the 360 for just plain vanilla points. Yet I want to play it on the PS3 and then push ahead for all the trophies as it seems like I actually have a chance at a rare platinum (they seem so impossible to me in most games).

But Sony is definitely on to something with these platinum trophies vs the 1000 points thing on the 360. I'm much more likely to want to play a game on the PS3 if I think I can unlock everything and get the platinum vs just 1000/1000. The flip side of that is that I'm passing on older games that don't have trophy support. I think it is a smart move for any developer to add them in if it is at all feasible - I know there are plenty of more sales they would have gotten from me (whether I would ever get around to playing those games or not ;)).
[quote name='io']But Sony is definitely on to something with these platinum trophies vs the 1000 points thing on the 360. I'm much more likely to want to play a game on the PS3 if I think I can unlock everything and get the platinum vs just 1000/1000. The flip side of that is that I'm passing on older games that don't have trophy support. I think it is a smart move for any developer to add them in if it is at all feasible - I know there are plenty of more sales they would have gotten from me (whether I would ever get around to playing those games or not ;)).[/QUOTE]
See, I've found myself to be the opposite. I find that I have no real attachment to my trophies. I mean sure, I'll go and try to get trophies in the games I have, but I don't put too much effort into it unless I really like the game. Achievement points on the other hand I will go out of my way to get, as I have an attachment to my gamerscore. I look at my trophy card and see that I'm level 4, and go "Oh, well I suppose that's nice." On the other hand, I look at my GT and see that I'm 110 points away from 14,000 and it drives me that much harder to pick up more games and replay some of the ones I've already got in order to hit that next mark.
[quote name='YodaEXE']See, I've found myself to be the opposite. I find that I have no real attachment to my trophies. I mean sure, I'll go and try to get trophies in the games I have, but I don't put too much effort into it unless I really like the game. Achievement points on the other hand I will go out of my way to get, as I have an attachment to my gamerscore. I look at my trophy card and see that I'm level 4, and go "Oh, well I suppose that's nice." On the other hand, I look at my GT and see that I'm 110 points away from 14,000 and it drives me that much harder to pick up more games and replay some of the ones I've already got in order to hit that next mark.[/QUOTE]

That's gotta be personal preference. I see my trophy percent and see that I need to get to the next level. I will give you that it's easier to feel that though with a number rather than a percent. Trophies can be translated into points as well though.
I just got to Level 11 on the heels of Batman. It's really good. I don't see how it's possible to do the Combat Challenges, though. The one Predator Challenge that I did was pretty fun, so I want to do more of those.

I think the PS3 needs a good, solid game that dishes out Trophies sparingly for cool, little things that aren't insanely difficult. How do I put needs a game like Fable II (in terms of Trophies). In that game, there are lots of cool, little things you can do to get Achievements that are cool to get. You don't have to do everything to get all the points (except for the DLC). In most PS3 games, it's usually a long grind to get a Platinum.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just got to Level 11 on the heels of Batman. It's really good. I don't see how it's possible to do the Combat Challenges, though. The one Predator Challenge that I did was pretty fun, so I want to do more of those.

I think the PS3 needs a good, solid game that dishes out Trophies sparingly for cool, little things that aren't insanely difficult. How do I put needs a game like Fable II (in terms of Trophies). In that game, there are lots of cool, little things you can do to get Achievements that are cool to get. You don't have to do everything to get all the points (except for the DLC). In most PS3 games, it's usually a long grind to get a Platinum.[/QUOTE]

That's mostly FPS and JRPG games though. Most TPS and Platformers have trophies like that.
[quote name='YodaEXE']See, I've found myself to be the opposite. I find that I have no real attachment to my trophies. I mean sure, I'll go and try to get trophies in the games I have, but I don't put too much effort into it unless I really like the game. Achievement points on the other hand I will go out of my way to get, as I have an attachment to my gamerscore. I look at my trophy card and see that I'm level 4, and go "Oh, well I suppose that's nice." On the other hand, I look at my GT and see that I'm 110 points away from 14,000 and it drives me that much harder to pick up more games and replay some of the ones I've already got in order to hit that next mark.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm up around 35K and maybe it just starts to feel pointless after a while. Sure, it would be nice to break 50K but I'm not going out of my way to do it. In fact, I have a ton of games in the backlog that I could do that with easily.

I guess what I was trying to say is it isn't the levels so much on the PS3 - it is the platinums. It just seems pointless to grind for 100 hours on some 360 game to get 1000/1000 when all you get is just a few more points than you get from the same game by only playing it for 30 or so (like, you can usually get 700-800 or so without too much trouble). Yet on the PS3 that grinding or tricky play results in at least the platinum to show off. Yeah, sure, it's all meaningless in the end, but I guess if I'm going to do it at all I'd prefer to do it where it is more obvious. There are still some 360 games I'll want to max out. I just finally got my 1250 on Beautiful Katamari for example. And I want to do it on Oblivion (as I'm already 80 hours into it anyway). But on games like Star Wars Force Unleashed I don't see the point of playing all those hours to get 1000/1000 when I could get those last 300-400 points just as easily off some other game in 1/10th the time and it makes no difference on your total gamescore. Yet on the PS3 I'll end up with a platinum if I grind it out. Make sense?
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

51 Trophies
1 Platinum
16 Hidden Trophies

- Platinum-
Master Of The Secret Arts

All Missions Successfully Completed

Learned The Reverse Wind
Learned The Furious Wind
Learned Shadowless Footsteps
Learned The Flying swallow
Learned The Flying Bird Flip
Learned The Obliteration Technique
Learned The Ultimate Technique
Learned The Ultimate Guidance
Learned to The Counter Attack
Learned The Unrivaled Soaring
Learned The Invisible Path
Learned The Izuna Drop
Learned The Guillotine Throw
Learned The Art of Inferno
Learned The Art of Wind Blades
Learned The Art of Flame Phoenix
Learned The Art of Piercing Void

Feat of a Hundred Slashes (100 hit combo with any weapon)

Feat of a Thousand Obliterations (Defeat 1000 enemies using Obliteration Techniques)

Feat of Ultimate Destruction (Defeat 1000 enemies using Ultimate Techniques.)

Izuna Drop Master (perform 1000 Izuna Drops)

Guillotine Throw Master (1000 Guillotine Throws)

Dragon Sword Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dragon Sword)

Lunar Staff Master(Defeat 1000 enemies with the Lunar Staff)

Falcon's Talons Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Falcon Talons)

Dual Katana Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dual Katana)

Kusari-gama Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Kusari-gama)

Eclipse Scythe Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Eclipse Scythe)

Tonfa Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Tonfa)

Vigoorian Flail Master (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Vigoorian Flail)

Enma's Fang (Defeat 1000 enemies with the Enma's Fang)

Ultimate Ninpo Master (Chant 100 Ninpo spells)

Rescued 100 Ninja (rescued 100 people in need)

16 unknown secret trophies

This seems like a really easy Platinum because it seems like there are NO difficulty-based Trophies.
does that mean that that the lbp goty will not show up in my trophy list or does it have its own list even though they are the same. Wondering the same for when Fallout 3's Goty comes out. would be nice to platinum a game twice
bread's done