Official Trophy Thread - 4/21: Enhanced Trophy Lists Coming in Firmware 3.30

Giant Bomb needs to fix their point values, because their including DLC for their near 1000 point totals. It's also 100% broken at this time.

So, I just earned my 9th Platinum coming from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It took roughly 15 hours to do spanning almost 2 playthroughs (1 on Sith Master, 1 on Apprentice for Holocron purposes) with about 3 hours of grinding kills with various powers.

I can also proudly say it's another Platinum I got before Freaky, who doesn't have Force Unleashed. I also got LBP's Platinum before him (I was the 4th person to get it in the World) :p
Finally looked up that instant replenishment of health glitch you were talking about, wow that would have made Sith Master a lot easier to finish. #-o
Flow's trophy list:

1. Secret Trophy
2. Beauty - Complete any campaign without being hurt. - Silver
3. Peace - Complete any campaign without eating anything. - Silver
4. Swift - Complete any campaign within 120 seconds. - Silver
5. Adventure - Start the first campaign after installing. - Bronze
6. Friendship - Complete any campaign with 4 players. - Bronze
7. Giant - Complete any campaign with a creature of 25 segments or longer. - Bronze
8. Fashion - Decorate your creature with more than 10 alternating segments. - Bronze
9. Vegetarian - Eat all foods in a campaign without killing any advanced creature. - Bronze
10. Cannibalism - Eat all advanced creatures in a campaign without eating any food. - Bronze
11. Gratitude - Consume all credit foods. - Bronze
12. Devious - Paralyse the same creature times without killing it. - Bronze
13. Memory - Take more than 10 screenshots - Bronze
14. Secret Trophy

How do you take screenshots?
You need the expansion to get all the trophies.

Flow - $7.99
expansion - $2.99
Bundle - $8.99

Every now and then you'll find a special creature that you eat and it takes a screenshot.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
How do you take screenshots [in flow]?[/QUOTE]

You will find critters to eat that look like SOS and when you eat it, you will get a yellow trail moving down your body, and that will take a screenshot, its nothing you can get manually.

These screenshots were added for the expansion pack.
[quote name='dallow']Yay for Flow![/QUOTE]
saw you playing it the past weekend, so yeah, i give it a shot too, got some trophies... damn, i haven't played the game for ages, it's not a bad game.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Flow's trophy list:

1. Secret Trophy
2. Beauty - Complete any campaign without being hurt. - Silver
3. Peace - Complete any campaign without eating anything. - Silver
4. Swift - Complete any campaign within 120 seconds. - Silver
5. Adventure - Start the first campaign after installing. - Bronze
6. Friendship - Complete any campaign with 4 players. - Bronze
7. Giant - Complete any campaign with a creature of 25 segments or longer. - Bronze
8. Fashion - Decorate your creature with more than 10 alternating segments. - Bronze
9. Vegetarian - Eat all foods in a campaign without killing any advanced creature. - Bronze
10. Cannibalism - Eat all advanced creatures in a campaign without eating any food. - Bronze
11. Gratitude - Consume all credit foods. - Bronze
12. Devious - Paralyse the same creature times without killing it. - Bronze
13. Memory - Take more than 10 screenshots - Bronze
14. Secret Trophy

How do you take screenshots?[/QUOTE]

Oh crap, i got that one by accident... To get that one, play as the the circular creature (pressing the button will make it rotate). I believe once you're at the bottom bottom, there's a big circular creature (a super duper version of your little circular creature). Just keep rotating around the big guy and it kind of twitch if you hit it on some spots. After killing the big guy, i got the MEMORY trophy...

Beauty is dorable, peace is a pain, i don't have them yet... For PEACE, use the creature that turns yellow when you press the button. By turning to yellow, the creature can't ingest... For BEAUTY, well, don't get hurt. Maybe both trophies can be gotten using the same creature i just mentioned.

Vegetarian and cannibalism are just too anal... i'll pass...
[quote name='mykevermin']It's interesting to see so many older PSN games get trophy support, yet many highly popular games that should have them (DMC4, MGS4) don't.[/QUOTE]
hear you man, Resistance 1 don't have trophies either :(
Lemming Trophy question:

Okay, i don't know what's the trick, but it seems impossible to get it...

How do you complete the "climbers" and "floaters" trial stage under ONE minute?
Pause the game at the start and increase the rate (icon with - and +) to 99.
This gets the lemmings out faster so you don't have to wait on them as long.
[quote name='dallow']Pause the game at the start and increase the rate (icon with - and +) to 99.
This gets the lemmings out faster so you don't have to wait on them as long.[/QUOTE]
doh! thanks dallow, owe you one :)
Anyone notice that under the "Trophy" selection in the "Games: section on PSN that Astro Boy for the PSP pops up? Must be some kind of glitch I guess since PSP does not support trophies...
Just got the platinum trophy for Where the Wild Things Are. If anyone is looking for another quick one it took less than 10 hours to plat. The game is actually not half bad either, especially for a game from a kids movie. Probably helps though if you were a fan of the book as a kid.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Got my Fallout 3 trophy percentage back up to 100%. Hooray![/QUOTE]
Did you get a lot of game freezes during the DLC?

Mine froze just about every time I played! I thought my launch system was slowly dying but after playing Uncharted 2 it hasn't happened once. I went ahead and ordered a Slim from Amazon but I'm wondering if it was just Fallout and not my system.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Got my Fallout 3 trophy percentage back up to 100%. Hooray![/QUOTE]

About how long did you wind up playing the DLC? Just picked up the GOTY (traded in my old copy towards it) and was wondering about how much longer I am in for.

(figured that since i got >$10 trade in for it it would be the better deal for me)
Giant Bomb is disabling their Trophy support next week because Sony has to go back to the drawing board on it. However, the games you have on your profile already won't be deleted.
[quote name='jonlubbe']About how long did you wind up playing the DLC? Just picked up the GOTY (traded in my old copy towards it) and was wondering about how much longer I am in for.

(figured that since i got >$10 trade in for it it would be the better deal for me)[/QUOTE]

It's about an average of 5-6 hours per DLC.

Been stuck on the last three combat challenges for Batman: AA for about a week, finally got Sewer Bat (Extreme) last night and got Shock and Awe (Extreme) and Rumble in the Jungle (Extreme) this afternoon. Platinumed!

Go figure, I got tried of replaying them over and over last night so I tried the DLC combat challenge room with the shifting electric panels and got 3 medals on that challenge on the first try :lol:.
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A quick question regarding Fallout 3 trophies (with all of the maps too). Are there any "missable" trophies? You know, depending what you select your decisions... I hate trophies that require you to play the whole damn game again (stupid G-force comes to mind).
[quote name='Serpentor']A quick question regarding Fallout 3 trophies (with all of the maps too). Are there any "missable" trophies? You know, depending what you select your decisions... I hate trophies that require you to play the whole damn game again (stupid G-force comes to mind).[/QUOTE]

All the level trophies are technically missable, but you can easily do it in one play through. For Mothership Zeta DLC, Alien Archivist is completely missable if you aren't paying attention from the beginning.
Finally got my first platinum today on Katamari Forever. Cowbear can go die in a fire. The 50k on the punishment mini-game wasn't that bad, but screw Cowbear.
[quote name='Darknyss']There are a few missable bobbleheads too.[/QUOTE]

Oh, yeah. The energy weapons and the medicine bobblehead are missable.

Very beginning in vault 101, in the medical place on your dad's desk, I think

Energy Weapons:
Raven Rock
[quote name='KingBroly']Giant Bomb is disabling their Trophy support next week because Sony has to go back to the drawing board on it. However, the games you have on your profile already won't be deleted.[/QUOTE]

It is obvious that Sony only wants people to be able to view trophies by going to It has nothing to do with Sony fixing anything. They are going to remove the trophy data from our Giant Bomb pages, it says so directly on the newest "most popular achievements" news story.
I don't get why people are so worked up over trophies. Its not like they are as cool as high scores or anything. Just because you have a lot of trophies doesn't mean you're good and they don't make the game any better. I just find it ridiculous that people don't buy games or hold off on playing games like mgs4 just because they want some stupid virtual trophies. I think they are a kind of cool thing to have, but I really don't care for them all that much.
Er, why wouldn't it mean that you are good at a game, particularly when a lot of trophies require you to beat games on a higher difficulty or with a handicap (no guns through the entirety of Mirror's Edge comes to mind). Not to mention the Street Fighter IV trophies one of which requires I believe 100 wins online?

It also helps add some extra replay value to the majority of single player games.
It definitely adds replay values... Look what trophies did to Uncharted (the first one), i played the game over and over, beat it on Easy, Normal, Hard and Crushing. I enjoyed every play through, of course, Crushing is quite anal, but patience and perseverance really paid off.

I do want to continue play MSG4, but man, it's just not the same w/o trophy incentives. And that Level thing... For some god damn reasons, it taunts me every time i look at it. Maybe it's this RPG thing in the past, i used to level my characters to max just for the hell of it... But now the concept is not the game character, but ME, the gamer. I know it's lame to kill "unworthy" enemies to level up, but it's part of the strategy (aka, play Hannah Montana for the platinum, i'm not ashamed to mention this over and over).

I know there's nothing to gain from trophies (maybe in Home, you can display them in the trophy rooms). But to me, it's like giving games a purpose, i know it's painful to unlock some anal trophies, but it's a very satisfying accomplishment.

In the past, the games are quite hard (limited continues, no saves, harsh punishments, no checkpoints etc.), so beating them is very satisfying.

Now, gaming is not just a hobby, but a progress, a growing/living progress. You're a character, the super character that governs all of the game characters. The only way to advance is to level up...

Speaking of progress, i've found that the PSN system is more addictive than the Live system. On Live, you're only a gamer score, there's no leveling up... Also, there's no special treats for unlocking all achievements, aka, the Platinum trophy.

So, on the Xbox system, you're only rewarded with gamer points, which is an addiction... But on the Playstation system, you get two doses, one being leveling up and another being Platinum trophies.
[quote name='Neo-Nut']I don't get why people are so worked up over trophies. Its not like they are as cool as high scores or anything. Just because you have a lot of trophies doesn't mean you're good and they don't make the game any better. I just find it ridiculous that people don't buy games or hold off on playing games like mgs4 just because they want some stupid virtual trophies. I think they are a kind of cool thing to have, but I really don't care for them all that much.[/QUOTE]

I don't get why people get worked up over what other people get worked up over.
Oh, i also like to add that, with trophies/achievements, you actually see parts of the game that you normally don't get to enjoy if you just want to beat it. For example, Godfather II, execution styles... Not very important, but yeah, you don't need to do them to beat the game, but it's actually pretty cool (or brutal) to do them. And no, no rewards if you do them on civilians or cops, only on the mobsters...

Do i need to mention scouting the whole damn map looking for artifacts and stuff? If you just play the game, do you think you care about finding them at all? Perhaps you do it to unlock new contents... but we all know companies are charging for those contents you can unlock :lol:
Assassin's Creed 2 trophies:

The Birth of an AssassinBronze TrophyBe reborn as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze.
Arrivederci AbstergoBronze TrophyBreak out of Abstergo.
Myth MakerBronze TrophyFind the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni.
Vitruvian ManBronze TrophyUnlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16's video.
Street CleanerBronze TrophyHide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay.
Fly SwatterBronze TrophyKick a Guard while using the Flying Machine.
Messer SandmanBronze TrophyStun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face.
DoctorBronze TrophyPerform an Air Assassination on a Poisoned NPC.
No-hitterBronze TrophyKill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit.
KleptomaniacBronze TrophyPickpocket 1000 Florins.
Lightning StrikeBronze TrophySprint for 100 meters.
SweeperBronze TrophySweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon.
Venetian GladiatorBronze TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria della Visitazione.
I can see your house from here!Bronze TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside Torre Grossa.
Hallowed be thy nameBronze TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Basilica di San Marco.
Prison EscapeBronze TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress.
Choir BoyBronze TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria del Flore (The Duomo).
Assassin for HireBronze TrophyComplete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico.
Macho ManBronze TrophyDefend a woman's honor.
Steal HomeBronze TrophyWin a race against thieves!
Show your ColorsBronze TrophyWear the Auditore cape in each city.
Handy ManBronze TrophyUpgrade a building in the Stronghold.
I like the viewBronze TrophySynchronize 10 View Points.
High DiveBronze TrophyPerform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Glotto's Campanile.
MailmanBronze TrophyIntercept a Borgia Courrier.
Tip of the IcebergBronze TrophyUse your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment.
A Piece of the PuzzleBronze TrophyUnlock a piece of Subject 16's video.
Art ConnoisseurBronze TrophyBuy a Painting from Florence and Venice.
Podestà of MonteriggioniBronze TrophyReach 80% of the your stronghold's total value.
Perfect HarmonyBronze TrophyTint your clothes with those colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory.
In Memory of PetruccioBronze TrophyCollect all the Feathers.
Red Light AddictBronze TrophySpend 5000 florins on Courtesans.
Man of the PeopleBronze TrophyToss more than 300 florins on the ground.
Victory lies in preparation.Bronze TrophyGet all Hidden Blades, Item Pouches and Armor upgrades for Ezio.
Welcome to the Animus 2.0Silver TrophyEnter the Animus 2.0.
The Pain of BetrayalSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 1.
VengeanceSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 2.
Exit the SonSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 3.
Bloody SundaySilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 4.
UndertakerSilver TrophyDiscover the Assassin's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella.
The ConspiratorsSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 5.
An Unexpected JourneySilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 6.
Bleeding EffectSilver TrophyComplete training and reenter the Animus.
The Merchant of VeniceSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 7.
The Impenetrable PalazzoSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 8.
MasqueradeSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 9.
Blanca's ManSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 10.
The ProphetSilver TrophyComplete DNA Sequence 11.
The VaultSilver TrophyComplete DNA Seqeunce 14.
An Old Friend ReturnsGold TrophyEscape the hideout.
Master AssassinPlatinum TrophyUnlock all trophies.


EDIT: I don't know why I can't get these things all aligned properly. It looks straight in my edit screen but when I'm in the "post" screen its all out of whack.

EDIT 2: These trophies look a lot more reasonable then Assassins Creed 1. Thank God for no more flag collecting.
So I just fired up Crack in Time. I am disappointed to say that the game immediately prompted me for a 14mb update. What does that mean exactly?'s a Trophy patch. This game didn't ship with Trophies on the disc.

bread's done