Official Trophy Thread - 4/21: Enhanced Trophy Lists Coming in Firmware 3.30

[quote name='FroMann']I'm 2 trophies away from getting Platinum in WipEout HD. All I need is the Elite Campaign and Arcade Perfect. I just got beat Zico and all the Fury trophies yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Congrats! I'm close to FINALLY getting my 1st platinum with Fallout 3.
Thanks guys.

[quote name='js1']Congrats! I'm close to FINALLY getting my 1st platinum with Fallout 3.[/QUOTE]
Was my first Platinum trophy too! The trophies in Fallout 3 aren't hard. They just take too much time.

[quote name='Inf^Shini']How were the zone trophies? Any tips? =P[/QUOTE]

You mean the Zone Zeus Trophy? Yeah it was hard, but with hours of practice on Anulpha Pass (forward) and it is possible. I can't really give out any real good tips except to practice on Anulpha Pass and get use to the speed. Here are my tips.

  • The alternate path on the right of the course near the end gives you good time to gain more Zones and Energy.
  • Hit every speed pad on the course.
  • Get as many perfect laps as possible at the start.

Ive been playing Zone Mode in WipEout since Pure and Pulse on the PSP so I have gotten use to the high speeds. To tell the truth I think the Arcade Perfect trophy is the hardest trophy to get in this game because the courses in reverse are very tricky compared to forward courses.
do not play Ski-doo for trophies... i GF'd it for "easy" trophies, it turned out, the damn game is so freaking hard to control. I earned a few trophies and just gave up.

Oh Wipeout HD is hard... but if you can master that, i think Ski-doo should be piece of cake. Timing in racing games is not my thing.
I just got platinum a few minutes ago on WipEout HD and I was right about the reverse tracks being hard. After playing about 5-8 hours and swearing at my TV I finally got 100%. If you guys need help in WipEout HD PM me.
[quote name='Serpentor']do not play Ski-doo for trophies... i GF'd it for "easy" trophies, it turned out, the damn game is so freaking hard to control. I earned a few trophies and just gave up.

Oh Wipeout HD is hard... but if you can master that, i think Ski-doo should be piece of cake. Timing in racing games is not my thing.[/QUOTE]

I agree that the controls are unforgiving. However, that being said, I think the trophies were still pretty easy if you just stick with it for a little bit. I got the platinum within about 6-8 hours.
[quote name='FroMann']I just got platinum a few minutes ago on WipEout HD and I was right about the reverse tracks being hard. After playing about 5-8 hours and swearing at my TV I finally got 100%. If you guys need help in WipEout HD PM me.[/QUOTE]

Congrats on getting 'Transcendence', I'm actually one trophy away from the platinum myself... I still need to beat Zico. I'm actually having trouble pulling off the barrel roll onto the narrow platform for that extra boost. Any tips? :(
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Congrats on getting 'Transcendence', I'm actually one trophy away from the platinum myself... I still need to beat Zico. I'm actually having trouble pulling off the barrel roll onto the narrow platform for that extra boost. Any tips? :([/QUOTE]
Approach from the left side, Go diagonally to the platform with nose up. Do a barrel roll as fast as possible. Zico took me about 2 - 3 hours to do. Mostly due to that damn platform barrel roll.
Thanks FroMann, that worked... using your tip, I was able to pull off a barrel roll half the time, as opposed to rarely pulling it off. ;)

I just platinumed WipEout HD... I have transended y'all! :D:D:D
Yeah, but I just wonder why they can't unify everything? That's what they need to do. Whatever, I just hope they add it soon.

How's it look?
I'm an idiot, so how do I get the card in my sig? When I copy/paste all that shows up is the actual data. There's no card.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Did you copy the html code in there? That won't work on CAG.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that's what I did. What should I copy to make it work?
The image file's in the html code, so just copy that and paste it into the pop-up for the image button. Then you can just insert the link in the first part of the code that goes to your profile.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The image file's in the html code, so just copy that and paste it into the pop-up for the image button. Then you can just insert the link in the first part of the code that goes to your profile.[/QUOTE]

The trophy cards are now under your profile for display when you click on the PSN name under your avatar, though you do have to activate that on the SCEA site for it to show up.
The new update has some new stuff for trophies:
  • Trophies – Showcasing your hard earned trophies just got better. Update 3.00 gives game developers the ability to modify how they display trophies for add-on content. Base and add-on game trophies will continue to be combined into a single list so you can see where you stand in a game as a whole. Within that list, trophies will be broken out into subcategories-base trophies and add-on trophies-that way, you can easily view the percentage of your base game trophy collection, and separately track your trophy progress in add-on packs. Look for this enhancement to be included in upcoming games.
[quote name='KingBroly']Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

1 Platinum
5 Gold
16 Silver
43 Bronze[/QUOTE]
That update better cover what I've already beaten, as I don't want to have to go through and beat it again just for the damn trophies.

EDIT: After reading through the trophies a bit closer, I'm pretty sure they're ONLY for the new version of the game coming out. Lame.
The PS3 version of TFU will be getting a patch in the near future to add trophies!
The trophies will cover all the original TFU content, but you will have to delete your save game and start over to earn them. This is a Sony requirement. The patch will come out some time before the Tatooine downloadable level. From Lucasarts

Man, I sold SWFU a while ago, may have to go buy it again to play it!
Was fun first pass through ...

[quote name='sbains']The PS3 version of TFU will be getting a patch in the near future to add trophies!
The trophies will cover all the original TFU content, but you will have to delete your save game and start over to earn them. This is a Sony requirement. The patch will come out some time before the Tatooine downloadable level. From Lucasarts[/QUOTE]

I can't see how it's a Sony requirement to have you start a new game for trophies when they didn't make you on Disagea 3. I call lazy devs who can't be bothered to do more work.
I'd rather it show just the recently-played games since I don't earn a trophy every time I play a game, so there could be long periods without an update.
Well, yeah I wish it did that, but the trophies thing works too. I also wish it would update the "My Games" thing on the site in the same manner.
[quote name='YodaEXE']I can't see how it's a Sony requirement to have you start a new game for trophies when they didn't make you on Disagea 3. I call lazy devs who can't be bothered to do more work.[/QUOTE]
Disgaea 3 trophies are retro-active? :O
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Disgaea 3 trophies are retro-active? :O[/QUOTE]

Yes, they are. People have been downloading gamesaves for that. IDK if a patch to the trophy patch was made though.
does anyone know what the percentage on your trophy card means? i swore last week i had close to 80% now I noticed it dropped to 1% for some reason.
[quote name='YodaEXE']I can't see how it's a Sony requirement to have you start a new game for trophies when they didn't make you on Disagea 3. I call lazy devs who can't be bothered to do more work.[/QUOTE]

Well...Disgaea 3 has some pretty insane Trophies
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']People on Twitter are saying that flOw is getting a trophy patch along with an update that could include screenshot support, too.[/QUOTE]

Fore real? That would be awesome! Eh, i'm still waiting for the MGS4 trophy patch...
[quote name='Devil May Cry']Yes, they are. People have been downloading gamesaves for that. IDK if a patch to the trophy patch was made though.[/QUOTE]
Wow, all this time? Damn, that's some serious cheating there! Better butter up before the patch...
Im pretty sure I posted it in here with a link that Fl0w is getting trophies like a bunch pages back. Great support for an awesome game. Still prefer it over flower.
bread's done