Once Upon a Time… the OTT

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[quote name='h3llbring3r']By all means please PM me of your deals (especially when they are on the DL) I know someone who rocks with the DCPIs- Or if you have a newsletter that I can subscribe to.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Nope, because you're way to into 4chan

[quote name='manthing']Nope, because you're way to into 4chan

I'm trying to quit- really I am. :cry:
/gif/ just makes me laugh and watch pr0n, but mostly laugh.
Any of you guys have trouble updating Fat Princess? For some reason it restarted my PS3 4 times and the 5th time I clicked on it, it downloaded.
[quote name='Rocko']Or just post what's on clearance in a more accessible fashion.[/QUOTE]

Or you could be less of a whiny cunt.

I was just curious as to why you posted a DCPI number only when you could've posted a picture in the first place. It's not like I didn't know what product to look for when you post a photo of it.
Last I heard, the CFW guy (Dark Alex, or something like that?) hung it up, and that some new folks are working on building off what he did.
[quote name='Rocko']Can you even put C?W on a 3000? I thought you still couldn't, which doesn't bode well for the Go.[/QUOTE]Sort of, but it's not practical or very useful.
Is there anything worth playing on the PSP? My brother gave me his 6+ months ago and other than making it cool I haven't really played anything on it.

So I reached the All Star break in my MLB 09 season and somehow, Craig fucking Counsell made the allstar team with a .245 avg, 7 hr, 19 rbi, 1 sb
Rock Band Unplugged is fun.

If you like rhythm/music games you should also give the Taiko and DJ Max Portable games a try.
I'm probably gonna buy my friend's PSP and a few games for $70.
So since i guess rocko is ignoring me, what are some of the easy offers on yf360g?

Trying to get this finished so i can get AA.
How can I say fucked over in a way that is suitable for a school paper? I have to do a journal critique on an article about Nikola Tesla, and I'm too tired to figure out how to put the fact that Edison fucked Tesla over in a pc way.
[quote name='DT778']If you can't figure that out then you deserve an F.[/QUOTE]

I'm exhausted, and my brain is fried from the hour and a half of homework I did before this.
[quote name='Moxio']Are you making a thesis out of Tesla not getting due credit or something?[/QUOTE]

No, just summarizing an article written about him, and then writing couple paragraphs about my opinion of the article. Simple stuff.

I know I'm late on this, but Merriweather Post Pavilion is fantastic.
Edison was the better business man, if not necessarily the better inventor. Tesla simply knew nothing about business or how underhanded some business men can be.

Tesla had better ideas but didn't know what to do with them basically. Edison on the other hand knew how to make money off of an idea.
I love it when people say that have you on ignore yet respond to everything you say. It's like in their mind they are the more mature one, yet they can't leave the conversation unless they have the last word.
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