[PC] Playfire Rewards Thread

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27 (97%)
The Playfire Rewards BETA thread



(Significant and bundled game rewards only)


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Available until Tuesday 3 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

A Story About My Uncle - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock Bookworm - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock All My Enemies - £0.25
Dark Void Zero - unlock L337 Sk1llz!! - £0.50
Dungeonmans - play for the first time - £0.10
Growing Pains - play for the first time - £0.10
Kill The Bad Guy - play for the first time - £0.10
Knight Squad - play for the first time - £0.10
Monochroma - play for the first time - £0.10
Richard & Alice - play for the first time - £0.10
Available until Tuesday 3 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

A Story About My Uncle - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock Bookworm - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock All My Enemies - £0.25
Dark Void Zero - unlock L337 Sk1llz!! - £0.50
Dungeonmans - play for the first time - £0.10
Growing Pains - play for the first time - £0.10
Kill The Bad Guy - play for the first time - £0.10
Knight Squad - play for the first time - £0.10
Monochroma - play for the first time - £0.10
Richard & Alice - play for the first time - £0.10
Figures the wrong Dark Void game is on sale. :p

Also, the Capcom deals end in about an hour. Hopefully new Capcom deals take their place.

Magicka and Magicka Collection are also on sale for 75% off each, but the Magicka Collection GMG offers is sorely lacking.

Available until Tuesday 3 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

A Story About My Uncle - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock Bookworm - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock All My Enemies - £0.25
Dark Void Zero - unlock L337 Sk1llz!! - £0.50
Dungeonmans - play for the first time - £0.10
Growing Pains - play for the first time - £0.10
Kill The Bad Guy - play for the first time - £0.10
Knight Squad - play for the first time - £0.10
Monochroma - play for the first time - £0.10
Richard & Alice - play for the first time - £0.10
The best part of this is that the Richard & Alice Steam release got pushed back to June 5th. Great job, playfire.

New Capcom sales incoming:

Devil May Cry 4 - $4.99

DMC - $24.99

DuckTales: Remastered - $5.09

Dark Void Zero - $1.25

Ugh, DMC is wayyyyyyyyyy too much. Even with the promise of Playfire Rewards. It's been $12.50 on GMG before, too.

Ducktales is about $4.07 after voucher which is pretty good if you can't wait for 75% off and have pirate monies. It's a historical low as well.

Dark Void Zero is also a good deal.

I'd get DMC4 if I didn't want DMC3 too (despite how godawful the port's supposed to be).

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There's also a 22% voucher available (no restrictions):


Magicka and Magicka Collection are also on sale for 75% off each, but the Magicka Collection GMG offers is sorely lacking.
The Magicka collection on GMG has the same contents as the one on Steam. The description on GMG just seems to be wrong...

Dark Void Zero - play for the first time - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock Bookworm - £0.10
Dark Void Zero - unlock All My Enemies - £0.25
Dark Void Zero - unlock L337 Sk1llz!! - £0.50

  • Dark Void Zero 0.99 €
  • 22% OFF Voucher QUK706-XWFKI6-8UK3NL
Total you pay 0.78€ - 0.1€ credit back = 0.68€

Could be worth it.

Dark Void Zero is 98cents after that 22% coupon, not bad for a game with £0.95 in rewards. HLTB says the game can be completed in about 2-2.5 hours, and the achievements don't look too hard (finding collectables on one stage, killing one of each enemy, completing game on hard).

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There's also a 22% voucher available (no restrictions):


The Magicka collection on GMG has the same contents as the one on Steam. The description on GMG just seems to be wrong...
Turns out you were right about Magicka Collection. Thanks!

Got the whole collection for $3.90 in credits. It includes ALL DLC except for the free one and the Ninth Element Novel (which aren't in the Steam collection anyways).

The only anomaly is it includes Party Robes, and on the store page for it, it'll tell you you have it, but it still lets you purchase it for yourself... which is weird.

All the other DLC won't let you purchase them for yourself.

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Over the past few nights--one or two in a session--I've managed to grab all of the Rush Bros achievements that involve beating a time.  (I skipped all but one of the don't die ones because they are exceedingly annoying.)  They became much easier when I set the music not to switch each time I restarted so I could actually learn the patterns.

Problem is, Playfire hasn't recognized anything from Rush Bros since the first achievement I grabbed on the 19th.  Bleh.

Drat. I'd have enough to get DMC4 if Playfire was working...but it's not. Oh well. Kinda sucks since I have HD Collection on PS3 (DMC1-3) and Devil May Cry from PS+. 4 is the only one I'm missing.

All that pain for nothing.
You know, some of the levels were actually pretty good, especially with a well-chosen song.

Some weren't so good. None of the levels needed for Playfire were that bad, though. I played a few other levels, too, and it looks like they might have chosen the levels that were the least annoying to play.

I saw that DMC was on sale today, got excited, then saw the percentage amount.  Very disappointed I guess I'll have to wait for Steam summer sale to pick it up at a more reasonable price.

I believe the new 22% off coupon - QUK706-XWFKI6-8UK3NL - is only a one time use coupon. You can use GMG credit with it thankfully.

Activation limit on a budget game? :evil:
Japanese Publishers don't really "get" PC gaming (though that has begun to change after the PC release of Dark Souls and Square-Enix). Just be thankful that your PC doesn't explode after the Activation limit.

Dark Void Zero has securom. 5 machines limit. But it is a good game, I bought it some years ago.
Both the prequel and the main game have it. :(

I've been playing Dark Void and it's fun, just a little weird and the FOV gets all wacky when you're climbing ledges. Zero is tough as nails, and a really good throwback to the NES era.

Figures the wrong Dark Void game is on sale. :p

Also, the Capcom deals end in about an hour. Hopefully new Capcom deals take their place.

Magicka and Magicka Collection are also on sale for 75% off each, but the Magicka Collection GMG offers is sorely lacking.
OMG - About time we finally got a Magicka sale!

Problem is, Playfire hasn't recognized anything from Rush Bros since the first achievement I grabbed on the 19th. Bleh.
It hasn't been recognizing anything due to an error on Steam's end, apparently. I just got this message from support:

"We are aware that there is a problem, affecting a small number of users, with Playfire's ability to track Steam achievements.

This is due to an internal server error with Steam's API which means that our systems are unable to track specific game achievement data.

Unfortunately this means that for the time being we are going to have to wait and be patient while Valve resolve this issue. At this time we don't know how long it will be down for but we will update you when we know more.

If you have missed out on a reward which has now passed the rewards period please let us know which ones. If you are missing rewards which are still activate please be patient, once this issue has been resolved these rewards will activate on your account automatically, should the time come that this expires, feel free to update this ticket with your reward information information.

An example of how to detail your missing rewards:

1. Surgical Prep in Team Fortress 2 - £0.10
2. Final Fantasy VIII for the first time - £0.10

Kind Regards,

So if you aren't a pirate, looks like you'll need to send them a ticket saying everything you're missing...

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It hasn't been recognizing anything due to an error on Steam's end, apparently. I just got this message from support:

"We are aware that there is a problem, affecting a small number of users, with Playfire's ability to track Steam achievements.

This is due to an internal server error with Steam's API which means that our systems are unable to track specific game achievement data.

Unfortunately this means that for the time being we are going to have to wait and be patient while Valve resolve this issue. At this time we don't know how long it will be down for but we will update you when we know more.

If you have missed out on a reward which has now passed the rewards period please let us know which ones. If you are missing rewards which are still activate please be patient, once this issue has been resolved these rewards will activate on your account automatically, should the time come that this expires, feel free to update this ticket with your reward information information.

An example of how to detail your missing rewards:

1. Surgical Prep in Team Fortress 2 - £0.10
2. Final Fantasy VIII for the first time - £0.10

Kind Regards,

So if you aren't a pirate, looks like you'll need to send them a ticket saying everything you're missing...
Who do I speak with if I am a pirate?

And why do you hate pirates so much? Not like I've ever swabbed yer mother's poop deck.

Haven't done a tutorial in awhile since the last game I had with rewards as QUBE, and that one was easy and everyone was talking about how to do em. Tonight, however, I bring you a rewards tutorial for Dark Void Zero (I did em all in the first day)!

This is the ONLY achievement you can get early on, so if you're only buying the game so you can make credits on it, and you're not willing to put some effort into getting the last two, you may want to think twice, because the other two achievements both require beating the game (it's a short game, but still). To get Bookworm you simply have to collect all the journals in the first level. They're all easy shown on this map (note that the last one is in a secret area).



All My Enemies
Not much to say here. Kill one of each enemy type. Unfortunately the final boss factors into this, so you'll have to beat the game to get this one.


L337 Sk1llz!!
Okay, now for the hard stuff. There's not really an explanation I can give you on this one, since you have to beat the game on hard mode (which is by no means easy), but I can offer a few tips and point you in the direction of a collection of video playthroughs that can help you at least know where to go and what to expect. I'd highly recommend watching the playthrough videos of the boss battles before jumping into them, so you know what's in store for you.

Realize that while this game saves by letting you retry the level you're on over again if you die, it also saves the amount of lives you had at the end of the previous level. I believe this means that if you have 0 lives and beat level 1, you'll come into level 2 having 0 lives, and if you die and continue, you will still have those 0 lives. On the flipside, if you come into level 2 with 5 lives, you should have 5 lives every time you "continue" from the main menu. This means you need to make sure you're not losing lives when you shouldn't be. Level 1 is pretty easy, so aim to lose NO lives on level 1, pick up the 1up (it's above the start area, accessible once you get a rocket pack), and collect every orb to get another life. This should help you immensely going forward. You should aim to do the same thing on level 2, though it's harder, because it's nothing compared to the difficulty level of level 3, and you're going to need lives to burn going forward.

Hopefully you can get to the final boss with a lot of lives in your pocket. He's not easy at all. I was able to get through level 1 and 2 with no deaths, picking up all the 1ups and orbs, so when I was able to get through level 3 without dying, I had 12 lives to face the final boss. I'm damn sure glad I did, because he smoked me 4 times. He's tough. There's so much going on in the final battle that you're going to really have to keep your cool and clear the screen of enemies and mines quickly so you can focus on dodging the boss's attacks. Things get frantic at the end, so just keep your cool and aim true.

Anyways, here's a link to playthroughs of each level. They're helpful, so use them: http://videos.neoseeker.com/walkthroughs/182646-stage_1valley_of_doom/

Really fun game, and an awesome throwback to oldschool stuff. It's not really a platformer in the true sense of the word, since you're flying/hovering most of the time, but it's similar to Contra and easy enough to pick up. I won't be playing it anymore, since I beat the game on hard and am not interested in doing that again, but it was a fun 1-2 hour experience that got my blood pumping a few times. Definitely worth buying with credit to make even more credit back while playing a fun, challenging game.

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New Rewards

Available until Wednesday 4 June, 2014 @ 23:59 UTC:

Among the Sleep - play for the first time - £0.10

Anomaly Defenders - play for the first time - £0.10

Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition - play for the first time - £0.10

HTR+ Slot Car Simulation - play for the first time - £0.10

Strata - play for the first time - £0.10

Total War: Rome II - play for the first time - £0.10

Where is my Heart? - play for the first time - £0.10


Service Update - After conversations with Valve, regarding achievements not tracking, we have formulated a fix and hope to have it deployed this afternoon.
Got duck tales for free (after credits)

Now I'm afraid to play it. What if playfire set some credits for playing it, let's say, tomorrow?
It was at the time, but they might add Steam keys now that it's released on Steam. But it's IG, who are pretty much the slowest site to add keys, so this may be just wishful thinking.
Doubt they'll add Steam keys. A different publisher was involved with IG (Anuman), while the publisher on steam is Plug in Digital.

This usually happens when GOG keys are added to bundles and the game later appears on Steam (see Realms of the Haunting).

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I ain't no scurvy ridden seadog!

(No offence guys)

I just noticed BernardoOne post this lil snippet of info:

If you bought SSFIV:AE( Super Street Fighter IV: Advanced Edition) from Steam or from a place that provided direct steam keys, you can use the GFWL CD key that Steam provides you to redeem a extra copy on someone else's account.

Save or use your keys now, as the cd-keys will probably be gone when the steamworks patch goes live.

That's good to know for anyone that picked it up from GMG
Well, rewards are tracking now (all of my Dark Void Zero rewards from last night showed up this morning), but they haven't added all the ones that didn't track while "Steam" was having issues. You'll have to put in a ticket for those yourself if you aren't a pierat.

Have to put a ticket in for the Ascend achievements if the tracking is working now. To be honest, if it wasn't for the few hours of grinding, wouldn't be that caring about it (have a Rush Bros. one as well but meh). 

Hoping they'll put up some EU IV rewards tomorrow if it is fixed, planning to use free money to grab it and love to get some free money back =p. Good thing the other thread is up to date, wouldn't have found out it was on sale otherwise (especially when all the pirates were posting about rewards in the former deal/now reward thread)  :lol:.

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