Playstation Rewards program is back!

[quote name='admiralvic']Might as well send us Hig editions... god knows they have more than enough XD.

@ CaptainJoel:

I dont know what you really expect... Sony publishes a LOT of games but theres only so much they can do.

  • Ratchet and Clank
  • Ratchet and Clank all 4 one
  • PS Move Heroes
  • Infamous
  • Infamous 2
  • Littlebigplanet
  • Littlebigplanet 2
  • God of War Collection
  • God of War Origins
  • God of War 3
  • Ico Collection
  • The Last Guardian
  • UC collection
  • UC 3
  • Kung fu Rider
  • The Shoot
  • TV Superstars
  • MLB 2011
  • Motorstorm Apoc
  • Resistance collection
  • Resistance 3
  • Start the Party
  • Mod Nation
  • GT 5
  • Heavy Rain
  • Socom 4
  • Killzone 2
  • Killzone 3

These are all the games I can think of off the top of my head. Lets cross off anything thats too old or already given away. There are very few games past small network titles like under seige and such. What might end up happening is rather simple! Assuming this program continues till 2011 most likely we will see something like...

This period is over on the 8 and lets say the next promo is on the 11th.
5 weeks (ending 8/15) for ICO collection. We will not see it till were closer to the release.
add 3 more days making it the 18th
5 weeks (ending 9/22) we should get Ico collection in a few days so the challenges could be hype for that game since it is weird. The prize will be Twisted Metal (historically rated Teen with only 1 M)
add 3 more days making it the 25th
4 weeks (ending 10/23) Ratchet and Clank which came out 5 days earlier
add 3 more days making it the 25th again
4 weeks (ending 11/20) Uncharted 3 which was out 19 days earlier.

Odds are they will do some sort of SUPER bonus like get top rank for a chance at a vita. Give away like 30 packs (which is still quite low for the program) with Uncharted and maybe another launch title. This might work with the time line 23 + 5 weeks = Xmas. Since the Vita is expected out in Jan 2011 you add in the average of 2 weeks to ship and its around mid month which should cover release.

This is my overly long and probably wrong idea, but its not a bad idea ^^;;[/QUOTE]

I almost forgot about the Ico collection. I never finished it back on the PS2. I would love to have another crack at it. Anyways, that's why I'm hesitant to buy games for my PS3. For one, I'm quite cheap, and two I might receive the game from House Party. Lol. Case and point for infamous 2. Loved the first one, and planned on picking the second one eventually. Now I'm getting it for free for being a consistent member. Just my two cents.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Has any prize been of something that isn't out yet?

With that said, I think Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One fits this program like a glove on a hand. I would expect this to be October prize, because that is the month it will be out (October 18th).

Also, Ape Escape is a PSN game, so maybe that will be thrown in but not as the main prize?[/QUOTE]

Actually there's an Ape Escape game out in Europe. I just saw it the other day.
[quote name='admiralvic']Might as well send us Hig editions... god knows they have more than enough XD.

@ CaptainJoel:

I dont know what you really expect... Sony publishes a LOT of games but theres only so much they can do.

  • Ratchet and Clank
  • Ratchet and Clank all 4 one
  • PS Move Heroes
  • Infamous
  • Infamous 2
  • Littlebigplanet
  • Littlebigplanet 2
  • God of War Collection
  • God of War Origins
  • God of War 3
  • Ico Collection
  • The Last Guardian
  • UC collection
  • UC 3
  • Kung fu Rider
  • The Shoot
  • TV Superstars
  • MLB 2011
  • Motorstorm Apoc
  • Resistance collection
  • Resistance 3
  • Start the Party
  • Mod Nation
  • GT 5
  • Heavy Rain
  • Socom 4
  • Killzone 2
  • Killzone 3

These are all the games I can think of off the top of my head. Lets cross off anything thats too old or already given away. There are very few games past small network titles like under seige and such. What might end up happening is rather simple! Assuming this program continues till 2011 most likely we will see something like...

This period is over on the 8 and lets say the next promo is on the 11th.
5 weeks (ending 8/15) for ICO collection. We will not see it till were closer to the release.
add 3 more days making it the 18th
5 weeks (ending 9/22) we should get Ico collection in a few days so the challenges could be hype for that game since it is weird. The prize will be Twisted Metal (historically rated Teen with only 1 M)
add 3 more days making it the 25th
4 weeks (ending 10/23) Ratchet and Clank which came out 5 days earlier
add 3 more days making it the 25th again
4 weeks (ending 11/20) Uncharted 3 which was out 19 days earlier.

Odds are they will do some sort of SUPER bonus like get top rank for a chance at a vita. Give away like 30 packs (which is still quite low for the program) with Uncharted and maybe another launch title. This might work with the time line 23 + 5 weeks = Xmas. Since the Vita is expected out in Jan 2011 you add in the average of 2 weeks to ship and its around mid month which should cover release.

This is my overly long and probably wrong idea, but its not a bad idea ^^;;[/QUOTE]

You should cross out titles that are rated M as well. I could picture the God of War challenges right now. "Which Greek goddess would you rather sleep with?" or "Take a photo of your family performing a decapitation."
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']Actually there's an Ape Escape game out in Europe. I just saw it the other day.[/QUOTE]

It came out recently in the US and December in Japan. There are a few problems with Ape Escape being the game (not saying its impossible); the first is that no network title has been given yet. The next is the serious drop in value! Many people will complain about this and I mean who could blame them?

period 1: 120 usd value
period 2: 40 usd value + random extra's
period 3: 60 usd value + random extra's
period 4: 15 usd value + maybe something else?

@ Cbas:

Many of us didnt expect teen rated titles or inFAMOUS 2 over content, but they happened. I dont see god of war but the PSP games were lax next to the console titles. I strongly believe the next title will be Ico simply to get the game hype. Since its the next released game it makes the most sense.
[quote name='ZombieToast']It's out in the US as well, but only on PSN. Just like Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I don't know that. Thanks for relating that to me.
I'd be really excited if it actually was Ico Collection. Shadow of the Colossus was one of my favorite games of last generation, and I never got a chance to play Ico.

Hot damn, I'm getting pumped!
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']I don't know about you guys, but I would to have that Ape Escape game! I always wanted to play one but I never had a dualshock controller for my PS1. I didn't know they made them for the PS2.[/QUOTE]

The abomination of the new game is nothing like the classic PSX/PS2 games. This new MOVE game is horrible minigame collection.

You do not want this, not even as a prize.
[quote name='flameofdoom666']On a personal note, I would love Killzone 3- but that is rated M... so it probably won't happen.[/QUOTE]
I would love Killzone or Socom..
[quote name='darknight88']The abomination of the new game is nothing like the classic PSX/PS2 games. This new MOVE game is horrible minigame collection.

You do not want this, not even as a prize.[/QUOTE]

Damn...never mind then. Lol
I thought Ico Collection doesnt come out until around September. Honestly I have a strong feeling it'll be Ape Escape. What other prominent July releases are there?
[quote name='CBas92']I thought Ico Collection doesnt come out until around September. Honestly I have a strong feeling it'll be Ape Escape. What other prominent July releases are there?[/QUOTE]

Theres nothing and sure it can be a combo pack. Under Seige/Ape Escape/maybe one more; however the number 1 problem is that they will fall behind. Ico could use the hype (I dont like it, but it could use some hype) and outside of resistance/resistance theres nothing for nearly 3 months LOL
I could see them re-gifting some prizes from previous HouseParty promotions. I'm sure there's quite a few people who weren't part of the previous PS Rewards program to earn those prizes; so the prizes would be new to them.

Of course, they could do a month where the prize is digital (Ape Escape being the most obvious). Sure, it'd be a let-down month after physical prizes in MLB, Motorstorm, PS Move Heroes, and inFAMOUS 2; but a "down" month every couple months wouldn't be that bad.

I have to wonder how much the PSN outage (and the subsequent "bonus" of Motorstorm) might've screwed up their schedule. Because that also forced Move Heroes to be bumped up to compensate.

Of course, I might be totally wrong. :)
[quote name='CBas92']Well didn't the Uncharted Collection and Ratchet Collection release alongside the Resistance one. Those are possibilities.[/QUOTE]

Nope just resistance. I also believe neither have even been ANNOUNCED for the US.

@ Smash:

I dont believe move heroes was ever intended to be a prize. I dont think sony is to proud of it either lol. Isn't it the ONLY PS3 game this year not to get a Kevin Butler commercial? (besides GoW collection/Resistance combo pack for obvious reasons.)
The next month's prize party pack has been announced!

0-330: 2 Sony Bracelets
331-660: 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards
661+: 2 Sony Bracelets & 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards AND a Kray-Zee Party Pack (Mini-poster of a gun from SOCOM4 and a coupon for a free coffee at 7-11)
[quote name='M3wThr33']The next month's prize party pack has been announced!

0-330: 2 Sony Bracelets
331-660: 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards
661+: 2 Sony Bracelets & 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards AND a Kray-Zee Party Pack (Mini-poster of a gun from SOCOM4 and a coupon for a free coffee at 7-11)[/QUOTE]

Where did you see this? I still see:

0 – 675 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits
676 – 1100 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits and PS3™ aviator sunglasses
1101 – 1320 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits, PS3™ aviator sunglasses and an action-packed summer PS3™ game

Plus, I hope that was a bad joke............
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Where did you see this? I still see:

0 – 675 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits
676 – 1100 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits and PS3™ aviator sunglasses
1101 – 1320 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits, PS3™ aviator sunglasses and an action-packed summer PS3™ game

Plus, I hope that was a bad joke............[/QUOTE]

Honestly if that's true, that's god awful.
[quote name='M3wThr33']The next month's prize party pack has been announced!

0-330: 2 Sony Bracelets
331-660: 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards
661+: 2 Sony Bracelets & 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards AND a Kray-Zee Party Pack (Mini-poster of a gun from SOCOM4 and a coupon for a free coffee at 7-11)[/QUOTE]

Kind of was expecting a slow month after getting inFamous 2. Oh well, I could use a free coffee :D
[quote name='M3wThr33']The next month's prize party pack has been announced!

0-330: 2 Sony Bracelets
331-660: 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards
661+: 2 Sony Bracelets & 2 Sony Keychain Skateboards AND a Kray-Zee Party Pack (Mini-poster of a gun from SOCOM4 and a coupon for a free coffee at 7-11)[/QUOTE]
If that was true then it's laughably bad. At least I'd have the bracelets to rave with.
[quote name='hustletron']Honestly if that's true, that's god awful.[/QUOTE]

I *think* it was a joke. I don't see any indicaiton of those prizes anywhere. Plus, every month thus far has had a game for an award- so I would think that would continue.
If anyone is interested- I still have the Playstation Move Heroes (factory sealed, with the cut on the barcode) still (I already owned this game). I would love to trade it for a prize that was before this game, as I got accepted to this program recently. Anyone interested?
[quote name='flameofdoom666']Where did you see this? I still see:

0 – 675 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits
676 – 1100 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits and PS3™ aviator sunglasses
1101 – 1320 Points: inFAMOUS™2 Facebook credits, PS3™ aviator sunglasses and an action-packed summer PS3™ game

Plus, I hope that was a bad joke............[/QUOTE]

[quote name='flameofdoom666']I *think* it was a joke. I don't see any indicaiton of those prizes anywhere. Plus, every month thus far has had a game for an award- so I would think that would continue.[/QUOTE]

its an extremely bad joke. Come on we know from the "Mayhem" pack that Sony doesn't detail their lame ass packs :3
Just got an email that we now have to "collect" our rewards. Have to go to the site, confirm our birth date, and enter a prize code. (Maybe this is a way to allow Mature games down the line?).

EDIT: After filling it out, it said: "Thank you for participating in this promotion. We will notify you when your virtual prize is ready."
Last edited by a moderator:
I wonder if we are getting the PSN version of infamous 2 instead of the disc version... That'd make since from a shipping perspective if they hadn't already promised us aviators...
[quote name='thisboywillbreak']Just got an email that we now have to "collect" our rewards. Have to go to the site, confirm our birth date, and enter a prize code. (Maybe this is a way to allow Mature games down the line?).

EDIT: After filling it out, it said: "Thank you for participating in this promotion. We will notify you when your virtual prize is ready."[/QUOTE]

Infamous Anarchy was the facebook game thing and so you're going on the site. This is JUST for the facebook stuff. (or should be based off what I can tell)


Make sure you check your email since I got another and when I finished I got this message.

Thank you! Your e-mail address has been verified.
You should soon receive your virtual prize.

then I got an email saying

Thank you!

We want to thank you for taking part in the Houseparty promotion for inFAMOUS Anarchy.

Please accept 25,000 Cash, for use in inFAMOUS Anarchy on Facebook!

Head over to your District and start playing now!

Click here to accept 25,000 inFAMOUS Anarchy Cash
I got the e-mail and registered it as well. I got the message "Thank you for participating in this promotion. We will notify you when your virtual prize is ready."

I think this was just for the Facebook credit potion of the prizes? Anyway, woohoo! Gotta finish LBP2 and Red Faction Guerilla by next week so I can play inFAMOUS 2! Very cool!
[quote name='nbballard']I wonder if we are getting the PSN version of infamous 2 instead of the disc version... That'd make since from a shipping perspective if they hadn't already promised us aviators...[/QUOTE]

I really hope it is the disc version! My hard drive is maxed out!
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I really hope it is the disc version! My hard drive is maxed out![/QUOTE]

as I said Infamous anarchy was the name of the facebook game... I also pointed out I went though like 6 emails and got 12,000 starting cash for the facebook game, or something like that.
The next prize pack is supposed to be announced on the 12th, which is next Tuesday. I'm all out of ideas of what it could be, so I'll just wait until the actual notice goes out. Also, no Facebook here, so what can I do with that stuff?

Edit: Finally I'll be able to use the Subway DLC I won, it was the only prize I scored unlike almost everyone else.
[quote name='sixspeednissan']I'm happy about the reward and program don't get me wrong, but I'd be pissed if it was a virtual download copy of Infamous 2.[/QUOTE]

This is the classic OMG something digital = digital game?! Before I get tired of the discussion... I will say it 1 last time INFAMOUS ANARCHY IS THE fuckING FACEBOOK GAMES NAME! The same site is used the SAME WAY for Subway.

  • What will happen is that you will get the HP email
  • Go to the site and enter the information
  • You will get a verification email
  • This will let you accept with facebook
  • Then there will be a link offering you 25,000 in cash
  • Finally Facebook will offer you 2k as a starting bonus
"We estimate shipping your PS3™ Aviator Sunglasses and inFAMOUS™2 Game to you around July 13th."
come on, guys, let's read the email in its entirety prior to start flipping out
[quote name='M3wThr33']Really? You thought my post was real? :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

Well you made no indication it was a joke and we can't really disapprove it as the new stuff hasn't come out yet so.................
Awwww, and here I was looking forward to new skateboard keychains... :D

Really hope the aviators are of decent quality (or at least look like they are of decent quality)
Amazing, I STILL haven't received any emails from them. So I can't claim my virtual prizes i.e. Facebook credits or whatever.

It's no big deal, but it still sucks.
[quote name='Redeema']Have you 'white listed' them? If not, you should and maybe that'll solve the problem.

[email protected][/QUOTE]
Considering the fact that I think I first brought that email to everyone's attention for white-listing purposes, I'd say I have them white-listed :p

I get contact emails just fine from them, but those are only their responses from when I contact them. The actual info emails never show up.

And yes I have both email addresses white-listed.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I have high hopes for the aviators. I'm going to wear the shit out of them.[/QUOTE]

Probably be lucky if it lasts the month.

The approximate value of thePS3™ Aviator Sunglasses is $5 USD.

Wish I hadn't missed a week but at least I wasn't crazy for Infamous.
[quote name='admiralvic']@ Smash:

I dont believe move heroes was ever intended to be a prize. I dont think sony is to proud of it either lol. Isn't it the ONLY PS3 game this year not to get a Kevin Butler commercial? (besides GoW collection/Resistance combo pack for obvious reasons.)[/QUOTE]

It was also part of this month's challenges, so I assume it was on the prize schedule at SOME point.

[quote name='admiralvic']This is the classic OMG something digital = digital game?! Before I get tired of the discussion... I will say it 1 last time INFAMOUS ANARCHY IS THE fuckING FACEBOOK GAMES NAME! The same site is used the SAME WAY for Subway.

  • What will happen is that you will get the HP email
  • Go to the site and enter the information
  • You will get a verification email
  • This will let you accept with facebook
  • Then there will be a link offering you 25,000 in cash
  • Finally Facebook will offer you 2k as a starting bonus

Dude...what the hell? Someone posted that they wondered if inFAMOUS 2 might be digital download (though clearly HP's email says otherwise), and sixspeed replied that he hoped it wouldn't be digital. Nobody was making any digital = digital game leap...they're just talking. It's just the internet, scale your rage back a little. ;)
Hmm....Thats weird Im getting all the prizes but,I didnt make it to tier 3 maybe it was because I was 100points short of tier 3 but, Im not complaining I got a free game lol.
bread's done