PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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You cray cray. I used to eat them cold as a kid for a snack, its just like bologna. Viva la bologna!

Fried bologna sandwiches are great too and better than hotdogs.
I love a good hot dog. You just can't have a good hot dog if it has ketchup and mustard on it, IMO. That sweet taste from ketchup ruins it.

I love a good hot dog. You just can't have a good hot dog if it has ketchup and mustard on it, IMO. That sweet taste from ketchup ruins it.
I love me some Chicago dogs, but if there's just ketchup and mustard? I'll eat it just the same. But I always opt for tomatoes over ketchup if there's an option.

I love a good hot dog. You just can't have a good hot dog if it has ketchup and mustard on it, IMO. That sweet taste from ketchup ruins it.
Its the only way I can eat them anymore. I love ketchup mixed with mustard. I mix it together to dip tatertots and crispy crowns in as well.

Ketchup sucks by itself.

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The internet even fucks up the little words, like saying "mute" point. I'm so glad that's not trendy to say anymore.
A woman I used to work with (I think she is unofficially gone from the company) used to say that. I think she said it to try and look smarter but just the opposite happened.

I love a good hot dog. You just can't have a good hot dog if it has ketchup and mustard on it, IMO. That sweet taste from ketchup ruins it.
I used to put ketchup (not sure WTF catsup is) on a hot dog. Then switched over to mustard. At home I rather put Sabretts onions in sauce on a hot dog. Or sometimes sweet relish. Lately I haven't liked mustard yellow or brown very much.

it doesn't matter where or how you get the money. If you spend it you have opp cost cause you could have bought something else.
opportunity cost isnt an actual cost, its fuckin stupid to tell somebody that if they get taken to lunch by someone, that the lunch wasnt actually free because they could have been working at mcdonalds instead of eating lunch with that person

if someone hands me 60 bucks to go buy fallout 4, fallout 4 is free to me, the theoretical cost of being able to buy something else makes no sense to factor into my financial decisions

I love me some Chicago dogs, but if there's just ketchup and mustard? I'll eat it just the same. But I always opt for tomatoes over ketchup if there's an option.
Chicago dogs are awesome. I like them fine with just mustard but prefer mustard and raw onions. Chili with or without some raw onions added is pretty good too. Most other combinations seem to be lost on me.

I ate them with ketchup when I was a kid. I used to put ketchup on a lot of stuff. Now I do not want it on anything except fries. Then only if they fries are terrible and there is not a good spicy or honey mustard handy to use instead.

opportunity cost isnt an actual cost, its fuckin stupid to tell somebody that if they get taken to lunch by someone, that the lunch wasnt actually free because they could have been working at mcdonalds instead of eating lunch with that person

if someone hands me 60 bucks to go buy fallout 4, fallout 4 is free to me, the theoretical cost of being able to buy something else makes no sense to factor into my financial decisions
yeah a free lunch is a free lunch. Thats a different scenario.

But if you have a decision on where to spend your money you have opp cost. Its all about where you "invest".

That doesn't mean we all should or do factor opp cost into decisions. That would be a waste of time. But that doesn't mean it isn't still there.
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yeah a free lunch is a free lunch. Thats a different scenario.

But if you have a decision on where to spend your money you have opp cost. Its all about where you "invest".

That doesn't mean we all should or do factor opp cost into decisions. That would be a waste of time. But that doesn't mean it isn't still there.
so we agree that bringing it up when jkam says he gets bloodborne for free is being a therm?

Bloodborne being free is CAGMath.

My work gave me a bunch of money last Friday so everything I buy this week and next week is FREE!!!!!  fuck yeah!

It's so stupid how much I look forward to Madden every year after always saying the previous year how much I'm over it. 

But I've got all this Gamestop credit, so I guess I can get it for free. Is that how it works?

Ooh, I kind of like Jay's way of thinking here.  I'm actually getting a bonus next week that I had forgotten about, and I was trying to justify that $80 Wire set and Danganronpa CE.  Consider that shit justified!

All this talk about free and not free reminds me of this flipping method that munky told me about. I wasn't going to share it with you guys, but I'll stop being greedy.

Basically, every day I've been going to this place called "Work." I think that's a crazy W that you pronounce like a V though. Not 100%.

If you stay long enough at this place, they give you these weird pieces of greenish paper that you can trade to ANY store. YMMV on how many pieces of green paper you actually get for how long you stay. But in most places, you're usually guaranteed at least 8 an hour, which is very much on the low side. I've been doing it for a while now and I've been able to buy damn near any game I've ever wanted, it's crazy!
All this talk about free and not free reminds me of this flipping method that munky told me about. I wasn't going to share it with you guys, but I'll stop being greedy.

Basically, every day I've been going to this place called "Work." I think that's a crazy W that you pronounce like a V though. Not 100%.

If you stay long enough at this place, they give you these weird pieces of greenish paper that you can trade to ANY store. YMMV on how many pieces of green paper you actually get for how long you stay. But in most places, you're usually guaranteed at least 8 an hour, which is very much on the low side. I've been doing it for a while now and I've been able to buy damn near any game I've ever wanted, it's crazy!
I really don't know what this means.

It really did flood Tampa. We got rain for days and it didn't stop all weekend. It was worst this morning before and during rush hour. Bit at the end of the day if you don't live in south Tampa or a few known low spots its fine.

Of course the wife got her new job in south Tampa and promptly drove through that shit. fucking Christ.
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It really did flood Tampa. We got rain for days and it didn't stop all weekend. It was worst this morning before and during rush hour. Bit at the end of the day if you don't live in south Tampa or a few known low spots its fine.

Of course the wife got her new job in south Tampa and promptly drove through that shit. fucking Christ.
Maybe she was right about not having a job. Her having one seems to cost you money.

Maybe she was right about not having a job. Her having one seems to cost you money.
it may cost me in insurance premium still since its my insurance and I still own the car but she already had it towed and bought her own rental car. So it won't cost me too much and I don't have to buy her a new car. That's her problem. But as much as I don't want to pay for it it still sucks. I don't want her spending money she doesn't have to. Knowing she will on clothes and shit anywya. It still will affect me if it affects her attitude and then our daughter .
It really did flood Tampa. We got rain for days and it didn't stop all weekend. It was worst this morning before and during rush hour. Bit at the end of the day if you don't live in south Tampa or a few known low spots its fine.

Of course the wife got her new job in south Tampa and promptly drove through that shit. fucking Christ.
I hope her job doesn't involve her making any major decisions.

All this talk about free and not free reminds me of this flipping method that munky told me about. I wasn't going to share it with you guys, but I'll stop being greedy.

Basically, every day I've been going to this place called "Work." I think that's a crazy W that you pronounce like a V though. Not 100%.

If you stay long enough at this place, they give you these weird pieces of greenish paper that you can trade to ANY store. YMMV on how many pieces of green paper you actually get for how long you stay. But in most places, you're usually guaranteed at least 8 an hour, which is very much on the low side. I've been doing it for a while now and I've been able to buy damn near any game I've ever wanted, it's crazy!
You've been getting green paper for that?! I just get told that I'm richer every month.

Basically, every day I've been going to this place called "Work." I think that's a crazy W that you pronounce like a V though. Not 100%.

Yeah bums i just got my shipping notice so i won't be expecting it for a while. If I'm lucky this week but i doubt it.

How is selection screen? Is it hard/annoying to navigate?
The selection screen shows everything unlocked in small blocks or you can have the songs going from left to right. You change the difficulty using L & R buttons. I ran my Vitas battery dead playing this game for the first time. Great game so far and damn the OLED makes this games colors pop on screen.
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aw no one cares about the beat em up?  its a nicer looking Scott Pilgrim in case anyone cares.  I thought it was going to be a shitty fighting game but this is better.  And your a girl.  How cool!

In TV and movies I always like watching someone play a game while they wildly tap the buttons and move the stick or d pad around like a mad man.

I do remember watching one show at some point where it looked like the actor was actually playing the game because he didnt wildly hit buttons. I wish I could remember who that was because I remember being impressed.
You want cringe worthy? This commercial pisses me off every time I see it....

I wonder if a few reviews for Galak-Z will show up tomorrow before the preorder discount ends. Gameplay videos make me think that one could go either way.
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