PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Do you tech nerds deal with MQ messages in your work?  I have been on a call for over an hour now with these dummies and they still cant figure out something with our security for client trading. We just moved to a new mainframe and they fuck ed something.

I don't totally disagree with you on the mediocre part, but KING ODDBALL is what you landed on from this sale?!??!? Man, there's some better stuff than that in there.

Crimsonland is shockingly fun despite how ugly it is. I found it very addictive. And it's perfect for Pharm, I'm assuming he's getting it, right?
Eh, King Oddball is one of the few in that $2 range. That's the sort of cheap where I can bite if it looks mildly interesting (why I picked up Tennis in the Face... no regrats). Will probably get Crimsonland, too.
Wow, finally took my vita out of the package and that screen is huge. Also, damn, that $5 insignia blue vault case is also fuck ing huge...but despite its girth doesn't have room for any cables or earphones, just 3 games and an extra memory card. What do you guys do with all your data cables, power cables, and earbuds who own the vault case?

Marriage is awesome. I hope you all find that special someone that makes you super happy and you can reproduce and make amazing beautiful babies someday. I would probly be so lonely/unsatisfied if I didn't get to spend every day with my best friend and soul mate. I couldn't imagine dating again. My body would explode if I went a day without hardcore sex. I'm a very sensual needy person. lol

Wow, finally took my vita out of the package and that screen is huge. Also, damn, that $5 insignia blue vault case is also fuck ing huge...but despite its girth doesn't have room for any cables or earphones, just 3 games and an extra memory card. What do you guys do with all your data cables, power cables, and earbuds who own the vault case?
You throw that case out and get a pull n go folio.

You guys ever go through periods of time where nothing sounds good when you're looking for something to do? Literally every game, movie, show, book... it doesn't matter what it is, nothing interests me in the slightest. It usually hits me for about a week every so often and it drives me crazy... a lot of times I use it as an opportunity to get chores done that I've been putting off, because if nothing is going to be fun then why not?
every six months or so i quit video games for a couple weeks cause i get bored of them but then i start really liking them again

Do you tech nerds deal with MQ messages in your work? I have been on a call for over an hour now with these dummies and they still cant figure out something with our security for client trading. We just moved to a new mainframe and they fuck ed something.
Not lately. Seems to be something everyone has problems with.

And extra life yeah, thanks for the correction.
Wow, finally took my vita out of the package and that screen is huge. Also, damn, that $5 insignia blue vault case is also fuck ing huge...but despite its girth doesn't have room for any cables or earphones, just 3 games and an extra memory card. What do you guys do with all your data cables, power cables, and earbuds who own the vault case?
I don't put anything in my case but my vita.

Fun fact: 99% of the time I play games with no sound. I've actually considered telling people on psn I'm deaf when they ask why I don't have a mic instead of explaining that I'm hanging out with my wife and talking to her while playing or that I'm listening for kids waking up.
I don't put anything in my case but my vita.

Fun fact: 99% of the time I play games with no sound. I've actually considered telling people on psn I'm deaf when they ask why I don't have a mic instead of explaining that I'm hanging out with my wife and talking to her while playing or that I'm listening for kids waking up.
I usually play my Vita with no sound as well. Unfortunately a number of games have video sequences with no subs, which makes that difficult to deal with.

I really enjoyed it.  That video makes it look a hell of a lot easier than it is, IMO.  However, it is just get from point A to point B.  There are no enemies to deal with just obstacles.  For that price, I think it is a no brainer for those with Vitas who even remotely like platform style games.

I was one of the ones that balked at the idea of staying up all night and playing games for Extra Life.

Then I read on the EL site that you dont need to do a 24 hour straight stream, which I feel like no one knows. I'm sure we'll do something though because we're awesome and charitable.
its easier if ur doing it as a group, u can just take turns, u take 8 hours, tyler takes 8, gator takes 8, or if u get others to join, its even less time

lords of the fallen is like dark souls lite right?
Kinda. Check out this boss battle movie for a look at the combat:

There are 3 different character types. Looks like the video is using the warrior type. GF had the game for <$20 a month or so back, though, and eBay listings have it around 20-25 for buy it now. so I don't think the current price is a good one. I definitely want to play it, though.

Ratchet and clank needs to stop with these pretend to be a robot or get blown up sequences. Definitely gonna play something different once I'm done with this, which stupid Japanese game should I play next? Akiba's Trip, neptunia 1, or monster monpiece?
Kinda. Check out this boss battle movie for a look at the combat:

There are 3 different character types. Looks like the video is using the warrior type. GF had the game for <$20 a month or so back, though, and eBay listings have it around 20-25 for buy it now. so I don't think the current price is a good one. I definitely want to play it, though.
yeah i should probably just wait a little longer then

Sleeping Dogs PS4 Platinum. Wei Shen is a badass motherfucker. Takes a drill and keeps on kicking


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[quote name="pitfallharry219" post="12848830" timestamp="1438741938"]1 TB.[/quote]

Aren't there already 1tb for $399. Bestbuy has a 1 TB Madden bundle and a Forza as well.
Ratchet and clank needs to stop with these pretend to be a robot or get blown up sequences. Definitely gonna play something different once I'm done with this, which stupid Japanese game should I play next? Akiba's Trip, neptunia 1, or monster monpiece?
I couldn't get into Akiba's trip (probably need to give it another chance) but out of all of them I would say Monster Monpiece. It's a better version of Ironclad Tactic albeit more perverse.

[quote name="pitfallharry219" post="12848860" timestamp="1438742698"]I didn't say that was the right answer. It's just what I figured was the reason.[/quote]

Who do they think they are Apple?
$499 for a XBox One Halo edition which comes with a download code for the game? No Kinect but still $499. What am I missing?
From Gamespot:
A custom console and controller, as well as a digital copy of Halo 5. Also included is the Warzone REQ bundle, which features 14 requisition packs, as well as other digital items such as in-game armor and a multiplayer emblem.

You'll also get a special Guardian figure, Blue & Osiris team dossiers, Spartan Locke's Classified Orders, and a copy of the Halo: The Fall of Reach animated series. What's more, the Halo 5 console features metallic blue accents and even has Halo-themed sound effects.

I don't know what most of that means.

Just finished The Order. I really had no complaints about the length, but I can see how somebody who paid $60 would. Personally I liked how short it was since the narrative was very strong throughout rather than having filler nonsense like most games of this type do and ending up feeling too long as a result. I will say that I was surprised that of the 16 chapters you only play for about half of them, with the other half being in-game movies.

The game looked great. Even at the low resolution and framerate it was a very visually-appealing thing. 

Combat never felt all that good. It was serviceable. The only time the controls got really annoying was in the stealth mission near the end. Every time I got slightly close to a hedge Galahad would jump up on it for cover. Because the combat and in-game movies were all in-engine and the way they interacted was pretty seamless the QTEs were fairly annoying. Seemed like one would pop up when I wasn't expecting it. I got most of the QTEs on my 2nd try because of that.

I was feeling pretty good about the story for the most part until I got to the end, at which point everything kind of just went to shit.

Lucen was way too obvious as the bad guy. I was really hoping it would be somebody else simply so I wouldn't feel like I saw the twist coming from near the beginning.

I never really understood the relationship between Devi and Lakshmi. Lakshmi calls her child and daughter at one point, but doesn't seem old enough to be Devi's mother. Is this some facet of the group they both belong to, or is Lakshmi much older than she appears (Malory was 600 years old when he died.) This isn't a bad thing, but it is something that seemed unexplained just to keep the player hanging.

It felt like they decided to just end do a cliffhanger ending and deliberately set the game up so that there'd be plenty of problems to lead up into the 2nd title. The relationship with Isabeau deteriorated too quickly to be believable, the trial was a joke, the decision to not reveal what happened to the order was idiotic, and the whole ending with Lucen and his father felt unjustified.

I was surprised by and did like that half the main cast was made up of fairly strong women. With the setting I didn't expect that.

I think the game would have been received a lot better if it had retailed at $30 or $40. The way so much was left hanging and the short length gives a lot to complain about with a $60 price tag. At half that those kind of complaints go away for the most part. Overall it was decent game whose main selling point was the story, but unfortunately that story didn't turn out to be that good.

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Questions, questions, questions:

  • Starlight Inception : Yea or Nay?
  • Phantom Brave : A sequel to the PS Game or remake? (no trophies?)
  • Disgaea Infinite: hmm. interactive visual novel? Sounds good. (no trophies)
  • Shinobido: (looks too stealth based for me)
  • Legastia? Pier Solar (I prefer my RPGs on the Vita, actually)
  • Dargonropa 1 or 2? (At $16, still seems a little steep). 
Do you like useless things?

Do you like useless things related to shitty games?

Do you have 30 disposable dollars to blow on a useless thing related to a shitty game?

If you answered yes to all those, buy it.

Seriously, it's like you're looking to buy something even less useful than a limited edition vinyl soundtrack.

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I think I'm at the point of avoiding any new MGS V trailers and gameplay footage. They already convinced me to buy the collector's edition, so barring catastrophic reviews I'm all in.

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