PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Do you like useless things?
Do you like useless things related to shitty games?
Do you have 30 disposable dollars to blow on a useless thing related to a shitty game?

If you answered yes to all those, buy it.
Geez... a simple "I'm too sexually pent up from staring at Lenny's dick pics to not answer sarcastically" would have sufficed.

I'm 99% certain I'll pass, but I enjoyed the game for what it was. I passed when they released the vita cart and I didn't enjoy it enough to justify something like this; I think it's just the collector in me.
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Questions, questions, questions:

  • Phantom Brave : A sequel to the PS Game or remake? (no trophies?)
  • Shinobido: (looks too stealth based for me)
Phantom Brave is an enhanced port for PSP.

Shinobido 2 is actually $7 used at GS, so that might be the better approach. They don't ship it online, but availability in stores is fine around me. Check near you:

If you get a good copy of Shinobido 2, Amazon TIV is $5.81. Copies on eBay sell for more.

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Geez... a simple "I'm too sexually pent up from staring at Lenny's dick pics to not answer sarcastically" would have sufficed.

I'm 99% certain I'll pass, but I enjoyed the game for what it was. I passed when they released the vita cart and I didn't enjoy it enough to justify something like this; I think it's just the collector in me.
i was tempted to buy it because it looked cool and i didnt even like the game

i am getting this in the mail soon though:


Normally I would say someone who does something like this is a scumbag. However I am considering probably going to trade in my last original DS4 and buy a new one with my GS credit. I will clean the stupid thing one last time.

I will see how others make out with refurbish fees though. Mine the rubber is slightly torn on one of the sticks. I bought Kontrolfreaks extenders which I actually like. If the damn L1 didn't stick I wouldn't even consider it. But if they are going to knock $10 off for something like that I will just keep it.

I brought some canned air home to clean it a couple weeks ago but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Ha. I am a scumbag. I traded the one with the slightly torn stick with my PS4 a while back. This controller is pretty clean just the L1 sticks sometimes. I think I am going to trade it the week of the 17th and buy a new one. Question is do I just want another black one or do I want one of the colors? Brought the controller to work to take it apart and can't find my small screwdriver set.

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English release 2016. PS3/PS4/PSV:
Ahh so this is the game that KT said they were making. I wonder if this will musou style or light musou like zills.

Did we already do this? Mafia 3 trailer
Can't wait, Mafia 2 was freaking great. I wish they continued off from the Mafia 2 story.

And what the shit is attack on titan? Is it a thing outside of vidya games?
humans flying around in steampunk contraptions trying to kill giant humans.

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It's an extremely popular manga/anime/live action thing.

Also, new Mirror's Edge trailer with gameplay:
5m10s gameplay trailer and there's no combat in the first 4m30s. I was hoping that meant they took the combat out. That's not what it means, though. The last 40 seconds also makes it clear the magical "cops/guards show up everywhere in an instant!" problem is still around, too. :???:

Visuals look better. Maybe they at least make you go through the combat sequences less often than the first game, as those were the worst parts of it.

I'd really like to see a solid exploration game with lots of tricky climbing and cool visuals. The AC games are set up well for it but never seem to go much into that aspect of the game. I'd hoped Submerged would fit that, but tyler is giving it a bad review so maybe not. I'm guessing ME:C won't be that either.

Local co-op is cool. Pretty excited for this one to come out, all the PC reviews made it seem pretty solid.
Yeah, I'm on another forum that's PC-centric and everybody there was completely into it for months when it first released. I've got it on PC but haven't started it yet. I'm waiting on the Enhanced Edition since that's a free upgrade for everybody who already has the game.

Yeah, I'm on another forum that's PC-centric and everybody there was completely into it for months when it first released. I've got it on PC but haven't started it yet. I'm waiting on the Enhanced Edition since that's a free upgrade for everybody who already has the game.
Yeah, I was going to grab it for PC once all the reviews hit, but decided to wait for a sale. Then they announced the PS4 version, so I figured I'd just pick it up then. I watched a couple streams of it when it first hit, looks like a lot of fun.

I was informed last night by an opponent that playing goalie in Rocket League is apparently camping.  I think his use of "fu" really opened my eyes on how I should be playing the game.

I mean, who would want to keep winning by 5 goals or more when the other team is more worried about a person on the other side of the field from all the action than trying to stop your team from scoring.

Euro news, but for anyone whose interested in Xenoblade, hopefully all this will release stateside as well. I know someone mentioned not wanting to play the 3DS version of Xenoblade Chronicles.

Apparently europe is getting special editions of xenoblade chronicles x which isn't too surprising, but they also got a WiiU eShop release of xenoblade chronicles (the wii one). Really hoping they make that available here as well, I missed it when it first came out, and skipped the 3DS because friends were complaining about the quality. I'd definitely buy an eShop version if/when it becomes available.  

I was informed last night by an opponent that playing goalie in Rocket League is apparently camping. I think his use of "fu" really opened my eyes on how I should be playing the game.

I mean, who would want to keep winning by 5 goals or more when the other team is more worried about a person on the other side of the field from all the action than trying to stop your team from scoring.
A goalie? In soccer???


(seriously tho, if you don't like car goalies, just keep blowing them up, its fun and less bitchy)

Amplitude has been delayed until January. December if you were a backer at the early access level (I'm not). That's on PS4. PS3 version will follow "shortly" after that.

I was informed last night by an opponent that playing goalie in Rocket League is apparently camping. I think his use of "fu" really opened my eyes on how I should be playing the game.

I mean, who would want to keep winning by 5 goals or more when the other team is more worried about a person on the other side of the field from all the action than trying to stop your team from scoring.

I was informed last night by an opponent that playing goalie in Rocket League is apparently camping. I think his use of "fu" really opened my eyes on how I should be playing the game.

I mean, who would want to keep winning by 5 goals or more when the other team is more worried about a person on the other side of the field from all the action than trying to stop your team from scoring.
Speaking of that I was awake way too late. We finished just after 2am and I stayed up until nearly 3 for some reason.

I watched the trailer you posted this morning and youtube linked in to a 2 hour block of the anime so I've been watching it off and on all morning at my desk. I'm not big on anime in general but the live action trailer of this thing is delightfully weird so I'm interested.
I'm not really into anime either, but there are a few that I think are pretty cool... this one has been great so far. Are you watching the eng dub or subtitled version?

I watched it before the dub was made and really enjoyed it. The english is pretty good but some minor things are changed around and a couple of the actors really try their best to sound like whiny bitches.

(seriously tho, if you don't like car goalies, just keep blowing them up, its fun and less bitchy)
The defense is pretty solid the higher you get up in the ranked matches and sometimes taking out the goalie is the only way you get a chance at scoring... the game is so good; can't wait for the dlc and free maps.

(seriously tho, if you don't like car goalies, just keep blowing them up, its fun and less bitchy)
He tried that first. When I was jumping over his attempts to blow me up causing him to fly back into the middle of the field due to using the goal wall as a launching pad even more insightful "fu" and "you suck Gator" type comments started flying.

I once had a "keyboard" pop up in Rocket League, but I don't know how I did it. I know about the pre-made messages, but how do you get the keyboard up? I want to send "fu" to gator too!

Gator you missed the group we played after you left.  The same 4 stayed and played against us at least 10 games.  Almost all games were close except the first one.  Thats because instead of playing they were typing the most ridiculous comments into chat about mom and dad beating them, dicks in car doors, seeing naked men, etc.  Crazy off the wall shit.  It was hilarious.

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I was informed last night by an opponent that playing goalie in Rocket League is apparently camping. I think his use of "fu" really opened my eyes on how I should be playing the game.

I mean, who would want to keep winning by 5 goals or more when the other team is more worried about a person on the other side of the field from all the action than trying to stop your team from scoring.
What a fuck'en moron.

I'm not really into flying games and never played the original Battlefront, but this looks good.

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Gator you missed the group we played after you left. The same 4 stayed and played against us at least 10 games. Almost all games were close except the first one. Thats because instead of playing they were typing the most ridiculous comments into chat about mom and dad beating them, dicks in car doors, seeing naked men, etc. Crazy off the wall shit. It was hilarious.
Are you sure that wasn't another group from the thread?

I got all the non-DLC trophies on Phantom Breaker and I still only got a "B" ranking on the game on PSN Profiles. That ranking is pretty meaningless, but it's weird that DLC counts in that ranking and that I can't even get an "A" ranking without purchasing the DLC.

I got all the non-DLC trophies on Phantom Breaker and I still only got a "B" ranking on the game on PSN Profiles. That ranking is pretty meaningless, but it's weird that DLC counts in that ranking and that I can't even get an "A" ranking without purchasing the DLC.
They must have a really really high take rate on the DLC if that is the case.

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