PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Unless they literally just won the title. Like people in Oakland and Chicago can legitimately say their team is the best because they're the reigning champs.

I excluded New England since the new season has entered pre-season mode.
It's still pointless. Unless you somehow have some stake in the team, some actual responsibility for its performance, bragging about the team is just bravado by false association. Being from the same place as a team, or being a fan of a team, is nothing to brag about. It's no different from fools that jump up and down in support of the confederate flag or 'merica or anything else they randomly develop a passionate attachment to.

#youbeenthermed #rainingonparades #tldr

fuck Steelers fans! Every year about this time they start talking shit about, 'This is the year we get No. 7!'. One of the Steelers fans at work today just had to show me this (spoilered for size):


I responded by finding this for his viewing pleasure:


Edit: I know it doesn't include 2011-2014, but who cares about the Giants, Ravens, Seahawks or Patriots.

To top it off, I also showed him:


That really put a frown on his face.
Edit: Never mind, I'm dumb.

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I find people bragging about that stuff funny. I dunno, maybe other people are older or something, but I don't see how championships won in like the 60's or earlier are relevant at all, especially to the point that they're being bragged about. And it happens all the time.

"Yeah my team won it all in '54! It was amazing! Three-quarters of the team is now dead and I wasn't born until 23 years later, but man what an amazing year!"
I get that argument a lot when we start trash talking. It's usually from fans of teams that weren't around during the early years of the NFL. The Bears and Giants fans, for example, are usually pretty quite.

Plus, the Pack went through quite a dry spell, so we had to have something to brag about.
Those of you here who played La-Mulana EX, what guide did you use? I know the Vita version changed some things, but I'd still appreciate a starting point.

And sports serve a lot more of a purpose than just winning or losing, it can be a great reason to be social, make new friends, be a talking point, and generally create a lot of fun. But at the core, it can make extreme sports fandom look a bit weird.
This is something a lot of "Sports are worthless, and by the way I don't own a TV" types don't get. There's very little in life that can connect people of different ages, races, economic backgrounds, etc. like sports. No matter where you come from, you can relate to most other dudes by talking about sports. It's pretty fucking cool.

And when your city's sports team is doing well, it makes living there so much nicer. People are just in better moods and nicer to be around.

This is something a lot of "Sports are worthless, and by the way I don't own a TV" types don't get. There's very little in life that can connect people of different ages, races, economic backgrounds, etc. like sports. No matter where you come from, you can relate to most other dudes by talking about sports. It's pretty fucking cool.

And when your city's sports team is doing well, it makes living there so much nicer. People are just in better moods and nicer to be around.
And Therm hates it. SHOCKING! Never would have guessed that.

It's still pointless. Unless you somehow have some stake in the team, some actual responsibility for its performance, bragging about the team is just bravado by false association. Being from the same place as a team, or being a fan of a team, is nothing to brag about. It's no different from fools that jump up and down in support of the confederate flag or 'merica or anything else they randomly develop a passionate attachment to.

#youbeenthermed #rainingonparades #tldr

And Therm hates it. SHOCKING! Never would have guessed that.
I think you misread the post if you came away with the impression I was talking about sports specifically. :shame:

Sports, whatever, I can totally get people being fans and getting together and having fun. It's the stupidity of the proud fan that I don't get, and that extends to everything, not just sports. People wrapping their identities and belligerence up around stuff they're not at all connected to makes no sense to me no matter the subject, whether it be MS vs Sony, sport team A vs B, religion, politics, whatever. It's all coming from the same bullshit mindset.

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Got my PSN list down to the following:

- Strider 2

- Kung Fu Rabbit

- White Night

- Pix The Cat

Can't decide if I want to get The Last Tinker and/or Pier Solar and the Great Architects as well.

I'm confused. A co-worker showed you a picture that has both of yours and his teams on it, celebrating multiple Super Bowl wins. So you respond with a picture showing that Green Bay really chokes at winning the Super Bowl? Then you realized your mistake and showed him that one of Green Bay's Super Bowl wins was against the Steelers.

Yeah, that's kinda dumb. does that graph show that the Packers choke at winning the Superbowl? There wasn't a Superbowl back then that's why they are Championships.

Those of you here who played La-Mulana EX, what guide did you use? I know the Vita version changed some things, but I'd still appreciate a starting point.
I didn't use a guide. Gotta man up.

(I didn't beat it either, but I didn't use a guide and I was pretty far with how far I got)

I think you misread the post if you came away with the impression I was talking about sports specifically. :shame:

Sports, whatever, I can totally get people being fans and getting together and having fun. It's the stupidity of the proud fan that I don't get, and that extends to everything, not just sports. People wrapping their identities and belligerence up around stuff they're not at all connected to makes no sense to me no matter the subject, whether it be MS vs Sony, sport team A vs B, religion, politics, whatever. It's all coming from the same bullshit mindset.

Edit: I think I found HAL.
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Oh I went to a minor league baseball game yesterday. Quickly reminded just how awful baseball is. Not sure how I ever used to like the sport.

They have pitching timer counts now in the minors which are awesome (but still allow for too much time between pitches). Even better, I got to see the pitcher take too long and be assessed an automatic ball. highlight of the night.

This "Kurayami" (Darkness--completely pitch-black environment aside from your flashlight or enemies when they're cautious/alert) mode in the Evil Within DLC is pretty cool.

Highlights from next week's Best Buy ad:

  • Mario Kart 8 :wiiu: - $44.99
  • Mario Party 10 :wiiu: - $34.99
  • Super Smash Bros :wiiu: - $44.99
  • Battlefield Hardline :xb1: :ps4: - $39.99
  • Watch Dogs :xb1: :ps4: - $19.99
  • J Stars Victory Vs :ps4: - $49.99
  • Get up to $30 toward Madden NFL 16: Get a $10 coupon toward Madden NFL 16 when you trade in Madden NFL 15, plus get $20 in trade-in value for the game on Xbox One or PS4 or $15 in trade-in value for the X360 or PS3 versions* (Game available 8/25)
Full ad:

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Yeah, sometimes I remind myself of that when I get too wound up in sports. Like if my team loses a big game.

"Well, a bunch of random guys that don't know or care that I exist just lost a game. Big picture, this changes absolutely nothing about the trajectory of my life except that I won't be buying that 20XX Champion T-Shirt and won't get a few pats on the back from my friends for a couple days."

It's pretty cynical, but it does work and it is true. And sports serve a lot more of a purpose than just winning or losing, it can be a great reason to be social, make new friends, be a talking point, and generally create a lot of fun. But at the core, it can make extreme sports fandom look a bit weird.
The main reason I would feel bad if the local team lost a championship is a neighbor of mine owned a college apparel store mostly carrying stock for that team, so if they choked early in the tournament then that meant a lot of lost business for him. Though this will be the first season since he sold it so now I'm back to having little reason to care.

I really need to get back to Community. I watched/played other things after Season 2 and just kind of...forgot to start Season 3.
Well, you don't have to worry about falling further behind. The actor's original contracts were up after six years so it's likely prohibitively expensive for them to do another season, they might do the movie for yahoo at some point though. Season 3 is also the last "long" season, the other 3 are cable length, 13 episodes. Though as a little incentive to restart, you're 4 episodes away from one of the series best episodes.

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Well, you don't have to worry about falling further behind. The actor's original contracts were up after six years so it's likely prohibitively expensive for them to do another season, they might do the movie for yahoo at some point though. Season 3 is also the last "long" season, the other 3 are cable length, 13 episodes. Though as a little incentive to restart, you're 4 episodes away from one of the series best episodes.
Joel McHale outright said there'd be no 7th season:

[quote name="GatorBeerGeek" post="12850519" timestamp="1438819403"]No, that is apparently stupid too. The only one Mr Intellectual talks about is PC superiority. Get it straight you imbecile![/quote]

There was a woman maybe mid 20s at my job who was a hard core PC gamer. Enter tournaments and spent tons of money on her PC. She has a BioShock tattoo. Anyway me and this other guy were talking about PS3/PS4 games. She did some little chant that ended with PC is the master race. At first I thought she was joking with us. But as I realized she wasn't it was a bit awkward.
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There was a woman maybe mid 20s at my job who was a hard core PC gamer. Enter tournaments and spent tons of money on her PC. She has a BioShock tattoo. Anyway me and this other guy were talking about PS3/PS4 games. She did some little chant that end with PC is the master race. At first I thought she was joking with us. But as I realized she wasn't it was a bit awkward.
Yeah, that's a bit strange.

And holy shit I just saw some new Xfinity negative ad against Direct TV and AT&T that was brilliant. I'd link it but can't find it. Best ad I've seen in ages.

Not posting this on the main page because you know.

Sony Gold Wireless Headset on Walmart $41.80

Bought one since I had some Walmart credit to cover part of it and I never go to Walmart otherwise. Plus I did need some headphones, especially one with a mic for all those times I'm not playing multiplayer games.

Edit (5:45) : Appears to be out of stock again. We'll see if my order goes through but at least there's a chance of it coming back.

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What is the best way to buy Destiny now on PS4?  Guy at work wants to get it to play with his friends who already have it.  He has like $50 credit at Best Buy.  

Wasn't sure if he should get the Taken King thing or what. I will mention the Target price to him tomorrow though. Thanks.
Oh yeah, forgot about all that. Then I guess the best/cheapest thing is to buy from Best Buy with GCU since the first two expansions alone + Target price would get you to $55.

Might be good to get it now, though, just to be able to catch up before his friends are off doing Taken King stuff when that releases.

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