RPG Thread X will never be localized because you'd rather buy another generic FPS

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[quote name='hankmecrankme']The best Tri Ace game this generation is Star Ocean 4, kayyyyyyyyyyyy?[/QUOTE]

You are very dumb, kayyyyyyyyyyyy?

I'm smarter than you, kayyyyyyyyyyyy?

I have a charming voice, kayyyyyyyyyyy?
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Yo, ain't somebody supposta make a new thread, kayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?[/QUOTE]

The RPG thread isn't the GGT, we don't run like clockwork.
[quote name='icebeast']The RPG thread isn't the GGT, we don't run like clockwork.[/QUOTE]

We make a thread every 500 due to a direct order from CheapyD himself. :nottalking:

Apparently having a large thread with lots of traffic cripples his Pentium III server.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm... Do I now post about how I actually liked Infinite Undiscovery... Or do I just back slowly out of the thread and never come back...[/QUOTE]

Aww, don't leave, we were just getting to know each other!
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']I wish Square-Enix would just port Star Ocean: The Second Story to our beloved 360 and PS3, I would be one happy guy[/QUOTE]

or you could just play Star Ocean: Second Evolution on PSP
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm... Do I now post about how I actually liked Infinite Undiscovery... Or do I just back slowly out of the thread and never come back...[/QUOTE]

Actually back out quickly, so we can chase you with pitchforks for liking that pile of refuse :D

Also, glad to see I'm not the only one desperately searching for a job! Good luck guys!
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']It's not that bad of a game, just some annoying characters (the kids)

Probably the best tri-ace game this generation (but that's not saying alot)[/QUOTE]

I played almost an hour of it and then vomited.

If that's their best, I'd hate to play any of their other games this gen.
[quote name='ihadFG']I played almost an hour of it and then vomited.

If that's their best, I'd hate to play any of their other games this gen.[/QUOTE]

It was the only decent one

Star Ocean's only strong point was the combat
and Resonance of Fate had the most confusing combat system ever, and a story that didn't make sense
[quote name='Zmonkay']Actually back out quickly, so we can chase you with pitchforks for liking that pile of refuse :D[/QUOTE]

NO! I will protect Ryuukishi with my life, you hear me?! MY LIFE!
[quote name='distgfx']NO! I will protect Ryuukishi with my life, you hear me?! MY LIFE![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Zmonkay']
Also, glad to see I'm not the only one desperately searching for a job! Good luck guys![/QUOTE]
I just finished my masters in May, and I've been looking since. The world is a cold, unfeeling place.

[quote name='Japanese Dorito']It was the only decent one

Star Ocean's only strong point was the combat
and Resonance of Fate had the most confusing combat system ever, and a story that didn't make sense[/QUOTE]
Resonance of Fate had one of the most fun battle systems ever.

[quote name='icebeast']

[quote name='ChibiJosh']Resonance of Fate had one of the most fun battle systems ever.

I liked it, but it took a while to get used to. I want to go back to it thought, since I'm out of school for the summer and actually have some time on my hands...

that is, until I get a job
[quote name='ChibiJosh']SPOILERS!!!![/QUOTE]

I mean a stab to the abdomen probably isn't that fatal and she isn't even bleeding, pretty sure she survives that.
Why do you have those Tri-Ace games and not Persona 3?

Keep in mind I am a fan of Tri-Ace.

Why wasn't there any blood in that Aeris/Sephiroth scene?
[quote name='icebeast']I mean a stab to the abdomen probably isn't that fatal and she isn't even bleeding, pretty sure she survives that.[/QUOTE]

Well, until Cloud drowns her limp unconscious, from the shock of being stabbed, body...
[quote name='icebeast']

[quote name='Japanese Dorito']Im crying now

Not for Aerith, but for Ryuukishi

Screw Aerith[/QUOTE]

Yea, what the fuck, don't go killing my Ryuukishi.
[quote name='elessar123']Yes please.[/QUOTE]

I mean I hate her guts

I level her up, buy her new equipment..and she just dies on me

Note to self: Never level her up and buy shit for her
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']I mean I hate her guts

I level her up, buy her new equipment..and she just dies on me

Note to self: Never level her up and buy shit for her[/QUOTE]

When I first saw it happen way back when I thought : "Well fuck, there goes my healer".
Honestly, I still use her as much as possible. There's not really another mage-like character in FF7.

As much as I want to like Cait Sith, he sucks.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm... Do I now post about how I actually liked Infinite Undiscovery... Or do I just back slowly out of the thread and never come back...[/QUOTE]

Nah I liked it to.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Hmm... Do I now post about how I actually liked Infinite Undiscovery... Or do I just back slowly out of the thread and never come back...[/QUOTE]

You can if you want to, you might get some hate for it though ;)
But everyone has their own opinion, I don't think it's a bad game or anything.....
just those kids....I want to kill them
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Even on subsequent playthroughs of FF7, I still used Aeris (that's right I said it) as much as possible.[/QUOTE]

We're going to chase you out with pitchforks!
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']We're going to chase you out with pitchforks![/QUOTE]

I mean, c'mon! We've got em, might as well use em!

(On topic: started a KOTOR replay. Forgot how buggy it is on PC. fucker crashes constantly, to the point where I'm considering changing quick save to a middle mouse click)
[quote name='Zmonkay']I mean, c'mon! We've got em, might as well use em!

(On topic: started a KOTOR replay. Forgot how buggy it is on PC. fucker crashes constantly, to the point where I'm considering changing quick save to a middle mouse click)[/QUOTE]

I remember on the planet where you learned how to use a lightsaber, my game would always crash
[quote name='Zmonkay']I mean, c'mon! We've got em, might as well use em!

(On topic: started a KOTOR replay. Forgot how buggy it is on PC. fucker crashes constantly, to the point where I'm considering changing quick save to a middle mouse click)[/QUOTE]
I never had problems with KOTOR when I played it bug wise. Oddly enough. Although I haven't tried the Steam version yet.
[quote name='Zmonkay']I mean, c'mon! We've got em, might as well use em!

(On topic: started a KOTOR replay. Forgot how buggy it is on PC. fucker crashes constantly, to the point where I'm considering changing quick save to a middle mouse click)[/QUOTE]

Steam Sale made me buy it recently so I also started a replay.

It ended up crashing so frequently for me (on Windows 7) that I just started playing KOTOR2 instead.

KOTOR2 *WAS* a better game up until 3/4ths of the way through.. at which point it became evident how hard they were pushed to get the game out.

Ages ago, I recall reading about patches to unlock the unfinished content in KOTOR 2.. I should look that stuff up again before I finish the game.
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']I remember on the planet where you learned how to use a lightsaber, my game would always crash[/QUOTE]

I got this weird graphical corruption on that planet when I last played it a few years ago. The framerate would drop into the single digits when it happened. Got all the way to this part with no problems at all, not even crashes. Couldn't get past it, game would crash when I'd leave. So I was stuck there.


Used an X1800XT back then. Apparently it was a driver issue with Radeons at that time.
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That planet gave me trouble in both KOTOR 1 and 2. It's all that grass sticking up everywhere!

Also, where are my PSOne Classics? Sony teased me with amazing games and now...where are they?
[quote name='momouchi']Also, where are my PSOne Classics? Sony teased me with amazing games and now...where are they?[/QUOTE]

What games were teased? This reminds me I need to play more Alundra, Wild Arms 2 and finally finish up Grandia which I'm at the very end.
Mostly they started out strong and seemed like they would continue with the program, unlike Nintendo who gave up on Virtual Console. Then all of the sudden, game releases become about one or two a month instead of a week and they are all lousy games. Also Parasite Eve 2!
A few months ago I tried to play Parasite Eve on my PS3, I played it for about an hour and it looked so horrible that I couldn't go back to it. I actually have the original release, so I was using a disc to play it. Would it look any better playing it on the PSP? I was thinking it might, but I don't want to waste the money on the PSN version if it isn't going to look better.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']A few months ago I tried to play Parasite Eve on my PS3, I played it for about an hour and it looked so horrible that I couldn't go back to it. I actually have the original release, so I was using a disc to play it. Would it look any better playing it on the PSP? I was thinking it might, but I don't want to waste the money on the PSN version if it isn't going to look better.[/QUOTE]
It looks "better" in the sense that you're just not blowing up the image as big. But yeah, PSX games are a little easier to take on the PSP screen.

[quote name='Hell Monkey']Hmm...lots of Persona avatars in this thread.[/QUOTE]
Is there any other kind of avatar? :lol:
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