RPG Thread X will never be localized because you'd rather buy another generic FPS

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Lost Odyssey was great because it seemed like a parody of JRPGs, I especially liked Kaim's super fast run. The battles were way too slow but it is still a better game than FF XII or XIII.
I'm playing P3P and its alright so far, despite not having any real gameplay yet. Just visited the tower, so I'm imaging that the whole game takes place within it.
[quote name='willardhaven']Lost Odyssey was great because it seemed like a parody of JRPGs, I especially liked Kaim's super fast run. The battles were way too slow but it is still a better game than FF XII or XIII.[/QUOTE]

To me the game feels like what Final Fantasy should be and not what it is today.
[quote name='j-cart']I'm playing P3P and its alright so far, despite not having any real gameplay yet. Just visited the tower, so I'm imaging that the whole game takes place within it.[/QUOTE]

First hour or so is kinda slow and yes, most of the game takes place within Tartarus.
[quote name='ihadFG']

I want Ryuukishi's love, not yours!

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I second that motion.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='themaster20000']To me the game feels like what Final Fantasy should be and not what it is today.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100% with this. Not that it's surprising that Lost Odyssey feels more "Final Fantasy" than modern Final Fantasy games, given who made it. :D

I popped in Crimson Gem Saga tonight and played the first 2.5 hours or so. Really enjoying it so far, seems like a very fun little retro JRPG (or K in this case), and Atlus did a great job with the localization (as they do).
[quote name='themaster20000']To me the game feels like what Final Fantasy should be and not what it is today.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping RPG's take after FFXIII.

That game was so good.
[quote name='whoknows']If it's even half as good as DA2 it'll be amazing.[/QUOTE]

In theory, it should be 1.5 times better.
[quote name='distgfx']In theory, it should be 1.5 times better.[/QUOTE]

Sounds right. It'll put ME3 to shame just like DA2 put ME2 to shame.
LOTR: War in the North showed up in my Quick Picks this morning, so I decided to preorder it for $53.71 + $20 credit... Anyone think this is going to be good? I am kind of a big LOTR fan but I'm not sure this game is going to do much to distinguish itself.
[quote name='momouchi']It's got a good team behind it (some from Champions of Norrath) so there's a big chance it'll be good.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm really looking forward to that. I liked all the Snowblind games. When is it coming out anyway? #lazyweb
[quote name='Backlash']Yeah I'm really looking forward to that. I liked all the Snowblind games. When is it coming out anyway? #lazyweb[/QUOTE]

I think it comes out this year, in the crazy season known as Fall (or Autumn)
[quote name='Backlash']Yeah I'm really looking forward to that. I liked all the Snowblind games. When is it coming out anyway? #lazyweb[/QUOTE]
End of next month I think.
[quote name='Backlash']Wow that's soon. Might as well skip Dungeon Siege 3 and just get LotR in that case. Yay for procrastination.[/QUOTE]
Your not missing much with Dungeon Siege. LOTR will for sure have a way better story.
Namco's (re)releasing 6 Tales games... somewhere... for the 15th anniversary of the series.

Unfortunately, no word on if we're getting it.
[quote name='elessar123']Namco's (re)releasing 6 Tales games... somewhere... for the 15th anniversary of the series.

Unfortunately, no word on if we're getting it.[/QUOTE]

Please...release them in America
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']I'd buy that HD collection. Haven't tried any of the Tales games, I guess that'd be a good start.[/QUOTE]

It's not really an HD collection. The first 4 games would be on the PSP, and the other 2 on PS3. It's not even a bundle. The games being on PSP is probably a bad sign for a US release.
BTW, I tried Dragon's Dogma yesterday at the Capcom booth at Comic Con.

It's very beautiful, and puts Skyrim to shame (IMO), but there was a ton of screen tearing. Not sure if it's because of the build or their equipment or something else, but it's very noticeable. Like 1/3 of the screen will be lagging behind frequently.

The combat is pretty boring though. An attack, a strong attack, and block. No combos I could really figure out other than a bunch of weak attacks followed by a strong. Even the grab feature was boring. It just lets you stop strafing, and focus on pressing a single button.

That being said, I'll probably buy it. It feels very much like a Baldur's Gate / Icewind Dale brought into the 2010s.

Wish the combat was done more like DMC/GoW though.
[quote name='elessar123']It's not really an HD collection. The first 4 games would be on the PSP, and the other 2 on PS3. It's not even a bundle. The games being on PSP is probably a bad sign for a US release.[/QUOTE]

Oh. Well... guess my decision was made for me lol.
[quote name='elessar123']BTW, I tried Dragon's Dogma yesterday at the Capcom booth at Comic Con.

It's very beautiful, and puts Skyrim to shame (IMO), but there was a ton of screen tearing. Not sure if it's because of the build or their equipment or something else, but it's very noticeable. Like 1/3 of the screen will be lagging behind frequently.

The combat is pretty boring though. An attack, a strong attack, and block. No combos I could really figure out other than a bunch of weak attacks followed by a strong. Even the grab feature was boring. It just lets you stop strafing, and focus on pressing a single button.

That being said, I'll probably buy it. It feels very much like a Baldur's Gate / Icewind Dale brought into the 2010s.

Wish the combat was done more like DMC/GoW though.[/QUOTE]

This single post has killed any interest I ever had in the game.
[quote name='distgfx']This single post has killed any interest I ever had in the game.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, the game is still pretty far from release. The demo I played was the level with the chimera.

If they make the combat more fun, it'd be an absolute blast.
[quote name='elessar123']BTW, I tried Dragon's Dogma yesterday at the Capcom booth at Comic Con.

It's very beautiful, and puts Skyrim to shame (IMO), but there was a ton of screen tearing. Not sure if it's because of the build or their equipment or something else, but it's very noticeable. Like 1/3 of the screen will be lagging behind frequently.

The combat is pretty boring though. An attack, a strong attack, and block. No combos I could really figure out other than a bunch of weak attacks followed by a strong. Even the grab feature was boring. It just lets you stop strafing, and focus on pressing a single button.

That being said, I'll probably buy it. It feels very much like a Baldur's Gate / Icewind Dale brought into the 2010s.

Wish the combat was done more like DMC/GoW though.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like Fable III
[quote name='Japanese Dorito']Sounds like Fable III[/QUOTE]

Fable 3 wasn't necessarily bad in design though. Just in execution.
[quote name='elessar123']To be fair, the game is still pretty far from release. The demo I played was the level with the chimera.

If they make the combat more fun, it'd be an absolute blast.[/QUOTE]

I doubt they will, unless this is the experimental stage of development for the game.
Fable 3 made me so mad considering how much I loved Fable 1.

I found that a lot of the changes they made to the gameplay, inventory, and NPC interaction made the avatar feel a lot less... Grand... than in the previous installments. Only being able to interact with one person at a time made it a chore, and the 'do a quest to be this NPC's buddy' additions were incredibly dull.

The weapon upgrade system was decent change, but I didn't feel it made up for everything else they dumbed down or took out.
[quote name='BattleChicken'] Only being able to interact with one person at a time made it a chore,[/QUOTE]

Mos Def.

[quote name='BattleChicken'] and the 'do a quest to be this NPC's buddy' additions were incredibly dull.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='BattleChicken']The weapon upgrade system was decent change, but I didn't feel it made up for everything else they dumbed down or took out.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't even really worth it.

Honestly, I think the closer that Peter M. gets to making his perfect game, the less fun they become. I think the dude is genius, has some great ideas and is ecstatic about his career, but he's gone a little bonkers with Fable. Dude needs a new IP.
I took a shoot in the dark with Record of Agarest War and I regret it. I should've known since I'm not a big SRPG to begin with. The interface seems needlessly cumbersome. I don't mind oldschool sprites but wow, this is embarrassing even for PS2 standards. 15 years ago I would've ate this thing up, but I'm so jaded now I guess I cant appreciate anything about this game.

I can't help but feel pissed off while I was playing it. It's a constant reminder of what's wrong with Japanese developers and their unwavering stance of not being innovative or changing. It's all there from the annoying bubbly eyed anime characters to the same SRPG we've played 100 times before (only not as fun here) then to the blue balling fan service..... rant over
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Fable III is one of the reasons why I'm excited for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, this game just looks like what Fable after Fable I should have been
[quote name='distgfx']I doubt they will, unless this is the experimental stage of development for the game.[/QUOTE]

Thinking about it, you're probably right. Because Japanese people seem to love simple hack and slash games. Sad too, cause it has the potential to be much better than Oblivion.
[quote name='keithp']Started Star Ocean Second Evolution and enjoying it so far. I never played the original though.[/QUOTE]

I like the second Star Ocean, probably my favorite in the series
[quote name='elessar123']Thinking about it, you're probably right. Because Japanese people seem to love simple hack and slash games. Sad too, cause it has the potential to be much better than Oblivion.[/QUOTE]

If it were up to me, Platinum Games would do every game's combat. :cool:
I'm still playing Nocturne! :whee:

Turns out the dungeon I was in (
the third part of the Tower of Kagutsuchi
) was even more complicated than I thought, and I took a long time fully exploring the place. Don't want to say I'll beat it within the next few days, but at least I'm closer than I was before :p
[quote name='elessar123']Sad too, cause it has the potential to be much better than Oblivion.[/QUOTE]

Based on what I've seen, I highly doubt that. :D

I'm always surprised by how negative so many of the people in this thread are about Oblivion. Though I'll bet it's just a vocal minority.
I didn't dislike Oblivion, but have given it 3 chances and never get very far. It's very sprawling and lacks the focus I generally prefer in RPGs, even in the "main line" quests. Bethesda did a much better job with Fallout 3 (even though I prefer the fantasy setting of Oblivion) with pretty much everything, so I'm really looking forward to Skyrim: Oblivion-type setting with lessons learned since Oblivion came out? Yes please!
I definitely acknowledge that there are some things Oblivion could have done better. I've always felt that people who focus on the scaled leveling, the lack of focus, etc are kind of missing the forest for the trees when it comes to Oblivion though. Then again, I've played it so many times over the last 5 years, it may have just become a binky for me (we all have them).
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