Screwed out of a Rebate? (*cough* Paper Mario/Hot Shots/SF: OS) Tip inside...

Well after months of emailing them I finally got my $10 gift voucher for Splinter Cell: CT. I emailed them atleast 6 times and they kept "looking into it" but never would email me back. I just kept emailing them again and again and today they finally emailed the voucher code. I didn't get an apology for the delay or anything , but atleast I got the code :)
I just got screwed out of a D-LINK rebate.....They said I never sent the UPC code, I know I did, it's cut out of my they are saying there is nothing they can do for it. Total B.S. I may just buy one and scan the UPC, then resend my rebate.....pissed me right off.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']
That person seriously needs to get a life. Who lives their lives around rebates anyways. I mean I take advantage of the occasional rebate, but to be that anal maybe you shouldn't have bought the item to begin with.
And you call yourself a Cheap Ass Gamer...[/QUOTE]

The original poster mades a good point. Rather than spends hours & hours trying to get a mere $20, it makes more sense to spend that time either (a) working overtime or (b) getting a second job.

Buying a product solely because of the rebate is foolish, since the majority of rebates never get fulfilled, for whatever reason [innocuous or not].
However, I am also all for 'getting what was advertised' and 'do what you say.' The reason these rebates are such a scam is precisely because so many people either forget, or say, "it's not worth my time." Now, I wouldn't raise a fuss about a 50 cent rebate on a bag of chips, but my 20 SF rebate, and my 100 Dell computer rebate, I sure as hell would. And I might in other cases, depending on how badly the company pissed me off and how blatant they lied. [I will admit in the case of SF and HSGF, it was messed up the whole way through--why put an item on sale when there's a rebate, why not clearly identify it as a sale, do things go on sale for 1 hour every three days, etc].

Those of you who say "Forget about it, deal with it", you're saying it's okay for a company to say "Buy this and we'll give you X bucks back", then after six weeks, "Oh yeah, about that rebate, never mind"?

But ultimately, the concept of, "I did my part, now you fulfill your obligation", and pressuring them to do so, I fully support.

And in my case, it didn't take 'hours and hours' to get my full SF rebate; it took about 10 minutes on the phone, and ten or so on the net, both done while i was multitasking. And again, sometimes even though something isn't the 'efficient' thing to do, it's the right thing to do, and needs to be done.
[quote name='dtcarson']The reason these rebates are such a scam is precisely because so many people either forget, or say, "it's not worth my time." [/QUOTE]

Everything else I agree with. However, that statement is ludicrous. It's a scam because the company knows people will forget? Whose fault is that?
Not scam as in 'outright fraud', because that's not it, in most cases; scam like a casino, where the odds are greatly stacked against the consumer/player.
* People will forget. Not the company's fault, surely.
* Arcane and complex rebate requirements. Nothing inherently 'wrong' with this, except that they're making it harder to comply, meaning fewer people will comply fully and completely.
* Changing terms and conditions in a misleading fashion, like in this very example of EBGames.
* Farming out the actual rebate return to a third party company, which allows them blame and denialibility, in case the third party company doesn't fulfill their part of the deal.
* Purposefully delaying rebates for so long, certainly in the hopes people will forget about it [I have had rebates take 12 weeks to process. There is no way I can be convinced it took 12 weeks to actually process, and 8 or 9 or those weeks weren't spent in a file or on a desk somewhere.]
Again, nothing inherently fraudulent [except for the changing of terms or misleading requirements]; just a 'scam' in that it is stacked against the consumer, and the consumer needs to be very diligent in making sure he gets what he is owed [and yes, if I buy something that meets the requirements, and send everything in as I'm supposed to, I do think I am "owed" whatever the rebate was.]

"Mar 14, 2005 -- FTC gets involved in rebate game
Clark [Howard] is disgusted by retailers that don’t honor their rebate offers. Often times, people buy a product based on a good rebate deal, fill out the paperwork and they never receive their money. The retailer is responsible for those rebates and should pay people the money they deserve. Well, finally the FTC has weighed in on this matter and retailers are now responsible for fulfilling their rebate requests. From now on, if you don’t get a rebate from a retailer, you can take it up with the FTC. Just remember that you’ve sent in everything you are supposed to and you follow the rebate instructions to a tee. There are two pioneers in the rebate industry that others should try to emulate. Costco and Staples have very easy, very responsive rebate programs. Getting a rebate should not require hours of work. So how many people actually redeem rebates? One in four of us do. When the amount crosses the $50 mark, two-thirds of people file. "
"Computers and electronics are the worst [at fulfilling rebates], according to the story. You need to know that there are private companies or “fulfillment houses” that handle the distribution of these rebates. The manufacturers themselves do not handle them. One third-party company, TCA Fulfillment Services, has received a tremendous number of complaints for refusing to distribute rebates. The BBB of New York gave the company an unsatisfactory rating because of the problem. Dell Computer is another company that often uses rebates. The question that comes to mind is why wouldn’t Dell just discount the price, instead of doing rebates. But Dell is hoping people don’t get around to sending their rebate. Dell has information about rebates on its Web site, but the process can be complicated and lengthy, according to people who are still waiting. Remember that rebates should be the icing on the cake. You shouldn’t buy an item because of the rebate. Buy based on the price you will pay and then be glad if you get the rebate. If you are adamant about getting the rebate, be sure to read the terms and conditions before you buy the product so you know how hard it will be."
:lol: at everyone bitching they didn't get their rebate, I've never been screwed out of a rebate, NEVER. People who've been "screwed" more than likely didn't fullfill requirments (if you send in a copy of the UPC and or reciet, instead of the real thing, you don't deserve your rebate, plain and simple), sent out too late or simply screwed up.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']:lol: at everyone bitching they didn't get their rebate, I've never been screwed out of a rebate, NEVER. People who've been "screwed" more than likely didn't fullfill requirments (if you send in a copy of the UPC and or reciet, instead of the real thing, you don't deserve your rebate, plain and simple), sent out too late or simply screwed up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, except that's not the case at all with the specific rebate most CAGers are bitching about. (The Paper Mario one.)
[quote name='E-Z-B']Well, I called my local store and got the B&M phone number for their customer service (800-800-5166). I got the same crap - that they would not honor the paper mario rebates. I argued with the rep, then the manager. I told him the store had the rebates sitting on the counter, and the clerk said I could use it on this game. I told him the sale was not advertised, nor was their a price tag to say it was on sale. I said I wouldn't have bought the game otherwise, and that I followed all the terms & conditions. His reply: the store made an error, go fuck yourself. So when I demanded my receipt back to return the game, he said I missed the window of opportunity anyway, so go fuck yourself. I got his name (Ray, x4066) and said I would file a complaint with the better business bureau:[/QUOTE]
That's the exact same guy I talked to about my Syphon Filter rebate. He's the one that told me nobody got the complete $20 rebate after purchasing it for $10. When I offered up proof (i.e. shrike's order), he lied right to me saying that shrike had bought it at $20 but it only shows $10 because he had used a $10 discount. And shrike showed me his order, he used NO discounts, and when discounts are used in an order, it shows about the total. And having to hear that BS after dealing with his bitchy underling, my opinion of their customer service really tanked.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']That's the exact same guy I talked to about my Syphon Filter rebate. He's the one that told me nobody got the complete $20 rebate after purchasing it for $10. When I offered up proof (i.e. shrike's order), he lied right to me saying that shrike had bought it at $20 but it only shows $10 because he had used a $10 discount. And shrike showed me his order, he used NO discounts, and when discounts are used in an order, it shows about the total. And having to hear that BS after dealing with his bitchy underling, my opinion of their customer service really tanked.[/QUOTE]
I called for my Syphon Filter rebate a few weeks ago and was treated poorly as well. I don't think the guy I talked to was Ray, nevertheless, he gave me the same story. Apparently, he didn't realize who he was fucking with. I explained to the guy multiple times during my call that he was wrong and that I was right, but he seemed to have forgotten which way the world turns around here. He thought it would be a good idea to hang up on me as well, and after being rude and raising his voice, he ended the call.

Let's just say my gift voucher for $20 was in my E-mail 10 minutes later.

Also, a quick note, I talked to two regular reps before I reached the supervisor and was offered a $10 rebate both times. When I finally talked to the supervisor, I was told that I couldn't get ANY rebate for ANY amount of money, despite the fact that I was just offered one twice no more than 10 minutes ago.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']That's the exact same guy I talked to about my Syphon Filter rebate. He's the one that told me nobody got the complete $20 rebate after purchasing it for $10. When I offered up proof (i.e. shrike's order), he lied right to me saying that shrike had bought it at $20 but it only shows $10 because he had used a $10 discount. And shrike showed me his order, he used NO discounts, and when discounts are used in an order, it shows about the total. And having to hear that BS after dealing with his bitchy underling, my opinion of their customer service really tanked.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that guy kept lying through his teeth when the proof was right in front of him. They have complete access to my order with the order number, and I keep copies of the confirmation emails for all my orders on my Palm. So, as judyjudyjudy said, I PM'd her a copy of my SF: TOS order (bought at $10) info, another order showing what it looked like when you use a GV coupon code (SC: CT, if memory serves, or FF2 & BT), as well as the coupon code email itself, which was for $20.

The guy was wrong, wrong, wrong, and it sounds like he's consistantly wrong, not just picking on judyjudyjudy.

My PM rebate went in the same situation as the other ones, and I called EB Corp to make them understand why they would honor the rebate for HSG4 ($30, marked down to $20 (which would be a sale, last time I checked) and netted out at "free" after $20 GV) and not the one for PM, especially when the rep at the register indicated it would go through at the time I purchased it and they corrected it after I made my purchase, a few days later. The guy I spoke with at EB Corp said he would have to refer the matter to the DM for the store I went to, and after a few days, I did get a call from the DM. We spoke at length, I explained the situation to him, he understood my issue and said he would send out a gift card to me for the amount, as well as a business card for him and the other DM in the area.

When it arrived, it was for $25, not $20, and the two business cards were included as promised.
Well, I've filed a complaint with the BBB; it's not as effective as small claims court, but doesn't cost as much time. We'll see what EB does; regardless, it should cost them a little bit to back-and-forth with me and the BBB. If everybody did it, they'd learn their lesson.
I am still waiting to hear back from DM or Regional Manger regarding this (as per corporate, 877-432-9675). If I don't hear back from them in next 2 business days I am supposed to call back. If I don't get resolution at that time (Monday), I will be contacting BBB. Also, anyone have any contact info for Ohio State Attorney general?
[quote name='cyberlian']here is the corporate address if you want to file bbb under this one (they are also listed as, eb, eb games, ebx, shop n save... all at the same address and phone number)
Electronics Boutique of America Inc.

931 South Matlack Street
West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 430-8100[/QUOTE]

I highly recommend filing a complaint to with this address as well as where you purchased your game. It only takes 5 minutes, but may be worth the $20. Feel free to use what I submitted:

I was Informed by the clerk that if I purchased Paper Mario for $21.19 (including tax), that I could send in a rebate that they had sitting on their counter to get a $20 gift voucher towards any future game. I bought the game only because of this gift voucher. I would not have bought it otherwise. I followed all the terms and conditions of the voucher and mailed it in. I called 8 weeks later at 800-800-5166 to inquire about my rebate status. They said they were not honoring the rebates because they were having an unadvertised sale on the game, thus you could not use the rebate in conjunction with the sale. I had no idea the game was on sale - there were no signs, nor a price tag on the game saying it was on sale. I asked for my receipt back so that I could return the game, but they said I could only return the game after two weeks anyway, so they would not send my receipt back to me. I find this quite deceptive since the rebates were sitting at their counter, and told me that I could use the rebate when I purchased the game. I want my $20 back that I am owed.
[quote name='ccurcillo']I am still waiting to hear back from DM or Regional Manger regarding this (as per corporate, 877-432-9675). If I don't hear back from them in next 2 business days I am supposed to call back. If I don't get resolution at that time (Monday), I will be contacting BBB. Also, anyone have any contact info for Ohio State Attorney general?[/QUOTE]

Just google it. They have an online Ohio Consumer Complaint Form you can fill won't guarentee anything, but it will get you mediation. If you choose this route, I don't know if you forfeit your chance to take them to Small Claims court.

Here's the thing about the Ohio Small Claims Ohio, you may receive up to 3 times the amount of your claim plus court fees if you win. So, if you're owed $20, you could win $60 back plus court fees.

It's funny, people use to love EBgames and their vouchers (including me) as they were very easy to aquire and they didn't make you feel like you were trying to pull teeth for them. However, they took a turn for the worse this past April/May/beyond and became scammers. What the hell were they thinking?
i followed the rebate instructions perfectly. still haven't received the Paper Mario rebates. will start with phone calls, then emails, and then filing official complaints. luckily, i kept photocopies of the original receipts sent, and extra original rebate forms. all documented. this will be fun, Revenge of the CAGs!

it'll be fun to give them hell, 'hey they make us wait 8 to 12 weeks for rebates anyway!'

btw, the store sales clerk stated without me even asking, 'it's free after the gift voucher,' and then handed me the catalogue with the form in it.

at which i responded, 'wow, its really free?'

'well not really, you still have to spend the gift voucher here later,' he replied.
I filed w/ BBB and today I just received my BBB response, in which EB apologized and explained more than once that "...cannot be combined with other offers...", "...temporary sales reduction..." and "...had to purchase at $49.99..." but it also says that along with their apologies they are giving me the $20 gift voucher and sure enough, I got the gift voucher as a letter(as opposed to email) today also. Worked out all dandy.
[quote name='PrinceNeil']I filed w/ BBB and today I just received my BBB response, in which EB apologized and explained more than once that "...cannot be combined with other offers...", "...temporary sales reduction..." and "...had to purchase at $49.99..." but it also says that along with their apologies they are giving me the $20 gift voucher and sure enough, I got the gift voucher as a letter(as opposed to email) today also. Worked out all dandy.[/QUOTE]

Dam, I filed against my local store last week, and with the West Chester headquarters last night, and still heard nothing. Can you post your description of complaint? Maybe there's a key to this...
I filed a BBB and FTC complaint last night. I read on FW that somebody got their gift voucher after their BBB complaint (though he may have just gotten lucky).
[quote name='cranguy']I filed a BBB and FTC complaint last night. I read on FW that somebody got their gift voucher after their BBB complaint (though he may have just gotten lucky).[/QUOTE]

How did you log your FTC complaint?
[quote name='PrinceNeil']I filed w/ BBB and today I just received my BBB response, in which EB apologized and explained more than once that "...cannot be combined with other offers...", "...temporary sales reduction..." and "...had to purchase at $49.99..." but it also says that along with their apologies they are giving me the $20 gift voucher and sure enough, I got the gift voucher as a letter(as opposed to email) today also. Worked out all dandy.[/QUOTE]

\I wouldn't have a problem with all those 'fine prints', but they need to be visible BEFORE making the purchase, not six weeks later, when you're expecting a rebate since you fulfilled all the requirements.
I filed a complaint about the Syphon Filter/Hot Shots Golf rebate with the BBB around the second week of July, and I got a letter today from them and EBGames saying that I'll get a $20 coupon code via email.

If you haven't done it yet, I'd highly suggest sending a complaint. Even if you don't get anything, the BBB will get the idea from the overflowing number of complaints from CAGs. Likewise, EBGames will get the idea from the number of letters from the BBB.
I filed a complaint for the Syphon Filter rebate yesterday. I dont even care if I get the rebate or not, I just want them to know what EB is up to.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']I just filed with BBB, worth a shot.[/QUOTE]

I just filed a complaint with the BBB as well. I don't actually expect to receive the $20 voucher I feel I am owed as a result, but I do want there to be a public record that I was dissatisfied with their service. Enough people have been upset by this incident that the proper authorities should be made aware of it.

If enough people actually bitch and complain about this issue, EB Games might think twice before denying anyone else their rebate. If EB decides not to offer rebates in the future, at least their next paying customer won't be waiting forever on a rebate EB Games doesn't intend to fulfill.
[quote name='cranguy']Article on FTC action on rebates:[/QUOTE]

What the heck, I went ahead and filed a complaint with the FTC too. If EB Games wants to play hardball with my money, I can play dirty as well. I may not get my $20 gift voucher for Paper Mario, but I did get to put a few words on record regarding my experience with their current rebate policies. :D
Maybe EB is getting a bit better with the latest round of rebates. I bought Capcom Fighting Evolution for $19.99 about 3 or 4 weeks ago. I just got the $20 gift voucher for it this week. Talk about quick turnaround time (under a month!). Previously I had to wait 8-12 weeks for rebates from them.
Do you think it would hurt if I cut and pasted E-Z-B's letter as a complaint?

I'm worried it might look like a scam if they get more than one of the same message, but if that sort of thing is common place then I'll just do it, since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to business, and knowing me it would take me forever to write the perfect complaint letter.
[quote name='onikage']Thanks for the link. Hopefully everyone expecting to receive the PM rebate will file here and w/ the BBB.[/QUOTE]

I just filed with the FTC in addition to the BBB. As others stated, the more people that file complaints, the more likely you'll see your rebate.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Do you think it would hurt if I cut and pasted E-Z-B's letter as a complaint?

I'm worried it might look like a scam if they get more than one of the same message, but if that sort of thing is common place then I'll just do it, since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to business, and knowing me it would take me forever to write the perfect complaint letter.[/QUOTE]

It shouldn't be a problem. You might want to change a word here and there, maybe add a sentence like the location where you bought it, and the day you called to inquire about your rebate status.
if the money is small it just don't worth the time~ these are for ppls who don't make much money with their times ;p
Like I said, sometimes things are just wrong. If I bought a 10-piece McNugget pack from McD's, and it only had 9, I'd tell them about it. Sure, that's only what, 24 cents or whatever, but the principle of the thing--I bought something, and didn't get what I received. You can bet they'd tell me if they only got 3.50 instead of 4.00 I owe them. If that doesn't matter to you, then please see my post in the Trading forum, I'd like to make some trades with you.
Success, well kinda. Finally, after 2 trips to the store and 3 calls to 877-432-9675, Tim Mears (District manager, Central Ohio) called me (his number btw, 614-855-4287). He is offering me a $25 gift certificate, which hardly seems worth my extra trouble here, though it is better than nothing. Besides I am in the “It’s the principle of the manner” camp here. If we allow these fraudulent promotions to continue then we only hurt ourselves in the end.

So for those of you who were shot down by corporate, being told that this needs to be handled at the store (manager, DM) level, they are probably telling the truth. Tim was very friendly and apologetic of the matter. Had he not handled this w/ such kindness and professionalism, I would probably still be filing my BBB/FTC complaint.
[quote name='ccurcillo']Success, well kinda. Finally, after 2 trips to the store and 3 calls to 877-432-9675, Tim Mears (District manager, Central Ohio) called me (his number btw, 614-855-4287). He is offering me a $25 gift certificate, which hardly seems worth my extra trouble here, though it is better than nothing. Besides I am in the “It’s the principle of the manner” camp here. If we allow these fraudulent promotions to continue then we only hurt ourselves in the end.

So for those of you who were shot down by corporate, being told that this needs to be handled at the store (manager, DM) level, they are probably telling the truth. Tim was very friendly and apologetic of the matter. Had he not handled this w/ such kindness and professionalism, I would probably still be filing my BBB/FTC complaint.[/QUOTE]

Now on to my other complaint that I have w/ them...

The false advertising that they did offering the madden 2006 trade-in promotion and not honoring the exclusion list that they posted on the website...

Anyone want to start a new thread for this???
[quote name='ccurcillo']Now on to my other complaint that I have w/ them...

The false advertising that they did offering the madden 2006 trade-in promotion and not honoring the exclusion list that they posted on the website...

Anyone want to start a new thread for this???[/QUOTE]

isn't that list outdated? here's what the first line reads:

The following games are not eligible for the free Halo 2 offer.

i thought they took down the exclusion list from their website?
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']isn't that list outdated? here's what the first line reads:

The following games are not eligible for the free Halo 2 offer.

i thought they took down the exclusion list from their website?[/QUOTE]

if they took it down, HOW ARE YOU STILL READING IT?
[quote name='dtcarson']I bought something, and didn't get what I received.[/QUOTE]

Actually, you did get what you received. You just didn't get what you paid for. :D
[quote name='ccurcillo']if they took it down, HOW ARE YOU STILL READING IT?[/QUOTE]

first off, no need to yell. did i pose a question in a threatening manner? or act like a dick? no.

anyhoo, that still doesn't answer my question. imHo, that is obviously an old link b/c it's talking about the halo 2 trade in from last year. you can still visit some old webpages b/c they've been cached through google. i'm not sure how it works, but there's always a way to find out.

EDIT: also, i seem to remember that you could find their exlusion page on their website easily last year. it used to be posted with all the trade in deals. however, when i try to look for that page today, i can't find it anywhere on their website.
I got a response from the FTC, although nothing much - more people need to file complaints with them:

Thank you for your correspondence to the Federal Trade
Commission regarding rebates offered by companies. Rebate offers and
coupons are, among other things, a form of price competition. While
some manufacturers or sellers may conclude that simple price discounts
will attract customers, others may believe that a rebate or coupon
program will be a more effective means of advertising substantial
savings to consumers. In general, no statute enforced by the Commission
addresses the decision to adopt a rebate or coupon program. Thus,
promoters of rebate or coupon plans use their independent business
judgment in offering such plans to distributors or to the public.
However, if a company decides to offer a rebate or coupon plan, it must
fully disclose the material terms and conditions of the offer and must
provide the promised rebate. If a company systematically fails to do
so, it may be engaging in deceptive or unfair practices in violation of
Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

Finally, you may wish to raise your concerns with the
manufacturers or companies who offer rebates or coupons, since many
companies appreciate comments from the public about their products and
how they are marketed. You should also note that many companies hire
independent companies to administer their rebate or coupon programs and
are eager to hear about their performance.

The Federal Trade Commission acts in the public interest to stop
business practices that violate the laws it enforces. Letters from
consumers and businesses are very important to the work of the
Commission. They are often the first indication of a problem in the
marketplace and may provide the initial evidence to begin an
investigation. The Commission does not resolve individual complaints.
The Commission does, however, act when it sees a pattern of possible
violations developing. The decision to open up an investigative action
depends on how widespread the practice is, how many consumers are hurt,
how much harm is done, and how much evidence we have. We must also
determine how much staff time and effort we can put into each case, and
we must concentrate on the most urgent.

We appreciate your taking the time to write. We hope the above
information has been useful to your situation.

Sincerely yours,

Consumer Response Center
I got a response from the FTC, although nothing much - more people need to file complaints with them:

I received the same email from the FTC. It doesn't really help, as there's nothing in the letter we don't already know and I believe EB does their own rebates(there's no one else to contact about this).
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']first off, no need to yell. did i pose a question in a threatening manner? or act like a dick? no.

anyhoo, that still doesn't answer my question. imHo, that is obviously an old link b/c it's talking about the halo 2 trade in from last year. you can still visit some old webpages b/c they've been cached through google. i'm not sure how it works, but there's always a way to find out.

EDIT: also, i seem to remember that you could find their exlusion page on their website easily last year. it used to be posted with all the trade in deals. however, when i try to look for that page today, i can't find it anywhere on their website.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, that was my poor attempt at humor, wasn’t trying to act like a dick.

However, ( is not a cached page; I have visited this page on a number of computers, even my Pocket PC for the first time while in the store 2 weeks ago (showing it to the employee).

BTW, $25 gift card arrived today, so congratulations to me and everyone else who is fighting the fight!
[quote name='Purkeynator']Got my $20 gift voucher from eb today. I had to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau to get it as calling EB was no help.[/QUOTE]

How long ago did you file w/ the BBB?
Odd... I just finally got around to calling EBGames today, and the woman on the phone said that she'd send it over to the correct department to be resolved since I was told in-store that I could get it for free. Sounds like I got lucky, having what seems to be success with my first call, but we'll find out when I receive my call back from local.
I got a letter from the BBB , with attachment response from EB. They went on about the temporary price match crap - but then at the end said they would send me the $20 gift card for my trouble. w00t.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']and got the $20 voucher from EB today - w00t[/QUOTE]

Congratulations! :D I'm glad the story had a happy ending for someone here.
[quote name='jza1218']Anyone know the number to FYE's customer service line? I have been waiting 4 months for my 15 dollar cash rebate.[/QUOTE]

bread's done