Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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He was just being a dick because zomg Nintendo sew undarpowar'd. Consoletards love bashing Nintendo, even though they're the only console with exclusives that are still worth a damn. o but w8 gamerdudebros luv their halo sponsored mtn dew and unsharted doritos!11!!!11!1
in fairness unsharted doritos are the best kind


Why do 56 of you own Idiot's shitty game that he always talks about and draws awful pixelbit assets for?

must have been a freebie
Can confirm y no wen free.
Well DUH.

Srlsy Blade? You think we would pay for that shit?

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Can confirm y no wen free.
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, princesses. I don't Skype pictures of my oiled up bunghole to Idiot in exchange for a super alpha version of his crap game. :p What was it like back in March 2015 if a year's worth of development has resulted in this?

A lot of us got this for free because the dev gave a copy to owners of his first game, 10,000,000.
Oh hey, I gut dat gaem 4 free. y i do dat

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I played the Gemini: Heroes Reborn game from that bundle and it... wasn't a train wreck.  The plot is stupid, the characters and voice acting are meh and the graphics look like a ten year old last-gen game but it has some fun moments.  You play some chick exploring a ruined lab for answers about your family, blah blah, and you have powers to manipulate time and telekinesis.  How it plays out in game is that you flip between the present and the past where the past is the same lab in working form.  You can also slow time to evade enemies or tear open a little time rift to spy on enemies on the flip-side and plan your attack.  The telekinesis stuff is HL2-esque picking up items in your environment to fling at bad guys or use as a shield or even lifting the guards to throw them into giant fans or electrical panels or down chasms.  Combined, you can do some neat things like stopping bullets or rockets and throwing them back or grabbing a guy and traveling to the other time period with him to take him on separately. The time flipping is also used for some "puzzles", namely finding a passage because one period has the door broken open or no debris blocking your path.

The levels are very short (though the loading screens are obnoxiously long) and the entire game is probably 4-5 hours unless you want to find all 30 collectibles.  In more capable -- and funded -- hands, it could have been a really cool game but, as is, it's a game with some pretty cool ideas and since it's so short there's not much commitment.  I played M+KB but if you're comfortable with a controller it's probably better since there's some finicky key-work (Shift+W to run plus R to slow time plus space to jump... that sort of thing).

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I used to have Idiot's shitty game on my wishlist out of charity until we did a Christmas gift thing and I was afraid that someone might actually buy it for me.

Over the last two days I finished Doom (just finished a little while ago) so its basically all Ive been playing for a few days.


- 12 hours for SP campaign, "Hurt Me Plenty" difficulty, waypoints and shit left on.

- Tech: FX-8350, GTX 970, 12 GB RAM, W10. Had everything on Ultra and NOT ONCE dropped below 60 FPS regardless of what was going on. Outstanding in this respect.

- Havent touched MP.

- Didnt collect everything, maybe 1/3rd of secrets.

- Will likely return to play it in Nightmare mode and collect the rest of the stuff to collect.

Overall, its an excellent shooter and a return to prominence. Its easiest comparison is obviously the newest Wolfenstein games (which I prefer), and while its good for what it is its nothing revolutionary or something that must be played immediately unless you're a huge shooter fan. It looks amazing in places and there are some varied environments. The best parts of the game are when you're in "Hell" and there some insane fights that will test your mettle.

Negatively, I had a few unexplained crashes here and there (no error msgs either from the game or Windows), but nothing that drove me nuts. I also really disliked the boss fights as while I felt the bosses themselves were cool looking, they were few and far between and more annoying than fun. By the end of the campaign I was ready for it to be over. There are about 15 total enemies which seems low and some of it does get samey. The weapons are typical Doom, but nothing you've not seen before, which is a bit of a shame. The music gets a bit annoying when its all metal and shit during firefights as its just monotonous. I did like a lot of the ambient music/sound and the voice work is pretty good when its needed. 

I'd say solid 8/10. If this was GOTY, it'd be a down year for games, but it would be fair to say shooter of the year, at least so far. Worthwhile.


If developed, an open-world Freedom Fighters 2 would never top any of the Homefront games.

For alternate history based FPS's, the Homefront series is where it's at.
They're not very good games though. The new one is getting slammed for being glitch crazy and I just can't buy the idea of NORTH KOREA invading the US. They wanted to do China which at least makes more sense but didnt do it because they didnt want to piss China off. I played the first one and while I didn't hate it, it was nothing special. I will play the new one when it becomes this year's Mad Max and is super cheap within 3 months.

As for alternate history, the newest Wolfenstein titles (New Order and Old Blood) say hello and goodbye while laughing uproariously at Homefront.

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Over the last two days I finished Doom (just finished a little while ago) so its basically all Ive been playing for a few days.


I'd say solid 8/10. If this was GOTY, it'd be a down year for games, but it would be fair to say shooter of the year, at least so far. Worthwhile.
Over the last few days, I finished Life is Strange, at the risk of giving Motoki a seizure I think it is 2016's "2015 GotY."

The final chapter of LiS falls off the rails completely.  I mean, you finish it for the sake of completing the game, but it's pretty bad.  Even ignoring any plot points, they try to shoehorn in mechanics which don't work well for its style of play and have you doing all sorts of repetitive frustrating stuff that takes you out of the story.

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I can't figure out why people love to trash Homefront, yet can't get Yager's dick in their mouth fast enough when Spec Op The Line goes on sale for the thousandth time.

Homefront, while not great by any means, was a competent shooter with a no fluff campaign and a decent multiplayer component.

Spec Ops was a clunky drawn out shooter with a 2derp4u story and tacked on multi-player. It also had me questioning my morality as much as the resource management sim This War of in not at all.
I can't figure out why people love to trash Homefront, yet can't get Yager's dick in their mouth fast enough when Spec Op The Line goes on sale for the thousandth time.

Homefront, while not great by any means, was a competent shooter with a no fluff campaign and a decent multiplayer component.

Spec Ops was a clunky drawn out shooter with a 2derp4u story and tacked on multi-player. It also had me questioning my morality as much as the resource management sim This War of in not at all.
Spec Ops is a gem, your opinion is obviously wrong.

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While I enjoyed The Line, I'm also having a lot of fun with the new Homefront. The performance isn't the greatest, considering the reqs, but the gameplay is fine.

Homefront, while not great by any means, was a competent shooter with a no fluff campaign and a decent multiplayer component.
Nah, it was terrible. It was every bad FPS rolled into one: You needing to take on every possible task, infinite enemy swarms until you move up while you're simultaneously waiting on slow-ass NPCs to advance so you can move forward, the same NPCs blocking your movement constantly, the same NPCs (the NPCs just suck) scream-chanting Rainman-esque demands ("Throw a grenade! We need a grenade here! We must use a grenade! Throw a grenade!..."), narrow linear maps, mediocre gunplay, etc.

Concept was sort of cool (aside from the pathetic N. Korean bit) and it was refreshingly different to tromp through suburbia instead of some Middle Eastern or jungle terrain (too bad the maps are so narrow). But, really, Medal of Honor: Warfighter was a more entertaining campaign.

Spec Ops was a clunky drawn out shooter with a 2derp4u story and tacked on multi-player.
In their defense, the Spec Ops devs hated the idea of multiplayer, didn't care if it was shit and thought it was asinine to have it in the game with no way to make it fit the theme.

Of course, to be fair, maybe the Homefront Devs were actively hostile to the idea of a single-person campaign and only did it because they were forced to and that's why it was so terrible.

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So I'm in the process of trying to get one of the 4TB HDD. All my local Targets are OOS but there is a Walmart that supposedly has one somewhere, just not on the shelf. They said it's probably on the in-bound freight that hasn't been unpacked yet. They have said they will price match, but I have to keep calling them this week to see when they find it. CAG dedication.

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So I'm in the process of trying to get one of the 4TB HDD. All my local Targets are OOS but there is a Walmart that supposedly has one somewhere, just not on the shelf. They said it's probably on the in-bound freight that hasn't been unpacked yet. They have said they will price match, but I have to keep calling them this week to see when they find it. CAG dedication.
that sounds like more work than its worth

taking it to customer service and dealing with those people was more than i can handle but i was already there.....

For me I treat it like a treasure hunt. It's always one and dones...if they say they have something but don't....and I go and don't find anything well that's it!

I can't figure out why people love to trash Homefront, yet can't get Yager's dick in their mouth fast enough when Spec Op The Line goes on sale for the thousandth time.

Homefront, while not great by any means, was a competent shooter with a no fluff campaign and a decent multiplayer component.

Spec Ops was a clunky drawn out shooter with a 2derp4u story and tacked on multi-player. It also had me questioning my morality as much as the resource management sim This War of in not at all.
Homefront's SP campaign was decent overall, but didn't get really interesting until the over-the-top end events.

And unfortunately once it gets really interesting, it's pretty much over. Disappointment seems to be Homefront series sub-title.

Meanwhile, from start to finish, Spec Ops: The Line's SP campaign has an excellent mix of action, story + character development puts most COD-like shooters & cover-based shooters to shame. I never expected The Line to turn out THAT good, TBH.

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So I'm in the process of trying to get one of the 4TB HDD. All my local Targets are OOS but there is a Walmart that supposedly has one somewhere, just not on the shelf. They said it's probably on the in-bound freight that hasn't been unpacked yet. They have said they will price match, but I have to keep calling them this week to see when they find it. CAG dedication.
Looks like you ran into some well-intentioned Wal-Mart employees. That said, I find most employees there are clueless even if well-intentioned. Usually if they don't have something exactly where it goes on the shelf then you will never find it, but best of luck to you!

Also, I commend Bah for trying, but DOOM doesn't seem to have the peer-pressure, hype, and cheapness to be the new hot fakeybro commodity.

I almost bought Lifeless on GMG but then I saw the trailer and it was hilariously bad. It just alternated buzzwords with zombie kill scenes even if they were unrelated to the buzzword. PERSISTENT ONLINE GAMEPLAY zombie kill zombie kill zombie kill.

2016's GOTY is obviously Crush Crush.


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I've been playing Alien Isolation the past week or so...the first half of the game was fantastic. Very tense, the alien's random AI means you're always on your toes. They have some robotic and human enemies sprinkled in to keep things fresh. I had heard the game drags on too long but given how much I was enjoying it I didn't mind at all...then about midway through the game, the alien disappears from the gameplay as part of the story, and you do nothing but interact with the androids for about 3-4 hours or so, which isn't really tense, just tedious. Where I left off today the alien has been reintroduced, so hopefully it picks back up. As much as I was enjoying the game in the first half, the second half so far has been mediocre. 7.5/10 so far.

Alien definitely drags on a bit. The game in general feels too long and on top of that you have to replay various sequences due to the save system. I get that it adds to the "better not get caught" tension, but it quickly boils down to tedium after the first few times.

I felt combat with the androids was a pretty frustrating experience as they are quite op in melee combat and many of the ranged weapons were barely effective. Maybe they would have been better off having a wider range of androids with different strengths and weaknesses instead of op and stupidly op.
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I've been playing Alien Isolation the past week or so...the first half of the game was fantastic. Very tense, the alien's random AI means you're always on your toes. They have some robotic and human enemies sprinkled in to keep things fresh. I had heard the game drags on too long but given how much I was enjoying it I didn't mind at all...then about midway through the game, the alien disappears from the gameplay as part of the story, and you do nothing but interact with the androids for about 3-4 hours or so, which isn't really tense, just tedious. Where I left off today the alien has been reintroduced, so hopefully it picks back up. As much as I was enjoying the game in the first half, the second half so far has been mediocre. 7.5/10 so far.
Yea, thats the same gripe I had with it. They let off the tension of the Alien which I actually was glad for when I first played it, but I promise ya it picks back up. The final 3rd is pretty thrilling.

It was my GOTY in 2014 despite the slack off.

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Alien definitely drags on a bit. The game in general feels too long and on top of that you have to replay various sequences due to the save system. I get that it adds to the "better not get caught" tension, but it quickly boils down to tedium after the first few times.

I felt combat with the androids was a pretty frustrating experience as they are quite op in melee combat and many of the ranged weapons were barely effective. Maybe they would have been better off having a wider range of androids with different strengths and weaknesses instead of op and stupidly op.
I don't really have a problem with the whole having to replay bits of the game thing, it doesn't seem like it's happened to often where I keep having to replay a part.

The game is longer than expected for a survival horror game, but the length itself isn't an issue to me, it's more that the game really blows its load in the first 10 hours and then decides to shift focus to the androids...and the androids aren't done well. I don't think they needed to change strengths and weaknesses, where they went wrong is how many they's aggravating having to keep track of 5-6 of the op androids in an area, including times where there are 3 in a room. This wouldn't be a problem with a large amount of the game, but when during the 3 hour stretch or so where it's nothing but androids the game suddenly gets very claustrophobic in its environments, so it's hard to run away.

The game works when the focus is on the alien because you, for the most part, only have to keep track of one enemy. Now all of a sudden you have to keep track of where 1-5 enemies who take 3 or 4 shotgun hits to the head are at a time while not only stealthing through the game but accomplishing mandatory mission objectives that take place in the wide open (hacking computers, etc). Stealth games with numerous enemies where your character sucks at fighting work if you can realistically run away (Thief), but here it's just not really an option through most of what I've played in the second half. If they wanted to put an op android and a normal android in a room to increase tension while also being realistic to battle through if things go haywire, fine, but putting 3 of the op ones in the same room where you're supposed to hack a computer in wide open is ridiculous. The game goes from tense to aggravating.

I can't figure out why people love to trash Homefront, yet can't get Yager's dick in their mouth fast enough when Spec Op The Line goes on sale for the thousandth time.

Homefront, while not great by any means, was a competent shooter with a no fluff campaign and a decent multiplayer component.

Spec Ops was a clunky drawn out shooter with a 2derp4u story and tacked on multi-player. It also had me questioning my morality as much as the resource management sim This War of in not at all.
I never could get past the fantasy element of Homefront... No, not fantasy as in Elves or Dragons but the even bigger one in that somehow someway North Korea manages to not just make it off its peninsula but somehow managed to jump a continent and the world's largest ocean and invaded America.

That's just too 2derp4u for me...

That said, I can honestly say I never gave it a fair shot as I have never played it at, and more importantly, have never owned it.

bread's done