Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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And also...

are any of these games any good? i haven't heard of any of them
Pfft, who cares? Console peasants spend the same amount unlocking outfits for their avatars or changing their names from "XxHeaDSHoT420xX" to "XxMLGHeaDSHoT420xX"

Buy it, it's a +10

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are any of these games any good? i haven't heard of any of them
I'm interested in Boid & Samudai but not $5 interested. (Actually have heard good things about Boid)

Edit: I am interested in that Steamlink box - on the condition it would allow me to stream everything else onto my living room TV as well (web browsing etc). It would finally allow me to get that older laptop off a shelf.

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I know this is a little off topic but I am furious at how bad the new Roller Coaster Tycoon looks.  Maybe I'll get it when it's $15 on Steam...

As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
i dont know, i haven't been following what the other people are doing, but the thought of playing a game like skyrim or dark souls with the oculus rift is enough to make me excited

i dont know, i haven't been following what the other people are doing, but the thought of playing a game like skyrim or dark souls with the oculus rift is enough to make me excited
Honestly, my thought is driving sims / aircraft sims / train sims. Things that already have a strong stimulation presentation and don't have excessive head movement.

As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
i dont know, i haven't been following what the other people are doing, but the thought of playing a game like skyrim or dark souls with the oculus rift is enough to make me excited
I do like what MS is supposedly doing with the Hololens AR/VR (if it is even close to what the video showed). And I am interested in VR gaming on it when the prices come down.

Honestly though, I love the idea of an AR TV display in my vision wherever I want it (like in Microsoft's video). It would solve a lot of logistical problems in my living room and also allow me or my gf to watch/play something in bed when the other is trying to sleep. That plus I wouldn't feel the need to get a new bigger LCD every few years. Not to mention VR pron.

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i dont know, i haven't been following what the other people are doing, but the thought of playing a game like skyrim or dark souls with the oculus rift is enough to make me excited
Excited, yes. But, frequent use practical, I have doubts. I have a 3D TV and wore glasses for roughly 25 years and I still find that the effect doesn't outweigh the nuisance. I guess I view Oculus/Morpheus/SteamVR being in the categories as the Wii nunchucks, Xbox/MS Kinect, PS Move, Nintendo Powerglove...
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I'm hoping that they have the same summer sale event as last year where you get free stuff from off your wishlist. It would be hilarious if they had to ship out steam machines.

As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
I think the issue is for most people it doesnt really buy them much due to their setup. 3d on a 40-60in tv is not very impressive and IMHO not particularly worth it. Viewing a 3d movie on your own home theater projector at 100in is definitely worth it. So thats why I think it never really took off, most peoples setups at home dont buy them much over the theater experience.

VR however you eliminate the need for a tv of any size, it can lead to new ways of playing games and seeing them. I just see it going further than 3d because of that. Just eliminating the flat viewing surface with boundaries in front of you is a big step. Personally Im more excited about the hololens, if it has good integration with my desktop like allowing me to pull windows off of the PC and float them somewhere in my space (along with eventually eliminating desktop monitors), then walk around, throw up a video window and watch a movie, etc, that is way more exciting

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Excited, yes. But, frequent use practical, I have doubts. I have a 3D TV and wore glasses for roughly 25 years and I still find that the effect doesn't outweigh the nuisance. I guess I view Oculus/Morpheus/SteamVR being in the categories as the Wii nunchucks, Xbox/MS Kinect, PS Move, Nintendo Powerglove...
yeah it's not going to be the type of thing that takes over as your primary gaming device, and i think it's ultimately a niche product, but it's definitely something i'll be buying

I bought Space Run a while ago. It's kinda like a tower defence, but not.

I'd play more but it has one of those silly 1-5 star rating systems for each level which really bugs me. I feel like I can't go further until I've done my absolute best on the previous level.

Decent game, mind. I need to revisit. Worth it at this price if you're awash with Steambux.


I bought Space Run a while ago. It's kinda like a tower defence, but not.

I'd play more but it has one of those silly 1-5 star rating systems for each level which really bugs me. I feel like I can't go further until I've done my absolute best on the previous level.

Decent game, mind. I need to revisit. Worth it at this price if you're awash with Steambux.

I haven't played it, but I'm sure it was worth the price of the AMD bundle it came in ($1).
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As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
It'll probably end up like the kinect or the PlayStation move or whatever. People will get all hyped up when it first comes out, but once people get over the novelty, it'll collect dust in the corner, all but foegotten.
Holy fuck

A daily that's not awful out of hand?

75% off Space Run
I'm tempted to sacrifice for this one. I love TD games and this one looks to be a pretty slick and original take on the genre. DO NOT want to hear about the AMD bundle as those were hoarded too quickly for most of us mere mortals.

i dont know, i haven't been following what the other people are doing, but the thought of playing a game like skyrim or dark souls with the oculus rift is enough to make me excited
As neat as that seems, I think I'd last maybe an hour before I just wanted to rip it off my head. Wearing a screen over my eyes for any length of time would be awful.

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Carl : Is it bad that I want to pre-order Magicka 2?



I think that might be right up with there with Carl requesting 1,000 games removed including Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic while leaving such wonderful games as Infestation: Survival Stories (Aka War Z), Takedown: Red Saber, Rambo and Dinner Date.

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Carl : Is it bad that I want to pre-order Magicka 2?

I think that might be right up with there with request 1,000 games removed including Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic while leaving such wonderful games as Infestation: Survival Stories (Aka War Z), Takedown: Red Saber, Rambo and Dinner Date.
Coral tried to tell me that Takedown is a good game. u can't fool me, coral!
As much as I like tech and all, I don't get the push for consumer VR. I mean, it's cool and all and I encourage the development, but 3D home theater/TV hasn't really taken the market by storm. Maybe once glassesless 3D becomes more prevalent. Someone wake me when in-home holodecks are a thing (and 75% off).
First question...have you been able to try a Rift? it sounds really cliche, but it is one of those things that you just don't get until you've tried it. Comparing it to 3D television is like comparing a hang glider to an F-14 fighter jet. Sure they both "do the same thing". But the way they do it is in completely different leagues.

Second, the usefulness of VR and the legitimacy of it becoming your "main gaming display" is probably going to depend on the type of games you play. I know a lot of people want it for shooters...but that's a tough sell. Moving around in a virtual space without feeling your body move can become incredibly nauseating very quickly. And sure, there's the Omni treadmill and stuff like that...but it's just going to be tough to pull off properly.

But if you play driving sims, flight sims, space sims...or even arcadey versions of any of those kinds of games, you're really going to be hard pressed in finding a better way to do it. If you haven't experienced it yourself, this may seem silly to say, but it actually does give you an incredible sense of being in a cockpit that goes way beyond just simple 3D (especially when coupled with controller peripherals like wheels, flight sticks, etc.)

Beyond that...I do think certain adventure games can excel in VR...puzzle games...anything that isn't incredibly intense with a lot of movements. Alien Isolation was actually incredible in VR. And even Dying Light is pretty solid...but definitely starts to cross that line where it could be gimmicky. It's really going to depend on how the developer uses it and what it adds to the experience.

But just generally comparing VR to Wii motion controls and waggle is a bit short-sighted and naive. It will be much more useful than that...even outside of gaming.

This article does a good job showing the usefulness of VR in areas other than gaming.

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First question...have you been able to try a Rift? Because as snobby as it sounds, you really can't comment on it until you've tried it.


But just generally comparing VR to Wii motion controls and waggle is a bit short-sighted and naive. It will be much more useful than that...even outside of gaming.
No, I have not tried it, but I'm not comparing the tech experience, I'm comparing the potential market demand. Like I said, the development should continue because it's usefulness is likely greater outside of consumer electronics, such as the medical field.

I use a flashlight daily in my line of work. A head-light would be optimal on paper for me to use and I own several, yet I very rarely use them. I hate wearing shit on my head. I use ear canal headphones, a behind the neck headset, a neoprene mask for cold days, etc. I also hate being tethered with cables. These two issues will likely sway me from any of the current/near future VR tech regardless how awesome it is.
No, I have not tried it, but I'm not comparing the tech experience, I'm comparing the potential market demand. Like I said, the development should continue because it's usefulness is likely greater outside of consumer electronics, such as the medical field.

I use a flashlight daily in my line of work. A head-light would be optimal on paper for me to use and I own several, yet I very rarely use them. I hate wearing shit on my head. I use ear canal headphones, a behind the neck headset, a neoprene mask for cold days, etc. I also hate being tethered with cables. These two issues will likely sway me from any of the current/near future VR tech regardless how awesome it is.
I get that...but really, you could make that same argument for PC gaming in general. How much of the "mass market" even has a PC these days? That's honestly a fine line I think VR has to walk. Even WITHIN the niche they're already in they have to be careful.

The second Rift development kit (DK2) for example needs a PC that can push a 3D image at 1080p and 75fps. The consumer version is looking at 1440p and 90fps (for anyone wondering "why the high fps?", that's generally what it takes for the head tracking to feel natural...and if you can't hit that, you start feeling sick)

So, while we've finally reached the point where consumer VR is legitimately possible, it's going to very quickly outpace what most people can do with their PC. So, like you said, a lot of its success could very well come from the science and medicine fields. It's definitely not just going to be something that "Joe Console" picks up, plugs in, and is whisked away to magical lands.

Granted, that's what Morpheus is trying to be...but considering the horsepower that the beta Rift needs for it to function...and it STILL has problems, I'll be shocked if Sony pulls off an enjoyable experience that the PS4 hardware can handle. But from a personal standpoint, I don't care because I understand computers and I know what is needed to make it awesome, lol. ;)

And if it flops, I at least have my hardware and enough community developed games/experiences to keep me entertained. That's honestly one of the reasons I got in on the early Rifts. If they somehow fuck it up, I didn't want to miss out on seeing what it was like.

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So the daily deal game looks pretty good, and the deal on it is good. So why am I having trouble pulling the trigger?

Oh, that's right, bundles have screwed my perception of what's a good deal.

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only if they come out warm is it a sex act
I disagree.

See, in my mind:
you submerge your member in ice cold water until you lose feeling. Then a willing female, or male if that's your prerogative, uses their hand or mouth to see how long it takes you to "produce".

But, that's just how I see it.

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bread's done