Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Anything good over in that Humble Store Winter Sale? I can't remember if prices change throughout and/or are added daily.

I'm too busy getting distracted by healthcare discussions, Selena Gomez's ass, Syntax Error's bug challenge, and reading weather reports of more incoming snow.

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Anything good over in that Humble Store Winter Sale? I can't remember if prices change throughout and/or are added daily.

I'm too busy getting distracted by healthcare discussions, Selena Gomez's ass, Syntax Error's bug challenge, and reading weather reports of more incoming snow.
Lucky. I'm afraid of what trees are coming down with the ice I am getting.

Anything good over in that Humble Store Winter Sale? I can't remember if prices change throughout and/or are added daily.

I'm too busy getting distracted by healthcare discussions, Selena Gomez's ass, Syntax Error's bug challenge, and reading weather reports of more incoming snow.
This is CheapAssHealthcare, gtfo

The sale actually seems pretty meh. But being able to grab some Activision games with the Humble Monthly 10% discount helps ease the pain... too bad you have to spend real money instead of Gabenbux.

I will admit I looked to see if Shovel Knight was on sale for the Humble Winter Sale...It was not.

Everything looked meh as mentioned.

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ACA sucks (it doesn't, though it's far from perfect) so let's go back to something that sucked even more.  Never understood that logic.  Be nice to go single payer and make sure everyone is guaranteed healthcare, but Americans are too selfish and stupid to ever go for that.  I hope I'm still around when the robots take most of the jobs just to see how much more bullshit people are willing to take at the hands of the rich and corporations.  

We just need to ban everyone from this site and then make people who want to use it pay CheapyD a lot of money. That'll teach these fascist commie socialists who don't want to die a lesson. Seriously, what's with you poor people ruining the economy? Get off your ass and make $150,000 a year (aka 0.5% of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's 2015 salary) and get in the upper middle class already! 

#Trump2016 #NoMexicansNoJewsNoBlacksNoChineseNoPoor

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We just need to ban everyone from this site and then make people who want to use it pay CheapyD a lot of money. That'll teach these fascist commie socialists who don't want to die a lesson. Seriously, what's with you poor people ruining the economy? Get off your ass and make $150,000 a year (aka 0.5% of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's 2015 salary) and get in the upper middle class already!

#Trump2016 #NoMexicansNoJewsNoBlacksNoChineseNoPoor
i am muslim so I am ok in Blade's book :whistle2:

I will admit I looked to see if Shovel Knight was on sale for the Humble Winter Sale...It was not.

Everything looked meh as mentioned.
What I saw, and by that I mean the 42 updates in the email ITAD sent me, it was all pretty much similar prices to a couple weeks ago with the Steam (and others) Winter Sale.

Lol, no. ACA is an assbackward way of trying to help people. Middle class gets fucked and it's bullshit.
Middle class about to get fucked more.

Btw, there are about 2 reasons Republicans are so gung ho on repealing this thing:

1) It's a huge tax break for the rich if they do

2) Health insurance companies probably want them to

That's it. It's far from a perfect piece of legislation, but it allowed me to afford health insurance and pay for my medications prior to finishing my masters degree

Yeah, that's not going to happen thanks to Medicaid. Stop getting your news from TV comedians. They need to wait to repeal and replace it with something 'better' at the same time though. My insurance went up an astronomical amount after the ACA went into effect and my choices of insurance companies went from about 6 to 1.
Not all people who get coverage from the ACA are eligible for Medicaid. I wasn't when I was on it. Btw if you think Republicans aren't going to try to reduce the scope of medicaid you and an ostrich have a lot in common. Insurance premiums going up aren't solely attributable to the ACA either, and again, it's not a perfect piece of legislation, but no health care legislation will ever be perfect, it's gonna be a raw deal for somebody. But for people like me it made it so I could afford insurance

It's a huge complex piece of legislation that received 0 Republican votes to pass it. In fact, it wasn't passed via normal procedure even. Bet they were mad they weren't listened to. Probably easier to just scrap the whole thing and put their new plan in place (assuming they have a workable plan).
How many things that were proposed by Democrats did Republicans play ball with? They made it their sole priority to block everything. Mitch McConnell once said his top priority was to make Obama a one term president. Which meant if it meant sabotaging anything the Democrats did, whether it'd be good or bad, they were gonna do it. And no, they don't have a workable plan. I'll be absolutely shocked if whatever the Republicans come up with isn't ten times worse than Obamacare and a raw deal for lower and middle class; it'll probably focus on health savings accounts or something.

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Are you guys seriously debating politics and healthcare on a gaming forum?

All I'll say is that Obamacare has resulted in 70-150% higher costs to myself and everyone I know and much much MUCH worse plans.  It's a joke.  

Tax break?  Only tax Obama instated on the wealthy was the .09% excess medicare, 3.8% net investment tax, and 5% higher taxes on cap gains, which was really low to begin with.  The last two will only apply to investors, the first two apply to couples earning over $250k a year.

You were able to get coverage?  Good for you but that's only because the MIDDLE CLASS (and everyone else really) has been paying out the ass to get people like you covered.

What they should do is completely repeal Obamacare, make healthcare a commodity again, and let the markets decide what the costs should be.   

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Are you guys seriously debating politics and healthcare on a gaming forum?

All I'll say is that Obamacare has resulted in 70-150% higher costs to myself and everyone I know and much much MUCH worse plans. It's a joke.

Tax break? Only tax Obama instated on the wealthy was the .09% excess medicare, 3.8% net investment tax, and 5% higher taxes on cap gains, which was really low to begin with. The last two will only apply to investors, the first two apply to couples earning over $250k a year.

You were able to get coverage? Good for you but that's only because the MIDDLE CLASS (and everyone else really) has been paying out the ass to get people like you covered.

What they should do is completely repeal Obamacare, make healthcare a commodity again, and let the markets decide what the costs should be.
.09%, 3.8%, and 5% don't sound like much, but I'm sure for the people who have the ears of politicians it's enough to matter. And great, glad the health of "people like me" isn't worth anything to you. No longer have obamacare but I don't have a problem paying it forward, my premiums aren't exactly friendly either. People are going to fucking die most likely, due to whatever the Republicans put forth and all you have to say is "GOD MY MONEY."

And for somebody who opened with "are you seriously debating this on a gaming forum" you certainly had no problem throwing your two cents in.

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Because somebody had to counter your points.  Why not me?

I'm glad you're able to get covered but at the rate Obama was taking us, we might as well have become a communist state.  Socialism doesn't work for a reason.  And on that note, I don't believe the trickle down economics (tax breaks for the wealthy) works either.

Bottom line is, the government is too bloated, the wealthy hoard their wealth, and everything is getting too expensive for the middle class to live comfortably.  Price gouging 95% of the people so the other 5% can get coverage is not right.  There needs to be a better way.

Those extra taxes are nothing compared to the extra costs I'd have to bare in case something happened to me.  My deductible and out of pocket costs have SHOT UP TREMENDOUSLY, not to mention the monthly premium.  .09% and 3.8% are paltry compared to the $10,000 I'd have to shell out if I got hurt.  Obama doesn't care about the middle class.

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Because somebody had to counter your points. Why not me?

I'm glad you're able to get covered but at the rate Obama was taking us, we might as well have become a communist state. Socialism doesn't work for a reason. And on that note, I don't believe the trickle down economics (tax breaks for the wealthy) works either.

Bottom line is, the government is too bloated, the wealthy hoard their wealth, and everything is getting too expensive for the middle class to live comfortably. Price gouging 95% of the people so the other 5% can get coverage is not right. There needs to be a better way.
Jesus christ we are so far from a "communist state" it's ridiculous. Just stop. There are always going to be, relatively speaking, poor people who can't afford privatized health insurance, regardless of economic system. Like I said in an earlier post, any health legislation is going to hurt somebody. The question is would you rather have it be harm to a person physically or harm to a person's wallet. I just feel health care, given the fact that America is the wealthiest country in the history of the world, in addition to the fact that we are the only industrialized country who doesn't provide healthcare, should be a basic human right. People shouldn't die of treatable illnesses simply because they aren't well off (btw when I was on obamacare I had a full time job, paid taxes, wasn't on any other government programs, it's not like I was the stereotypical "lazy freeloader"), just like people shouldn't live in America and die of starvation. There probably aren't many alternate routes that are better in any substantial way, unless you're open to a public option or universal health care.

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Don't mind me, just recalibrating the thread.









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so instead of sending me a new card Newegg just sent me a refund. I swear buying a graphics card shouldn't be this difficult.

Also about the Obamacare issue people are going to be in for a rude awakening if they think repealing Obamacare will suddenly cause Insurance prices to plummet especially if they want to prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against people with pre existing condition. You don't make money by covering sick people which was the purpose of the mandate to get healthy people to buy into the system. One of the reasons the ACA was passed in the first place is because Insurance premiums where already going up so I don't know where this collective amnesia came from that everything was perfect until the ACA was passed.

Also the talk of price gouging is interesting since Americans have been getting price gouged for decades on ridiculous medicine pricing where you can get the same drugs in other countries for sometimes 10x cheaper. This has nothing to do with the ACA. Blaming every problem that occurs in the health insurance market on the ACA is naive. Also I know for a fact that some people's who's insurance went up didn't even bother to look on the market for alternative insurance plans with a small deductible for a cheap price. I know this because I actually bothered to show a coworker how to navigate the website and not get screwed over by selecting a garbage plan instead of just accepting what his insurance company tried to sell him.

Don't mind me, just recalibrating the thread.

:O So much want...

Speaking of pizza, a local pizza place (which sells pizza by the square piece) has a weird quirk.

Anytime I go I order 5 pieces, but they always give me 6 pieces. I only get charged for 5 too. Menu doesn't mention any special "Buy 5 get 1 free" deal either.

The first time I figured it was a mistake, but it's happened every time I order. It's awesome.

That extra piece tastes extra good since it was free.

so instead of sending me a new card Newegg just sent me a refund. I swear buying a graphics card shouldn't be this difficult.
That's weird. RX 470, right? Were they out of stock of your particular model? If you wanted a replacement you should contact Newegg customer service ASAP so they can send one and cancel the refund.

:O So much want...

Speaking of pizza, a local pizza place (which sells pizza by the square piece) has a weird quirk.

Anytime I go I order 5 pieces, but they always give me 6 pieces. I only get charged for 5 too. Menu doesn't mention any special "Buy 5 get 1 free" deal either.

The first time I figured it was a mistake, but it's happened every time I order. It's awesome.

That extra piece tastes extra good since it was free.
The third pizza I posted is from a place called Cheeseboard Pizza in Berkeley, CA (probably the best pizza I've ever had). They would also add a bonus tiny slice to your order, just like the picture shows. If you went shortly before closing, they'd give a regular sized slice for free and maybe throw in a sliver one on top of it. Every day they offer one type of pizza, never using tomato sauce. Always olive oil or pesto, some cheese, and veggies. Absolutely delicious.

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so instead of sending me a new card Newegg just sent me a refund. I swear buying a graphics card shouldn't be this difficult.

Also about the Obamacare issue people are going to be in for a rude awakening if they think repealing Obamacare will suddenly cause Insurance prices to plummet especially if they want to prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against people with pre existing condition. You don't make money by covering sick people which was the purpose of the mandate to get healthy people to buy into the system. One of the reasons the ACA was passed in the first place is because Insurance premiums where already going up so I don't know where this collective amnesia came from that everything was perfect until the ACA was passed.

Also the talk of price gouging is interesting since Americans have been getting price gouged for decades on ridiculous medicine pricing where you can get the same drugs in other countries for sometimes 10x cheaper. This has nothing to do with the ACA. Blaming every problem that occurs in the health insurance market on the ACA is naive. Also I know for a fact that some people's who's insurance went up didn't even bother to look on the market for alternative insurance plans with a small deductible for a cheap price. I know this because I actually bothered to show a coworker how to navigate the website and not get screwed over by selecting a garbage plan instead of just accepting what his insurance company tried to sell him.
My plan was great pre-ACA... $78/month with a $500 deductible for what was essentially a "silver" tier plan post ACA. (minus the pap smears because I don't need those) Post ACA, I was on a "Bronze" plan with a $176 to $238/month premium and a $4000 deductible. But that plan was 'cancelled' when the provider stopped providing to my area, so I had to get on the marketplace to find out that all the plans were too expensive because there were only 2 providers available and the choice of plans was slim. The cheapest I could find was a 'catastrophic' plan for $208/month with a huge deductible, I think it's like $7160 or something offered by 1 provider. The nearest 'bronze' plan was offered by both providers but was an additional $180 a month with a slightly lower deductible.

They only needed to make the law make insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions. They could have kept the kids on parents insurance until age 22-23 (26 is a little old, while 22-23 will cover them while in college). They should have opened up insurance selling across state lines. And they should have created a type of un-taxed HSA type account.

They only needed to make the law make insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions. They could have kept the kids on parents insurance until age 22-23 (26 is a little old, while 22-23 will cover them while in college). They should have opened up insurance selling across state lines. And they should have created a type of un-taxed HSA type account.
Opening up selling insurance across state lines sounds good in theory, but in reality it likely wouldn't make any sort of dent. The problem with selling across state lines isn't necessarily so much regulatory as it is the realities of building a network of providers as well as a client pool, which is a barrier for entering a new market. And HSA accounts tend to be of little benefit for the people who need health insurance coverage, they tend to most benefit high earners, who mostly won't need help acquiring health insurance.

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Across state lines is just a nice way of saying "deregulate the industry".  Get a state willing to let you deny common coverages, etc then sell your plan to everyone else "across state lines".

Opening up selling insurance across state lines sounds good in theory, but in reality it likely wouldn't make any sort of dent. The problem with selling across state lines isn't necessarily so much regulatory as it is the realities of building a network of providers as well as a client pool, which is a barrier for entering a new market. And HSA accounts tend to be of little benefit for the people who need health insurance coverage, they tend to most benefit high earners, who mostly won't need help acquiring health insurance.
Humana, Anthem, etc.. all have networks sorted out across multiple states as it is. The ACA tried to apply a 'fix' of shared cost across the nation without really dealing with the difference in cost of living and rural vs urban areas. So everyone's premium went up and those in rural areas can't afford the coverage and it's a large burden to them. The result of that is insurance companies pulling out of the marketplace in those areas, making it even worse. Young, healthy, people didn't buy into the insurance because they were either on their parents plans or got a subsidy because they didn't make enough money working their min wage job, which added an increased burden to the system as well. It's a mess that needs sorted out.

So, which is better....hamburger or pizza?

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Humana, Anthem, etc.. all have networks sorted out across multiple states as it is. The ACA tried to apply a 'fix' of shared cost across the nation without really dealing with the difference in cost of living and rural vs urban areas. So everyone's premium went up and those in rural areas can't afford the coverage and it's a large burden to them. The result of that is insurance companies pulling out of the marketplace in those areas, making it even worse. Young, healthy, people didn't buy into the insurance because they were either on their parents plans or got a subsidy because they didn't make enough money working their min wage job, which added an increased burden to the system as well. It's a mess that needs sorted out.

So, which is better....hamburger or pizza?
pizza brah

Humana, Anthem, etc.. all have networks sorted out across multiple states as it is. The ACA tried to apply a 'fix' of shared cost across the nation without really dealing with the difference in cost of living and rural vs urban areas. So everyone's premium went up and those in rural areas can't afford the coverage and it's a large burden to them. The result of that is insurance companies pulling out of the marketplace in those areas, making it even worse. Young, healthy, people didn't buy into the insurance because they were either on their parents plans or got a subsidy because they didn't make enough money working their min wage job, which added an increased burden to the system as well. It's a mess that needs sorted out.

So, which is better....hamburger or pizza?
Funny that a party that is always shouting about "State's Rights" do not want states to make their own healthcare industry decisions.

And the answer to your question is simple You can put hamburger on a pizza, but only a lunatic would put pizza on a hamburger.

They only needed to make the law make insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions. They could have kept the kids on parents insurance until age 22-23 (26 is a little old, while 22-23 will cover them while in college). They should have opened up insurance selling across state lines. And they should have created a type of un-taxed HSA type account.
You cant cover pre-existing conditions without having some sort of mandate or requirement. Otherwise people can just join at the point of injury

Also HSA's are already, in general, un-taxed. I have one through my office plan, anything I put in there is exempt from fed income tax and remains untaxed as long as it is used for 'qualifying' medical expenses. However there are 2 problems with HSAs. 1 it still requires people to put away their own money in a separate savings account, the majority of people wont (or cant due to income) do this. 2, you still have to deal with bureaucrats dictating whether or not something was a valid medical expense.

One of the 3 times Ive used my HSA was a trip to the emergency room. For some reason either my HSA provider or insurance company decided that a visit to the fucking EMERGENCY ROOM, was not a medical expense (this also was not a BS visit for a cough, i went in an ambulance). I got the run around, one said call insurance, one said call the hsa bank, back and forth with no possibility for an answer so I was forced to say fuck it and pay tax on the whole thing anyway

oh yea, and


theres not much I miss about ohio, but donatos, something about their thin crust and cornmeal/semolina on the bottom coated just right and the super crisp almost burnt pepperoni brought it all together. Generally not a huge thin crust fan, but for theirs I make an exception

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bread's done