Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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If you mean cartridges, PS TV has no slot for them, it's digital only with no on-board storage. The only stuff you might be able to do without a memory card is stream from not-Netflix since it isn't on there, and maybe us PS Now if you're an idiot. I assume you can still do the PS4 streaming too, so there's that.

I just don't see the value in the PS TV unless you're really heavily invested in Playstation already, even at dirt cheap prices, unless you want to be able to play like 50% of it's library and don't already have money invested in to physical games for it.
Uh.. I don't even have a PS TV and know that it supports cartridges. wat r u talking about

Poor guy. It's on the side with a flap covering it, not on the back.


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it was on sale last week at GMG 90%.. same price as the "price glitch" you mentioned

I just got my refund for it last week too when I saw GMG sale. Thanks for your sacrifice :whistle2:
Wait wut?!? How is you getting it the same price on GMG as we did on Steam a sacrifice? Why would you want a refund to get it at the same price on GMG?

So many questions ...

Shit, I seriously thought it didn't. If it takes carts it's not as bad. I dismissed it once I realized games with touch features didn't work for the most part. Only really want to play a couple games on it, and Persona 4 Golden is about it for games I could play on the TV.

Shit, I seriously thought it didn't. If it takes carts it's not as bad. I dismissed it once I realized games with touch features didn't work for the most part. Only really want to play a couple games on it, and Persona 4 Golden is about it for games I could play on the TV.
I have touch functionality in some games using a DS4...

Wait wut?!? How is you getting it the same price on GMG as we did on Steam a sacrifice? Why would you want a refund to get it at the same price on GMG?

So many questions ...
i bought the game for 99 cents on Steam. Last week, i saw that GMG has the sale on the game for 90% off (which brought it down to 99 cents). I sent out for a refund and got my 99 cents back from Steam, knowing that it will soon be bundled

i bought the game for 99 cents on Steam. Last week, i saw that GMG has the sale on the game for 90% off (which brought it down to 99 cents). I sent out for a refund and got my 99 cents back from Steam, knowing that it will soon be bundled

You really asked for a refund on a 99c game?


I didn't bother to weed through the consolebro talk, but GameAgent is selling BL TPS with the Season Pass for $20 Dingo Dollars (about $15.60 Obamabux). Must choose AUD to get the price decrease.
We were talking about it in Tebowland this morning and I tried it but my Paypal account has a US address so even with vpn it was making me pay US $. I don't know if I didn't do something right or if you need a fake dingo Paypal or whatever but it was just too much of a PITA.

Tomasety got all MysterD Savant Obsessed about it and tried to figure it out even though he's broke like Bobby (but without the dog to eat his snacks) but he found that some Aus tax gets added. Possibly you'd get slapped with a conversion fee too.

I dunno, just wait for a good sale. If you waited this long for it then it's not like you need to play it right this second.

i bought the game for 99 cents on Steam. Last week, i saw that GMG has the sale on the game for 90% off (which brought it down to 99 cents). I sent out for a refund and got my 99 cents back from Steam, knowing that it will soon be bundled
GMG probably price matched the Steam MSRP because people called them out for having a shit sale on it on reddit.. I don't think it means anything

Not trying to be racist here, Nuuvem, but what the fuck are "zumbis?" Should be zombi, as that's what the guy who coined the English term wrote in 1819 in a history of Brazil.

Learn American, morans.

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We were talking about it in Tebowland this morning and I tried it but my Paypal account has a US address so even with vpn it was making me pay US $. I don't know if I didn't do something right or if you need a fake dingo Paypal or whatever but it was just too much of a PITA.

Tomasety got all MysterD Savant Obsessed about it and tried to figure it out even though he's broke like Bobby (but without the dog to eat his snacks) but he found that some Aus tax gets added. Possibly you'd get slapped with a conversion fee too.

I dunno, just wait for a good sale. If you waited this long for it then it's not like you need to play it right this second.
Okay so I figured out how to get Borderlands TPS + SP for $14ish USD without a bunch of shenanigans and bullshit.

All you do at Gameagent is just change the currency in the cart to AUS. That's it.

If you're in a state that has tax then McDonalds in Oregon it. Actually not even that you can keep your address just make the state Oregon or Delaware or somewhere without tax. Then like with the Nuuvem stuff in Paypal if you haven't already set your payment method to have the bank convert rather than get Paypal's crappy rate.

You don't really have to do the last step but it's probably a good idea to just do that anyway in case you ever buy from somewhere not in USD someday.

Tomasety was talking about some bass ackwards crap about using a VPN this morning which didn't work for me at all but the real method to do it is much more stupidly simple than that.

Okay so I figured out how to get Borderlands TPS + SP for $14ish USD without a bunch of shenanigans and bullshit.

All you do at Gameagent is just change the currency in the cart to AUS. That's it.

If you're in a state that has tax then McDonalds in Oregon it. Actually not even that you can keep your address just make the state Oregon or Delaware or somewhere without tax. Then like with the Nuuvem stuff in Paypal if you haven't already set your payment method to have the bank convert rather than get Paypal's crappy rate.

You don't really have to do the last step but it's probably a good idea to just do that anyway in case you ever buy from somewhere not in USD someday.

Tomasety was talking about some bass ackwards crap about using a VPN this morning which didn't work for me at all but the real method to do it is much more stupidly simple than that.
My problem was I needed to use VPN, since GamesAgent shows me the deault price in Euros + they doesn't let me to pay with PayPal unless you are from US.

That's why it was so harder for me. But yeah, what Motoki said is the easiest route for US people.

Motoki did you see the final price in Australian Dollar or American Dollar?
I remember Paypal showing me the € US$ conversion but not anything about Australian Dollar
GMG probably price matched the Steam MSRP because people called them out for having a shit sale on it on reddit.. I don't think it means anything
uh no... it is clearly meant to be a 90% promotion on Steam but they mixed it up.

GMG ran a similar promotion but listed it correctly. They never lower the MSRP. they just mark it 90% off and with that 20% coupon, it drop to 79 cents.

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We were talking about it in Tebowland this morning and I tried it but my Paypal account has a US address so even with vpn it was making me pay US $. I don't know if I didn't do something right or if you need a fake dingo Paypal or whatever but it was just too much of a PITA.
weird, i have an american PP account and i just activated it, and yeah, there is some fee, for me it came to around $15 USD. still cheaper than if i bought it with my humble coupon and waited for the season pass to go on sale.

i know i'm not really helping, but, maybe try again? you don't need to vpn.

edit - well shit, i should read through these threads more often...

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Motoki did you see the final price in Australian Dollar or American Dollar?
I remember Paypal showing me the € US$ conversion but not anything about Australian Dollar
Australian. Gameagent uses Digital River and it seems like they just charge you whatever currency you pick and don't do any IP checks or anything. Same with your address. It didn't run it through Paypal to verify. They do even less checking than Amazon does. :p

Is there ANY way to get the Mail app in Win 10 to look/function like it did in 8.1?
They're pretty close really and function just about the same so far as I can tell, admittedly I haven't used either much.

Also unless you have a Surface tablet why are you using a mail app on a desktop PC? :p

I have to say, I've been really pleased with W10 thus far. At least from an interface standpoint. It seems to have taken all the niggles from W8.1 and streamlined them into a way I actually may/want to use. And aside from having to reinstall the touchpad drivers on one laptop, the upgrade process has been fairly painless on the 5 devices (2 tablets, 2 laptops, 1 desktop) I have attempted it on. I'm waiting on some new drives before upgrading my primary rig and my server will sit in limbo until I find a WMC workaround (need it for live TV currently).


End of Summer Sale
Ending 8/3
66% off The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass (Telltale DRM) - $8.50

Up to 80% off 2K Weekend
10% off code: 10newsletter
You know what's annoying?

When you pony up extra money for a game soundtrack and a certain game company (EA) can't be arsed to properly tag the files, so you end up with "Unknown Album" and track titles like "39 A World Torn Asunder" with an artist name of "Gameplay Trailer."

Why, EA, why do you make me want to hate you?!

I have to say, I've been really pleased with W10 thus far. At least from an interface standpoint. It seems to have taken all the niggles from W8.1 and streamlined them into a way I actually may/want to use. And aside from having to reinstall the touchpad drivers on one laptop, the upgrade process has been fairly painless on the 5 devices (2 tablets, 2 laptops, 1 desktop) I have attempted it on. I'm waiting on some new drives before upgrading my primary rig and my server will sit in limbo until I find a WMC workaround (need it for live TV currently).
Yes, it was a pretty smooth transition for me from the Technical Preview too. The only annoying thing so far is that I can't figure out how to change my login screen from that blue Windows logo thing to something else. It's not an obvious option under Personalization and this is something new that was added in the release version. In the preview, though, it was just a single-color screen and I don't recall being able to tweak that one either, so maybe it's just not an option at the moment. That's a fairly trivial issue, though. Overall, I've found 10 to be much better than 8 or 8.1.
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The only annoying thing so far is that I can't figure out how to change my login screen from that blue Windows logo thing to something else.
1. Settings
2. Personalization
3. Lock screen
4. Select "Background" drop down "Picture"
5. Browse to X-rated picture of your choice
6. Profit?

(Alternatively, 1-3 can be replaced by just searching "lock screen".)

Reading comprehension fail. I was thinking lock screen when you said login screen. Doh!

Edit: Google to the rescue.
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1. Settings
2. Personalization
3. Lock screen
4. Select "Background" drop down "Picture"
5. Browse to X-rated picture of your choice
6. Profit?

(Alternatively, 1-3 can be replaced by just searching "lock screen".)

Reading comprehension fail. I was thinking lock screen when you said login screen. Doh!

It's all my mails in one place and 15 accounts aren't easy to keep up with, at least not for me.
You can add or forward other emails to webmail. I've got multiple other accounts coming into my gmail.

If you really need an on the hd client I guess you could use Outlook if you've got office installed.*shrug*

Bleh @ Telltale DRM.

Bleh @ not at least 75%.

As always, excellent job w/ the updates on the deals everywhere - no matter how good, bad, or "meh" the deals are.

Stop expecting good deals from Gamersgate that's a quick path to HOPES DELETED.

Also 99.9999999% of the time when a non-Steam version exists of game Gamersgate will opt for that. About the only examples I can think of where they don't are Morrowind and Oblivion which Direct2Drive Gamefly Direct2Drive inexplicably sell with some crap DRM when everyone else, including GG and the recent boxed retail releases by Bethesda themselves, sell the Steam version.

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I won a raffle to play against Blizzard's HotS community manager in the game of my choice. I chose Modern Warfare 2. It will be live on his Twitch at 7 Eastern if any of you want to come root me on. 

Note: His personal Twitch has nothing to do with Blizzard. 

I won a raffle to play against Blizzard's HotS community manager in the game of my choice. I chose Modern Warfare 2. It will be live on his Twitch at 7 Eastern if any of you want to come root me on.

Note: His personal Twitch has nothing to do with Blizzard.
y r u playin a free moba

r u asian

theres not muchc diferance

You know what's annoying?

When you pony up extra money for a game soundtrack and a certain game company (EA) can't be arsed to properly tag the files, so you end up with "Unknown Album" and track titles like "39 A World Torn Asunder" with an artist name of "Gameplay Trailer."

Why, EA, why do you make me want to hate you?!
When does EA sell soundtracks? I've kinda wanted some of the Madden game soundtracks but they haven't been forthcoming in letting me pay for them.

When does EA sell soundtracks? I've kinda wanted some of the Madden game soundtracks but they haven't been forthcoming in letting me pay for them.
EA has sold digital soundtracks for several titles for many years, but they usually go "out of print" / are removed from sale after their licenses expire. Some even have promo disc releases. I own a FIFA double CD promo from 2000 something.

A ton of these are also available at

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y r u playin a free moba

r u asian

theres not muchc diferance
MOBAs are the biggest thing in PC gaming right now. Many critics claimed PC gaming was going to be dead in a few years right before MOBAs and F2P games gained so much popularity.

I'm doing it for the master race.


Also - I like HotS. I could give 2 shits what anyone thinks about what tickles my g spot.

MOBAs are the biggest thing in PC gaming right now. Many critics claimed PC gaming was going to be dead in a few years right before MOBAs and F2P games gained so much popularity.

I'm doing it for the master race.


Also - I like HotS. I could give 2 shits what anyone thinks about what tickles my g spot.
u gotta fix da edgercation systum so ppl dont gro up 2 b stupid consul pesants tradin in boxes of golden crips for fake money on lazy low quality hardwear

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u gotta fix da edgercation systum so ppl dont gro up 2 b stupid consul pesants tradin in boxes of golden crips for fake money on lazy low quality hardwear
The problem with modern gaming is that you either settle for crappy hardware (consoles) or crappy software (Windows).
u gotta fix da edgercation systum so ppl dont gro up 2 b stupid consul pesants tradin in boxes of golden crips for fake money on lazy low quality hardwear
This hurts more to read than tebonics. It's like if spoder and tebow created some sort of horrible lovechild.

Brb, gotta throw up.
bread's done