Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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I'm on my 7th cup of coffee.

I don't get how people can drink so many cups of coffee. Even when I was drinking coffee, by which I mean a red eye, or energy drinks every day I wouldn't need more then 2-3 to get a buzz.

Closest I've probably come near the amount of caffeine in 7 cups is the couple times I drank 2 red eyes. In which one case I'm pretty sure I had a few heart palpitations and the 2nd I spent an hour on a tram hoping I wouldn't throw up all over the place.

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Funny to see all the CAGs who didn't get in on the super cheap Evolve glitch crapping on the game.  I paid so little for it, it could literally be 8-bits and only use one button and I'd be fine with it.  

If you gave it to me for free I'd never install.  The game is not good regardless of the cost.  I got Derping Light for around just as cheap... but... I still think it's a bad game.

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I don't get how people can drink so many cups of coffee. Even when I was drinking coffee, by which I mean a red eye, or energy drinks every day I wouldn't need more then 2-3 to get a buzz.

Closest I've probably come near the amount of caffeine in 7 cups is the couple times I drank 2 red eyes. In which one case I'm pretty sure I had a few heart palpitations and the 2nd I spent an hour on a tram hoping I wouldn't throw up all over the place.
I have a chemical imbalance. Caffeine calms me. Stupid ADD. I only consume this much caffeine when I'm sans methylphenidate. But, I actually do like coffee.
If you gave it to me for free I'd never install. The game is not good regardless of the cost. I got Derping Light for around just as cheap... but... I still think it's a bad game.
Same. Tebow kept bugging me to buy it when it was on the glitch but I didn't want it even for $5. I get the appeal to the unwashed masses, but it's just not my thing.

I mean maybe I would take it for free and point and laugh at it for 5 minutes but I sure ain't paying for it. Not unless it stows away in some crappy bundle with games I actually sort of kind of maybe want.

I mean maybe I would take it for free and point and laugh at it for 5 minutes but I sure ain't paying for it.
But, what if there was Evolve: Big Fish Collector's Edition.

"Casually find the monster amongst a mass of crap before it evolves and eats your face off. Progress through the story using problem solving mini-games as you level up your skills to become a better hunter. And rescue kittens, because, reasons."
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I would totally buy an old lady Big Fish version. Or a version with cute cats and a $100 bottle collector's edition. Not gonna lie.

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But, what if there was Evolve: Big Fish Collector's Edition.

"Casually find the monster amongst a mass of crap before it evolves and eats your face off. Progress through the story using problem solving mini-games as you level up your skills to become a better hunter. And rescue kittens, because, reasons."
I would totally buy this game....if the monster was Jessica Fletcher....


*Edit: CheapFoxed

It was like sucky sucky five dollah in Indonesia or something I think. I didn't pay attention too much plus the person telling me about it was speaking Tebonics.
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Funny to see all the CAGs who didn't get in on the super cheap Evolve glitch crapping on the game. I paid so little for it, it could literally be 8-bits and only use one button and I'd be fine with it.
You can get a game cheap and still say it sucks. But if you only paid $5 instead of $60 for it, you're not really going to complain much about it since you don't have as much investment. Mostly everybody here is talking about how Evolve sucks for a $60 game, not a $5 game. In fact, one of the biggest problems with Evolve (at least in my opinion) is how fucking high the cost versus content ratio is, so getting it dirt-cheap fixes that.

Why are people still pretending L4D1/2 was actually a good game? I thought we moved past that phase but I guess not.
I realize opinions and all, but... what the hell was wrong with L4D/2? I played hundreds of hours of co-op and survival modes, and a little less than that in versus. The mechanics of the game are solid, the scenarios are varied, and the slight randomness keeps the game fresh.

The absolute worst thing about the game was the community it spawned.

I realize opinions and all, but... what the hell was wrong with L4D/2? I played hundreds of hours of co-op and survival modes, and a little less than that in versus. The mechanics of the game are solid, the scenarios are varied, and the slight randomness keeps the game fresh.

The absolute worst thing about the game was the community it spawned.
Uh, you're talking to Bruticis here, you might as well try and convince MysteryD that DRM is god's gift to mankind.
I realize opinions and all, but... what the hell was wrong with L4D/2? I played hundreds of hours of co-op and survival modes, and a little less than that in versus. The mechanics of the game are solid, the scenarios are varied, and the slight randomness keeps the game fresh.

The absolute worst thing about the game was the community it spawned.
I don't have any idea about the community because I have not and will not ever play a game with people I don't know. L4D is extremely bland and dull, the source engine is awful and there's a limited amount of maps that you play over and over and over again. The gameplay is horrifically stupid and shallow which is par for the course with most shooters but this one somehow manages to even make brain dead shooters exciting. I don't understand how one could play for more then a few hours which is all I managed to stomach. Perhaps you'd enjoy Call of Duty 37 as well?

I just heard Offworld Trading Company is out today on Steam Early Access.  This is the Economic Based non-combative RTS from Soren Johnson.

I was part of the founders pack and have 4 codes left to get the game for $20 if anyone is interested.  Technically they say they expire when the game is released on early access so time is ticking fast.  PM me to get one.

Speaking of Indonesia, remember that Forester price glitch most of a us didn't get in on? Seems like we dodged a bullet.

I also love how the dev is all 'First of all, the performance can't be bad because it's Unity. And RTFM, the story isn't there because I still haven't written it yet it's Coming Soon!'.
You can get a game cheap and still say it sucks. But if you only paid $5 instead of $60 for it, you're not really going to complain much about it since you don't have as much investment. Mostly everybody here is talking about how Evolve sucks for a $60 game, not a $5 game. In fact, one of the biggest problems with Evolve (at least in my opinion) is how fucking high the cost versus content ratio is, so getting it dirt-cheap fixes that.
But nobody that's complaining has paid anything for the game because they don't own it and haven't played it.

Speaking of Indonesia, remember that Forester price glitch most of a us didn't get in on? Seems like we dodged a bullet.

I also love how the dev is all 'First of all, the performance can't be bad because it's Unity. And RTFM, the story isn't there because I still haven't written it yet it's Coming Soon!'.
I'd be more worried about how obvious it is that people used VPN to activate it. If you own the game and don't live in Indonesia.. you probably VPN'd it. If there was ever a game that Valve could crack down on easily, it'd be this one.

L4D is extremely bland and dull, the source engine is awful and there's a limited amount of maps that you play over and over and over again.
That's why the workshop support (which Evolve doesn't have) is so highly touted for that game. To be fair though, each campaign comes with about 5 maps each, they're just played in a certain order.

But nobody that's complaining has paid anything for the game because they don't own it and haven't played it.
+1 to what Motoki said, but also, the people complaining are not expecting it to glitch ever again, so they expect to have to pay $60 or at the very least $12.50 (by which point the game'll be dead anyway).

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That's why the workshop support is so highly touted for that game. To be fair though, each campaign comes with about 5 maps each, they're just played in a certain order.
I don't want to play little Timmy's after school special map that consists of a giant room with a crate in the middle of the floor.

I'm not one to really complain about DLC (slyly looks at my BL2 DLC), but Evolve's business model has me pretty well put off. Glitch, sale, whatever...the way Evolve is being packaged is just plain wrong.

That's why the workshop support is so highly touted for that game. To be fair though, each campaign comes with about 5 maps each, they're just played in a certain order.

+1 to what Motoki said, but also, the people complaining are not expecting it to glitch ever again, so they expect to have to pay $60 or at the very least $12.50 (by which point the game'll be dead anyway).
That's fine, but I'm only countering what you were saying that the complaints were based on a $60 game vs. someone paying $5. But that's not the case. The complaints are just complaints based on watching gameplay or reading someone's review.

I don't think all the complaints are sour grapes, but a big amount are. Precisely because of the reasons you mentioned - because by the time it hits $5 it'll be a dead MP game and people would have moved on to something else. The same thing happened with Titanfall.

L4D is extremely bland and dull, the source engine is awful and there's a limited amount of maps that you play over and over and over again.
That's why the workshop support (which Evolve doesn't have) is so highly touted for that game. To be fair though, each campaign comes with about 5 maps each, they're just played in a certain order.

But nobody that's complaining has paid anything for the game because they don't own it and haven't played it.
+1 to what Motoki said, but also, the people complaining are not expecting it to glitch ever again, so they expect to have to pay $60 or at the very least $12.50 (by which point the game'll be dead anyway).

I don't have any idea about the community because I have not and will not ever play a game with people I don't know. L4D is extremely bland and dull, the source engine is awful and there's a limited amount of maps that you play over and over and over again. The gameplay is horrifically stupid and shallow which is par for the course with most shooters but this one somehow manages to even make brain dead shooters exciting. I don't understand how one could play for more then a few hours which is all I managed to stomach. Perhaps you'd enjoy Call of Duty 37 as well?
Yeah! Basketball is stupid for the same reason. Dumb court never changes.

But nobody that's complaining has paid anything for the game because they don't own it and haven't played it.
You have the power to change at least two of those. Unlike Mooby, if given the game for free, I will install it and even play it!

I don't want to play little Timmy's after school special map that consists of a giant room with a crate in the middle of the floor.
Some of the community-made maps are surprisingly good. To the point that Cold Stream (a DLC map for L4D2) was originally based on a map created by the community. It's pretty easy to find the good ones (there's a category for Most Subscribed and Highest Rating).

The Evolve pricing model is just very different than what has been done in shooters before.  Most shooters are monetized with maps.  Some like BL2 are with maps, characters, and skins.   The big difference here is that BL2 is mainly a singleplayer/coop experience.  

Evolve's pricing model seems closest to F2P style games like LOL but they are charging $60 for it.  I understand why people are upset, hell I bought the PC Monster Race Edition and I'm a little upset there are a ton of skins I don't own but oh well.   End of the day though, I'm not sure how they could have done it differently besides maps which always divides the player base. 

The biggest thing I think they could have done is hold off on announcing the DLC.  If it was announced after launch or as it comes out then Users would have looked at it as the devs are supporting the game over time and keeping it alive instead of feeling like a DLC cash cow.

bread's done