Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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From the weekly sales - Bundle fodder or acceptable Steam purchase?:
If you don't live and die by the bundle and using fakemunies, I'd say they're all acceptable. You can save a bit if you want to use real money, however.

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I better still get my Gurumin key
My first thought when I heard the announcement.

From the weekly sales - Bundle fodder or acceptable Steam purchase?:

Black Mirror III ($1.99/80%) - Humble could have a third Nordic bundle?

Disciples Sacred Lands of Gold ($1.99/75%) - Better to purchase on GOG?

Sins of a Dark Age ($.99/80%) - I missed out on the free copy

About Love Hate and the Other Ones ($.97/86%)

Safecracker ($1.24/75%) - Missed this in the Humble bundle

Dark Fall Collection ($1.99/75%) - Missed the Humble bundle...again

Edit - forgot to add

Pool Nation Bumper Pack Bundle ($1.94/84%) - Already have the base game so this would just give me the bumper pack at that price.
Black Mirror 3 - Depends on if you want/have the other 2. Nordic will probably run another bundle... eventually, and this and BM2 are probably high on the list.

Disciples - Probably better on GOG, if you want it on Steam just wait for it to maybe be bundled again.

Sins of a Dark Age - If you want it, get it. If it's more about the +1, see if anyone in the cesspit has a spare.

About Love, Hate - This will definitely be bundled by the end of the year. And multiple times after that. Only worth getting if you don't have Tiny & Big and want that comic on Steam (in the Black Pants Collection).

Safecracker - It's Nordic but I don't see this getting bundled again anytime soon. Depends how bad you want it.

Dark Fall Collection - Same as Safecracker.

It's for free key for a vote games, they aren't giving away games if you bought them in a bundle.

Though I'm sure some foreign developer will think that's what they mean soon though.
It depends on how you read it. To me, when you say "votes for keys" that includes bundles because the expectation when you put something in a Greenlight bundle is that people will give you Greenlight votes.



Plz, no more Deadbreed or Racer 8 or Canyon Crapers.

It depends on how you read it. To me, when you say "votes for keys" that includes bundles because the expectation when you put something in a Greenlight bundle is that people will give you Greenlight votes.
well they say not to give away copies of your games for votes. Greenlight bundles games aren't given away they are purchased.
Anybody know if dev get a cut of the gem money? Just would seem kind of shitty for devs to do the work of creating cards and items for their games and then Valve say "sorry, they turned them into gems so you don't get anything." Unless Steam gives them a cut of the gems.
I asked Doomstink (Sat AM RPG) and he said they don't get a breakdown of what revenue comes from games sales versus the marketplace stuff, so they might indeed be getting shafted on Valve pulling gems outta their ass. There's probably language about it buried in the relevant contract; someone call The Smoking Gun.

So, nobody posted about this yet?
I thought I saw someone post about that, but not from that specific source. I still don't get why people get worked up over what is or isn't in the Steam store. The days of it being a boutique are long gone; people can go to the Humble Gala Store for that level of frou-frou. Dears.

They need to make an isometric turn based multiplayer game

I only played L4D a few times and I couldn't get into it. To each their own
Oh, I had a blast w/ both L4D1 + L4D2. I think the appeal for me w/ that was the game played like a SP game (with a story, characters, and 3-4 part episodes) - though, you normally had other players w/ you; and it would take you around 40 mins at least to punch through an episode. Throw on the fact you had multiple difficulties and also the competitive MP portion - yep, that was what kept me coming back. Didn't hurt when free DLC + SDK was released, as well - kept the life-span of the game going.

Titanfall (base-game) just lacked content. As fun as it was, after 3 or 4 hours - I felt like the game was lacking content. Maybe it's all in the Season Pass? Don't know, it ain't cheap enough to suit me to get it. Good thing I won it for free in a contest.

It's NO surprise to me Evolve lacks content, from what y'all are saying. Just look at Turtle Rock's history w/ L4D1+2 - both base-games out-the-gate, 4 hours per one play-through if you play SP/Co-Op Mode. At least w/ those, you also had the competitive MP portion, as well - so, that could certainly also eat up some time. So, you had a fair amount of content here, at least - maybe by 10 hours, some might be bored; some might not.

With all the DLC schemes for Evolve we knew before-hand, probably attempting to out-do Titanfall for likely being the poster-child for "Make great foundation for base-game, but don't give it tons of content b/c that'll likely be in the Season Pass" - no surprise to me that it turned out lacking content.

I also think some of today's modern MP games - i.e. Titanfall - suffer from Lack of Content syndrome + No SDK syndrome. It always great to get more official content from DLC's, but that often just isn't enough to suit old-school gamers like me. I only see this getting worse in the future, as well.

In the old days of Quake 2 + RTCW, you had no problem finding new content - that's b/c modders were making new maps + even new game-modes. And even if a game company pumped a new expansion out, you'd eventually want get that expansion for their new official content; and also it would be a safe bet that some modders would make mods that require you to have the expansion.

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Evolve is solely a multiplayer game.  I'm sure you can play with bots like in L4D but the maps/arenas are so small it's pointless.  They're all essentially large bowls.

I think I'm already at that point.

Never played Titanfall. But I find myself going back to CSGO. Some of you know how much I love CSGO..
First Titanfall, now Evolve.

Smells like the future of AAA competitive MP-based games: base-game lacks content, so they hope you buy the DLC's/Season Passes at hopefully a premium; and very likely there will not be a SDK supported.

I actually liked Olyphant as 47.

I like to think of it as a movie based on a game as opposed to a game made into a movie.
From what I remember based was, "we made the main Agent 47, good enough."

If it had just made no relations at all to the game, I'd probably think it was an okay movie. At least I don't mind watching it but knowing it's connection to the series makes it really hard for me to watch it with cringing. Sort of like it was hard to play Absolution without cringing (same thing, I don't think Absolution was bad, if anything I kind of liked it EXCEPT for being a hitman game, as it's own IP it'd been fine.)

First Titanfall, now Evolve.

Smells like the future of AAA competitive MP-based games: base-game lacks content, so they hope you buy the DLC's/Season Passes at hopefully a premium; and very likely there will not be a SDK supported.
Designing features are hard. Better to save them for sequels.

First Titanfall, now Evolve.

Smells like the future of AAA competitive MP-based games: base-game lacks content, so they hope you buy the DLC's/Season Passes at hopefully a premium; and very likely there will not be a SDK supported.
As I mentioned before, these are games developed for the 'whoa man' crowd. Short matches with repetitive play but come with a Skinner's Box to make people think they're progressing by leveling up +0.01% damage or whatever.

Stripping gameplay/features from games is nothing new and it's been happening with single player games for quite a while now. The more streamlined a game is the more 'accessible' it is to a 'wider audience.'

Edit: But I am proud that a lot of people here acknowledge this -- there is hope for the future!

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I have a chemical imbalance. Caffeine calms me. Stupid ADD. I only consume this much caffeine when I'm sans methylphenidate. But, I actually do like coffee.
Makes more sense then, had a friend who had ADD or ADHD (can't remember exactly right now) that said caffeine had the same effect. Wonder how yerba mate works in that respect, always found it to be the energy of coffee/energy drinks without the jitters, ergo would it work the same?

Evolve is solely a multiplayer game. I'm sure you can play with bots like in L4D but the maps/arenas are so small it's pointless. They're all essentially large bowls.
Large, short bowels. I didn't see much verticality in what I watched. L4D1 hunters could get ridiculously high up, that was nerfed in L4D2, and I guess now flying monsters have less ups than hoodied zombies.

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Is this an invitation? Brb buying you shitty games to play.
My wishlist has a ton of shitty games, go for it.

Large, short bowels. I didn't see much verticality in what I watched. L4D1 hunters could get ridiculously high up, that was nerfed in L4D2, and I guess now flying monsters have less ups than hoodied zombies.
Kinda shitty arenas to fight in.

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Large, short bowels. I didn't see much verticality in what I watched. L4D1 hunters could get ridiculously high up, that was nerfed in L4D2, and I guess now flying monsters have less ups than hoodied zombies.
Indeed. And the fact that the humans/hunters in this one have jetpacks negates most of the terrain variety.

[quote name="Drabelincoln" post="12490134" timestamp="1423702605"]Anyone not named lostunderwear want a Earthworm 1&2 GOG key?[/quote]
Drabe, GOG me with your big Earthworm!
Listed 3 Catmouth Island cards for .25 and they all sold.  Does it have a weed emoticon or something?  What am I missing?

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Just checked.


Not sure I get it TBH.

There's even decent buy orders.  It's weird because the cards were typically worthless when they dropped.

If I crafted I would get #2, guaranteed.

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News on the Indie scene:

War, the Game developer offered ppl free Steam key in exchange for POSITIVE review. Once he got exposed, he rallied his minions and downvoted the negative review to death.
Eh, the part about asking for a positive review is a bit much, but really it's only a request. He can't make anyone write a positive review. It's a pretty common practice, though most don't explicitly say "positive review" but there's very much the implication that they'd want that of course when they ask you for a review.

I've had developers or small publisher reps offer me a key if I'd like one and ask that I write a review in return a few times. I admit I feel a little obliged not to completely trash it, but luckily I haven't gotten anything Air Control / Grass Simulator terrible that route yet so I was able to be honest and not feel terrible about it.

Really this has been going on for years in gaming press. Now indies are just using individuals on Steam to do this sort of thing too because it's hard to get noticed. A new game on Steam really needs reviews or people are probably going to pass it by. I think this guy was really unsubtle, but he's not saying anything that anyone else who does this isn't thinking and hoping for anyway.

I honestly don't see the big deal. Nobody can make you write any sort of review and if you don't feel comfortable with something someone is asking you to do then just say no. There's no need to 'expose' them and make some huge righteous indignation drama out of it. They're just people trying to make a living who aren't PR or Markerters being thrust into that job and improvising. Sometimes in crude ways but they're trying.

And really what he's writing isn't a review anyway so I can see why people would mark it as not useful. It's like when people on Amazon start complaining about the shipping or that it was a Steam key and they're pissed off because they didn't research it and don't like that etc etc. I don't give a crap. Take that to support or a forum or something. It's not a review and it shouldn't be contributing to the rating for the actual product.

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well they say not to give away copies of your games for votes. Greenlight bundles games aren't given away they are purchased.
In many cases, it's practically giving a game away. If you're paying about $0.30 for somebody's game there's a certain expectation of a quid pro quo. To me, it's just a semantics argument.

Eh, the part about asking for a positive review is a bit much, but really it's only a request. He can't make anyone write a positive review. It's a pretty common practice, though most don't explicitly say "positive review" but there's very much the implication that they'd want that of course when they ask you for a review.

I've had developers or small publisher reps offer me a key if I'd like one and ask that I write a review in return a few times. I admit I feel a little obliged not to completely trash it, but luckily I haven't gotten anything Air Control / Grass Simulator terrible that route yet so I was able to be honest and not feel terrible about it.

Really this has been going on for years in gaming press. Now indies are just using individuals on Steam to do this sort of thing too because it's hard to get noticed. A new game on Steam really needs reviews or people are probably going to pass it by. I think this guy was really unsubtle, but he's not saying anything that anyone else who does this isn't thinking and hoping for anyway.

I honestly don't see the big deal. Nobody can make you write any sort of review and if you don't feel comfortable with something someone is asking you to do then just say no. There's no need to 'expose' them and make some huge righteous indignation drama out of it. They're just people trying to make a living who aren't PR or Markerters being thrust into that job and improvising. Sometimes in crude ways but they're trying.
This is part of why, at the end of the day, no one probably gives a rat's ass about votes for keys. First, nobody looks at Greenlight as anything other than a joke today. When Valve was carefully monitoring submissions, gave the appearance of exercising some level of quality control, and only greenlit 10-20 games every 3-6 weeks, it seemed like a legitimate tool for expanding the catalog without just opening the floodgates. From what I can tell, it abandoned any pretense of any of this long ago. Second, nobody really takes Steam reviews all that seriously either. More than half of them are "jokey" (and by that I mean short and stupid, not clever and funny) and negative reviews are rarely uprated or taken seriously.

I half-seriously suggested that Valve did this to let devs know that other devs were doing this and, hey, maybe you want I should set something similar up for you, maybe? I just don't see it being all fired up about people giving keys away or trading them for votes because it just doesn't seem as though anyone at Valve really cares about what gets on Steam or doesn't. I mean, sure, Valve will get in a tizzy and take your game down if you threaten bodily harm to Gabe Newell, but, other than that, what really stops a game from getting on Steam these days?

EDIT: Hm. Let me think about that question. What's not on Steam? I've never seen anything blatantly racist. Seduce Me couldn't get on Steam for its apparently-rather-tame sexual antics (far less graphic from what I understand than most of the manga games that are getting on Steam at the rate of about 10 per week) and seemingly less graphic and less offensive than Geralt's card collection in The Witcher 1. So I guess the answer is racism and sex (of a sort) will disqualify you from Steam. Anything else?

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Hey guys thought I would let you know about Aerena. I got a key and all I did was send them a link to my profile page and a screengrab of my game page showing I have the Founder's Package DLC (I got the game from Groupees BM11). So if you want to give it a shot just email them at [email protected]

bread's done