Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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After seeing this:


Here's my feeling on Evolve:

Crazy that theres much DLC when it just released not even COD is that bad early on

Are you forgetting the first Hitman movie?
I quite enjoyed that. I'm not sure what it has to do with the games, but it was fine as a stand-alone movie.

Lost Planet.............
Considering the fuss that was made over it when it was first mentioned here, I'm surprised that no one is jumping up and down now that it's ~$3.20.
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[quote name="elessar123" post="12490824" timestamp="1423716255"]Hint: I didn't buy any of them. I'm just missing one.[/quote]
Hint: No, no hint.
How is that possible?
Having played the Dying Light tutorial and the Monster tutorial on Evolve tonight I predictably like DL alot more.

Evolve felt a lot like an MMO.  In fact, it reminds me a lot of Firefall which I played last year and enjoyed.  Being the monster was fun, but the whole thing just feels a little shallow at this point.  Don't see this supplanting L4D anytime soon.  I'll play the hunter tutorial and see how that feels.  

Having played the Dying Light tutorial and the Monster tutorial on Evolve tonight I predictably like DL alot more.

Evolve felt a lot like an MMO. In fact, it reminds me a lot of Firefall which I played last year and enjoyed. Being the monster was fun, but the whole thing just feels a little shallow at this point. Don't see this supplanting L4D anytime soon. I'll play the hunter tutorial and see how that feels.
having played DL for the past couple weeks it is pretty good. General open world with fetch quests type of fare, which puts it below some others just cause there isnt much variety compared to something like farcry. However the co-op is great, being able to do the entire story with friends is good fun. Also going out on night quests with a group is so much more engaging than solo. IMHO thats its big strong point is the co-op. I dont know if I would really like it as much solo, so for that fc4 is still my tops for this type, but it aint bad

played the evolve beta for 30min, had enough after that, I just didnt really find it fun

My first thought when I heard the announcement.

Black Mirror 3 - Depends on if you want/have the other 2. Nordic will probably run another bundle... eventually, and this and BM2 are probably high on the list.

Disciples - Probably better on GOG, if you want it on Steam just wait for it to maybe be bundled again.

Sins of a Dark Age - If you want it, get it. If it's more about the +1, see if anyone in the cesspit has a spare.

About Love, Hate - This will definitely be bundled by the end of the year. And multiple times after that. Only worth getting if you don't have Tiny & Big and want that comic on Steam (in the Black Pants Collection).

Safecracker - It's Nordic but I don't see this getting bundled again anytime soon. Depends how bad you want it.

Dark Fall Collection - Same as Safecracker.
kek... I bought whatever bundle safecracker was in because it haunted me for quite some time the the Fry's (retail) mac games section.

Having played the Dying Light tutorial and the Monster tutorial on Evolve tonight I predictably like DL alot more.

Evolve felt a lot like an MMO. In fact, it reminds me a lot of Firefall which I played last year and enjoyed. Being the monster was fun, but the whole thing just feels a little shallow at this point. Don't see this supplanting L4D anytime soon. I'll play the hunter tutorial and see how that feels.
wow, evolve must really suck for you to like dying light more considering how much you always talk about how much you hate zombies

I just hope they tell the feminists to fuck off or they will demand half of the Steam catalog be banned.

I also don't think racism should not be judged by Steam. It's just too subjective. Most people who cry racism are pathetic babies who are too sensitive anyway. True racism is a damn rarity these days.
fuck me, you hit about every square on the bingo card with that one, didn't you?

I just hope they tell the feminists to fuck off or they will demand half of the Steam catalog be banned.

I also don't think racism should not be judged by Steam. It's just too subjective. Most people who cry racism are pathetic babies who are too sensitive anyway. True racism is a damn rarity these days.
True racism is up there with legiitmate rape and unicorns to me.

In other news, I am now fully invested in gems. The price has been steadily rising over the last few weeks and I see it as a better investment than cash.

My logic: gems were plentiful when everybody first cashed their emoticons/backgrounds in. They're not being replenished at anywhere near the same rate. If there's another auction, the time to cash out would be shortly after it starts.

I may be broke by March.
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I just hope they tell the feminists to fuck off or they will demand half of the Steam catalog be banned.

I also don't think racism should not be judged by Steam. It's just too subjective. Most people who cry racism are pathetic babies who are too sensitive anyway. True racism is a damn rarity these days.
You sound disappointed.

Murdered: Soul Suspect and the Legacy of Kain Collection are £1.99 each at the Squeenix Store if you can find a friendly European to help you out.

Murdered: Soul Suspect and the Legacy of Kain Collection are £1.99 each at the Squeenix Store if you can find a friendly European to help you out.

In Flowette-land a little bit more expensive than Eurozone.

Best deals Murdered Souls and Legacy of Kain Collection at 2.49€ as flowette posted.

there goes my laugh for today ("cancer can't exist cause I've never experienced it first hand" am I doing this right?/s)
No, the test is whether you resisted the cancer and told it no when it tried to penetrate your body. Because the body has a way of killing cancer if you resist it and it is truly unwanted.

No, the test is whether you resisted the cancer and told it no when it tried to penetrate your body. Because the body has a way of killing cancer if you resist it and it is truly unwanted.
sure buddy, I get the metaphor. but I experience racism on an almost daily basis living in east Tennessee. I don't cry about it, its just apart of my normal existence. I just accept some people (all colors) are ignorant and keep it moving. but it exists and I would argue that 'casual racism' is worst now than it ever was. Chappelle Show, Boondocks and Most Rappers didn't make it any easier to be black, especially if you live in an area where you are a very small minority. sorry for the wall of text.
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bread's done