Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

GGs JFD posse and Blue.

I tried doing 2-on-1 handicap matches 3 times as R.O.B., Snake, and MK and failed. Time to go sing in shame. :whistle2:(
I have barely played this game sine I bought it in March, and haven't tried online. I'd like to, though, so if anyone is willing to add me, I'll get and post my friend code.
I'll take on anyone and everyone , including JFD , fallmoon , hero , Matt Young , whoever
except Goo cause he sucks:nottalking:

The problem is I just need to be around when everyone else is actually playing.
Well, we beat goo a few times if that says anything. Although the ones we won were 2 vs 1.
I think they're coming over tomorrow if anyone is up for some matches. ;D
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Lucky I'm on right now! Would you like to battle, Johnny?

EDIT: GAH, nevermind. I have to help with my dad's lunch, but I'll be one soon nonetheless.
I'm out. I'm chating with gf. There should be a free slot in there.
GG fallmoon, Strell and Goo. I think I'm much better on 1 on 1. I managed to get some KOs on Fallmoon. Goodie.
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[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Can't tonight, Fallmoon. Can you (and anyone else) play tomorrow?
At around 1 central time.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about that early (11 A.M. for me) but I can play sometime tomorrow. I will at least sign on and get my friend code for the game so that anyone who wants to add me, can.

But everyone keep in mind that I bought the Wii and the game in mid-March, and haven't had a whole lot of time to play. That, and I'm new to Smash period. I will get owned.
GGs FallMoon, Strell, and Hero.

Did okay in FFAs but got a spanking from FallMoon in 1-on-1s. I was hoping to win at least ONE and then leave home happy but nooooo...I had to be her personal bitch all night long. :whistle2:( Nevertheless, I think I'm beginning to understand FallMoon's Zamus tendencies a lot more.

1. Don't rush or else you'll get forward B'd.
2. Space yourself far enough so that you won't be whipped or lasered.
3. Edgeguard aggressively to pray that she doesn't tether. :lol:
4. When she edgestalls with her whip, don't approach b/c there's no point; you won't kill her. :wall:
5. Don't dsmash repeatedly or else you'll get kicked in the face.
Yes, good games Strell, Evergoo, and Hero! I'm sorry about that last match, Evergoo. You know, the one where I was disconnected. Windows Vista is terrible.

Evergoo is almost as good as friends with the down-smash as I am, maybe a little better! And Strell, how do you stay alive at the beginning so well? I don't know how you do that.

Well, I'm willing to sign back on if you want to get that one win, Evergoo. But you better pour yourself a cup'o'coffee, because you'll be up all morning. What say you?
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[quote name='FallMoon']Yes, good games Strell, Evergoo, and Hero! I'm sorry about that last match, Evergoo. You know, the one where I was disconnected. Windows Vista is terrible.

Evergoo is almost as good as friends with the down-smash as I am, maybe a little better! And Strell, how do you stay alive at the beginning so well? I don't know how you do that.

Well, I'm willing to sign back on if you want to get that one win, Evergoo. What say you?[/QUOTE]

Lol. I think we spent too much time worrying about each other that Strell had the opportunity to choose who to hit. Great job cherry-pickin'. :applause: I got hit hard a number of times while I was concentrating on FallMoon.

I'll hop online again in 15 minutes? Is that cool with you?
[quote name='evergoo']Lol. I think we spent too much time worrying about each other that Strell had the opportunity to choose who to hit. Great job cherry-pickin'. :applause: I got hit hard a number of times while I was concentrating on FallMoon.

I'll hop online again in 15 minutes? Is that cool with you?[/QUOTE]

That's fine, I guess I'll sign on right now and leave the Wii running. Now, I'm going to pig out and have some Oreos while you take your time.

Also, as much as I dread giving you this information, just try grabbing me with Metaknight. I'm terrible at avoiding it. My weakness has been exposed.
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Won TWO games. Yes, TWO!

Thanks for staying up FallMoon. If you couldn't tell, I was goofing around at times to see if I could find a counter towards your Zamus. My Pit and Mario strategies failed miserably. :lol:

Anyways, time for me eat dinner. Yes, DINNER.
You won two? I remember one, but I could easily be wrong. Could you describe the second one to recharge my memory?

And you're welcome! I was surprised to see you using Pit and Mario. I'm used to seeing Metaknight, Snake, and ROB, so that was a shocker. I'm worn out, but I'd like to battle some more CAGs tomorrow.
[quote name='FallMoon']You won two? I remember one, but I could easily be wrong. Could you describe the second one to recharge my memory?[/QUOTE]

The first one came when I just hopped online again and won as Diddy. Should of left at that time. ;) The second came as Mr. G&W. I caught you with the bucket ftw.
[quote name='evergoo']The first one came when I just hopped online again and won as Diddy. Should of left at that time. ;) The second came as Mr. G&W. I caught you with the bucket ftw.[/QUOTE]

AHEM! You took off my second life with the bucket, still had one left! I won every battle against G&W, although you came extremely close to beating me in some.
Can I request to battle fallmoon 1-on-1? I'm available today from 10pm-11pm EST. Girl chatting will resume from 11pm -12am then I might be available for 30 minutes.
[quote name='FallMoon']AHEM! You took off my second life with the bucket, still had one left! I won every battle against G&W, although you came extremely close to beating me in some.[/QUOTE]

I guess all my losses clouded my memory. :lol: Who's that guy in your avatar btw? Looks like a Final Fantasy character.
[quote name='evergoo']I guess all my losses clouded my memory. :lol: Who's that guy in your avatar btw? Looks like a Final Fantasy character.[/QUOTE]
That could be Samus' mom or something. I think that is a girl with a tomboy haircut.
[quote name='evergoo']I guess all my losses clouded my memory. :lol: Who's that guy in your avatar btw? Looks like a Final Fantasy character.[/QUOTE]

It's from the Metroid: Other M trailer shown during E3.
Argh! :bomb:

Super Smash Bros. came out today in Europe for the Virtual Console. If I had that game, I would pwn everyone in it...assuming there was online. ;) Yep, I'm that cocky. I used to do 3-on-1s against my friends who owned the game. Kirby and Pikachu ftw!
Kirby was a monster in SSB. He still is these days, but back then he could win by just showing up.

Fallmoon: Confused by "stay alive so well in beginning." As in, the VERY start of the match, or just a general doing better at that time versus later in the match.

Lag was terrible for me last night. Matches were fun for the most part, but I'm really annoyed with my crap connection.
[quote name='pacemakerguy']anyone wanna play online?[/QUOTE]
pacemakerguy did not state when he wants to play online. We can't read his mind.

Second mistake, his Brawl FC isn't stated anywhere. So we can't play him online even if we tried. He should put in his Sig.

Also, I'm on brawl online right now. I am early; I'm getting a little bit of practice before I fight fallmoon.
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man, I haven´t played brawl online in a long time
I thought people stopped playing considering I would always wait in a practice lobby for long periods of time and not play a single match
I´m online right now if anyone wants to play
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[quote name='Strell']Kirby was a monster in SSB. He still is these days, but back then he could win by just showing up.[/QUOTE]

This 100%. I was awesome as kirby in the original game. I was really pissed off at how much they nerfed him in Melee. Although he is pretty good in Brawl , I still feel he's not quite as good as he was in the original , but still one of the better characters.

Since I mentioned the other day about playing with some of the other people here , I'd be available to play all day Wednesday and Friday , and Thursday evening , if anyone would be interested in kicking my ass.

Friend code in advance : 3394-6238-2200
GGs fallmoon & everyone. I couldn't beat you one on one. darnit....:roll: AT least, I could two stock you on a good round.

There was some amazing grab parrying in smashville near the floating platform on the right side of the screen.
Good games Hero! I didn't think a grabbing contest could be so action-packed.

Anyway, depending on how late you'll be up, I'll battle you a bit later if you'd like, or tomorrow. Evergoo got his chance at me yesterday, and won by accidentally sending my ZSS to her doom. :'(

I'm sick of Wi-fi disconnecting. First yesterday, and now today. At least it didn't happen during the matches where I battled all three of you (Daisy, Strell, Hero). And Strell, who do you have the best connection with? Maybe next time that person can create the room.
[quote name='hero101']Ummm, we're having a BBQ at Marc's house. :cool:[/QUOTE]
Not a big fan of red meat. Besides, you bastards would cost too much to feed!

[quote name='Strell']You know he's just trying to get you drunk enough to sit through a marathon Singstar performance.[/QUOTE]
I didn't bring my PS3 back to San Diego but I was seriously contemplating on doing a video before leaving. I guess you all will get to see another day. ;)
bread's done