The Andy Griffith is Gridlock OTT

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[quote name='lilboo']They ALSO don't have any Krispy Kremes around here :bomb:
Anyone know of a KK near i-95 going south? :)[/QUOTE]

Oh.... Goto a Cracker Barrel if you havent already. That place is AWESOME!

It's not a fast-food place, but the food is amazing and cheap too :D
[quote name='LinkinPrime']BK and McDonalds do...they warn you that it may come in contact with meat or grease from meat though.[/quote]
Hmm, I did not know that.
[quote name='sasukekun']Oh.... Goto a Cracker Barrel if you havent already. That place is AWESOME!

It's not a fast-food place, but the food is amazing and cheap too :D[/QUOTE]

There's one 20 minutes from me. Maybe not even 20 minutes. It's a great place indeed ^_^
[quote name='tiredfornow']Whats so disgusting about people fallin' in love?

Now if the two people fallin' in love were you and one of the girls in your sig... then it might be called disgusting. :puke:[/QUOTE]

Seriously dude, it's getting old. Every time I post in Lifestyle/Off-Topic forum you make some snide remark about me, about women I've been with, or both. Never mind the fact that you likely could not get any women half as attractive as either of those girls (and that's not to say I'm in a relationship with either, just to clarify, because I'm not) but that seems to be your M.O. What did I ever do to your sorry ass? fuck off.
[quote name='dallow']Morning star?[/QUOTE]

Morning Star is a company that produces a variety of meat substitute products, like faux chicken, burgers, etc. My friend's mom used to buy them all the time.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']I don't think McDonalds offers a veggie burger.
Burger King does. It's just a morning star veggie patty, so it's nothing special.[/quote]

They did, I almost ordered one once just to try it out...seems they took it off though:
Frequently Asked Questions about McDonald's USA Food & Nutrition
Q: Why doesn't McDonald's offer a veggie burger on its national menu?

A: After testing several types of veggie burgers in different parts of the country, we've chosen not to offer one on our national menu at this time. We'll continue to look at these options and make decisions based on good business sense from a customer interest and sales perspective. Ultimately, however, it's our customers who choose what's on our menu. We'll continue to offer those menu items that are most popular with a majority of our customers.
[quote name='Matt Young']Seriously dude, it's getting old. Every time I post in Lifestyle/Off-Topic forum you make some snide remark about me, about women I've been with, or both. Never mind the fact that you likely could not get any women half as attractive as either of those girls (and that's not to say I'm in a relationship with either, just to clarify, because I'm not) but that seems to be your M.O. What did I ever do to your sorry ass? fuck off.[/quote]
uh-oh. :cool:
My new phone:


Bish don't even have a screen up inz.

ALL MY CONTACTS.....................!!!!!
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']I don't think McDonalds offers a veggie burger.
Burger King does. It's just a morning star veggie patty, so it's nothing special.[/QUOTE]

Really? Didn't taste like it. Thankfully close to me there's a Pita Jungle by ASU and also a vegan restaurant called Green.

I need to learn how to cook more veggie meals. I'm very limited in my selections.
[quote name='dallow']My new phone:


Bish don't even have a screen up inz.

ALL MY CONTACTS.....................!!!!![/quote]

You got a disposable phone...dallow are you a terrorist?
[quote name='Matt Young']Never mind the fact that you likely could not get any women half as attractive as either of those girls (and that's not to say I'm in a relationship with either, just to clarify, because I'm not)[/QUOTE]

Just a warning, but you might not want to push him on that point. We've seen pics. :shock:
Yep, Teef's girl is 400 lbs of gorgeous.

Anyway Teef is crappy to everyone which is why :tfn: = sucks. However lay off Matt now that you know he's not down with it Teef.

I've only bugged ya twice, once was cause you shit all over me for thinking Megan Fox is disgusting, the other was earlier over you thinking two people getting married was disgusting.

Get over yourself, son! I'm not Matt Youngin it!

Oh, and my girlfriend looks like a human... not a korean raccoon or a latina chola.

[quote name='wubb']Yep, Teef's girl is 400 lbs of gorgeous.

I don't get why everyone goes for the ''you're just jealous you're ugly and can't get girls that attractive'' thing every time I make a remark against some girl people are drooling over. Beauty is on the inside, man! You see 400 pounds, I see Kristen Bell.
[quote name='tiredfornow']I don't get why everyone goes for the ''you're just jealous you're ugly and can't get girls that attractive'' thing every time I make a remark against some girl people are drooling over. Beauty is on the inside, man! You see 400 pounds, I see Kristen Bell.[/QUOTE]

Okay, but is Kristen Bell attractive or disgusting to you?

Damn, I gotta do shit after work tonight.

Go set my $4 God of War 2 from Sears

Try for a $5 points card or 2

Grocery Shop

Liquor Store

And make it back in time for Lost
[quote name='Mojimbo']Goddamn, Hurley is disgusting. Can't wait till they kill his fat ass off.[/quote]

But he's Fun-time hurley! or as Sawyer calls him:

Stay puft
Deep Dish
Grape Ape
international House of pancakes
Chicken Little
three men and a baby
Dr. Eggman
Well, I finally took the plunge.

I never thought I would buy a machine that used to cost $400 with a crappy library and low marketshare

Sega Saturn olol

Someone was trying to trade it in at a Gamestop and I gave him $10 for it
[quote name='wubb']Yep, Teef's girl is 400 lbs of gorgeous.

Anyway Teef is crappy to everyone which is why :tfn: = sucks. However lay off Matt now that you know he's not down with it Teef.[/quote]

i thought :tfn: meant true fuckin' $$$$uh...

definitely not sucks. he just sucks [to you] because you don't like thinks that are good -- think of your opinion on halo 3 vs CoD4... we should just call you DC Jr.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']i thought :tfn: meant true fuckin' $$$$uh...

definitely not sucks. he just sucks because you don't like thinks that are good -- think of your opinion on halo 3 vs CoD4... we should just call you DC Jr.[/QUOTE]

No :tfn: means sucks or hate. Check the FAQ.
[quote name='manthing']And they both own Wiis....


dcfox is a wubb dupe account!!!

It all makes sense now![/QUOTE]

Nah, it's just that we're both SO cas.
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