The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='the8055']So I got extremely lucky. I found out my bro went to Worlds of Fun and since there were no ds lites were I live I asked if he could search around Kansas city Blockbusters to find one and luckily found a store with 7 so he got 2. I am one happy camper.[/QUOTE]

Man, I haven't been to Worlds of Fun in forever. Next time I go home, I'm going.
[quote name='scoary']went to 2 BBV last night. First one picked up some cheap HDMI cables and batteries. went to the second store. found some USBs I picked up. Noticed behind the camera they had a few DSs and some 4" generic ipod touches. Asked the cashier about those and she said "they are sold". I asked if you could buy stuff online and do store pick up. "no". so I ask her if some customer bought them and decided to leave them here and pick them up later. "yes". ok, whatever, shady. ask her to plug in the inventory numbers and low and behold, the only inventory left is what is sitting behind the counter. ask her how that can be. "well, that stuff is for employees but we can't buy stuff while we are on shift". so i remind her that no one actually bought it, it is not sold, just being kept by employees for their own. she says "yes". it's shit like this that i do hope the BBV closes. let the shady employees get a good deal before the store closes. at least hide the shit in a cabinet or something. i know, an evil rant, but pissed when employees do this, see it enough at target.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't have left without purchasing them. The employees are not allowed to do that, although some of them try to be shady and do it anyway.

When I went on Monday, my girlfriend and I were talking to one of the employees about an awesome Nightmare Before Christmas mug that was down to $1.75. It was the last one left, and he said that he was hoping it would last until the end of the evening so he could get it, but completely encouraged us to buy it when we wanted to because that's what he's supposed to do. (that and his wife would probably have complained if he came home with another mug to shove in the cabinet, haha)

A+ for my store... F- for yours, I guess, haha.

Seriously, I wouldn't have left without a DS. Even worse, the sale started on Monday, so why would someone be saving them a day or two later? My guess is they know the price will drop and is trying to hide them until the new clearance prices on this coming Monday. Even more shady.

This is getting long, but speaking of the price drops... the employee there told me I had up to 30 days to return everything as long as it was unopened, even though it's clearance. Would there be any way to get a price adjustment on things as the price drops next week? Or could I just do a return + rebuy and get it for 90% off?

As always, thanks a lot hawaiiboy for all your help in this thread.
[quote name='kk012']Thanks for the link. I wish that was available at my BBV.

I enjoyed Monsters Inc. A framed art for ~$4 or ~$8 is a bargain. I don't think you'd have problems selling or gifting it. It is a Disney Pixar film.[/QUOTE]

Im not a seller. I got the finding namo for a gift since they like fish and nemo.

They also have beauty and the beast?I didnt know they had that stuff.
[quote name='scoary']went to 2 BBV last night. First one picked up some cheap HDMI cables and batteries. went to the second store. found some USBs I picked up. Noticed behind the camera they had a few DSs and some 4" generic ipod touches. Asked the cashier about those and she said "they are sold". I asked if you could buy stuff online and do store pick up. "no". so I ask her if some customer bought them and decided to leave them here and pick them up later. "yes". ok, whatever, shady. ask her to plug in the inventory numbers and low and behold, the only inventory left is what is sitting behind the counter. ask her how that can be. "well, that stuff is for employees but we can't buy stuff while we are on shift". so i remind her that no one actually bought it, it is not sold, just being kept by employees for their own. she says "yes". it's shit like this that i do hope the BBV closes. let the shady employees get a good deal before the store closes. at least hide the shit in a cabinet or something. i know, an evil rant, but pissed when employees do this, see it enough at target.[/QUOTE]

U have a right to be pissed, but u would have to admit that u will probably do the same thing if u were working at BBV. They are downsizing and many lost their jobs. Shoot, at one BBV a employee admitted that they purchase a 360 and a DS.
Why would u hope for any businesses to close? They provide jobs/employment to people. If u saw 4 DS sitting, then as a "customer" u have the right to purchase it. Its not sold yet. If the employees wanted it, then they shouldn't let it sit out in plain view and should have got it on Sunday. This kind of happen to me (read my post). I called 2 days before, and decided to go buy other stuff and got really lucky seeing two display boxes. I was hoping for blue, but the red ds is nice too. U should go back and try to at least purchase one if u want it bad enough or go to any other store. It's $100 at other stores or $90 at toys r us.

Do u know the policy to return clearance stuff? Someone earlier on the forum asked about a return/ rebuy. If it is possible, wouldnt that mean this sunday game hardware drop to 75% off?

Does the general merchandise start this Sunday and will it scan automatic 90%? I dont want to go there this sunday looking dumb when they scan the items.

[quote name='hawaiiboy']They were probably the toshibas which aren't on sale. That $37.49 is a really weird price as the original price was $199.99 so it's some odd % off.[/QUOTE]
I still woulda bought one rather than using any of my PS3's(even the $60 used 60gb) to play the Blu-Rays I bought during the $.99 and 5/$20 sales.;)
[quote name='scoary']went to 2 BBV last night. First one picked up some cheap HDMI cables and batteries. went to the second store. found some USBs I picked up. Noticed behind the camera they had a few DSs and some 4" generic ipod touches. Asked the cashier about those and she said "they are sold". I asked if you could buy stuff online and do store pick up. "no". so I ask her if some customer bought them and decided to leave them here and pick them up later. "yes". ok, whatever, shady. ask her to plug in the inventory numbers and low and behold, the only inventory left is what is sitting behind the counter. ask her how that can be. "well, that stuff is for employees but we can't buy stuff while we are on shift". so i remind her that no one actually bought it, it is not sold, just being kept by employees for their own. she says "yes". it's shit like this that i do hope the BBV closes. let the shady employees get a good deal before the store closes. at least hide the shit in a cabinet or something. i know, an evil rant, but pissed when employees do this, see it enough at target.[/QUOTE]

Don't ever accept that kind of crap again. You have the right to purchase those items. They don't have the right to tuck away merchandise to purchase later. It is against store policy for them to do that. Next time call them out or threaten to talk to the manager.
To those who make the excuse that these workers are underpaid and underappreciated and should be allowed to hide items, I say these people should thank God they have a job in our current economy. I also would bear in mind that there is a REASON that these items are clearanced. Not only does it eliminate unwanted stock, but it also draws customers into the store which helps to strengthen BBV as a business. Employees who hoard merchandise are ultimately harming their employer and leading them to a quicker demise.
Do u know the policy to return clearance stuff? Someone earlier on the forum asked about a return/ rebuy. If it is possible, wouldnt that mean this sunday game hardware drop to 75% off?

Does the general merchandise start this Sunday and will it scan automatic 90%? I dont want to go there this sunday looking dumb when they scan the items.

Last round of clearance price drops happen on Monday and yes it is automatic.

No store is gonna let you do a return/rebuy. Yes if there is something wrong with an item you have 30 days to exchange it.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']Last round of clearance price drops happen on Monday and yes it is automatic.

Hawaiiboy, last time around people were finding clearance prices for Mon on Sunday. Any idea why that might be or is it clearly spelled out that Mon is the day when you get corp updates?
so for the over the ear headphones, is the koss ur40 better than the sony ones at blockbuster? and does any 1 know what the model number and price is for the sony headphones?

There were no clearance prices that dropped on Sunday last time. If ur talking about the ds lites they were in the system for $50 probably from the previous week it's just that nobody knew about it.
Just an FYI for anyone salivating over that Samsung BD player--the reviews are....not good. Apparently, it has a high incidence of bricking itself. This started back in late 2009 with a firmware update that killed the units. It still seems to be an issue to this day. So expect iffy performance and possibly sending it in for repairs.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']There were no clearance prices that dropped on Sunday last time. If ur talking about the ds lites they were in the system for $50 probably from the previous week it's just that nobody knew about it.[/QUOTE]

:cry: Awwww man. I was wondering why one of the stores I knew had DS Lites just weeks ago suddenly sold out so fast. Weaksauce.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']There were no clearance prices that dropped on Sunday last time. If ur talking about the ds lites they were in the system for $50 probably from the previous week it's just that nobody knew about it.[/QUOTE]

Nah, I just remember a post earlier on sunday that some guy said he got the dslites for the $50 AND the dsi marked at 50% which was supposed to be in effect the next day(Mon). His store had all the new markdowns on Sunday a day earlier.
Man oh man, went in sunday to bbv asked gf if i should buy NDSL, she said na.(they had 3). Came back next day, told me someone came in and purchased all 3 in the morning(blue black and red)..booo!!
I'm hoping and praying that because the BBV near me is kindof in the middle of nowhere that they'll have more DS lites on Monday. I bought 4 this past Monday and apparently they still had more (I was tempted to get more... but limited myself). If there are any left on Monday at $25, I will be oh so happy.
Originally Posted by hawaiiboy
The 5 for $20 blu ray sale has been extended 1 week til 6/13.

The clearance schedule has been moved up 1 week.

General merchandise 90% off 6/13-6/19
Game guides remain at 50%.
Game accessories 75% 6/13-6/19.
Game hardware and software 75% 6/13-6/19

Does general merchandise cover everything besides games?
[quote name='nas6034']Man oh man, went in sunday to bbv asked gf if i should buy NDSL, she said na.(they had 3). Came back next day, told me someone came in and purchased all 3 in the morning(blue black and red)..booo!![/QUOTE]
Well there's your problem right there, ya listened to your gf.:razz::booty:
[quote name='scoary']went to 2 BBV last night. First one picked up some cheap HDMI cables and batteries. went to the second store. found some USBs I picked up. Noticed behind the camera they had a few DSs and some 4" generic ipod touches. Asked the cashier about those and she said "they are sold". I asked if you could buy stuff online and do store pick up. "no". so I ask her if some customer bought them and decided to leave them here and pick them up later. "yes". ok, whatever, shady. ask her to plug in the inventory numbers and low and behold, the only inventory left is what is sitting behind the counter. ask her how that can be. "well, that stuff is for employees but we can't buy stuff while we are on shift". so i remind her that no one actually bought it, it is not sold, just being kept by employees for their own. she says "yes"...[/QUOTE]

I went by a BBV on Monday and one the employees had a stack of stuff in plain view behind the counter. I asked him about it and he said he was buying for his family. The thing that gets me is having it in plain view is just begging for someone to ask about it, so is there no in a drawer or something... It would make more sense if they at least hid it so customers would stay unaware of their hoarding. Of course, I would do the same if I worked there but I would not be so obvious about it.
[quote name='hellbringer333']where are you guys finding the ds lites? are they behind the counter or on a table?[/QUOTE]

I posted earlier that I went to 5 BBVs. Only 1 BBV was still selling game consoles. I just asked the employee if their store sold game consoles. This store kept the consoles in the back room. There was only an empty 160gb PS3 box at the front counter.
[quote name='dabamus']Does anyone know the current 360 and PS3 prices of Bad Company 2 at BBV? Are they still $15?[/QUOTE]

I saw the PS3 version for $20, they where sold out of the 360 version I assume it's still $15.
I hate to be the clueless guy but, I have read several pages back and I still am confused on how to partake in these deals. Is it clearance? YMMV?

Thanks to who ever responds.
[quote name='Dark Rider']I hate to be the clueless guy but, I have read several pages back and I still am confused on how to partake in these deals. Is it clearance? YMMV?

Thanks to who ever responds.[/QUOTE]

maybe im using the term wrong but isnt it closer to liquidation?

Anyways stores are selling content at a generally universal price, but all content is YMMV. Some stores have systems; stores I asked said they've not seen one in over 3 years or they dont sell them. People get network cards cheap; I ask and they've never heard of the item. People see tivo's for 25 and I see it too lol. Its all luck and all prices should be in the network, but it only works on content they dont want in stores anymore so movies for the most part shouldnt drop.
Does anyone know how accurate is this Google Shopping info for titles at Blockbuster. Found a couple of games that I'd like to get but they are far off. Does blockbuster do a free ship to store or something like that? I wouldn't bet on it seeing as they are going out of business.
Just picked a pair up today at $7.50 myself. These headphones sound awesome.

[quote name='DCpinoy']Thanks for all the info guys. Picked up the Koss UR40 headphones. So far so good, especially for 7.50.[/QUOTE]
I think the cord is about 4 feet long, IIRC. Haha, I'm actually listening to them right now.

BTW, I've still seen 99 cent dvds at a couple locations. I was able to pick up Season 1 of Californication.
In the kansas city area and haven't managed to make it to a BB all week. Do I stand a chance of finding anything worthwhile from the sale at this point? Didn't see much during the b1g1, but I very well may have overlooked.
It's not on sale. I had the lady scan it, and it is still at full price.

[quote name='leung19']Does anyone know Toshiba blu-ray player is 75% off? it is listed at $149. the guy at BBV is too lazy to scan it for me.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='handsomepete']In the kansas city area and haven't managed to make it to a BB all week. Do I stand a chance of finding anything worthwhile from the sale at this point? Didn't see much during the b1g1, but I very well may have overlooked.[/QUOTE]
It's certainly possible. Shockingly, slickdeals hasn't gotten wind of this sale yet. I've been monitoring both sites all week. So make sure you guys never post anything blockbuster-related to slickdeals and we can continue to enjoy these sales!
[quote name='PublikDefender']It's certainly possible. Shockingly, slickdeals hasn't gotten wind of this sale yet. I've been monitoring both sites all week. So make sure you guys never post anything blockbuster-related to slickdeals and we can continue to enjoy these sales![/QUOTE]

[quote name='PublikDefender']It's certainly possible. Shockingly, slickdeals hasn't gotten wind of this sale yet. I've been monitoring both sites all week. So make sure you guys never post anything blockbuster-related to slickdeals and we can continue to enjoy these sales![/QUOTE]

That's one reason why I'm kind of letting this "general merchandise" sale go under the radar (ie, no update of the thread title). It isn't really gaming related anyway, so it doesn't really apply to the Video Game Deals forum. But we'll just consider this a little treat for the regulars here ;).
Does anyone know if the wii controllers are part of the sale or are they excluded like the ps3 stuff ? I thought someone mentioned getting a nunchuck 50% off in an earlier post but now I can't find it. Thanks.
[quote name='handsomepete']In the kansas city area and haven't managed to make it to a BB all week. Do I stand a chance of finding anything worthwhile from the sale at this point? Didn't see much during the b1g1, but I very well may have overlooked.[/QUOTE]

Depends what you want really... something like a Tivo well I've seen 4 that have lasted for months lol
[quote name='locater918']Does anyone know if the wii controllers are part of the sale or are they excluded like the ps3 stuff ? I thought someone mentioned getting a nunchuck 50% off in an earlier post but now I can't find it. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

They are but i believe they are at 50% still
So after reading 4 pages, I'm a bit confused about current prices. Are they YMMV or the same at all stores? Seems some conflicting reports. I saw all this stuff 50% off during the B1G1 sales and I saw a DSI and 2 DS Lites at one store 2 weeks ago, but they were marked with 15% off tags, which I thought may have been YMMV (didn't see any other DS systems at the other 2 Blockbusters left in business around here).

If they still have the DS Lites, they are $50 now and dropping to $25 on Sunday or are they already $25? This store had a ton of Nightmare Before Christmas stuff left and a bunch of framed art, so it might be worth the 30 minute drive for me to check it out again, especially since those DS systems are probably still tagged at 15% off.
[quote name='admiralvic']Depends what you want really... something like a Tivo well I've seen 4 that have lasted for months lol[/QUOTE]

You guys are so lucky. Tivo is the only electronic item that my wife would never say no to buying more of.
[quote name='mrwogs2']Just picked a pair up today at $7.50 myself. These headphones sound awesome.[/QUOTE]

I was able to find a pair last night and used them today. Really surprised that they sound as well as they do. Getting them for 7.50 is a steal. Like others said the cord is about avg length and it has a right-angle plug. As I carry my iPhone in my front pocket, the cord is long enough so that it doesn't get pulled on when i'm wearing them.

First store I went to sold out about an hour before I arrived but they did have the Koss light-weight headphones for a buck each. Picked up two as I tend to break headphones too often. Also found a Beatles bottle opener for 1.25 and the only three LBP figures (standard, benihana and yo-ho versions).

The store that had the ur40 had them on the tv display tower and marked at regular price
[quote name='boneless']You guys are so lucky. Tivo is the only electronic item that my wife would never say no to buying more of.[/QUOTE]

The Tivos carried at my store were the old models. They don't record HD. Plus a $13 a month fee for the Tivo service is a killer when I can get one from Comcast for like half that price.
[quote name='handsomepete']In the kansas city area and haven't managed to make it to a BB all week. Do I stand a chance of finding anything worthwhile from the sale at this point? Didn't see much during the b1g1, but I very well may have overlooked.[/QUOTE]

I live in the Riverside/Parkville area. I can check the 64th street BB and Barry Road/I29 BB for you if you want. I haven't been since the B1G1 sales. Send me a pm if you want me to check things out at either of those stores.
I snagged some super cheap Kodak batteries tonight. Nice deal. While I was checking out, I asked the guy to check the price of one of the PSN cards. I grabbed the $50 one off the rack, and he scanned it. $50. Okay, fine, please remove it.

ALERT, ALERT! The lady working with him, maybe a shift manager, acted like worlds were ending. "YOU CAN'T JUST BE GIVING A $50 CREDIT!" Seriously, panic in her voice. I really didn't understand the issue-- I hadn't bought anything yet. They had to call someone somewhere to get an okay to void the scan that was just intended as a price check!

Anyone ever seen this level of craziness over a decision to not purchase an item?
[quote name='El Gray']I snagged some super cheap Kodak batteries tonight. Nice deal. While I was checking out, I asked the guy to check the price of one of the PSN cards. I grabbed the $50 one off the rack, and he scanned it. $50. Okay, fine, please remove it.

ALERT, ALERT! The lady working with him, maybe a shift manager, acted like worlds were ending. "YOU CAN'T JUST BE GIVING A $50 CREDIT!" Seriously, panic in her voice. I really didn't understand the issue-- I hadn't bought anything yet. They had to call someone somewhere to get an okay to void the scan that was just intended as a price check!

Anyone ever seen this level of craziness over a decision to not purchase an item?[/QUOTE]

Thats weird. Ive had no problem taking games up there to check the price before I purchase stuff.

But they use like Windows 98 on their computers I think. Atleast thats what the manager said when I had something wrong on my receipt. So im not surprised there transactions are iffy and out-dated.
So I just messed around with my DS tonight and found out there is no online store for it but there is one for the DSI which idiot thought this would be a good idea?
bread's done