The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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I read the wrestling was really good but the storylines were absolute shit. At least there is a hell of a lot of time for the last two matches.
I thought the VKM segment was well done; they kept the garbage to a short part of the segment, and then got their point across.

Hernandez is the unspoken hero of LAX. Homicide is excellent, but Harnandez doesn't get enough credit for being awesome. I remember seeing him a few times years ago when he went by the name "Hotstuff" Hernandez. He drew a lot of comparison, based on his look (seriously), to Kurt Angle.

Good wrestling so far. I hope they save a half hour for the Angle/Joe match. No really disappointing wrestling at all, though the X-title match came across as kinda vanilla in my opinion. The bikini contest was crap, too (no thanks to the commentary). More good than bad, overall.
I'm in agreement with you Myke. Tho I could of done without seeing Tiny Tim like that.... or Eric Young in a bikini.... its been a decent PPV.

Hopefully Abyss retains. I'll so mark if he does. :D
[quote name='Demolition Man']Oh....




Wait, are you saying you weren't before?

Wow.... just WOW!

Five star match. That is all I will say about Joe vs Angle. More than made up for the previous match. MOTY Candidate.

I'm damn happy. :D
[quote name='mykevermin']Who the hell is Tiny Tim?[/QUOTE]

He was the guy who did the impersonation of the Dick Johnson or whatever WWE calls him... you know the fat oily stripper. Prior to that Tiny Tim was the bell ringer back during the Nashville Wednesday PPVs.''

EDIT: The main reason why I remember him is because they had a fued between (I kid not) him and Kid Kash back in 2004 when Kid Kash would pick on him along with the ticketlady seller (forgot her name). It was pretty.... well... craptascular in a Wrestlecrap way. :rofl:
Well, sometimes that kinda stuff works (see Ralphus) and sometimes it doesn't (see everybody other than Ralphus).

I have to admit, TNA's video production is getting much better. Their cameramen are getting far better (they have, for years, used far too many closeup maneuvers in video packages, so you couldn't see what guys are doing - theylooked like men screaming and then flipping around the screen), and the postproduction is getting awfully close to WWE level. The Christmas Themed intro to Turning Point was very nicely done.

I rarely feel like I spent my money well after ordering a PPV, but Turning Point was, top to bottom, a damned good show (suffering through the Mexican National Anthem was a chore, but I suspect that was the very idea behind it). I recommend checking it out.

EDIT: Did Don West use the word "Oriental" to describe Senshi's style of fighting? He is, without fail, the worst color man in all of wrestling, and perhaps easily the worst overall commentator. Between that and his comments during the bikini contest, he needs to be replaced by somebody. What a fuckin' maroon.

On another note, Sonjay Dutt will be the death of the X-Division. He takes moves very well, but he has *no* impact whatsoever to the moves his does. Not even the punches and kicks. He just looks so light out there, and seeing him and Senshi wrestle is night and day. Dutt needs a few more months in a wrestling school, because I can't stand watching him wrestle. Outside of him, however, the PCS match was very well done.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Please debut Monty Brown tonight WWE. :pray:[/QUOTE]

In Faarooq Asad gear :pray:

Everyone go buy PWG's Battle Of Los Angeles 2006 DVD's. Holy shit, it's a packed DVD. Night 3 featured CIMA vs. El Generico, and Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong. Definitely great matches.

That said, MOTY for me is Super Dragon/Davey Richards vs. Jack Evans/Roderick Strong from PWG. fucking amazing.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Did I just imagine an obviously planned sign saying "Samoa Joe Sucks" or was it just me?[/quote]

Is that it?


It's blurry but it obviously says "Sucks"
[quote name='Demolition Man']Ladies and gentlemen....

WWE now brings back to you....


The Hardys, Cryme Time, Murdoch & Cade, The World's Greatest Tag Team, Team RKO, DX, MNM and Highlanders.

Lookie there we got a real tag division going.
[quote name='guyver2077']lmao:D[/quote]

He's incredibly over with the Fans, but his gimmick is STALE. A Reggaetonero gimmick would be badass. Braid his hair, give him some ice, and boom! Merchandise $$$ like Crazy. The WWE Wreckless Intent CD even has a Reggaeton theme for him already! I would buy all his shirts and stuff like a total mark.

It could be WWE's answer to L.A.X.
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']He's incredibly over with the Fans, but his gimmick is STALE. A Reggaetonero gimmick would be badass. Braid his hair, give him some ice, and boom! Merchandise $$$ like Crazy. The WWE Wreckless Intent CD even has a Reggaeton theme for him already! I would buy all his shirts and stuff like a total mark.

It could be WWE's answer to L.A.X.[/quote]

yea i actually have that song on my hd... its not bad lol
LMAO at WWE being stuck with pretending Federline is still relevant.

Oh, and I bought the "DAMN" shirt. Those fucking pricks are so deceptive - the shirt is different than the one Simmons wears on TV - they stick a small WWE logo over the "N." Godfuckingdammit, I BOUGHT it because it DIDN'T look like a WWE shirt.

I would send it back, but I'll just find a way to black out/remove the logo.
Laff at WWE being stuck with pretending Federline is still relevant.

Oh, and I bought the "DAMN" shirt. Those fucking pricks are so deceptive - the shirt is different than the one Simmons wears on TV - they stick a small WWE logo over the "N." Godfuckingdammit, I BOUGHT it because it DIDN'T look like a WWE shirt.

I would send it back, but I'll just find a way to black out/remove the logo.
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']He's incredibly over with the Fans, but his gimmick is STALE. A Reggaetonero gimmick would be badass. Braid his hair, give him some ice, and boom! Merchandise $$$ like Crazy. The WWE Wreckless Intent CD even has a Reggaeton theme for him already! I would buy all his shirts and stuff like a total mark.

It could be WWE's answer to L.A.X.[/QUOTE]

I hope either Carlito, Shelton, or Matt Hardy wins the Royal Rumble and finally gets the push they deserve. The very top of the card needs some new people and all three of them are over with the fans even though they have been booked like shit throughout their tenure.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wow.... just WOW!

Five star match. That is all I will say about Joe vs Angle. More than made up for the previous match. MOTY Candidate.

I'm damn happy. :D[/quote]

4.5... With the first one being a 3.75. This one was great but the counters got old for me... Rest of the PPV was pretty good I thought. AJ/Rhyno was awesome, enjoyed the ending. Daniels/Sabin was OK... I expected more from them. LAX/AMW was great. Bikini contest was a little on the gay side.. but funny none the less. Pretty good VKM promo as well. PCM match or whatever was ok.. not that great, as usual I expected more from them... Kevin was awesome on mic. HW match was somewhat lackluster... but oh well I'm glad Abyss retained.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I hope either Carlito, Shelton, or Matt Hardy wins the Royal Rumble and finally gets the push they deserve. The very top of the card needs some new people and all three of them are over with the fans even though they have been booked like shit throughout their tenure.[/QUOTE]

Casey...if Matt Hardy wins the Royal Rumble, I will drive to your house and eat a pile of your shit.

Cena got mostly cheers does that mean we over this retarded "CENA SUCKZ" internet phase now?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Casey...if Matt Hardy wins the Royal Rumble, I will drive to your house and eat a pile of your shit.[/QUOTE]

The odds of Matt Hardy winning the Royal Rumble are right up there with... say.... Umaga winning the Featherweight Title.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Casey...if Matt Hardy wins the Royal Rumble, I will drive to your house and eat a pile of your shit.[/QUOTE]

I know it is a longshot, but I figure with Hayes booking SD and there being no one aside from Benoit and Taker worthy of fighting in the main event that something has to happen over there. While the main eventers over there are good wrestlers, how many times can we see a match between Batista, Booker, and Finlay?

Plus I think that DX will be done by WM and HHH is going to turn heel and get the belt back around his waist.
[quote name='Demolition Man']The odds of Matt Hardy winning the Royal Rumble are right up there with... say.... Umaga winning the Featherweight Title.[/quote]

Hey that reminds me, I thought you were done with TNA, HMMMM? Looks like someone relapsed :lol:
RAW was ok.. Good to see Haas and Shelton back... Also, DX/Flair vs. RKO/Kenny was great. Kenny's the man.
Can't wait to see Triple H vs. A Steel Chair at WM.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Hey that reminds me, I thought you were done with TNA, HMMMM? Looks like someone relapsed :lol:[/QUOTE]

I ended up watching "Turning Point" for free. It was a fairly decent PPV with a steller main event. Now if only TNA (and Russo) can get a product that doesn't have 60 ongoing angles, far less of the VKM crap, making all the titles have vaule, etc etc etc..... then I'll be far happier.

RAW was decent. I'm glad that a number of matches were given a good amount of TV time to tell a story. Not the greatest wrestling but an entertaining two hours no less.
Unfortunately the video quality is poor, but here is a VERY cool bit of history for people interested in theme music. This may also be the first time the decapitation finisher was used (?)

I've maintained for years that Demolition had a theme prior to their Piledriver song, and most of the time people said I was full of shit (not on this board, just in general). Well, here you go.


Pretty much an early version of the Piledriver vocals, sounds like a garage band. For some reason though that song always stuck in my head clear as day.
[quote name='evilmax17']I miss those ice cream bars! I used to get them at house shows![/QUOTE]

Those were quite awesome. I think I had maybe one or two when they first came out, but they were hard to find where I was. Next to the ice cream man (who charged an arm and a leg for them), I was S.O.L.

Then in '96 when I was a junior in high school they started making them again with the "New Generation" guys on them (Luger, 1-2-3 Kid, 'Taker, Bret, etc). The school store carried them, so just about every day I had one at lunch. They never got old.
Yes @ TNA.....

Kurt Angle made Don West his bitch by making him tap out to the Angle Lock at the TNA tapings according to the spoilers. Thank you Kurt! THANK YOU KURT!!!!!
[quote name='evilmax17']I miss those ice cream bars! I used to get them at house shows![/quote]

Oh, man, I hadn't thought about the WWF Ice Cream bars in years! I used to grab one pretty much every day after school at the local mom & pop grocery store I passed on my way home. With the change, I'd play the Rush'n Attack game they had.

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