The Official Craigslist Finds Thread!

[quote name='DaftPunkFan37']

I think this is pretty decent. 50 is pretty expensive since it's a GC, so i'l ltry and negociate down to 30 for just the games.[/quote]

fuck that, 50 is a steal for the whole lot. Don't try and haggle, just sell the gamecube to Gamestop for $15 if you're that adamant about not overpaying. I picked up a similar lot (Gamecube with the RE series) for $50 and I thought I got a deal. You can probably sell The Twin Snakes for $45 and almost recoup your entire cost.
[quote name='edavis0780']fuck that, 50 is a steal for the whole lot. Don't try and haggle, just sell the gamecube to Gamestop for $15 if you're that adamant about not overpaying. I picked up a similar lot (Gamecube with the RE series) for $50 and I thought I got a deal. You can probably sell The Twin Snakes for $45 and almost recoup your entire cost.[/quote]

[quote name='punkmaggit']^^^ What he said. I sold my twin snakes disc-only copy for $40, so you could almost break even from that game alone.[/quote]

Sweet, now I just need to convince my Mom to let me go get it. I've tried to do Craiglist stuff before, but my Mom's afraid that they're going to rob me

I think this was a good deal for 40.
Came across this bundle, what games should I get if able to pick and choose? I Know some are good for sale/trade but was wondering which games you'd buy. All are snes cart only.

Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage
Mortal Kombat
Donkey Kong Country
Super Street Fighter II
Super Metroid
Super Baseball Simulator 1000
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars
Wing Commander
Super Baseball 2020
Pinball Dreams
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball
Mystical Ninja
Super Star Wars
Sunset Riders
World League Soccer
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Final Fight
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Brutal: Paws of Fury
Justice League Task Force
Gradius III
Knights of the Round
NHLPA Hockey '93
John Madden Football
Mortal Kombat 3
Super Putty
Super Troll Islands
Mega Man X
Super Nova
Samurai Showdown
Magic Sword
Super R-Type
here is one that I am really kicking myself for not finding sooner. I noticed it about 3 days after it was posted and emailed the guy, then he just deleted the posting, so I guess he already sold them:

Found some old Nintendo games in the attic.

Here is the list of games (all with boxes and instructions)

Goonies 2
Double Dribble
Ice Hockey
Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2
Dragon Warrior
Kung Fu
Stadium Events
Legendary Wings
Ninja Gaiden
Duck Tales 2
Mega Man
Mega Man 4

It really sucks I missed out on this....Duck Tales 2 for me is the holy grail of NES games, especially in the box still that thing is worth almost $200 dollars alone!
[quote name='rmb']Came across this bundle, what games should I get if able to pick and choose? I Know some are good for sale/trade but was wondering which games you'd buy. All are snes cart only.

Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage
Mortal Kombat
Donkey Kong Country
Super Street Fighter II
Super Metroid
Super Baseball Simulator 1000
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars
Wing Commander
Super Baseball 2020
Pinball Dreams
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball
Mystical Ninja
Super Star Wars
Sunset Riders
World League Soccer
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
Final Fight
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Brutal: Paws of Fury
Justice League Task Force
Gradius III
Knights of the Round
NHLPA Hockey '93
John Madden Football
Mortal Kombat 3
Super Putty
Super Troll Islands
Mega Man X
Super Nova
Samurai Showdown
Magic Sword
Super R-Type[/quote]

Super Star Wars is worth a bit too.
[quote name='crows in black']here is one that I am really kicking myself for not finding sooner. I noticed it about 3 days after it was posted and emailed the guy, then he just deleted the posting, so I guess he already sold them:

Found some old Nintendo games in the attic.

Here is the list of games (all with boxes and instructions)

Goonies 2
Double Dribble
Ice Hockey
Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2
Dragon Warrior
Kung Fu
Stadium Events
Legendary Wings
Ninja Gaiden
Duck Tales 2
Mega Man
Mega Man 4

It really sucks I missed out on this....Duck Tales 2 for me is the holy grail of NES games, especially in the box still that thing is worth almost $200 dollars alone![/QUOTE]
You missed that?!!! fuck Duck Tales 2, if the guy really had a complete Stadium Events, you would have been able to make yourself a couple thousand dollars. Stadium Events is the Holy Grail of NES collectors.
[quote name='Whambamm']You missed that?!!! fuck Duck Tales 2, if the guy really had a complete Stadium Events, you would have been able to make yourself a couple thousand dollars. Stadium Events is the Holy Grail of NES collectors.[/quote]

Yeah, if you're mad over Duck Tales 2, you should amputate your leg just so you can grab hold of it and kick yourself in the balls with it over and over and over.

Only about 200 copies of Stadium Events were ever sold.
[quote name='Samus']Yeah, if you're mad over Duck Tales 2, you should amputate your leg just so you can grab hold of it and kick yourself in the balls with it over and over and over.

Only about 200 copies of Stadium Events were ever sold.[/quote]

ive actually never even heard of stadium events before....I just looked on ebay and there is one going for 4000 dollars for the cart only! Im gonna assume that someone just bought that probably the night the ad was posted or the guy looked the stuff up on ebay. Either way I really want to go jump off a bridge! :bomb:

I emailed the guy again and offered him waaay more money (a couple hundred dollars) just to see what he says even though he took the ad down, I think since the ad is down thought that the craigslist email link thingy wont work anymore....who knows. This will just be another in a long line of deals I've lost over the past few weeks. Before this I was gonna buy a Turbografix in the box with 15 games for 20 dollars. The guy suddenly couldnt find it 20 minutes before I was supposed to meet him to pick it up. Anytime I emailed him he would say "hopefully Ill stumble across it at some point"....I guess he couldn't be bothered to actually take 5 minutes out to look for it. The real funny thing is I found him on facebook and his status message says "some idiot is actually giving me 20 dollars for my old ass turbografx" ....yeah IM the idiot when he's the one that doesnt realize he could get well over 100 dollars for all that on ebay
Im kinda disappointed, been messaging a guy for some N64 games, we're going back and forth and all of a sudden he just stops replying. Titles such as Super Mario 64, Bobmerman 64, SSB, Mario Kart, all for $5.
[quote name='Link927']Im kinda disappointed, been messaging a guy for some N64 games, we're going back and forth and all of a sudden he just stops replying. Titles such as Super Mario 64, Bobmerman 64, SSB, Mario Kart, all for $5.[/quote]

Yeah the same thing has been happening to me A LOT lately with craigslist....I think what happens is between the time you agree to buy something, and the time you actually get it from the person, someone else emails the person and offers more money. I am seriously thinking about calling the whole classic game collecting thing quits. I just can't do it anymore....finding amazing deals that you get excited over and at the last second you lose them, getting up at 6 am every saturday to drive around yard sales and never finding anything, etc... it seems like it ALWAYS gets your hopes up and then it ALWAYS crashes at the last second, it depresses the crap out of you after a while

but then again....I just missed out on a boxed, complete NES game that there are less than 10 known copies to exist because I found the ad 3 days too late, so obviously Im extremely mad about the whole thing
What really bugs me is another ad I replied to, I was somewhat unclear since I replied "Do you still have this item, I'd like to buy it." He replies 3 days later saying "Which ad? I have like 10" And I specify the ps1 + FFVII combo he listed for $20, and of coruse he takes another 2 days to reply "Gone dude" Kinda kicking myself on that one =/
yea if you are in a large city there will be lots of people looking for deal. If you find an amazing deal you might want to offer more money to get it done.
[quote name='62t']yea if you are in a large city there will be lots of people looking for deal. If you find an amazing deal you might want to offer more money to get it done.[/quote]

I never thought about offering more, but thats a good think to keep in mind.
I'm not sure if I was vague or not in my reply, but someone around by me was offering COD 3, Fight Night Round 3 and Uncharted(all for PS3) for $15 each or $40 total.

It was maybe 2 days after the ad was placed that I responded, so I'm hoping they were just out of town and they're still available. Although, the ad also said they were 'selling them for their son who is done playing them', so I'm hoping they were gentle players and didn't use the discs as frisbees.

But with how much Uncharted has gone down in price in some spots($44.99 @ Blockbuster now), I may just flip a couple games from Kmart to there and buy a used copy since it's $59.99 new every place else. That is, if this deal doesn't work out.

But, I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed hoping that the person replies saying the games are still available, since Uncharted for $15 is a hell of a steal.
[quote name='Link927']I never thought about offering more, but thats a good think to keep in mind.[/quote]

Yeah thats how I got that deal on that huge Sega Master System lot. Originally I offered him less money for all the games alone since I already had the system. Immediatley I thought to myself "crap someone else is just gonna pay full price for that lot I should have just bought the whole thing and re-sold the system". The guy emailed back and said he had 4 other offers he had to see what happened with them first so I said "forget everything I said, Ill pay the full price right now for everything" and luckily no one else committed to buy it yet.

Right now there is even a deal where I already offered a little less, but the guy said my offer was fine and to come pick it up today, this was 3 days ago when he said this and he has yet to tell me where and what time to meet him and now he wont respond to my emails. Im guessing someone else emailed him and offered the full price (which I don't want to pay because its not worth it so I dont care that much). It seems this is usually how I lose deals.

Do you guys think it would be a good idea to flag a post for removal after you and the seller have already agreed on a deal so no one else can continue to email/offer the seller anything?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'm not sure if I was vague or not in my reply, but someone around by me was offering COD 3, Fight Night Round 3 and Uncharted(all for PS3) for $15 each or $40 total.

It was maybe 2 days after the ad was placed that I responded, so I'm hoping they were just out of town and they're still available. Although, the ad also said they were 'selling them for their son who is done playing them', so I'm hoping they were gentle players and didn't use the discs as frisbees.

But with how much Uncharted has gone down in price in some spots($44.99 @ Blockbuster now), I may just flip a couple games from Kmart to there and buy a used copy since it's $59.99 new every place else. That is, if this deal doesn't work out.

But, I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed hoping that the person replies saying the games are still available, since Uncharted for $15 is a hell of a steal.[/QUOTE]
Nice! Uncharted is worth the $40 alone
[quote name='crows in black']

Do you guys think it would be a good idea to flag a post for removal after you and the seller have already agreed on a deal so no one else can continue to email/offer the seller anything?[/QUOTE]

It is going to take more than 1 person to flag for removal so it doesnt do you any good.
I've decided to recently do most of my stuff on craigslist instead of searching yardsales. I got some real good deals recently for gamecube stuff, game boy advances, game boy games.

I know its not the breath taking deals you sometimes find at yardsales, but I do pretty good. recently here is what I got.

#1: for 25
Pristine GBA SP w/ leather case, cable, etc.
Legend of Zelda Classic series w/ manual
Mario Bros 3 w/ manual
Super Mario Bros classic series w/ manual
Star wars apprentice of force complete
Gonna keep everything but the apprentice of force. Gonna eBay my scratched up SP I got a few weeks ago.

Another deal I got was a more well used SP w/ 10 games for 50 bucks.
Games included Minish Cap, Superstar Saga, Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun 1 and 2, Breath of Fire 2, Link to the Past, Puzzle Fighter, some harry poter game and a few more.
Also came w/ a cool carrying case for the game boy games that you can roll up.
Will get rid of of the SP, Harry Potter and maybe another game.

I have some more deals too, that I have to post eventually.

What I'm really looking for though is a Pikachu Nintendo 64 w/ the gold controller. There was one for sale for like 25 but its about 1.5 hrs away. With gas it looks like I should just get an ebayed one, but mayber one will pop up within 30 min or something.
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this lady posted ps1 games on craigslist at $1 a piece. so i decided to look to see if anything was worth the buck. she posted pics so i saw metal gear so i was thinking maybe ill pick it up. as soon as i press back i thought i saw the cover to TOMBA. I quickly clicked on it again and it was. I emailed the lady and she said everything was avavilable so i told her to hold meatal gear and tomba. I kinda thought it was people messing around since there is a stupid craigslist posting thread on this forum but decided to go and see. when i got there, surprisingly she had both complete and the discs were in perfect condition. I gave her 2 dollars and left. Best score so far on craigslist beside my Zelda collectors edition with majoras/ocarina/and the 2 nes games for 6 bucks.
[quote name='JackSuper']Good find, Abe's Oddysee on PS1 would have been a good pickup, and too bad you don't have a Cube (I assume), otherwise you would have been all over those Resident Evils.[/quote]

I do have a Cube, but I already have all of those RE's, and if it was copies of 2 and 3 I'd definitely pick those up. But the 0,1, and 4 are pretty cheap at Gamestop. I was definitely contemplating them, though.
[quote name='crows in black']Yeah the same thing has been happening to me A LOT lately with craigslist....I think what happens is between the time you agree to buy something, and the time you actually get it from the person, someone else emails the person and offers more money. I am seriously thinking about calling the whole classic game collecting thing quits. I just can't do it anymore....finding amazing deals that you get excited over and at the last second you lose them, getting up at 6 am every saturday to drive around yard sales and never finding anything, etc... it seems like it ALWAYS gets your hopes up and then it ALWAYS crashes at the last second, it depresses the crap out of you after a while

but then again....I just missed out on a boxed, complete NES game that there are less than 10 known copies to exist because I found the ad 3 days too late, so obviously Im extremely mad about the whole thing[/quote]

Don't beat yourself up too much, for all you know it could have been too good to be true and a completely bogus ad (see the yet more craigslist stupidity topic for more details)...a lot of those get posted and are totally fake, especially if they are waaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true, like a complete Stadium Events AND Duck Tales 2. I'm surprised he didn't include ALL of the Megamans and the Dragon Warriors as complete, along with Bubble Bobble 1 and 2 and Snow Bros.

Were there any pics in the original ad? And an email reply to the ad won't go through at all once deleted. But if you do happen to get it to go through and he responds (probably with "already sold"), then make sure you write back and let him know how much it was really worth.

Finally, the key is to seal the deal as soon as possible after you've made contact, verified the availability and negotiated the price. I tend to shoot for the same day I find the ad whenever possible.

I like to do all in my opening email, say "hi I saw your ad for X, is it still available and if so, would you take $Y for it. Also, where are you located and when/where can we meet up (only if they didn't specify location in the ad)?"

Get as much out of the way in the opening as possible so there's no delay due to going back and forth and less chance of someone else stumbling across the ad and snatching it out from under you.
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[quote name='karkyco']Don't beat yourself up too much, for all you know it could have been too good to be true and a completely bogus ad (see the yet more craigslist stupidity topic for more details)...a lot of those get posted and are totally fake, especially if they are waaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true, like a complete Stadium Events AND Duck Tales 2. I'm surprised he didn't include ALL of the Megamans and the Dragon Warriors as complete, along with Bubble Bobble 1 and 2 and Snow Bros.

Were there any pics in the original ad? And an email reply to the ad won't go through at all once deleted. But if you do happen to get it to go through and he responds (probably with "already sold"), then make sure you write back and let him know how much it was really worth.

Finally, the key is to seal the deal as soon as possible after you've made contact, verified the availability and negotiated the price. I tend to shoot for the same day I find the ad whenever possible.

I like to do all in my opening email, say "hi I saw your ad for X, is it still available and if so, would you take $Y for it. Also, where are you located and when/where can we meet up (only if they didn't specify location in the ad)?"

Get as much out of the way in the opening as possible so there's no delay due to going back and forth and less chance of someone else stumbling across the ad and snatching it out from under you.[/quote]

Thanks, that is a good idea about just saying right off the bat "where do you want to meet up at" because it seems that every time what happens is the person agrees to a price, then he waits like 4 days to email me back with when and where he wants to meet, and in those 4 days usually someone else offers more money. The only downside is sometimes people think you are trying to just scam them to get personal info. My very first craigslist buy was an Atari 5200 in the box with 10 games for $20....the first email I even sent the guy was "let me have your adress so I can come get it" and he never wrote back....I later had to have my mom contact the guy and get it for me, he told her he wasn't planning on emailing me back because it sounded like I was just trying to get personal info from him.

And I got over that boxed NES game deal already, after I thought abou it, I realized that its probably a 90% chance it was just a fake ad.....there is just no way someone would have that many rare NES games boxed. But why would someone even do that??
I FINALLY got a Turbografx 16. A few weeks ago, a guy contacted me saying he had one with 15 games, I offered him a really low offer, $40, thinking he would try to meet me half way around $60 dollars (which is about the max I would want to pay for one). Surprisingly, he immediately accepted it and wanted to meet the next day. Well 20 minutes before we are supposed to meet he says he cant find it. I email him 3 days later asking what the deal is and he says "im getting ready to move into my dorm next week, if I happen to stumble across it I will let you know. So I guess now he doesn't even care about selling it and can't even be bothered to look for it. I emailed him several more times and he still wont email me back. I pretty much gave up and then later found him on facebook and his status message said something like "some idiot is actually paying me $40 dollars for my old ass Turbografx":roll::roll:

Well anyway I was really bummed out until I found ANOTHER guy selling one, he had it listed for $70, I offered him $50 and surprisingly again he accepted. But, he wouldn't email me back either to let me know where to meet him at!!! I figured "great the same crap as last time", but fortunatley he FINALLY emailed me back and I just picked it all up today!


It includes the box (but with none of the foam inserts which he never mentioned before :bomb:) and the following games:

Keith Courage
Legendary Axe
Blazing Lazers
New Adventure Island (missing the case :bomb: but has the booklet)

The coolest thing though was he also gave me a HUGE folder full of TONS of TG16 magazines, ads, order forms, posters, game catalougs, etc...

The only crappy thing now is that I can't seem to find TG16 games anywhere other than ebay, and the ones on ebay are WAY too expensive and usually dont have the case or booklet. Does anyone know any other good places to find TG-16 games?
hey guys I was wondering if this was a good buy for resale:

$45 for used complete copies of Zelda Collector's edition and Mario Dance Dance Revolution that has 2 dancing pads
[quote name='Switchblade232']hey guys I was wondering if this was a good buy for resale:

$45 for used complete copies of Zelda Collector's edition and Mario Dance Dance Revolution that has 2 dancing pads[/quote]
Mario DDR is definatly worth the 45, bet Zelda is worth a bit too!
[quote name='DaftPunkFan37']Mario DDR is definatly worth the 45, bet Zelda is worth a bit too![/QUOTE]

I am going to pick it up then!
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[quote name='Switchblade232']I am going to pick it up then! Try to CIF for lower hopefully.[/quote]

That seems pretty low. You are going there after saying you would pay the 45 and then try to give the person less?

That is ballsy, but still low.
^^ Alot of things could change, i.e. the disc is all scratched and the manual and case is beat to hell.... any number of things. But, yes, it's a ballsy move. You don't want to blow the entire deal.

*HUGE fuckING EDIT* Man I hope this one doesn't fall through.

Playstation one modded unit. Can play burnt games. Download and burn any game from the internet and play on this Playstation. Still in box.
-Playstation One
-3 Controllers
-5 Memory cards
-10 games
--Parasite Eve
--Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
--Final Fantasy Tactics
--Star Ocean The Second Story
--Final Fantasy IX
--007 The World is Not Enough
--Mega Man Legends
--007 Tomorrow Never Dies (Burnt)
--Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete

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Niiiiice, Punkmaggit. Good luck. I just picked this up an hour ago:

I called the guy, could barely hear him on the phone, and asked if he still had the games, how much he wanted for them, and if he could give me a list of some of the games.

"Super Mario, Super Mario 3, Contra, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punchout, Ninja Gaiden, Tecmo Bowl, TMNT 1, TMNT 2...some Super Nintendo games...Super Mario World, Yoshi, Mario All Stars, Mario RPG, Earthbound:hot::hot::hot:, (at this point I can't even remember what other games he was rattling off I was ready to jump in the car, but I let him go on a bit more so he wouldn't think I was too desperate or interested)., (a few more SNES games, some Genesis games, some N64 games)..."

So I ask again how much, and he says $60. I tell him, that sounds good, there are some games I'm missing and would like to play I don't need the full list, how about $40 for all of them. He agrees, and I get his address and set up to meet him in an hour.

I get down there, take a look in the box, look at some of the carts, and gave him the dough. Most are cart only other than some dust sleeves and the Sega Genesis games. The Earthbound cart is flawless, just perfect. Absolutely beautiful. Finally, finally, FINALLY!!! WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!

Sorry, had to get that out.

A bunch of the games will be going on the tradelist later, after I inspect, test, and clean them.

Here are some of the highlights:


Super Mario
Super Mario 3
Kid Icarus
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Ninja Gaiden
Tecmo Bowl
about 10 other games


Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island
Mario All Stars
Mario RPG
a couple other games

Sega Genesis

Thunderforce 2
Sonic 3
Super Street Fighter 2
Golden Axe
Sonic Spinball
Aladdin (complete)
Castle of Illusion (complete)
about 5 other games


Conker's Bad Fur Day
Pokemon Stadium
Donkey Kong 64
Mischief Makers
Pokemon Snap
Bajoe Kazooie
about 10 other games
Sweet deal Karkyco! I would have probably pissed on myself in the excitement and scared away the seller. It's funny how these people have access to the internet but don't bother seeing what their stuff is worth
[quote name='MikeHoncho']Sweet deal Karkyco! I would have probably pissed on myself in the excitement and scared away the seller. It's funny how these people have access to the internet but don't bother seeing what their stuff is worth[/quote]

Indeed. A lot of people just won't bother to take the time to look up the games individually. And yeah, I was flipping out...and the guy was practically mumbling so it was really hard to hear the games he was rattling off, but since I heard enough NES quality I was pretty much sold at that point, then he starts on the SNES games and all of a sudden I hear "Earthbound"...I'm dying as I'm trying to prevent myself from showing any excitement in my voice or even stop/interrupt him as he just continued to rattle them off.

So I told him I could be there within an hour or so since I was so close to Torrance, and got there as quickly as I could. There's a lot of icing on the cake, too...I LOVED some of those Genesis games like Micky Mouse and Thunderforce 2, can't wait to play those again on the Genny. And some N64 games I've never played.
[quote name='Dokstarr']That seems pretty low. You are going there after saying you would pay the 45 and then try to give the person less?

That is ballsy, but still low.[/QUOTE]

true, I will pay price agreed upon unless the games aren't in good condition or missing manuals etc.
damn, karkyco. That's all I can say.

I need to make another CL score. So far, I have only had 2. The Sega kiosk & a 5 foot tall Shadow Plush.
Excellent score Karkyco!

Had a nice score at a yard sale this weekend that led to a Craigslist transaction. Had someone give me an XBox 360 box for free. They said it was broken and had cannibalized everything from the box. Took it to my local game store and they repaired a bad drive. I still needed all of the accessories so I put up a item wanted ad on CL. Asked for power brick, video cables, and one controller. Got an almost immediate response. They said they had everything I wanted and asked me to make an offer. I offerred $50. They countered $75, but said they had two controllers, charging station, headset, ethernet cable, and hard drive, plus the power brick and video cables for $75. Jumped on it. So, got a 360 with some extras for around $100.

On my way home picked up a XBox live kit (Camera, Headset, 12 month subscription, & 200 points) for $34 at Sears.

Don't know much about the 360, other than what I read here. Old fart Wii player, but looking forward to playing some Geometry Wars 2.
Nice. I've got one find I'm currently working on, much more than I would usually spend, but it's quite a find. Wish me luck...details to follow...
Good luck!! Ended up passing on the PS1 + games as $100 is a little too rich for my blood, but I did ask if she would sell the games separately. :whistle2:( I guess I'll have to be patient for Lunar & Star Ocean.

Interesting ad on craigslist.

Makes me wonder what games are there, and if its a comic/video game store owner, you'd think he would just eBay then entire lot if he needed money.

If it wasn't just 1100 copies of old madden games. But, at the same time even if I go down there with a friend or two I feel there may be a chance I'm just robbed in his basement or worse case scenario is he hides me in his wall or under his floor boards.

Ad is gone now, or he just killed enough victims. It was an ad for over 1100 games - all with boxes, instructions, etc mint condition. Also included PS3, Wii, Gamecube, 360, DS, Game Boy Advance, etc. systems.
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This wasn't really a deal per se, but I'm still very happy since I've been looking for many of these games for years. I matched a $175 offer for this lot:

Sega Saturn

w/the following games:

The game I've been wanting for eight years: Panzer Dragoon Saga
Shining Force III
Shining Wisdom
Shining the Holy Ark
Dragon Force
Magic Knight Rayearth
Nights into Dreams
Fighters Megamix

and the lesser games:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
The Horde
Mystaria: The Realms of Lore
Daytona USA
Virtua Cop
Virtua Fighter 2
Street Fighter the Movie

All the games are disc only but they do work. While I probably overpaid, I've really been wanting all the games listed at the top for years.
I guess good things do come to those who wait!! I"m picking these gems up tomorrow:

- Digital Devil Saga Deluxe Box Set
- Growlanser Generations

all for $35. :D I'm totally happy paying that amount! And actually, I'm going to give partial credit to Karkyco who inspired me to search through the CD/DVD section. This was totally miscategorized!!
Nice scores whambamm and punkmaggit (and thanks for the credit...and I certainly don't think paying $20 or so a piece for quality/obscure/hard to find RPGs, especially if they are complete, is too much). I was hoping to have the score I was talking about by now, but it looks like I will have it tomorrow around noon, if things work out. It's even better than I first anticipated, as he mentioned some other items he will throw in (which almost made my head explode).

I am seriously...SERIOUSLY...fired up for it.
This morning I was looking at the previously mentioned ad again, and I noticed that he took down DDS1 & GG (yay!) and added DDS2 SEALED (either I missed it the first time, or he added it) for $30. I called him and asked if he could throw it in for $20 which he agreed to. :D

Met up with him and took a look at the games :

Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 never looked so good - the slipcase is MINT (no fingerprints, no nothing) and inside was absolutely everything: DDS 1 & 2, both soundtracks, and the cover for DDS2.

Growlanser Generations is the stand-alone 2-disc game, nothing special.

So, to wrap things up:

DDS1 Deluxe Box Set
DDS2 brand new
Growlanser Generations (complete, but not the extra-special box set)

... for $55. Not bad.
Nice, PunkMaffit. Just got back from my score. Worked out very well. This will be a long read, but you guys might find it entertaining.

Here is all that I got, for $200 total (14 games, about $14.25 a game, and 3 guides):

PS1 - all complete with flawless cases (Koudelka has a chipped back case), excellent condition discs.

Sega Saturn - all disc only but beautiful discs

Prima Guides - all pretty much mint
Vandal Hearts 2
Suikoden 2

Below is the ad, I'm sure you all can understand why I didn't post it before I sealed the deal. I paid more than I would have liked, but some of the prices were just too good to be true and I was missing quite a few of these. I love it when people think their items are worth something, but they obviously don't know how much it's really worth.

The guy was telling me (and said in his ad) he had researched the prices on eBay and whatnot. If that's the case, he wouldn't be selling most of them that low. I've now almost completed the PS1 RPG collection with this purchase.

I think the $1225 really threw people off, and he had meant to write $12-25. Whatever the case was, he said that I was the only person that wasn't wishy washy or jerking him around, so he wanted to deal with me. The games in bold are the ones I asked for and purchased. The rest weren't good deals so I didn't even bother, even with a lump deal, because I wouldn't have paid more than a buck or two for each. I will post the email conversation below, so you can see how he sweetened the pot...too good to be true. All the PS1 games are complete and virtually mint, discs are all for the most part excellent/flawless. This guy has good taste and takes care of his stuff!

Original Ad:

RARE PS1 GAMES - $1225 (Sherman Oaks)

I have the following rare PS1 games I want to sell locally. All come in their original casing with all original discs. The discs are in great condition. Local pickups only please, so feel free to inspect. This posting benefits collectors or re-sellers most, I've done my research on what these titles are worth. The more you buy, the better deal we can set up.




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Okay, so here's how it went down, I emailed the guy and it went like this (I knew I didn't have much room to negotiate so I figured I'd ask what he would want for the list of games I wanted, since I was looking to buy most of them):


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hey, I saw your ad for the PS1 games and would be interested in the following games, which comes to $149 by your pricing breakdown.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is most of your games, and I would pay cash, so please let me know what the best price you can give me for all of these. Thanks in advance...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$12 TITLES
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$20 TITLES



His Response (super surprising bonuses in bold red, my reactions in brackets[]):


Thanks for the comprehensive reply
So Let's go with:

for $12 each, and:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DRAGON WARRIOR VII
for $20 each, w/ VANDAL HEARTS 2 for $25

i also have the prima-vandal hearts 2 strat guide in mint condition, will include that for free. i had some other games, but [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i recently sold my mint suikoden 2 for over $100. BTW, i still have the prima strat guide for that (suikoden 2) [:hot:x10] if you think that's resellable on its own, can also include that for free with this package

So the total for all this would be $149

I also have a few rare RPG Sega Saturn games if you're interested. These are USA region, great condition discs:


and the 2nd rarest saturn disc

they're in cases secure, but we're talking disc-only [:cry:]. because of that, if you're interested in getting a steal to bump this up to $200 - I can unload everything mentioned here for that price. I know Shining Force III alone is worth upwards toward $90, though with the casing and everything.

Since disc condition is tantamont, feel free to inspect everything. I live by the Sherman Oaks Galleria. We can meet at an outside table of the Starbucks in-mall (galleria is open-air). Whatever time/day works for you, we can schedule.

if other/better offers come, i'll keep you in the loop. most so far have been to the effect of "call me let's talk", which doesn't progress the conversation much. can meet as soon as tomorrow, if you want to lock this. thanks
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sean[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]323 :drool::hot::drool:-:hot::drool::hot::drool:


At this point (he sent me the email Tuesday evening, I read it yesterday morning and was already worried it would be no longer valid, that others were working the deal or that he would find higher prices for them, etc.), I had the $200 and was ready to get up there PRONTO. Of course, I stupidly left my cell phone at home yesterday and had wanted to call him since he gave me his phone number. So I call him from my office, leave him a voicemail that I can be there at noon or so if he wants to close the deal. But he didn't respond until the afternoon, so I had to settle for getting them today...another day of agony, waiting for these.

I also emailed him this info as well as the voicemail (careful not to sound too desperate):


Hey Sean,

I've thought it over and I think that at $200 cash for those PS1 games and the Sega Saturn games, we're both getting a good deal. I'm sure as you mentioned, you've had some interest for these games, but like you said, a LOT of people are just talk (especially on craigslist), and will flake and/or lowball. I'm not looking to resell (if I did I would take your whole collection and offer less like the typical craigslist resller), those are games that I haven't played that I would love to try.

I left you a message on your contact number below, in fact, I was ready to grab some lunch and meet up with you up there at the Sherman Oaks Galleria today at noon. Unfortunately I left my cell phone at home, but my cell number is (323) :hot::drool::hot:-:drool::hot::drool::hot:. If we don't meet up today, how about we plan on meeting up tomorrow around noon?



So his response:

hi , left you a voicemail before i got these notes. sounds good. no rush from my end. i'm a screenwriter, so i make my own hours. tomorrow noon at the galleria sounds fine. yes it is off the 405/101 merge. it's at 4735 sepulveda blvd 91403. closest to the parking structure are a few stores with tables outside- one's a starbucks. I'll sit at a table directly in front, with the games on a bag on the table. my cell again is 323-:hot::bouncy::drool:-:drool::bouncy::cold::hot:. reply here or call, just to confirm we're good for noon tomorrow. i'll write down your cell as well. also had a prima guide for grandia. will include with everything. see you thursday noon(ish)


[quote name='karkyco']Nice, PunkMaffit. Just got back from my score. Worked out very well. This will be a long read, but you guys might find it entertaining.

Here is all that I got, for $200 total (14 games, about $14.25 a game, and 3 guides):

PS1 - all complete with flawless cases (Koudelka has a chipped back case), excellent condition discs.

Sega Saturn - all disc only but beautiful discs

Prima Guides - all pretty much mint
Vandal Hearts 2
Suikoden 2

Below is the ad, I'm sure you all can understand why I didn't post it before I sealed the deal. I paid more than I would have liked, but some of the prices were just too good to be true and I was missing quite a few of these. I love it when people think their items are worth something, but they obviously don't know how much it's really worth.

The guy was telling me (and said in his ad) he had researched the prices on eBay and whatnot. If that's the case, he wouldn't be selling most of them that low. I've now almost completed the PS1 RPG collection with this purchase.

I think the $1225 really threw people off, and he had meant to write $12-25. Whatever the case was, he said that I was the only person that wasn't wishy washy or jerking him around, so he wanted to deal with me. The games in bold are the ones I asked for and purchased. The rest weren't good deals so I didn't even bother, even with a lump deal, because I wouldn't have paid more than a buck or two for each. I will post the email conversation below, so you can see how he sweetened the pot...too good to be true. All the PS1 games are complete and virtually mint, discs are all for the most part excellent/flawless. This guy has good taste and takes care of his stuff!

Original Ad:

RARE PS1 GAMES - $1225 (Sherman Oaks)

I have the following rare PS1 games I want to sell locally. All come in their original casing with all original discs. The discs are in great condition. Local pickups only please, so feel free to inspect. This posting benefits collectors or re-sellers most, I've done my research on what these titles are worth. The more you buy, the better deal we can set up.





I picked up most of the rare PS1 games when Gamestop/EB Games were clearing them out.

A long time ago, I picked up a Suikoden guide at a local pawn shop and sold it for $175 on ebay. So selling the Suikoden 2 guide may be a way to recoup your $$.
Wow awesome find there. One of the century.

I had an good pick today. Got some good PS1 games for 2 bucks a piece that included: Mega Man Legends 2, Toomba 2, Monster Rancher 1, 2, Digimon 1,3, Gundam Assault 1,2, and Puzzle Fighter 2.

Everything else in real good condition except for puzzle fighter. disc only with a deep scratch in the back. Not sure if it will work. Will try resurfacing, but I think it may be beyond repair.

there were some more games in the package that were pretty good but not fantastic deals (mega man 8, x5, bomberman world, yu-gi-oh, and a few craptastic sports games)

maybe I will take some pics.
bread's done