The (old) GameRush/Blockbuster Thread

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Welcome to the Official CAG Gamerush/Blockbuster video game deal thread.

First and foremost, please check out the
GameRush Trade-In Prices Wiki.


What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos and to post any trade-in values you have obtained. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system. One of the CAG Wiki editors will then add them to the Wiki.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Gamerush/Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals, of which there are none currently).

Due to the questionable stability of the Gamerush brand, it is also permissible to discuss ways of converting credit from Blockbuster to other stores (ie, which games may be used for trading in to other stores such as Gamecrazy or EB/GS). As of right now, we have no indication of Gamerush's imminent demise, but given Blockbuster's ongoing financial difficulties we need to be aware of the possibility.

What is this thread NOT for?
There will be absolutely NO DISCUSSION of the recent doctored coupon. Do not discuss what you bought, what you traded it for, or anything else - all such posts will be deleted. Any discussion of that should be done here.

Also, it is bad form to discuss the flipping of games from one Gamerush store to another should another such opportunity arrive (through trade-in deals which we haven't had recently anyway). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (GR to GC to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from GR.


General Info
- Trade-in credit can be placed onto your store account or onto a "Value" card
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- However, credit can be transferred from the store account to a card at any time
- Value cards can be used at any location
- Gamerush stores often do not get new game stock until the Friday of the release week, thus a few days later than most retailers


Gamerush vs. regular Blockbusters
All Blockbuster game-related discussion belongs here. Most threads created in the Deals forum will be merged in to here. There seems to be the impression by many CAGs that if they don't have a Gamerush store near them then this thread does not apply to them. However, regular (non-GR) Blockbuster stores often run the same promos and generally have the same trade-in values.

The key differences:
- Only Gamerush stores sell new and used video game hardware, with the exception of the occasional new controller/memory card spotted at regular stores. (Edit - Some recent exceptions have cropped up: many regular BB stores had a PS3 bundle available over Christmas and a few stores have been reported to sell DS Lites).

- Only Gamerush stores allow for preorders of new games (though, it seems, many of those have even stopped taking preorders).

- While many Gamerush stores have cut back on their new game stock, some regular (non-GR) Blockbusters have started selling new games. They usually have a very limited selection of top-selling new 360, PS3, and Wii games. I will be maintaining a list below here for those with Blockbuster credit but no access to a GR store.

- Trade-in values are controlled centrally and are uniform across all Gamerush and Blockbuster locations EXCEPT if the Blockbuster is a franchise location. You can tell from the receipt if your store is a franchise store. All Gamerush stores are corporate-owned so they will have uniform pricing.


New games that may be available for purchase at select non-GR Blockbusters
For those with access to only regular Blockbuster stores but wanting to take advantage of the decent trade-in values Blockbuster offers, this is the list of new games being sold by some regular Blockbuster locations. Note that they will generally not get new games on the release date. They will most likely have them a few days to weeks later.

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero III
Halo 3
Lego Star Wars TCS
Mass Effect
NBA Live 08
The Orange Box

Guitar Hero III
Spiderman Friend or Foe

80GB PS3 bundle for $600 (PS3, Surf's Up Blu-Ray, HDMI cable, 20-week rental card)
Assassin's Creed
Lego Star Wars TCS
NBA Live 08
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction
Rock Band bundle

Guitar Hero III
NBA Live 08
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Super Mario Galaxy


Current Trade-In Deals

There are no trade-in deals at this time. The trade 3 get an extra $5 per game is still in affect at some (very select) locations.


Reported Trade-In Prices

Trade-In Price Wiki
[quote name='nlyonssmith']I'd love to hear about the fantastic trades that preceeded me![/QUOTE]

Did you just start with GR in Mar 2007 when you joined CAG? If so, oh, man, there is a huge list...

The Drake one is pretty old - that is even before my time.

I was looking through old receipts trying to find something and recalled a few more recent ones. There was a period in January 2006 where you could buy Echo Night Beyond and Kuon for $10 at GS (I think) and trade them at BB for $24. And at the same time Flatout for the Xbox was available in piles at TRU for $9.98 and traded for $27. A few months before that you could get Galleon and Nightmare of Druaga from TRU for $7 and trade them for $19.

Then there was Red Ninja which I think was usually $10 at CC but for some reason I have it marked (on my BB trade-in slip) as costing me $7.80 - must have been a 25% off or something at CC. That traded for $27 for a while. I still see copies of that sitting at some of my local Blockbusters ;).

Here's some more: Marc Ecko's Getting Up was $7.96 at CC and traded for $24. Plus you got to keep the silver sharpie if you got the LE to trade. Geist was a $9.98 -> $24 conversion. I have Dead To Rights II for Xbox showing as $8.33/$9.97 -> $27. Exit for PSP $8.96 -> $23. Nightmare Before Christmas $8.96 -> $24. There was a time there when CC was a gold mine for credit building because the games you were trying to buy were not popular so they could be found easily and you didn't feel bad buying them up as no one else wanted them anyway.

More: Constantine was $9.90 at Fry's and traded for $23. Ooh, found an earlier receipt where I traded a $10 Echo Night Beyond for $30. Then there was Powerdrome which was cheap various places but I think I got some from Target for $2.48 and traded for $12. One of my best flips ever in terms of it coming out of the blue (as well as in terms of percentage gain) was a GBA Dora game I got at Kmart for $4. I actually got it for my son but it had a lame-ass password save so I took it to GR and got an astounding $17.50 for it. Got $23 for a $10 copy of PowerPuff Girls Relish Rampage for the GC. There's lots more ;).

And don't forget that during most of that time you could get a preorder fully paid for on any game for just $29.99 when you traded 2 games. There was nothing quite like trading in 2 games that cost you $8-$20 total and getting a $50 game preorder like FF XII or Zelda Twilight Princess paid off and an extra $10-$30 back in GR credit.
Oh, and to bring us back to current times, I was able to take that Halo 3 I got from my local BB to GS and got $44.80 for it, so a nice nearly-even exchange there. I was also able to take the extra Zelda Phantom Hourglass from my DS bundle (since I had the game already) and trade that for $28 at GS using the 30% bonus. Nice... That is really a conversion of Gamecrazy credit to EB, but I'l take it.
Wow, all the great memories. I loved that Trade 2 get a Pre-Order for $29.99. I was lucky enough to Pre-Order 360 games with that about 6-8 games that way. They also had the deal trade 2 games in and get a Pre-Owned for $5. This could be an endless cycle of flipping.

I have't flipped really in a long time actually...although, I may get 1 or 2 copies of Beowolf....that would be ideal. Maybe at lunch, I have some errands to run.
The Trade 2 Get a Pre-Owned for $5 was my personal favorite. And I seem to remember some PS2 college basketball game that was hot a few years ago as well — a $5 EB game for $24 in GR credit or something like that. Another note: I have some Blockbusters near me that, from time to time, put all their used games out for $14.99. I was able to pick up titles such as Zelda Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, NBA Street Homecourt (360), Oblivion (PS3) all on the cheap with GR credit, take them back to my GR, and trade them for more than I paid. So essentially, BB/GR was paying me to take their product from one store to another.
I know it's typically a 2-game limit per store per day on same copies, but is it possible to kunai 2x PS3 Beowulf's and 1x 360 Beowulf on the same day? There's only one GR near me, and if I don't have to make two trips, I'd be very happy.

BTW, I like this "kunai" as a verb.
You can. You can trade up to 2 copies of any game title per system per day. I traded 2 ps3 copies for 36.00 each and 2 xbox 360 copies for 35.00 for a total of 142.00 in one trip.
Unless you are friendly with your BBV employees or you have a really good recurring excuse, it seems to be asking for trouble trading in so many copies of a game, especially by abusing the per system factor there.

Good luck doing it, I get enough questionable looks as it is when I flip 2 copies of the same game at one store.
[quote name='stoned99']The Beowulf thing is a sweet trade, it also gets the 5$ Movie cash, so looks like me and the kids get to see a movie.[/QUOTE]

Wait what!? I've been trading it in sealed- is there movie cash inside!?
OK, I updated the wiki since djkunai is too busy with his kunaiing to do so...

So this Beowulf deal is $19.99 at GS now? I was there last night when I traded Halo 3 and of course it was marked $59.99. I didn't ask for a price check since I'm still unsure I even want to convert $20 in EB credit into $35 in Blockbuster credit. Seems not worth it to me, but maybe I ought to do just one ;).
Also, on the topic of epic deals, GR had one in May or so of 2005.

Trade any 3 games, get any used game in stock for $4.99. Combined with a GameCrazy, this turned into:

Buy 3 games for $11 cash at GameCrazy (B2G1 Free on $4.99 and under games). Flip the 3 games for $6 in credit at GameRush. Buy God of War for $4.99 with credit. Take God of War back to GameCrazy, get $35 credit. Buy another 9 games from GameCrazy with that credit. Trade the 9 games to GameRush to get God of War, Star Wars Episode 3 on PS2, and Episode 3 on Xbox. Trade them into a different GameRush for $115 in credit. Pick up a copy of God of War.

In the end I would have $115 credit to GameRush and a copy of God of War ready to go back to GameCrazy the next day for another 9 games. Lather rinsed and repeated over a week or two. Made $800 credit out of $11 cash. I didn't kunai properly and was banned from one store (the ban was gone by a year later).
Ok, so you were around for that deal then ;). Others above were talking about the same thing (they said 2 games, I was pretty sure it was trade 3 like you say). That was the deal that led to a lot of bannings and the deal was pulled early. After all, it invited epic abuse.

I never used it to flip, but I did grab a few things like Ep III for PS2, Republic Commando for Xbox, and a few others and eBay them to help pay for my GR trade fodder (I mean, I probably used the deal 4 or 5 times total). Although I had access to many Gamecrazy's the thought of doing the full kunai never occured to me ;). I could also only use it at my local BB as the GR store came up with the wierd restriction that the games traded had to be worth more than $15 each or something. I found out later they retracted that but by that time the deal had been cancelled.
io, Beowulf 360 and PS3 is $19.99 at EB/GS regardless of what it's tagged at. Some stores restickered things early yesterday morning, and some are just lazy (typically, the high-volume stores at the mall). The same thing happened when Oblivion 360 dropped to $29.99 - most stores still had it tagged at $59/54, but the system rings it correctly. To the best of my knowledge, there's no manual price-changing at EB/GS - it's all handled internally on their network.
[quote name='djkunai']Wait what!? I've been trading it in sealed- is there movie cash inside!?[/quote] Yup... $5 movie cash for admission or concession stand. I traded in 2 before I noticed it.
[quote name='JJSP']io, Beowulf 360 and PS3 is $19.99 at EB/GS regardless of what it's tagged at. Some stores restickered things early yesterday morning, and some are just lazy (typically, the high-volume stores at the mall). The same thing happened when Oblivion 360 dropped to $29.99 - most stores still had it tagged at $59/54, but the system rings it correctly. To the best of my knowledge, there's no manual price-changing at EB/GS - it's all handled internally on their network.[/QUOTE]

Well, yes, I figured that ;). But when I was in the store last night I couldn't remember what the deal was you guys were talking about and at the time it didn't help that they hadn't restickered. I wasn't sure if people were buying it new or used (sometimes one drops before the other and such). It probably wouldn't have mattered anyway as I didn't remember what you guys said it traded for at Blockbuster so I would have passed.

I can still get in on it this weekend (before any potential drop on Tuesday), obviously - just not the Halo 3 return flip unless another bonus coupon comes out. I may yet still pick up a Beowulf ;).
So, the "Move Cash" changes this from $22 for $38 in credit to $22 for $38 in BB Credit AND $5 for the movies? Nice; every 4 of these I flip costs me $88; I get $144 in BB credit and a date gets paid for out of it? Kickass. you know of anyone who might be interested in trading $350 or so in BB/GR Credit for $300-350 in Amazon credit?
[quote name='Slim Gatsby'] you know of anyone who might be interested in trading $350 or so in BB/GR Credit for $300-350 in Amazon credit?[/quote]

No, but if you do give me their contact info!

I went back and asked the guy let me see the copies that I traded in. Got the cash from the 8 I traded, and gave him 1 that someone else had traded in (there were 3 total, and 2 were already taken out). Also, I only found the cash in the 360 version. So I have 8 already with another 12 on the way. $100 in movie cash. Hooray!
[quote name='djkunai']Also, I only found the cash in the 360 version. So I [highlight]have 8 already with another 12 on the way[/highlight]. $100 in movie cash. Hooray![/QUOTE]

TWENTY copies of Beowulf?? See, THIS is why we created a new verb for djkunai's flipping activity. And here I am going back and forth in my mind about doing just ONE copy.
[quote name='djkunai']Also, on the topic of epic deals, GR had one in May or so of 2005.

Trade any 3 games, get any used game in stock for $4.99. Combined with a GameCrazy, this turned into:

Buy 3 games for $11 cash at GameCrazy (B2G1 Free on $4.99 and under games). Flip the 3 games for $6 in credit at GameRush. Buy God of War for $4.99 with credit. Take God of War back to GameCrazy, get $35 credit. Buy another 9 games from GameCrazy with that credit. Trade the 9 games to GameRush to get God of War, Star Wars Episode 3 on PS2, and Episode 3 on Xbox. Trade them into a different GameRush for $115 in credit. Pick up a copy of God of War.

In the end I would have $115 credit to GameRush and a copy of God of War ready to go back to GameCrazy the next day for another 9 games. Lather rinsed and repeated over a week or two. Made $800 credit out of $11 cash. I didn't kunai properly and was banned from one store (the ban was gone by a year later).[/quote]

Actually, Blockbuster has a buy 2 get 1 at the same time as they had the trade two get any one for $5 promo. One could kunai in this fashion:

(I'll do without tax to be easier)

Buy 4 Get 2 of cheapest games = 4 * $7 = $28
Trade 6 (1 credit each), get 3 games of most expensive = 15 - 6 = $9
Trade 3 (35 each), get 1 of most expensive = 5 - 105 = -100

$37 credit became 100 credit, plus a free game, which when traded in, gave you $35 of the $37 back.
Acutally, would anyone with high feedback (20-30+) and a local GameRush be willing to spend my credit for me & ship me one or two things? And what would they want for their time? Thanks!
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Acutally, would anyone with high feedback (20-30+) and a local GameRush be willing to spend my credit for me & ship me one or two things? And what would they want for their time? Thanks![/QUOTE]

Sure thing, just cover cost and shipping ($3). PM me.

On another note, I just kunaied 3 more 360 copies and another 8 PS3 copies. Will trade them in tonight/tomorrow.
[quote name='io']Did you just start with GR in Mar 2007 when you joined CAG? If so, oh, man, there is a huge list...

The Drake one is pretty old - that is even before my time.

I was looking through old receipts trying to find something and recalled a few more recent ones. There was a period in January 2006 where you could buy Echo Night Beyond and Kuon for $10 at GS (I think) and trade them at BB for $24. And at the same time Flatout for the Xbox was available in piles at TRU for $9.98 and traded for $27. A few months before that you could get Galleon and Nightmare of Druaga from TRU for $7 and trade them for $19.

Then there was Red Ninja which I think was usually $10 at CC but for some reason I have it marked (on my BB trade-in slip) as costing me $7.80 - must have been a 25% off or something at CC. That traded for $27 for a while. I still see copies of that sitting at some of my local Blockbusters ;).

Here's some more: Marc Ecko's Getting Up was $7.96 at CC and traded for $24. Plus you got to keep the silver sharpie if you got the LE to trade. Geist was a $9.98 -> $24 conversion. I have Dead To Rights II for Xbox showing as $8.33/$9.97 -> $27. Exit for PSP $8.96 -> $23. Nightmare Before Christmas $8.96 -> $24. There was a time there when CC was a gold mine for credit building because the games you were trying to buy were not popular so they could be found easily and you didn't feel bad buying them up as no one else wanted them anyway.

More: Constantine was $9.90 at Fry's and traded for $23. Ooh, found an earlier receipt where I traded a $10 Echo Night Beyond for $30. Then there was Powerdrome which was cheap various places but I think I got some from Target for $2.48 and traded for $12. One of my best flips ever in terms of it coming out of the blue (as well as in terms of percentage gain) was a GBA Dora game I got at Kmart for $4. I actually got it for my son but it had a lame-ass password save so I took it to GR and got an astounding $17.50 for it. Got $23 for a $10 copy of PowerPuff Girls Relish Rampage for the GC. There's lots more ;).

And don't forget that during most of that time you could get a preorder fully paid for on any game for just $29.99 when you traded 2 games. There was nothing quite like trading in 2 games that cost you $8-$20 total and getting a $50 game preorder like FF XII or Zelda Twilight Princess paid off and an extra $10-$30 back in GR credit.[/QUOTE]

That is a preety complete list. I remember that Ghost in the Shell and King of Fighters(MI) ($10 at Meijer/traded for 25 was pretty popular). There were several other popular $9.98 TRU clerance games (Romance of the Three Kingdoms X and Fight Night Rd. 2 for the GC) that also traded for 25+. I always found it funny when I would walk into a GR and see 5-10 of some of those titles lying around.

On the preorder 2 for 29.99 deal I think I was getting games on average for about 12.50. There was a time that deal overlapped with a trade three get a used game for 9.99 deal. Good times.
[quote name='sp00ge']Yup... $5 movie cash for admission or concession stand. I traded in 2 before I noticed it.[/quote]

I've never heard of this movie cash. Is it tied to a specific theater chain?
[quote name='elmyra']I've never heard of this movie cash. Is it tied to a specific theater chain?[/QUOTE]

Most theaters take it (especially big companies like Pacific, Mann and Edwards). There's a site where you can check to see if you google moviecash. It's good for $5 off admission to Beowulf or $5 off at concession. I'm now at $120 with them. Enough to take out a big group of friends with popcorn and soda to boot. Maybe an end of the semester party.
Darn. I would have taken the dollar hit in trade value to get the movie cash for a family outing. Didn't even bother to look at the 360 versions.

Ah well. Four PS3 copies is probably enough to deal with this weekend anyway.
[quote name='whymustiregister']Search for a participating theater at[/QUOTE]

Cool, thanks! The best theater in the area accepts this stuff. Now I may have to get more than 1 Beowulf ;). I can probably get rid of 3 before next Tuesday... That will almost pay for a ticket for me and one of the kids.

Wait, is the admission only for Beowulf? But the food can be used at any time I assume? That's not quite so great since I usually stay away from the movie food anyway. I was hoping to use it to get into another movie (like Golden Compass).
[quote name='TMNT770']i just traded in 6 beowulf[/QUOTE]

i havent traded anything to BB/GR in years, but i remember the drake deal a lot of guys got banned for this type of thing. Spread them out to 6 differnt stores.

this deal is good enough that it might just have to get me off of my cheap ass. but really there are easier ways to make money, and this is just GR credit you are getting, not cash.
Um...reading the MovieCash, it looks like its only $5 off per ticket and only for Beowulf or concessions, if anyone can confirm otherwise, let me know.
[quote name='dracula']this deal is good enough that it might just have to get me off of my cheap ass. but really there are easier ways to make money, and this is just GR credit you are getting, not cash.[/QUOTE]
These days, GR credit spends just fine. I picked up Rock Band without a preorder, can get most of the big releases within a week at a significant discount, and now they have started discounting some new release DVDs to compete with Walmart/Target in the first week.

(And that doesn't even factor in the element of swapping Halo 3 and Beowolf back and forth, bringing the pennies on the dollar lower with each swap.)

Very handy with a major gift holiday coming up and at least four gamers besides myself on my gift-giving list, and plenty of DVD watchers.
Oh, yeah, no doubt if I had a GR around I'd be kunaiing this as much as possible. It's just that without one I think 3 is more than enough. I'm heading out to CC anyway and nearby is a Mall with 2 EB/GS stores, so I'm hoping to pick up another Halo 3 at my BB, head up there, hit up CC, hit up the Mall, then get dinner ;). The Beowulf trades will have to wait until tomorrow.
Successfully traded in three copies of Beowulf today. Traded one of the PS3 copies at a Blockbuster near me, and one PS3 and 360 each at the local GR.

This deal has been wonderful for me. Bought GHIII bundle at Goodwill for $40, traded the game along with Fight Night R3 and Halo 2 to EB for $65 with the coupon, bought three Beowulf's, traded those to Gamerush for $107 credit + $5 moviecash.
FYI, the vouchers in the :360: version are Hollywood Movie/Concession Money, not Movie Cash. Expires February 16, 2008.

Enter Promo Code 32432 and your Zip Code to find a participating theater along with the showtimes.

The fine print on the back, bold/italics/caps straight from the text:

RESTRICTIONS: A. Certificates are valid at participating theaters for $5 OFF one admission to see Beowulf at any exhibition of, including those designated as "no coupons, no passes" in local listing guides. OR $5 OFF concession purchase. B. If lost, cannot be replaced. Void if resold. C. No reproductions will be accepted. D. Cast value 1/100th of one cent.
These days, GR credit spends just fine. I picked up Rock Band without a preorder

Echo that; GR credit's good for big purchases around here. I flipped five 360 Beowulfs yesterday... turned $100 in GS credit into a 360 copy of Rock Band and $25 in movie cash for my movieholic brother-in-law (thankfully, he lives within a couple miles of a participating theater).
just got back from 2 GR, spent my credit and got 2 rock band bundles they just got in. check today they seemed to all get a shipment.
[quote name='falcon815']These days, GR credit spends just fine. I picked up Rock Band without a preorder

Echo that; GR credit's good for big purchases around here. I flipped five 360 Beowulfs yesterday... turned $100 in GS credit into a 360 copy of Rock Band and $25 in movie cash for my movieholic brother-in-law (thankfully, he lives within a couple miles of a participating theater).[/QUOTE]

did one store really take all 5? thats crazy, the limit is 2.
[quote name='JJSP']Successfully traded in three copies of Beowulf today. Traded one of the PS3 copies at a Blockbuster near me, and one PS3 and 360 each at the local GR.

This deal has been wonderful for me. Bought GHIII bundle at Goodwill for $40, traded the game along with Fight Night R3 and Halo 2 to EB for $65 with the coupon, bought three Beowulf's, traded those to Gamerush for $107 credit + $5 moviecash.[/QUOTE]

how the frack did you get GHIII at goodwill
did one store really take all 5? thats crazy, the limit is 2.

Nah, there are seven GRs between my work and my house, so I just made a few extra stops on the way home.
[quote name='falcon815']did one store really take all 5? thats crazy, the limit is 2.

Nah, there are [highlight]seven GRs between my work and my house[/highlight], so I just made a few extra stops on the way home.[/QUOTE]


I wish I just had the 1 back ;).

Anyway, I was able to stop by my local BB last night and pick through the Halo 3's again and find the least destroyed one (one had a giant ring etched into the disc surface near the edge!) and take that to EB last night. Got my $44.80 and then bought 2 copies of Beowulf for $35.98 (used the 10% off coupon). I'll trade one back into my local BB and will have to save the other for the one in the next town (that carries a few new games too - will have to see what they have now).

So, anyway, 2 copies is about all I could handle of this - one to each of the closest 2 Blockbuster stores. I just couldn't see taking more credit away from a useful place and putting it into a useless place, even at nearly a 100% profit.
I plan on Kunaiing some copies of Beowulf but I wanted to know if anyone has encountered any problems when buying multiple copies of the same game from GS/EB? The reason being is that sometimes they specify "no dealers/resellers" or something.

What's the safest number of copies I can buy from GS/EB at one time?

Also the wiki doesn't show the trade in value for the PS3 version but I'm guessing its $36?
So I see there are new $16.96 games at Circuit City, including 360, Wii, and PS3 titles. Could be some good titles in there for kunaiing...I figure at least one of those PS3/Wii games still gets $33 at GR!
[quote name='mrhappi79']I plan on Kunaiing some copies of Beowulf but I wanted to know if anyone has encountered any problems when buying multiple copies of the same game from GS/EB? The reason being is that sometimes they specify "no dealers/resellers" or something.

What's the safest number of copies I can buy from GS/EB at one time?

Also the wiki doesn't show the trade in value for the PS3 version but I'm guessing its $36?[/quote]

Tell them you are buying them for your cousins, to donate to children, or both.

Or tell them that they are for your college class next semester where the teacher wants to compare Beowulf the game, the movie, and the book and see the differences.

Be creative, you are smarter than they are.
[quote name='dinovelvet']So I see there are new $16.96 games at Circuit City, including 360, Wii, and PS3 titles. Could be some good titles in there for kunaiing...I figure at least one of those PS3/Wii games still gets $33 at GR![/QUOTE]

I thought about it briefly, but didn't think the slight possibility of $17 -> $33 was worth the hassle. I'm sure there's something that trades well though. I doubt any of the Wii games get that much, and many of the 360 games are cheaper ones anyway but BB/GR is always full of surprises and I'm sure there's a good one there somewhere. Probably one of the soccer games I ignored :lol:.

I just took one copy of Beowulf along with Gun and Bionicle Heroes in so I could get a printed quote of $59 total ($35/$12/$12). I then traded just Beowulf in for the $35. I'll take my second copy to Gamecrazy along with the other 2 games for their trade-in price match guarantee. That way I win (as in it is somewhere I can actually spend the credit).
Grabbed two more 360 versions today, also got my shipment of 12 360 copies- will kunai them today through Monday.
You can get these for 17.99 at Circuit City with their gamer card (which if you've been kunaiing these it would have paid for itself already), plus theres a $15 off $100 coupon floating around. Be a little less than $100 for 6 copies

My Gamecrazy is gonna shit a brick when i come in to pricematch GR's trade-in value.

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