The Stay-Puft OTT

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I guess alot of you guys have me on ignore or just don't read anything I have to say. I know that not many people listen to me in real life but I can't believe that I can not successfully develope or carry on a conversation.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']New av and sig. Flippy rules.[/QUOTE]

That was true years ago. :lol:

[quote name='flowery']I guess alot of you guys have me on ignore or just don't read anything I have to say. I know that not many people listen to me in real life but I can't believe that I can not successfully develope or carry on a conversation.[/QUOTE]

I don't have you on ignore ...
[quote name='flowery']I guess alot of you guys have me on ignore or just don't read anything I have to say. I know that not many people listen to me in real life but I can't believe that I can not successfully develope or carry on a conversation.[/QUOTE]
I don't have you on ignore. You just don't usually spark conversation for me.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']look at their previous posts.[/QUOTE]

I did. I'm just suprised no one brought it up before. I guess I spend too much time in just the OTT. :lol:
[quote name='flowery']I guess alot of you guys have me on ignore or just don't read anything I have to say. I know that not many people listen to me in real life but I can't believe that I can not successfully develope or carry on a conversation.[/QUOTE]

If it's worth commenting on, I comment on it. No, I don't have you on ignore, being a mod, I don't think I should ignore anyone, as tempting as it is for a few people I can think of. Not you, of course.

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']

Did this person just imply that they be runnin' thangs at :shock:

Why haven't I heard of them before?[/QUOTE]

Plenty of people keep a very low profile around here.
I don't think I have figured the OTT out fully yet. I am not exactly good on timing of when I am in these things. Ah screw it.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']No, but you rule a little bit less for not acknowledging it sooner. ;)[/QUOTE]

Don;t you remember though that I'm the one who made the Flippy PSP skin?
[quote name='flowery']I don't think I have figured the OTT out fully yet. I am not exactly good on timing of when I am in these things. Ah screw it.[/QUOTE]

If someone could figure out the OTT, they should use that knowledge for good, not evil. *eyes Sneaky*
[quote name='flowery']I don't think I have figured the OTT out fully yet. I am not exactly good on timing of when I am in these things. Ah screw it.[/QUOTE]
well for one you type too long.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Don;t you remember though that I'm the one who made the Flippy PSP skin?[/QUOTE]

I suppose that helps your case, but did you order the first DVD as soon as they were available? :lol:
[quote name='AngellicLulu']well for one you type too long.[/QUOTE]

Hey I am sorry for my slowness. I have the cheapest dsl and sometimes I wonder about what I am saying or whatever; maybe I have a slight case of ADD. My typing skills are fine by the way.
I also like this...

[quote name='flowery']Hey I am sorry for my slowness. I have the cheapest dsl and sometimes I wonder about what I am saying or whatever; maybe I have a slight case of ADD. My typing skills are fine by the way.[/QUOTE]
see you can narrow that down to:
my dsl is slow, and I think before I type, so kiss my ass.
[quote name='flowery']I don't think I have figured the OTT out fully yet. I am not exactly good on timing of when I am in these things. Ah screw it.[/QUOTE]
now i havent noticed you posting much until recently, but ive been out of the ott for a while as well. ive noticed most of your statements are just statements not often pretaining to the topic at the moment

this being called an off topic topic is somewhat misleading by nature, there usually are topics floating around, but they are all very loosely structured at best.

its usually not very easy for people to just join and dive right into the ott (kayden :lol:) you have to watch and see how everything plays out and get your feet wet before diving in

assuming otters dislike you or dont want to talk to you is silly, youre more than welcome around here, and even the unwelcomed have a way of still hanging around ^^
[quote name='flowery']I don't think I have figured the OTT out fully yet. I am not exactly good on timing of when I am in these things. Ah screw it.[/QUOTE]

You will never understand it fully. Only robots do and we aren't allowed to tell anyone........or else.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I suppose that helps your case, but did you order the first DVD as soon as they were available? :lol:[/QUOTE]

No, but I've had vol 3 for a while, and got 1 and 2 from the DDD sale. Watched all three with commentary last night.

This one is subtle....and disturbing.
That's how I like my women.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Damnit Punq, what's the first rule of OTT Club? You don't talk about OTT Club![/QUOTE]
its a trap!
Flowery, usually if people have a problem with you, they won't hesitate to tell you...
at great length or in rather forceful terms.
[quote name='JSweeney']Flowery, usually if people have a problem with you, they won't hesitate to tell you...
at great length or in rather forceful terms.[/QUOTE]
forceful or bold :lol:
When I was a kid, about 5 or 6, Ghostbusters was my absolute all-time favorite movie. My parents tell me I used to recite the dialogue word-for-word whenever I wasn't actually watching the movie.
[quote name='Ledhed']When I was a kid, about 5 or 6, Ghostbusters was my absolute all-time favorite movie. My parents tell me I used to recite the dialogue word-for-word whenever I wasn't actually watching the movie.[/QUOTE]

Really? I didn't think that movie was completely appropriate for a 5 or 6 year old. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Really? I didn't think that movie was completely appropriate for a 5 or 6 year old. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Neither was A Clockwork Orange or Pulp Fiction (that one's more towards about 9 when it came out), but that never stopped my Dad from sitting down with me to watch them. Some of my favorite childhood memories are sitting around with my Dad and watching Monty Python, Young Frankenstein or whatever the hell the flavor of the day was.
[quote name='Ledhed']Neither was A Clockwork Orange or Pulp Fiction (that one's more towards about 9 when it came out), but that never stopped my Dad from sitting down with me to watch them. Some of my favorite childhood memories are sitting around with my Dad and watching Monty Python, Young Frankenstein or whatever the hell the flavor of the day was.[/QUOTE]

I so wanted to see Pulp Fiction for my 12th birthday, as it was out in theaters at the time. Sadly my dad said no, and we ended up watching Trapped in Paradise. :cry: :cry: :cry:
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I ended up seeing Clockwork Orange when I was about 13.

I did see Commando when I was about 4 though. Explains a lot.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see Clockwork until a year or two ago ... and I didn't think it was all that great when I did see it. :oops: :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I so wanted to see Pulp Fiction for my 12th birthday, as it was out in theaters at the time. Sadly my dad said no, and we ended up watching Trapped in Paradise. :cry: :cry: :cry:[/QUOTE]

Trapped in Paradise was a decent movie; maybe not for 12th birthday but it had its moments.
[quote name='flowery']Trapped in Paradise was a decent movie; maybe not for 12th birthday but it had its moments.[/QUOTE]

It was ok, but it's sure as fuck no Pulp Fiction. :cry: :lol:
My one friend's taken to calling me Jules, due to my sideburns, and the fact that I quoted half of Jules lines while on the WAy to Wendy's. I even did the entire "Dead $$$$$$ Storage" speech.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']My one friend's taken to calling me Jules, due to my sideburns, and the fact that I quoted half of Jules lines while on the WAy to Wendy's. I even did the entire "Dead $$$$$$ Storage" speech.[/QUOTE]

But that was Jimmie, not Jules ...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']It was ok, but it's sure as fuck no Pulp Fiction. :cry: :lol:[/QUOTE]

Of course there is no comparison. Pulp Fiction was a great movie I wish I had seen it in theater. I fill that way about alot of movies since I dont frequent the theaters.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']But that was Jimmy ...[/QUOTE]

Jules did have some lines though. And you cant jsut have his lines, so I did the whole thing.
SG-1 has become the "Isle of Sci-fi Rejects." It's fiull of actors who were fired from their sci-fi projects.

So far I've counted four.

Edit: Make that five if you cound SGA.
Also, I read through the first half of Priest. It's pretty good. I like it's slightly different take on the fallen angels war against God.

With crappy shows like arnival and Deadwood, if they canceled both those series and put their money into doing Priest on HBO they'd have a smash hit.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Also, I read through the first half of Priest. It's pretty good. I like it's slightly different take on the fallen angels war against God.

With crappy shows like arnival and Deadwood, if they canceled both those series and put their money into doing Priest on HBO they'd have a smash hit.[/QUOTE]

I dont have HBO but I have seen the first few episodes of Deadwood and I thought it was amazing...supposedly the most accurate depection of that time. It also helps I love westerns and the such.
[quote name='flowery']I dont have HBO but I have seen the first few episodes of Deadwood and I thought it was amazing...supposedly the most accurate depection of that time. It also helps I love westerns and the such.[/QUOTE]

From what I've seen of deadwood I thought it sucked. Just because the characters are dirty and swear doesn't make it a good show.

But I think a lot of HBO shows are overrated by their own hype machine.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']From what I've seen of deadwood I thought it sucked. Just because the characters are dirty and swear doesn't make it a good show.

But I think a lot of HBO shows are overrated by their own hype machine.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you're right they do hype the heck out of there shows - Sex and the City & Soprano's. They also charge insane prices once they are out on DVD - Band of Brothers worth every penny though.
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