The Stay-Puft OTT

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[quote name='flowery']So[/QUOTE]

la, a note to follow so..
Te, a drink with Jam and bread.
And that brings us back to do, do, do, do.

Do a deer, a female deer.
Re, a drop of golden sun.
Mi, a name, I call myself
Fa, a long long way to run.
So, a needle pulling thread
[quote name='evilmregg']I didn't have a particular point. I'm just a grammar nazi. It's my raison d'être.


That's fine I suck at grammar - ask my english teacher. Sorry I don't speak french only: english, bad english, and ein bischen deutsch.
[quote name='JSweeney']la, a note to follow so..
Te, a drink with Jam and bread.
And that brings us back to do, do, do, do.

Do a deer, a female deer.
Re, a drop of golden sun.
Mi, a name, I call myself
Fa, a long long way to run.
So, a needle pulling thread[/QUOTE]
I always forgot what Te was... maybe because I got bored after So.
I have this incredible urge to punch myself in the side of the head, but that would just hurt my hand and make me a bit light-headed ...

Maybe I'll try to find out about those happy pills next week. :lol:
MTV Has officially gone to Hell. With this Andy Milonokis show. For the love of God, make it stop. It's like wanting to shoot a lame horse. It's pathetically sad to keep it alive.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I have this incredible urge to punch myself in the side of the head, but that would just hurt my hand and make me a bit light-headed ...

Maybe I'll try to find out about those happy pills next week. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I've had that urge. One time I rammed my head into a cabinet as hard as I could during just such an onset. I think I had watched Fight Club like three times in a month when I did that, though. I'm silly like that.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I have this incredible urge to punch myself in the side of the head, but that would just hurt my hand and make me a bit light-headed ...

Maybe I'll try to find out about those happy pills next week. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Just don't hit your temple if you do. Hurts like a motherfucker. I prefer to punch myself in the jaw, or cheekbone.
[quote name='evilmregg']I've had that urge. One time I rammed my head into a cabinet as hard as I could during just such an onset. I think I had watched Fight Club like three times in a month when I did that, though. I'm silly like that.[/QUOTE]

Last week I wanted to stab myself in the leg. I punched myself instead ... my leg was only numb for a few minutes. :lol:

I've been watching Arrested Development all week. :lol:

[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Just don't hit your temple if you do. Hurts like a motherfucker. I prefer to punch myself in the jaw, or cheekbone.[/QUOTE]

What, and damage my face? :roll: :lol:
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']MTV Has officially gone to Hell. With this Andy Milonokis show. For the love of God, make it stop. It's like wanting to shoot a lame horse. It's pathetically sad to keep it alive.[/QUOTE]

I really think they're just testing how far they can go with showing the most absolute putrid programming possible and still have the bulk of the youth demographic. Soon they will just have 24 hours a day of Ashton Kutcher laughing and pointing at things and it will make them very rich.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']MTV Has officially gone to Hell. With this Andy Milonokis show. For the love of God, make it stop. It's like wanting to shoot a lame horse. It's pathetically sad to keep it alive.[/QUOTE]
C'mon...the John Stamos bit was gold. I quoted it earlier.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']C'mon...the John Stamos bit was gold. I quoted it earlier.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Gold. Along with Kitty Jesus. :puke: You get enough monkeys typing on typwriters you'll find something funny in that. But it's not f'ing gold.
[quote name='evilmregg']I really think they're just testing how far they can go with showing the most absolute putrid programming possible and still have the bulk of the youth demographic. Soon they will just have 24 hours a day of Ashton Kutcher laughing and pointing at things and it will make them very rich.[/QUOTE]
I thought they did that already and called it Punk'd. ;)
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Yeah. Gold. Along with Kitty Jesus. :puke: You get enough monkeys typing on typwriters you'll find something funny in that. But it's not f'ing gold.[/QUOTE]
I just had the dumbest argument ever with my roommate. It was like playing Charades with Helen Keller. Oh my GOD I need to get the fuck out of here.
[quote name='evilmregg']I just had the dumbest argument ever with my roommate. It was like playing Charades with Helen Keller. Oh my GOD I need to get the fuck out of here.[/QUOTE]

Fancy a trip to Kansas? I need something to occupy my time before I end up with a concussion. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Fancy a trip to Kansas? I need something to occupy my time before I end up with a concussion. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Warn before that happens, since he's lively to blow through here first. :D
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Fancy a trip to Kansas? I need something to occupy my time before I end up with a concussion. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm not even willing to drive three hours away to Chicago for entertainment. I'm sure as hell not functional enough to go to Kansas. :D
[quote name='evilmregg']I'm not even willing to drive three hours away to Chicago for entertainment. I'm sure as hell not functional enough to go to Kansas. :D[/QUOTE]

Take a couple happy pills, grab a 12 pack, and get your ass in a car. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Take a couple happy pills, grab a 12 pack, and get your ass in a car. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Maybe if I convince my shrink to prescribe me some Xanax next weekend. If I end up on anti-psychotics, though, then it will probably be right out since I'll be doing little else but sitting on my couch and dribbling down my chin. In other words, what I do most of the time anyway.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Take a couple happy pills, grab a 12 pack, and get your ass in a car. :lol:[/QUOTE]
damn son, hes talking to you like you was an 85 pound sophmore girl.
[quote name='punqsux']damn son, hes talking to you like you was an 85 pound sophmore girl.[/QUOTE]


Finally, someone sees through my macho exterior to the real me inside.
[quote name='evilmregg']:rofl:

Finally, someone sees through my macho exterior to the real me inside.[/QUOTE]

You want him inside you? That's pretty fucked up.
[quote name='shrike4242']Who's to say he's not? :D[/QUOTE]
im sure zewone will show up and accuse him of being a girl eventully.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']Man, Morrowind runs like ass on my computer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it does on mine too. Gotta wait for that 7800 GTX to get delivered before I tackle it again.
[quote name='punqsux']im sure zewone will show up and accuse him of being a girl eventully.[/QUOTE]

Oh yippie... I'll get to go through that entire diatribe again. Oh rapture. :roll:
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Yeah, it does on mine too. Gotta wait for that 7800 GTX to get delivered before I tackle it again.[/QUOTE]

Well, it runs damn good now that I turned draw distance down. It is a tiny bit choppy, but not too bad.
[quote name='JSweeney']You want him inside you? That's pretty fucked up.[/QUOTE]

Amazing what mild-altering chemicals will do to you.

[quote name='punqsux']im sure zewone will show up and accuse him of being a girl eventully.[/QUOTE]

Most likely.
[quote name='evilmregg']Maybe if I convince my shrink to prescribe me some Xanax next weekend. If I end up on anti-psychotics, though, then it will probably be right out since I'll be doing little else but sitting on my couch and dribbling down my chin. In other words, what I do most of the time anyway.[/QUOTE]

Anti-psychotics you say ... :whistle2:k


I think I'm going to put on some headphones and listen to Broken in the dark. That should take care of my self-destructive urges. :lol:
[quote name='punqsux']yeah but the language is just too much, its like watching high school goth kids try to act cool

(no offence morbid :lol: )[/QUOTE]

:lol: I'm not in high school, as it shows in my spelling ;)
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Jesus Christ! Jimmy Kimmel had a hand in giving that Andy kid his own show. Oh man, his career must really be on the rocks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but whos the chick on Letterman.
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