The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Love all the greenlit games. Cynic in me says Steam ran out of devs willing to do cards so this is the result of it. "Hey you willing to do cards if we greenlight you?" "Of course!" "Greenlit!"
I read somewhere that they are stress-testing the upcoming self-publishing feature.

Also: Think I might snag that Dungeon Siege collection. Why? 75%, $5, Funbucks, that's why.
This is a nice deal and I hope it doesn't get overlooked. You get 1 and 2 thrown in as a bonus and, frankly, that's worth the $5 alone. DS3 wasn't my favorite game. It wasn't a great addition to the Dungeon Siege series imo, but it was an okay action/RPG.

Sidenote: After finishing the campaign to BL2 I searched for what order to play the DLC. So many different opinions. What I also didn't understand was the sidequest mission carry over from playthrough 2 to 2.5. It seemed like the consensus was to skip the sidequest in TVH then do them in UVH, so the rewards are scaled higher. What doesn't make sense to me is that most say to play the DLC in the 2nd play through which seems contradicting to the previous advice. I haven't started TVH yet.

I'm thinking about playing the DLC in my first playthrough. Running through the main story skipping the side missions and DLC in TVH and then doing everything again in UVH. How did the rest of you do it?
UVHM is the goal. That's where you're going to get the best loot and the most challenging gameplay. If you subscribe to that theory then ignore side missions unless you need a few more XP to make your current story mission a little easier. Feel free to start up (but not necessarily finish) any of the DLC and get in a few high XP story missions.

Once you reach UVHM do any of the side missions that look interesting. Take your time and enjoy because it's impossible to over-level. Everything (enemies and loot) in UVHM scales to your current level. You can also reset all missions and play them again if you want in UVHM.

There's really no "correct" order to play the DLC on your way to UVHM. The only one that contains a spoiler to the main story (iirc) is Tiny Tina. Having said that, some of them do scale higher in Normal and TVHM, so you may find missions geared towards levels higher than you are currently (I think most of them are around 30 in Normal and 40-50 in UVHM).

Now... if you care nothing about UVHM and just want to play through it all once just for fun, then ignore all that and do whatever you want. Just be aware that Tiny Tina contains that spoiler (do it after you've completed the main game) and Hammerlock contains a minor spoiler as well. If you do every single side mission then you will very likely over-level and make your game ridiculously easy (you'll know by the difficulty shown next to the mission in your HUD).

The Paranautical Activity dev was probably lying about not getting paid, I don't think they wouldn't give us keys, people would rage too much at them, and they've already gotten enough hate as it is.
I don't know whether the devs really didn't receive the payment, but I don't believe that Groupees didn't send it. Honestly, given their attitude during the bundle run, I doubt that they care about their buyers now that they're greenlit.

As for The Cat Lady keys.. I could've sworn I saw the dev in the Groupees chat, promoting the game and hinting that it would be the mystery game in BMA. Are you sure its not a different game you're thinking of?
Cat Lady Dev and someone from Screen 7 was in Groupees chat and they had permission to to put it in their bundle so we should be getting keys for it.

I think Detruire is thinking of another game. Maybe JULIA and all that KISS nonsense?
Yeah, I was thinking of JULIA.

Also supposedly Talisman Prologue (the one bundled) is different than Talisman Digital Edition :roll: so we're not getting keys probably.
:roll: indeed. Reminds me of how IG buyers didn't get keys for Lunnye Devitsy because the Steam version is supposedly a much better version. (Great excuse... they should have been releasing updates for the IG version, since they're still calling the game exactly the same thing.)

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We can pretty much guarantee that we won't be getting Paranautical Activity keys from BM8, since the devs were bitching about not being paid by Groupees.

Or The Cat Lady keys from BMA (iirc the dev said the publisher put the game in the bundle without their permission.)

I'm wondering when we'll hear about Season #2 Pass.

Since we know BL2: GOTY is coming (BL2 + some DLC + Season #1 Pass)....

...when is BL2: Ultimate coming w/ EVERY Season Pass + ALL other DLC's? ;)

Am I the only one shocked that Shadow of the Eternals got greenlit?  I figured that game had a less than 10% chance of even getting made in the first place.  I loved Eternal Darkness and all, but with all the drama around the assets and the kickstarter falling more than 50% short of it's goal (which further confuses me on the greenlight timing), I just don't see it happening and if it does happen I kind of think a lot of Eternal Darkness fans will kind of wish it didn't.

Ah well, at least I'll get to play Silent Storm again...

Taken from another site but this is mostly complete I think:

  • A Walk in the Dark (Greenlight Bundle)
  • Bloody Trapland (Indie Royal Spiral Groove Bundle)
  • Bridge It (Indie Face Kick and Indiefort Countdown)
  • Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils (Indie Royale The Back to School Bundle)
  • Call of Cthulhu (Ingie Gala Mobile 2, Indie Gala 9)
  • Constant C (Groupees Be Mine 8)
  • Croixleur (Groupees Build a Doujin)
  • Darkout (Groupees Build A Greenlight 2)
  • Depth Hunter (Groupees Build a Bundle 2 and Greenlight Bundle)
  • Dino Run SE (Indie Royale Summer bundle)
  • Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos (Groupees Build a Doujin Bundle)
  • Eleusis (Groupees Be Mine 8)
  • Escape Goat (Greenlight Bundle)
  • Exoplanet First Contact (Groupees Adventure Role Playing)
  • Gravi (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 2)
  • Megabyte Punch (Greenlight Bundle 3)
  • Mutant Mudds (Indie Royale Harvest Bundle)
  • NEO Scavenger (Groupees Be Mine 5)
  • Omegalodon (Indie Gala 10)
  • Oniken (Indiegala Summertide)
  • Paranautical Activity (Groupees Be Mine 8)
  • Rawbots (Greenlight Bundle)
  • Reprisal (Indie Royale Fall Bundle)
  • The Cat Lady (Groupees Be Mine Aniversary)
  • Underrail (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle)
  • Zafehouse Diaries (Groupees Undead Bundle)
Nice, I've got at least 20 of those.

Wasn't there something going on similar to this with J.U.L.I.A. in the Groupees KISS bundle?

That KISS had put it in without the dev's permission?

Or at least that was the talk at the time.
IIRC that wasn't Groupees fault at all. Your second sentence there is what happened.

The Paranautical devs are just fucktards to the power of ten.

Well, God Mode is more fun than I expected from all the talk of it's mediocrity.  I'm sure it will wear itself down after awhile, but the first few matches have been a good deal of fun, and it certainly looks halfway decent.

Am I the only one shocked that Shadow of the Eternals got greenlit? I figured that game had a less than 10% chance of even getting made in the first place. I loved Eternal Darkness and all, but with all the drama around the assets and the kickstarter falling more than 50% short of it's goal (which further confuses me on the greenlight timing), I just don't see it happening and if it does happen I kind of think a lot of Eternal Darkness fans will kind of wish it didn't.

Ah well, at least I'll get to play Silent Storm again...
Honestly I think they just picked a bunch of games mostly at random to test their new software like HAL said.

Some of those games and/or Greenlight pages haven't seen much activity from the developers in a while, DTP still hasn't released the last game they got Greenlit in May (and just to be clear it's not beta, it's been finished and sold outside of Steam for years), An Anime Visual Novel got picked in spite of the fact that those always seem to get flooded with negative comments on Greenlight, Dominions 3 by the developers' own account (complete with statics from Valve) was nowhere near getting in and had twice as many no votes as yes votes, etc etc.

I also wouldn't be shocked if at least half of those games don't get released for a long time or ever.

That being said, the trickle they were doing was just too damned slow for the amount of games that were on there so something like this needed to be done.

*Edit: One of the replies on the Shadows of the Eternals official forums

Congrats to getting it Greenlit on Steam let's get this game made !
So anyone got 750k to invest ?
Oh geeze.

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[...] I spoke about the fact that EA no longer makes “offline” games.

That is a fact. But in industry headlines, on Twitter and in forums, I see some misinterpretations as to what that means exactly. So allow me to clarify.

Today, most games are “online” in some way, shape or form. Many games connect in online multiplayer modes; others include online services which allow for periodic content updates, sharing stats or achievements or connecting with friends; and others are games downloaded through digital delivery methods like Origin or the App Store. The reality is, the Internet and social connectivity touches every one of our titles today – and has for several years.

What that does NOT mean is that every game we ship will require an online connection. Many, if not most, of our games include single-player, offline modes that you can play entirely without an Internet connection, if you so choose. We know that’s something many of our players want, and we will continue to deliver it.
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And of course clearing cookies means having to use the Steamguard crap again and being locked out of the market. Sometimes I really dislike Steam.  (No I don't babe, I'm sorry. I take it all back)

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And of course clearing cookies means having to use the Steamguard crap again and being locked out of the market. Sometimes I really dislike Steam. (No I don't babe, I'm sorry. I take it all back)
Uh... I've cleared cookies many times. Just because you have to enter the access code again through Steamguard doesn't mean you're locked out of the market. That only happens if you DISABLE Steamguard.

No time to play bundle games when you're reviewing kickstarter games for us.

Sidenote: After finishing the campaign to BL2 I searched for what order to play the DLC. So many different opinions. What I also didn't understand was the sidequest mission carry over from playthrough 2 to 2.5. It seemed like the consensus was to skip the sidequest in TVH then do them in UVH, so the rewards are scaled higher. What doesn't make sense to me is that most say to play the DLC in the 2nd play through which seems contradicting to the previous advice. I haven't started TVH yet.

I'm thinking about playing the DLC in my first playthrough. Running through the main story skipping the side missions and DLC in TVH and then doing everything again in UVH. How did the rest of you do it?
Well before the announcement of the new level cap the other day the plan me and my friends had was this: Go through the game on normal taking our time, exploring, doing all the sidequests etc... We also did the DLC in the order it was released in normal mode. So Scarlett, Torgue, Hamerlock, and then Tina. Then in TVHM we were going to just do the story missions and skip all the sidequests and DLC. Finally we were going to do UVHM and do only the story missions first until we beat the game and got to level 61, then we were going to go back and do some of the sidequests and DLC stuff that gave good weapons and farm those for what we wanted. Then it would be time to farm raid bosses and other mini bosses for loot. Now though I'm not sure how the new DLC will change things.

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Am I the only one shocked that Shadow of the Eternals got greenlit?
Yeah, that's pretty rotten timing given their massive public Kickstarter failure. I'm sure they'll do the "early access" thing which is not entirely unlike Kickstarter in that you putting up cash for something that's not finished. The only difference being that Kickstarter gives you the "out" if it fails to meet the goal. With early access you're stuck with whatever the developer gives you.

Well before the announcement of the new level cap the other day the plan me and my friends had was this: Go through the game on normal taking our time, exploring, doing all the sidequests etc... We also did the DLC in the order it was released in normal mode. So Scarlett, Torgue, Hamerlock, and then Tina. Then in TVHM we were going to just do the story missions and skip all the sidequests and DLC. Finally we were going to do UVHM and do only the story missions first until we beat the game and got to level 61, then we were going to go back and do some of the sidequests and DLC stuff that gave good weapons and farm those for what we wanted. Then it would be time to farm raid bosses and other mini bosses for loot. Now though I'm not sure how the new DLC will change things.
That's a valid approach, but one I haven't taken. One problem I see is that you can't access UVHM until you've beaten TVHM and you're level 50 or above. UVHM makes all your loot ineffective very quickly and going in with under-leveled gear (items in TVHM tops out at 50 or 51 iirc) won't get you far at all. I suppose you could use some golden keys in Sanctuary, but you've gotta get there first!

Sticking mostly to the story missions will get you to UVHM right at 50.

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*Edit: One of the replies on the Shadows of the Eternals official forums


Congrats to getting it Greenlit on Steam let's get this game made !
So anyone got 750k to invest ?

Oh geeze.
Wow. That leads me back to questioning this "early access" program again. Shouldn't Valve just pull the plug on games that aren't finished and under active development? That's more than a little ridiculous, unless it was the dev's really lame attempt at humor.
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Yeah, that's pretty rotten timing given their massive public Kickstarter failure. I'm sure they'll do the "early access" thing which is not entirely unlike Kickstarter in that you putting up cash for something that's not finished. The only difference being that Kickstarter gives you the "out" if it fails to meet the goal. With early access you're stuck with whatever the developer gives you.

That's a valid approach, but one I haven't taken. One problem I see is that you can't access UVHM until you've beaten TVHM and you're level 50 or above. UVHM makes all your loot ineffective very quickly and going in with under-leveled gear (items in TVHM tops out at 50 or 51 iirc) won't get you far at all. I suppose you could use some golden keys in Sanctuary, but you've gotta get there first!

Sticking mostly to the story missions will get you to UVHM right at 50.
Yeah I guess I should clarify a little bit, I had access to a lvl 61 save file so I took that character out to TVHM and farmed a bunch of lvl 48,49,50 legendaries to help out for me and my friends in UVHM.

Wow. That leads me back to questioning this "early access" program again. Shouldn't Valve just pull the plug on games that aren't finished and under active development? That's more than a little ridiculous, unless it was the dev's really lame attempt at humor.
That's just a reply by someone on the forum, not one of the devs. I mean with the failed campaigns and all they still will likely need money from somewhere to complete it, but hopefully a Steam guarantee can drive some money their way.

I do think that any games on Steam in the early access program need to be closer than not to finished or by some dev with a proven history of coming through. Not sure what Valve would do if an early access game was never finished or abandoned.

Been playing more Saints Row IV. The further I get the more I want to stop playing. They just made a lot of bad design choices. First off the world is just Saints Row 3 with new textures so there is no point to stealing vehicles. Second off, too many repetitive sidemissions.

Granted I am playing on Normal difficulty, but because of superpowers/upgrades I never die. I still take damage, but I never die. It's not even that I am good at the game, the game has just become so easy. Plus the game really isn't that fun. I mean yeah it's crazy, but when I play GTA, I have a certain satisfaction in getting in a huge cop chase, killing cops, peds, everything because there is a certain refinement to the game. Saints Row IV is just boring, oh look I can get a high wanted level, run away from everything and be unseen in no time.

Granted I haven't completed the story yet but it's hard to even want to when there is nothing fun to do. The only things to do are collect the billion collectables, side missions or main missions and the amount of side missions are turning me off.

Been playing more Saints Row IV. The further I get the more I want to stop playing. They just made a lot of bad design choices. First off the world is just Saints Row 3 with new textures so there is no point to stealing vehicles. Second off, too many repetitive sidemissions.

Granted I am playing on Normal difficulty, but because of superpowers/upgrades I never die. I still take damage, but I never die. It's not even that I am good at the game, the game has just become so easy. Plus the game really isn't that fun. I mean yeah it's crazy, but when I play GTA, I have a certain satisfaction in getting in a huge cop chase, killing cops, peds, everything because there is a certain refinement to the game. Saints Row IV is just boring, oh look I can get a high wanted level, run away from everything and be unseen in no time.

Granted I haven't completed the story yet but it's hard to even want to when there is nothing fun to do. The only things to do are collect the billion collectables, side missions or main missions and the amount of side missions are turning me off.
i def agree. prototype 2 is a more fun superhero sandbox to me.

Been playing more Saints Row IV. The further I get the more I want to stop playing. They just made a lot of bad design choices. First off the world is just Saints Row 3 with new textures so there is no point to stealing vehicles. Second off, too many repetitive sidemissions.
Why in the world would you want to use a vehicle?

And how can you tell the world is the same when you're experiencing the entire thing from the top down?

I kept hovering over the BUY button on Godmode. It just looks cool. I came across a WTF is Godmode? review and it brought things back in perspective.

I'm putting it on the wishlist and holding out for a minimum of 75% off.


Been playing more Saints Row IV. The further I get the more I want to stop playing. They just made a lot of bad design choices. First off the world is just Saints Row 3 with new textures so there is no point to stealing vehicles. Second off, too many repetitive sidemissions.

Granted I am playing on Normal difficulty, but because of superpowers/upgrades I never die.
SR3 was kind of that way for me... it got too easy very quickly. I enjoyed it, but that stuck in my head and it eventually made me lose interest. I'm glad I waited for SR4.

God Mode is fun but God Mode is more of a $5 kind of fun. It's not a bad game, but nothing that sets it apart from other games. Worth a cheap buy if you got friends. It's ok solo but nothing spectacular.

Been playing more Saints Row IV. The further I get the more I want to stop playing. They just made a lot of bad design choices.
Hence why I am waiting for the $10 SR4 Complete. I disliked the direction SR3 took, and SR4 makes it even worse. I liked the SR2 system where actually doing specific things granted specific rewards, but none of them were terribly overpowered.

Hence why I am waiting for the $10 SR4 Complete. I disliked the direction SR3 took, and SR4 makes it even worse. I liked the SR2 system where actually doing specific things granted specific rewards, but none of them were terribly overpowered.
Activities are handled in a way in SRIV where by doing a set of them that are given to you in the form of a quest from one of the other characters you do unlock things. This is usually a weapon, power, or outfit. So there is a bit more incentive to do the activities here than there was in SR3. Also, you unlock additional things through getting silver/gold medals on all of a certain type of activity through the challenge system.

The activities aren't all great, and some are downright tedious, but there is at least some incentive to complete them outside of just pure game percentage/city control.

Apparently there looks to be a Humble Paradox Bundle starting tomorrow (or soon)

Alleged info from Paradox Newsletter lifted from Steam Gifts forum users:

"You’ve been demanding it for months, but we were too modest to make it happen… until now! The Humble Paradox Bundle will go live today, 8 p.m. CEST (11 a.m. PDT), and you can make a donation to your choice of worthy charities while picking up a bundle of Paradox favorites!
Of course, some of our fans aren’t very humble at all, and they’ll want to make a bigger donation. Which is why, if you donate more than $125, you get The Big Kahuna package… a copy of EVERY SINGLE PARADOX GAME on Steam (not including Europa Universalis IV or DLC packages)"
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Well before the announcement of the new level cap the other day the plan me and my friends had was this: Go through the game on normal taking our time, exploring, doing all the sidequests etc... We also did the DLC in the order it was released in normal mode. So Scarlett, Torgue, Hamerlock, and then Tina. Then in TVHM we were going to just do the story missions and skip all the sidequests and DLC. Finally we were going to do UVHM and do only the story missions first until we beat the game and got to level 61, then we were going to go back and do some of the sidequests and DLC stuff that gave good weapons and farm those for what we wanted. Then it would be time to farm raid bosses and other mini bosses for loot. Now though I'm not sure how the new DLC will change things.
I'd think the strategy would be reversed (which is what I'm doing). Skip side/DLC quests in normal and then do them as necessary/desired in TVHM. This way you maximize your XP gain and the weapons you loot in TVHM may be of better use once entering UVHM (assuming Legendary drops or similar). The one character (Siren) I did everything with in normal was fairly overleveled (level 42) once beginning TVHM. My XP gains with her are minimal due to facerolling enemies now that they are a few levels below me. The annoying aspect is the time it took to do the DLC and side quests in normal could have been spent doing the same exact thing in TVHM where it would have been of more use. As a comparison, my others are at levels 30-32 upon entering TVHM which feels just about right.

One problem I see is that you can't access UVHM until you've beaten TVHM and you're level 50 or above.
Technically, you can enter UVHM below level 50 (though I'm not sure I'd recommend it for the faint of heart). You just need to complete the main mission in TVHM.

Apparently there looks to be a Humble Paradox Bundle starting tomorrow (or soon)

Alleged info from Paradox Newsletter lifted from Steam Gifts forum users:

"You’ve been demanding it for months, but we were too modest to make it happen… until now! The Humble Paradox Bundle will go live today, 8 p.m. CEST (11 a.m. PDT), and you can make a donation to your choice of worthy charities while picking up a bundle of Paradox favorites!

Of course, some of our fans aren’t very humble at all, and they’ll want to make a bigger donation. Which is why, if you donate more than $125, you get The Big Kahuna package… a copy of EVERY SINGLE PARADOX GAME on Steam (not including Europa Universalis IV or DLC packages)"


Technically, you can enter UVHM below level 50 (though I'm not sure I'd recommend it for the faint of heart). You just need to complete the main mission in TVHM.
I guess 50 is what Gearbox is saying. Perhaps that was the intent and not necessarily a hard-coded rule.

As you pointed out, you'd have a hell of a time getting there, let alone going very far. I think the end boss is set at level 52 on TVHM.

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Don't worry. It won't take too much of your time. :whistle2:x
Well, I'm guessing the $2.49 or so I spent on the Full Package from Amazon at the end of last year was worth it just for me to get ALL of the missing DLC (which was almost ALL of it). ;)

How long is all of the main content DLC's - Gangstas in Space, GenkiBowl, and Trouble with Clones?

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Excited to see Shantae on that list (never played the eshop version) but I don't see Deadly Premonition :(
I don't know if there's any truth to it at all but there's a dude going around on the Greenlight forum saying that Wayforward never actually did the PC and has long since abandoned the idea of it.

They actually haven't commented at all about Shantae either on Greenlight, their website/blog or twitter, in spite of actually having been on Twitter yesterday a bit talking about Ducktales.

Most developers who were active and serious about getting their games in commented at some point yesterday when the news broke. I don't see that Wayforward has made any comments at all on their Greenlight page for a very, very long time. :(

Uh... I've cleared cookies many times. Just because you have to enter the access code again through Steamguard doesn't mean you're locked out of the market. That only happens if you DISABLE Steamguard.
I thought so to, but when I went to sell my cards, the sell button is greyed out. A message comes up saying I had logged into a new device and can't use the market for 15 days. Very odd as I didn't use any new devices. I'll have to see if it is affecting just my laptop or my desktop as well.

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I don't know if there's any truth to it at all but there's a dude going around on the Greenlight forum saying that Wayforward never actually did the PC and has long since abandoned the idea of it.

They actually haven't commented at all about Shantae either on Greenlight, their website/blog or twitter, in spite of actually having been on Twitter yesterday a bit talking about Ducktales.

Most developers who were active and serious about getting their games in commented at some point yesterday when the news broke. I don't see that Wayforward has made any comments at all on their Greenlight page for a very, very long time. :(
I think you're probably right and they haven't done any work on the PC port - not sure about the "abandoned the idea" part though. If they do decide to do it at all, it'll probably be a while since I can think of several projects Wayforward is already known to be working on, plus the fact that with Ducktales (for whatever reason) the company's profile seems to have gone up a bit, to the point that they might not want to waste time porting an old-ass DSi game to PC.

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