The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Moonshine cheeseburgers Antonio banderas wu tang clan
Yuo n mns n mysterd gets snpakd by aj lee hehehe

I hope that calmed you down a bit
Next might be football talk, since the 49ers and Saints are playing.

Too bad we don't get any new Madden or any other NFL games on the PC anymore. :(

Next might be football talk, since the 49ers and Saints are playing.

Too bad we don't get any new Madden or any other NFL games on the PC anymore. :(
I grew up outside Philly, so I'm an eagles fan (1st place now whoooo). As well as being a sixers flyers and phillies fan
Lucky. Championship city for the past decade.
I have a few really close friends who went/ are still going to college in Boston, I've visited a number of times. Awesome city
You shouldnt count any Patriot championships...they havent won a thing since the whole spygate shenannigans

You shouldnt count any Patriot championships...they havent won a thing since the whole spygate shenannigans
Being an eagles fan that whole thing really stings. If the eagles win that sb it really changes the way people look at Donovan mcnabb and Andy Reid. Plus we've never won an sb ever...
You shouldnt count any Patriot championships...they havent won a thing since the whole spygate shenannigans

They where a miracle reception from David Tyree from running the table and winning the Super Bowl the year everyone and their brothers was watching them like a hawk... Their runs were quite legit.

Truth be told winning a Super Bowl is insanely difficult... If given a choice between picking on team and taking the field you should always take the field.

Not too far from Boston.

Go Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics & Bruins! :D
go patriots next week will destroy those donkeys bitchncos and shove donkeys shitty defense to oblivion and dassing to sackaton and retirement and drabe ur drunk patriots won bc they good every team has spy patriots just got unlucky. also i use my brain power to pplay so i more men than you al willl ever be

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anyone having problems with amd raptr crap it now showing nothing but my raptr and steam lol
If your talking about Xbox and PSN support you'll need to update the ToS for both platforms... *Log into either site and click agree. (You can likely do it from a PS3/360 also but I just didn't it via the website.)

If your talking about Xbox and PSN support you'll need to update the ToS for both platforms... *Log into either site and click agree. (You can likely do it from a PS3/360 also but I just didn't it via the website.)
it broken it was buggged somehow i use to have all thos but only raptr not sure what happen but got my entry tho

Next might be football talk, since the 49ers and Saints are playing.

Too bad we don't get any new Madden or any other NFL games on the PC anymore. :(
blame ea!!! duh ea exclisvityness that they willl paid in my money 20.37 to be exact u better watch out u better not cry because tebow is here to get rid of evils to hlel !

Re: Wu-Tang 

You guys realize C.R.E.A.M. was over twenty years ago, right? Is Ghostface the only one not already in a retirement home?

Re: Wu-Tang

You guys realize C.R.E.A.M. was over twenty years ago, right? Is Ghostface the only one not already in a retirement home?


"It's All About The Benjamins, baby..."


That's cool, man. Are you dropping weight? Spartan race meaning you run and then flip tractor tires like the actors did to train for 300?
Technically I am losing weight. I'm not overweight at all, I'm just trying to shed all the fat I gained when I tore my acl and did nothing for about 5 months(doctor's orders, not my choosing). Spartan Race is a approximately 4 mile run with at least 15 obstacles spread throughout.
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Or, if your into Weird Al, It's all about the Pentiums. Oh, be young again..
YES!!!! :D

That parody rocked.

"Wasting time w/ the chat-room yackers?"

Damn right I am, Al.

CAG 4 Life!


"Dump on creatures/Holidays and preachers/Stainless steel watches/Ostrich turtlenecks." - Raekwon.

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Technically I am losing weight. I'm not overweight at all, I'm just trying to shed all the fat I gained when I tore my acl and did nothing for about 5 months(doctor's orders, not my choosing). Spartan Race is a approximately 4 mile run with at least 15 obstacles spread throughout.
it is good to go out for one of these for fitness fun. Just please go with a group that looks out for each other. Tough Mudders and other types of these races can be brutal for some and even fatal if not properly supervised i.e. someone drowning. Not trying to scare, but just saying be careful while having fun and do not over do it.

pasports31 said:
I never thought about it that way.
Maybe I am gay.
Looks like I'm uninvited to thanksgiving at my catholic parent's house.

when the hell is south park stick of truth coming out? been on my wishlist forever.

bob101910 said:
When will the NFL finally let him perform at the Super Bowl? Nobody would object to that.
I don't know after this.
Saturday is my calorie cheat day. Dinner was a half rack of ribs, chicken tenders, a loaded baked potato, and a big ass sam adams winter lager. Mmmmm, I love saturday.
Yeah...that's not a good idea. Alcohol is easy to burn off due to its thermogenic properties--your liver metabolizes it quickly, but has a hard time storing it as fat. The warm feeling you get is your body burning off the calories on the spot. However, this means that its consumption negatively impacts fat oxidation from other foods that can be converted into fat more easily, and is not a good choice to drink on a cheat day (that potato will go right to your love handles while your body works through the beer). Moderate consumption of alcohol on a regular basis has been proven to increase insulin sensitivity and better enable your body to work off fats and sugars. I think you should drink 2-3 high alcohol content/low carb beers a week with your healthy meals, then have a cup of lemonade on your cheat day (rich in B vitamins and zinc).

Yeah...that's not a good idea. Alcohol is easy to burn off due to its thermogenic properties--your liver metabolizes it quickly, but has a hard time storing it as fat. The warm feeling you get is your body burning off the calories on the spot. However, this means that its consumption negatively impacts fat oxidation from other foods that can be converted into fat more easily, and is not a good choice to drink on a cheat day (that potato will go right to your love handles while your body works through the beer). Moderate consumption of alcohol on a regular basis has been proven to increase insulin sensitivity and better enable your body to work off fats and sugars. I think you should drink 2-3 high alcohol content/low carb beers a week with your healthy meals, then have a cup of lemonade on your cheat day (rich in B vitamins and zinc).

Why does all the good stuff get pushed back to Feb/March 2014... :bomb:

It's really made for a lackluster end of the year in terms of game releases. Watch Dogs and the Stick of Truth were on my I might pay whatever to play now list. Although, I guess the silver lining is hitting the backlog. :twoguns:

Why does all the good stuff get pushed back to Feb/March 2014... :bomb:

It's really made for a lackluster end of the year in terms of game releases. Watch Dogs and the Stick of Truth were on my I might pay whatever to play now list. Although, I guess the silver lining is hitting the backlog. :twoguns:
You act like you weren't excited by the release of Zumba World Fitness Party on Friday or something.

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