The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Amazon says its just got Origin... How do I look and find out?
Saboteur is an older EA game.

Some versions of Saboteur PC activate-up on Origin.

(My retail version NEVER would activate-up on Origin, BTW)

Saboteur PC should NOT require Origin to run in the background when you actually play the game - like most EA games that were released BEFORE BF3.

RYG has a list of what EA games used what DRM:

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Haha, now that would be an interesting move. We were originally moving to Mongolia, which would be close... but they don't have a Steam Store :)

Oh boy, I'm going to have to carry a radio playing static with me at all times...
Best of luck, hope you know what you're doing (and have some local contacts). My wife's Chinese and I've been to China a few times over the past 10-15 years. In many ways, things have both improved and gotten worse during that time. We also thought of moving there in the past, but what with pollution, food, politics, etc. gave that up.

No one's posted about the new Bundle Bandits New Year's Riot bundle?

8 Desura games for $2 (addition of your email address to spam lists included at no extra charge!)

Feels like a slightly cheaper IR Debut bundle.

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No one's posted about the new Bundle Bandits New Year's Riot bundle?

8 Desura games for $2 (addition of your email address to spam lists included at no extra charge!)

Feels like a slightly cheaper IR Debut bundle.
Well, I haven't seen it anywhere before your post, but the only remotely interesting game in there is the Battlegrounds one and it says it's free-to-play(?). $2 seems like a lot of money for something that's ostensibly free when I could put that towards two Tier 1 Humbles or Groupees.

Saboteur is an older EA game.

Some versions of Saboteur PC activate-up on Origin.

(My retail version NEVER would activate-up on Origin, BTW)

Saboteur PC should NOT require Origin to run in the background when you actually play the game - like most EA games that were released BEFORE BF3.

RYG has a list of what EA games used what DRM:
My retail Saboteur didn't either, but it worked well enough without it. :whistle2:

Here's your dose of 2deep hipster bullshit for the week:


I actually rofl'd.
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8 Desura games

I'd bet that if you could provide proof of purchase, a chat with EA would get you Saboteur on Origin if you were interested in that.
A really nice EA rep added Sim City 4 Deluxe after I gave him a CD key I had lying around. So yeah. It's doable. Too bad they can't add my copy of Godfather 1...

Today is the last day for the most recent weekly deals. I've already bagged Pool Nation because it looks like something I'd-HAHAHAHAHA as if I'll ever play it.

Do I want Iesabel too? I feel like I won't play that either but it's calling me.

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I'm doing a likely pointless experiment and uninstalling some Direct2Drive EA games and then downloading them from Origin. I think they'll be identical but I just wanted to see.

Here's your dose of 2deep hipster bullshit for the week:


I actually rofl'd.
I actually watched/listened to the entire 40 minutes and 52 seconds of this. Sounds like good ole rock 'n' roll to me, but maybe I'm just shallow (or it could be because I don't understand a lick of Icelandic). Thanks for the link in any case.

from jake ? or by ur own money where did u go mysterd miss u hehe nse neeed ur help how to be true mature and blahs
I was away from any PCs and pretty much unplugged from the world, but I did have my iPhone, so maybe I wasn't really THAT unplugged. I tried to buy from Jake but I think he was busy or my message never got through. With only a few hours left I bought a gift copy from zombiemakermx. I really wanted SW:JK Collection but not at the Steam sale price ;).

Woah. Pool Nation at -70%... everyone needs a pool sim for their Steam collection right?

I was away from any PCs and pretty much unplugged from the world, but I did have my iPhone, so maybe I wasn't really THAT unplugged. I tried to buy from Jake but I think he was busy or my message never got through. With only a few hours left I bought a gift copy from zombiemakermx. I really wanted SW:JK Collection but not at the Steam sale price ;).

Woah. Pool Nation at -70%... everyone needs a pool sim for their Steam collection right?
It's 6-days-behind-man! ;) Yeah... Pool Nation lost the Community Vote (at this price). It's reportedly quite good... and the only other (modern) game of the genre I own is International Snooker.

Today is the last day for the most recent weekly deals. I've already bagged Pool Nation because it looks like something I'd-HAHAHAHAHA as if I'll ever play it.
Woah. Pool Nation at -70%... everyone needs a pool sim for their Steam collection right?
Just wanted to add: Pool Nation is freaking great. 8/9 ball ladder style tournaments against the AI and a half dozen novelty games (including the maddening Golf). It also has match-specific challenges (win with a jump shot, pot 6 balls in a row, etc) which add some replayability...i'm currently working on 100%ing it, which I don't think I have done for any game in the last decade. Cue control is satisfying and you can adjust the cheat arrows to your liking.

Yes, it's just pool, and if you hate pool, this won't convert you, but it has solid physics and looks gorgeous. Plus the devs are pretty active on the forums and are working on getting Trickshot (with possible Workshop integration) and Snooker modes added.

My favorite game put of the Winter Sale haul.

edit: up yours cag3.0

EDIT #2:

It's 6-days-behind-man! ;) Yeah... Pool Nation lost the Community Vote (at this price). It's reportedly quite good... and the only other (modern) game of the genre I own is International Snooker.
International Snooker is okay if you are a diehard snooker fan, but I hate the controls. You have multiple little HUD items which signify your shot. Click in one corner to set the power, click in a different corner to set the english, click a different icon to set the cue angle, click the shoot button to watch your shot. It's extremely disconnected. The beauty of Pool Nation is the fluidity of the control, basic shots take a second, complex ones take about 2 or 3.

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Looks like Spec Ops: The Line is the daily at $7.49
Yeah, that $9,99 Desert to Sea bundle during one of Amazon's last year sales was really sweet: delicious Spec Ops marmalade between a Bioshock 1/2 sandwich...

However, this is one of the games I'll gladly repurchase at a slightly lower price, if only to show it on my new account, so I'll check what our buddies in the Steam trade thread will offer... is it a ROW game, anyway?
It's 6-days-behind-man! ;) Yeah... Pool Nation lost the Community Vote (at this price). It's reportedly quite good... and the only other (modern) game of the genre I own is International Snooker.
Haha, I still feel like I'm trying to swim up stream playing catchup. I forgot about International Snooker which I do have on Desura. Although, I haven't played it as I was hoping it would be Greenlit by now (obviously not the case yet).

I was one of those disappointed it failed the Community Vote, but we all know about how atrocious that Steam sale feature is anyway. It wouldn't surprise me to see this in a future bundle but GabeN bucks is giving me the go ahead to pickup now. :D

Just wanted to add: Pool Nation is freaking great. 8/9 ball ladder style tournaments against the AI and a half dozen novelty games (including the maddening Golf). It also has match-specific challenges (win with a jump shot, pot 6 balls in a row, etc) which add some replayability...i'm currently working on 100%ing it, which I don't think I have done for any game in the last decade. Cue control is satisfying and you can adjust the cheat arrows to your liking.

Yes, it's just pool, and if you hate pool, this won't convert you, but it has solid physics and looks gorgeous. Plus the devs are pretty active on the forums and are working on getting Trickshot (with possible Workshop integration) and Snooker modes added.

My favorite game put of the Winter Sale haul.
I love pool, even though I'm between lucky and decent in real life. I like messing around with trick shots and the game itself looks vibrant and fun. Thanks for your opinion and overview on it, just bought it. :D/

Stupid peer pressure...

*figuratively walks to buy Pool Nation*

EDIT: WTF 16GB for a pool game!!!

EDIT2: Nevermind, it's a bug they are aware of. Actual size is 4.4GB.

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I know there are some people in this thread that were looking forward to playing Deadly Premonition, so just some forewarning that the game seems to crash on me after every 10 minutes or so with a C++ runtime error.  I tried installing the DPFix to see if that helped, but it crashed again.  At this point, the game is basically unplayable for me, which is unfortunate because I can see how it could have had some cult appeal.  Oh well.

Maybe I'm just having a bad weekend as I couldn't get Joe Danger 2 to load past the opening logo screen.

Random, but I've been idling games for cards at night recently. I've been getting through about 2-3 games a night.

I've gotten over 11 gabenbux in the past week-week and a half or so doing this....y didn't i start idling earlier?

Dammit - that is NOT 75% off. :(
GabeN bucks (or Gabenbux) allows for some wiggle room in my opinion. I might play it soon. I swear!

Do you ever look at how a word is spelled and just laugh sometimes? Or how ridiculous is sounds? For example, Snacks. Just say it, s-n-a-c-k-s. See? Haha, good old English. (Sorry, I was getting a little bored while watching NE-DEN)

GabeN bucks (or Gabenbux) allows for some wiggle room in my opinion. I might play it soon. I swear!

Do you ever look at how a word is spelled and just laugh sometimes? Or how ridiculous is sounds? For example, Snacks. Just say it, s-n-a-c-k-s. See? Haha, good old English. (Sorry, I was getting a little bored while watching NE-DEN)
Here's some good old English:

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I played through the first two missions of Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters ($2 Steam Weekly sale, ends tomorrow morning)...

Technical Notes:
It is 30 FPS capped.  Forcing 8x MSAA through the Nvidia Control panel doesn't seem to have an effect.
It ships with 360 controller support but oddly it's not quite ready to use out of the need to replace a file with another file
in the game folder/inputconfig/  replace default.db.xml with XBOX 360 Controller.db.xml
This gets your 360 compatible controller working and recognized.  Well... unless you're using a wireless controller.  My DS3 with BetterDS3 in bluetooth mode acted like yaw-left (L1/LB) was always down.  There are a lot of forum reports of this problem with wireless 360 controllers.  Switching to my wired F510 alleviated this issue.
It is an arcade game.  The controls and handling are very user friendly.  Your weapon supplies (missiles/bombs) regenerate after a short interval.  It succeeds as an arcade plane game, but doesn't seem to do anything new.  In the first two missions been given the opportunity to fly a F/A-18E, an F/A-111G, a MiG-21, & an A-10.  I took the F/A-18 (multirole) for the first mission, and the F-111 (ground-attack) for the second mission since I was send initially on a bombing mission.  Well it seems like any aircraft would really work, with an upper-hand to multirole aircraft due to recieving new/different missions while aloft.
If it appeals to you, and you have a wired 360 controller (or fancier flight-stick) and can tolerate 30 FPS, then it seems like it's well worth the $2 sale price.
Edit: I also tried my DS3 in USB-mode but had the same left-yaw problem.
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I'm about to try out that Tony Hawk's Underground HD mod that someone posted a few days ago. Hope it goes well and I don't wind up infected with many viruses or unsightly aliasing.

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