The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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I noticed last night while playing Pinball FX2 that my ball was glitching on the tables and experiencing some slight delay. I played around with video settings but to no avail. Has anyone else had a similar issue?

Pinball FX2 is kind of addicting, no? Some of those tables are quite excellent. I'd play more if my ball would stop teleporting.

I noticed last night while playing Pinball FX2 that my ball was glitching on the tables and experiencing some slight delay. I played around with video settings but to no avail. Has anyone else had a similar issue?

Pinball FX2 is kind of addicting, no? Some of those tables are quite excellent. I'd play more if my ball would stop teleporting.
Yeah, happens to me too: the ball seems to freeze and then zoom (or, like you said, teleport) to where it would have been if it hadn't frozen. Only lasts for a second or two for me, and it happens rarely so it's not *that* annoying, but I can't find a way to fix it either.

And, yes, it's addicting as all fuck - especially if you can see how others are doing on the leaderboards. Add me:

Yeah, happens to me too: the ball seems to freeze and then zoom (or, like you said, teleport) to where it would have been if it hadn't frozen. Only lasts for a second or two for me, and it happens rarely so it's not *that* annoying, but I can't find a way to fix it either.

And, yes, it's addicting as all fuck - especially if you can see how others are doing on the leaderboards. Add me:
I added you. If anyone wants to add me to compare scores in Pinball FX2 or Defense Grid, add me:

I heard the Deadpool game was pretty bad. As in, Deadpool is all about sarcasm and being humorous, and this isn't funny nor well made. Definitely watch the trailer and maybe read a review before you buy it for $10.

I don't truck with percent discounts. It's not like MSRPs never change. All hail the mighty price point.
Agreed, my secret diabolical scheme is to make a game, charge a million dollars for it, then put it at 99% off to watch the CAG's go nuts because based on CAG rules it's too good of a deal to pass up.

Yeah, happens to me too: the ball seems to freeze and then zoom (or, like you said, teleport) to where it would have been if it hadn't frozen. Only lasts for a second or two for me, and it happens rarely so it's not *that* annoying, but I can't find a way to fix it either.

And, yes, it's addicting as all fuck - especially if you can see how others are doing on the leaderboards. Add me:
I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing that issue. It seems to happen mainly around the bottom by the bumpers for me. It is a tad annoying but I managed to play on for a while.

Awesome, I added you. The leaderboard feature is a great touch for a game like this and with all the CAGs that seem to play. I know I'll never pass Parallacks on any table, but at least his point totals are there for me to at least attempt to.

Edit: Add me if you want someone you can easily beat ;) -

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Going to pick up Monaco.  All the talk about Deadpool peaked my interest even though I hadn't heard of the game before, so I had to look at some reviews.  Looks like it's probably only worth it for $5 if at all.

I noticed last night while playing Pinball FX2 that my ball was glitching on the tables and experiencing some slight delay. I played around with video settings but to no avail. Has anyone else had a similar issue?

Pinball FX2 is kind of addicting, no? Some of those tables are quite excellent. I'd play more if my ball would stop teleporting.
I read that turning Vsync off can fix the delay, but when I do that, it gets stuck on the Spider-Man table skillshot, so I just leave it on.

Anyways, pinball-related adding frenzy!

I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing that issue. It seems to happen mainly around the bottom by the bumpers for me. It is a tad annoying but I managed to play on for a while.
Yup, same here, right in the lanes behind the bumpers before it reaches the flippers, and when it wakes up it's already on its way down the drain. I kept thinking that my CPU was overloaded and that's why the ball froze, but I doubt that's the case (the rest of the table seems to be blinking and blooping away merrily). Another problem I have is that the there's a very slight delay with the actual flippers but I'm getting used to it.

Added everybody who posted - just in time to show off my 368K score on Sorcerer's Lair (one of my fave tables). :booty:

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Yup, same here, right in the lanes behind the bumpers before it reaches the flippers, and when it wakes up it's already on its way down the drain. I kept thinking that my CPU was overloaded and that's why the ball froze, but I doubt that's the case (the rest of the table seems to be blinking and blooping away merrily). Another problem I have is that the there's a very slight delay with the actual flippers but I'm getting used to it.

Added everybody who posted - just in time to show off my 368K score on Sorcerer's Lair (one of my fave tables) :booty:
I mean if you're using seamoss2, what happened to plain old seamoss (who even has a similar avatar.)
This is rapidly approaching the offtopic singularity, but that's my primary Steam account - got three of them (yeah, go ahead, make fun of me).

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This is rapidly approaching the offtopic singularity, but that's my primary Steam account - got three of them (yeah, go ahead, make fun of me).
lol y u do dis y u have 3 steam accounts

Edit: Sorry

I only did it because you said to

Double edit:

Random thought, but I got Wolf Among Us's awesome. The premise is MUCH (I think) more interesting than walking dead. As opposed to "oh no zombies run away," which has been done, like 23803948930842904 million or so times, the comic this game is based on appears to be actually really original. Well worth the 10.50 (got it from krugozor) I paid for it.

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Just came across this deal:

PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ (Steamworks) for $2.49 at GameStop PC Downloads

Just checked at and yes this is the lowest price ever.
Hm.. to buy this or wait until the "All you can eat edition" is 75% off. Dat DLC.
Very nice. That's my buy price. However, I'm waiting to see if it hits this during the Steam winter sale so I can pick it up with Steam bucks. Also, I didn't know about all the DLC, so thanks for that, I'm going to need a really stellar deal in order to not feel guilty.

So for anyone still awake and on the fence about Deadpool.  Just played about an hour and a half of it and am thoroughly enjoying it.  The gameplay is solid if a little generic, but Deadpool controls well and the combos are fun even the mooks are pretty much just fodder for you to entertainingly kill.  The animations are well done with nice little touches like Deadpool just shooting over his head if you're running and aiming in opposite directions.  There appears to a ton of upgrade options, but only an hour and a half in, I'm not sure how varied the different weapons make the gameplay.  Still this is from High Moon Studios the only people to ever make good Transformers games, and Deadpool has a similar if much quicker feel to it as Cybertron games.  The writing and voice acting is, for me, certainly funny enough, but then I also loved Bulletstorm.  Deadpool has kept me consistently grinning and even getting a few solid laugh out loud moments.  Is it a bit juvenile, sure, but it's also got plenty of comic and video game nerd fan service in it that's well done and doesn't feel pandering.  I'm not terribly far into it yet, but, I feel very much like it was $10 well spent so far and will likely actually play through to completion.

Why does Paradox push that so much?  Also Reus is already 66%  It better be 90% off for the flash -- waste of a spot.

You realize all this stuff will be on sale at the same prices in 3 weeks, right?
All of it, and is that confirmed, or just suspected? Will the flash and daily deals be the same? Why wouldn't they, as well? Why wait to get them? There's a few games I want to play now, not in the three weeks. I'm not just looking to backlog. :]

Anyway, an answer to my question would be appreciated, thanks!

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