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Hey, Kayden. Are you able to eventually get one of those Pizza Golems for battles in Enchanted Arms?

(I started playing it this weekend.)
[quote name='Brak']Hey, Kayden. Are you able to eventually get one of those Pizza Golems for battles in Enchanted Arms?

(I started playing it this weekend.)[/quote] Yea actually. Although, I never ever created it. I think you get it pretty fast. When you're in the jail, its in the stall next to you as I recollect.

Oh yea... In the game, the golems list different sizes being 1, 4 or 12 cells, however, you never get a 12 cell golem. Only the bosses are that big. I even got the "secret" golem and he was only 4.
[quote name='Kayden']Yea actually. Although, I never ever created it. I think you get it pretty fast. When you're in the jail, its in the stall next to you as I recollect.

Oh yea... In the game, the golems list different sizes being 1, 4 or 12 cells, however, you never get a 12 cell golem. Only the bosses are that big. I even got the "secret" golem and he was only 4.[/QUOTE]

The whole Golem thing was a nice surprise -- didn't even know it was an element in the game.
I've never really been a Bond admirer, but Casino Royale appears to be pretty slick.
[quote name='Brak']I've never really been a Bond admirer, but Casino Royale appears to be pretty slick.[/quote]
The movie kind of came out of nowhere. I didn't even know it was coming out until last week.
Can't wait for Gears of War. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Probably since like... Halo 2.
[quote name='Brak']I've never really been a Bond admirer, but Casino Royale appears to be pretty slick.[/QUOTE]James seems pretty ruthless in it from what I've seen in the trailers. I welcome such a Bond back. It's been too long since he was a real badass.
[quote name='Trakan']Can't wait for Gears of War. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Probably since like... Halo 2.[/QUOTE]

Yea I am really hyped up for this game. Probably about as much as I was for FEAR.
[quote name='jmcc']James seems pretty ruthless in it from what I've seen in the trailers. I welcome such a Bond back. It's been too long since he was a real badass.[/QUOTE]

I was watching some type of news report where they were griping that this picture is "the most violent Bond to date"... when I recall the old ones being pretty violent for the time period.
It seems like it's definitely a whole new kind of violent. A real brutal violent. I'm really looking forward to seeing it now. But the ad was awesome. I'm fairly sure it was parts of the opening sequence.
[quote name='Trakan']Can't wait for Gears of War. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. Probably since like... Halo 2.[/quote]
Replace Gears of War with Guitar Hero II and Halo 2 with Final Fantasy XII and I agree.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Replace Gears of War with Guitar Hero II and Halo 2 with Final Fantasy XII and I agree.[/QUOTE]
My, aren't you the non-mainstream gamer.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Replace Gears of War with Guitar Hero II and Halo 2 with Final Fantasy XII and I agree.[/QUOTE] It's not quite as impressive a gap. :lol:
[quote name='karsh']It seems like it's definitely a whole new kind of violent. A real brutal violent. I'm really looking forward to seeing it now. But the ad was awesome. I'm fairly sure it was parts of the opening sequence.[/QUOTE]

I thought I read somewhere that Gears of War was relatively weak. In other words, it was a good game but nowhere near worth the hype.

Has anyone done an exchange yet from the TRU B2G1 sale since the sale ended. I'm thinking in exchanging field commander for the PSP for Final Fantasy III in a couple weeks. Especially since I can Find Field Commander for $20 at CC now.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I thought I read somewhere that Gears of War was relatively weak. In other words, it was a good game but nowhere near worth the hype.

Has anyone done an exchange yet from the TRU B2G1 sale since the sale ended. I'm thinking in exchanging field commander for the PSP for Final Fantasy III in a couple weeks. Especially since I can Find Field Commander for $20 at CC now.[/quote]

I thought he was talking about James Bond.
BTW did anyone read this artile on Penny Arcade about NWN 2.

It's kinda funny, a guy puts up a bad review of NWN 2, and I would have myself, but I also see what the editor sees and I have to agree with his assesment. The article reads like a bashing of the genre in general than the game itself so I understand it.

But it still neglects the fact that I would agre that NWN is a mediocre game at best. I've played some more of it, and if I liked it a whole ton, I'd be playing it now. But it has a lot of flaws. I wouldn';t give it a 5. But probably a 6 and no more than a 7. And I can't stand some of the reviews that point out a lot of the problems with it, but then ignore them when the ratings come in.
[quote name='2poor']I thought he was talking about James Bond.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I must have got my OTT posts confused.

OIt's cool that they're doing a James Bond movie actually based on somethign written by Ian Flemming. Hasn't it been awhile since they did a Bind movie based on an original Flemming work? I know ethere were a lot of bond novels written by others after his death.
Yeah, I was talking about Bond. Gears of War seems cool but I'm gonna wait till later to pick it up. Guitar Hero 2, the end of Okami, FF12 and the million other games I still have to beat will take some time. But for Bond, I wanna say it's been since The Living Daylights for a Bond movie from a Fleming book, and that was just a short story along with Octopussy. So yeah, it's been a pretty long time. Like I said, I wasn't sure of Craig at first but he's really growing on me as we get closer to release.
[quote name='rabbitt']So what's with the recent influx of trolls to CAG?[/quote]like who? I haven't noticed anyone who is a noticable asshole recently.
All right. After my lap top borke and wont turn on, my commercials file being corrupted so I have nothing to send, and my backup only containing two commercials, one for FedEx and aother for Mastrcard, I send them and still get to write commercials about the NFL playoffs and the SuperBowl. Good day.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Same to you.[/QUOTE]
It can't be thrown back at me like that. I play what I like -- not what I think is alternative.
I have a feeling all you Gears Of War fanboys might end up disapointed, comes out tomorrow and not a review in sight? Usually means something fishy is goin on.
[quote name='Brak']It can't be thrown back at me like that. I play what I like -- not what I think is alternative.[/QUOTE]I only play games that gamerank below 60%
[quote name='jmcc']I only play games that gamerank below 60%[/quote]

I only play games that begin with Mary Kate and Ashley.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']BTW did anyone read this artile on Penny Arcade about NWN 2.

It's kinda funny, a guy puts up a bad review of NWN 2, and I would have myself, but I also see what the editor sees and I have to agree with his assesment. The article reads like a bashing of the genre in general than the game itself so I understand it.

But it still neglects the fact that I would agre that NWN is a mediocre game at best. I've played some more of it, and if I liked it a whole ton, I'd be playing it now. But it has a lot of flaws. I wouldn';t give it a 5. But probably a 6 and no more than a 7. And I can't stand some of the reviews that point out a lot of the problems with it, but then ignore them when the ratings come in.[/quote]
I don't believe that they removed it because of the score, but just the review itself. The guy clearly didn't have any knowledge of similar games if he compared it to Oblivion, which is like comparing Gears of War to Ratchet and Clank. 1up's probably more about getting quality reviews than worrying about the score that they give it.
[quote name='jmcc']I only play games that gamerank below 60%[/QUOTE]
I only play games that are made in Japayun.
[quote name='Brak']It can't be thrown back at me like that. I play what I like -- not what I think is alternative.[/quote]
And somehow I'm not. :whistle2:s
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']I have a feeling all you Gears Of War fanboys might end up disapointed, comes out tomorrow and not a review in sight? Usually means something fishy is goin on.[/QUOTE]
I know! I mean, did you see the bad reviews that Final Fantasy XII got!? I mean, WOWZ~

Can't get much bolder than that!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']And somehow I'm not. :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]
You're not.
You know, Brak, I would've have thought a guy like you would be into GH. Have you played it and not like it or are just not interested in it?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't believe that they removed it because of the score, but just the review itself. The guy clearly didn't have any knowledge of similar games if he compared it to Oblivion, which is like comparing Gears of War to Ratchet and Clank. 1up's probably more about getting quality reviews than worrying about the score that they give it.[/QUOTE]Isn't GoW comparable to R&C, though? Recent R&C anyway. They're pretty straight shooters now from 3 on.
[quote name='dcfox']You know, Brak, I would've have thought a guy like you would be into GH. Have you played it and not like it or are just not interested in it?[/QUOTE]
I never said anything negative about it... (Are you talking about Guitar Hero?)

I've played a bit of the first, and think it's cool. I'm looking forward to owning the sequel.
[quote name='Brak']I never said anything negative about it... (Are you talking about Guitar Hero?)

I've played a bit of the first, and think it's cool. I'm looking forward to owning the sequel.[/quote]
I was talking about Guitar Hero. The way you're taking Frisky to task on it seems like you were down on it or something.
[quote name='dcfox']I was talking about Guitar Hero. The way you're taking Frisky to task on it seems like you were down on it or something.[/QUOTE]
I was taking him to task on replacing two mainstream titles with two different mainstream titles.

I was just razzing him.
[quote name='jmcc']Isn't GoW comparable to R&C, though? Recent R&C anyway. They're pretty straight shooters now from 3 on.[/quote]
Not really. 4 was a spin-off of sorts, but the others are platforming shooters with some RPG elements thrown in. They're also more family friendly and contain lots of humor to show off the lighthearted nature of the games. Gears of War is a serious third person shooter that emphasizes strategy, cover, and presentation over the typical run-and-gun we've seen before and isn't afraid to be a little bloody and violent when it wants to be.

[quote name='Brak']You're not.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for stereotyping me. I shall also buy Gears of War, just because you are buying it. Then I shall buy the PS3 and Wii because they are quite popular and maybe Red Steel and Resistance to top it off.
[quote name='Brak']I know! I mean, did you see the bad reviews that Final Fantasy XII got!? I mean, WOWZ~

Can't get much bolder than that!

You're not.[/QUOTE]

Famitsu gave FF12 a perfect score a long ass time ago, so everyone knew what was up with that game. Besides, it's a little different with a series like Final Fantasy. I just have bad memories of the last time microsoft tried this trick with Brute Force.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']Famitsu gave FF12 a perfect score a long ass time ago, so everyone knew what was up with that game. Besides, it's a little different with a series like Final Fantasy. I just have bad memories of the last time microsoft tried this trick with Brute Force.[/quote]

Haha! I have to admit, when I first starting hearing the hype for Gears of War, I definitely thought of Brute Force. Hopefully it'll be better than that. Gods damn that game was meh.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Thanks for stereotyping me. I shall also buy Gears of War, just because you are buying it. Then I shall buy the PS3 and Wii because they are quite popular and maybe Red Steel and Resistance to top it off.[/QUOTE]
You're welcome. And those musings are unlinked.
Now that I think about it, I'm not really looking foward to any game besides Zelda. I've already decided to pass on Guitar Hero II and the Wii until sometime next year. I already have FFXII. I was thinking of getting FFIII but after hearing it was crazy hard I might hold off on that too.
Okay, I need somebody's suggestions/advice about this.

I have my project done. I need to present it tomorrow to my class. Unfortunately, it's saved on my computer at my house.

My CD burner is completely corrupted, something must be wrong with the internal harddrive itself because I tried buying a replacement and all it says is "No CD drive found."

I need to get this file to my computer at school, so I tried emailing it to myself, but it said I didn't have administration privileges and wouldn't let me save it. I got an error while opening it. I emailed it to my teacher, and the same thing happened.

So, I thought, "Maybe it'll let me email it to a friend, and they can burn it onto a CD for me." They got the same error while opening the file, and when trying to save it and open it it said it simply "Was not found".

The only other thing I can think of is to put it on a floppy, which I actually managed to find one, but while it was loading it onto the disk it suddenly froze and said "Unable to transfer file to floppy disk, the size is too big."

Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas on how to do this? Any help would be appreciated... thank you.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't believe that they removed it because of the score, but just the review itself. The guy clearly didn't have any knowledge of similar games if he compared it to Oblivion, which is like comparing Gears of War to Ratchet and Clank. 1up's probably more about getting quality reviews than worrying about the score that they give it.[/QUOTE]

I've been trying to bring up the updated article, but I haven't found it at 1up.

And I agree his comparison was poor. But I just happen to assume the score itself was part of the issue, because otherwise they wouldn't have pulleed it.

For example, if he had said basically the same thing, yet given the game a 8 out of 10, they probaly wouldn't have gotten the same number fo complaints about it. If score and public pressure wasn't really the issue, the editor wouldn't have posted it in the first place.

I've been involved in discussions like this as a freelancer. I don''t want to make myself like some big writer, because I'm not. But I've done a few odd jobs here and there and unlike some peoplewho claim to be freeelancers I actually get paid for my work. Real American.

I believe you're correct about them not caring aboit the score. If they cared about the score, the 5.0 wouldn't have gotten posted in the first place. And yes, the review was =lawed. I agree along with the editor that it focuses more on the system than the actual game. Like he's got a grudge with D&D in general, and not the game itself.

Finally, the comments about the author using oblivion as a comparison aren't fair or right. Here's the exact quote.

"Worse -- and blame this on games like Oblivion -- NWN2's levels feel pint-sized: Peewee zones inhabited by pull-string NPCs with no existence to speak of beyond their little playpens."

That's a totally fair sentence. There's nothing wrong with compairing an RPG with another RPG even if it's of a different style, and it's not like he doesn't note the differences.

"As a contemporary CRPG, on the other hand, NWN2 leaves a lot to be desired, and that's too bad, because these are the guys who brought us Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale 2...and therefore they are the guys I'm least inclined to take issue with."

I personanly would have used Guild Wars as a comparison but Oblivion is the big boy that came out recently and what could best be determined as the current gold standard.

But that comparison is apt, RPG's have evolved in recent years. The NWn levels do appear small. That may have been acceptable in 2000, but noit as much in 2006. And yes, it compares to Baldurs Gate and Planescape, but I would even argue that NWN 2 feels even smaller. The city of Neverwinter feels like a hamlet compared to how it felt even in NWN 1. Especially to the artisrty in BG2 and Sigil of Torment. And yes, NWN2 may be somewhat "realistic" but I want to play a "Fantasy" rpg.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']Okay, I need somebody's suggestions/advice about this.

I have my project done. I need to present it tomorrow to my class. Unfortunately, it's saved on my computer at my house.

My CD burner is completely corrupted, something must be wrong with the internal harddrive itself because I tried buying a replacement and all it says is "No CD drive found."

I need to get this file to my computer at school, so I tried emailing it to myself, but it said I didn't have administration privileges and wouldn't let me save it. I got an error while opening it. I emailed it to my teacher, and the same thing happened.

So, I thought, "Maybe it'll let me email it to a friend, and they can burn it onto a CD for me." They got the same error while opening the file, and when trying to save it and open it it said it simply "Was not found".

The only other thing I can think of is to put it on a floppy, which I actually managed to find one, but while it was loading it onto the disk it suddenly froze and said "Unable to transfer file to floppy disk, the size is too big."

Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas on how to do this? Any help would be appreciated... thank you.[/quote]

thumb drive? Also maybe your file is corrupted.
[quote name='dcfox']thumb drive? Also maybe your file is corrupted.[/quote]

Yeah, it sounds like something's wrong with the file. There's no way I can think of that it could be causing all those problems if it wasn't corrupted.
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