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[quote name='karsh']Yeah, it sounds like something's wrong with the file. There's no way I can think of that it could be causing all those problems if it wasn't corrupted.[/QUOTE]

How do I make the file not corrupted? I have no clue why it would be, but you guys might be right. =\
AHHH, YES! I managed to put the file on the floppy disk, now I can actually sleep tonight.

And maybe even play FFXII for the first time in three days tomorrow =\
[quote name='karsh']Haha! I have to admit, when I first starting hearing the hype for Gears of War, I definitely thought of Brute Force. Hopefully it'll be better than that. Gods damn that game was meh.[/quote]for reals. I was going to get since it seems like everyone is getting it but I think Im going to pass and wait for a pricedrop. Also I want to get Lost Planet on release date. Plus I have a shitload of games to play right now. I got a guitar for guitar hero comming here tomorrow so Ill have GH 1 and probably 2 to play, Bully, Scarface, and to finish up Cod 2, Saints Row, and Hitman: Blood Money.
Something that has piqued my intrest. Apparently at my job the used to have a TV/VCR repair. This was like 5-8 years ago, but apparently it was pretty well paying, the store itself made $150 profit a year from it. The guy they had do it quit and they never found a replacement and dropped it. It sounds tough, but I may start looking into somewhere that offers classes on TV repair. No one else in town does it so this could be profitable on my half. Either working for my store or start up my own buisness.
Must nnot buy based on nostalgia alone...




Ravage looks sooooo sweet.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I've been trying to bring up the updated article, but I haven't found it at 1up.

And I agree his comparison was poor. But I just happen to assume the score itself was part of the issue, because otherwise they wouldn't have pulleed it.

For example, if he had said basically the same thing, yet given the game a 8 out of 10, they probaly wouldn't have gotten the same number fo complaints about it. If score and public pressure wasn't really the issue, the editor wouldn't have posted it in the first place.

I've been involved in discussions like this as a freelancer. I don''t want to make myself like some big writer, because I'm not. But I've done a few odd jobs here and there and unlike some peoplewho claim to be freeelancers I actually get paid for my work. Real American.

I believe you're correct about them not caring aboit the score. If they cared about the score, the 5.0 wouldn't have gotten posted in the first place. And yes, the review was =lawed. I agree along with the editor that it focuses more on the system than the actual game. Like he's got a grudge with D&D in general, and not the game itself.[/quote]
The score is never really that big of an issue, it's how the review reflects that score and backs it up. As long as it does that, there's not much else to worry about besides the reaction from the public and that's not that big of a deal anyway. The PR of that particular company/game are going to be the most pissed if it's a bad score, but they're only henchman to the company and can be dispatched quite easily.

The only thing I really question about the review is why it was approved in the first place if it was that bad? Someone seemed to have slept on the job and just passed it along without paying some attention to it.

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Finally, the comments about the author using oblivion as a comparison aren't fair or right. Here's the exact quote.

"Worse -- and blame this on games like Oblivion -- NWN2's levels feel pint-sized: Peewee zones inhabited by pull-string NPCs with no existence to speak of beyond their little playpens."

That's a totally fair sentence. There's nothing wrong with compairing an RPG with another RPG even if it's of a different style, and it's not like he doesn't note the differences.

"As a contemporary CRPG, on the other hand, NWN2 leaves a lot to be desired, and that's too bad, because these are the guys who brought us Planescape: Torment and Icewind Dale 2...and therefore they are the guys I'm least inclined to take issue with."

I personanly would have used Guild Wars as a comparison but Oblivion is the big boy that came out recently and what could best be determined as the current gold standard.

But that comparison is apt, RPG's have evolved in recent years. The NWn levels do appear small. That may have been acceptable in 2000, but noit as much in 2006. And yes, it compares to Baldurs Gate and Planescape, but I would even argue that NWN 2 feels even smaller. The city of Neverwinter feels like a hamlet compared to how it felt even in NWN 1. Especially to the artisrty in BG2 and Sigil of Torment. And yes, NWN2 may be somewhat "realistic" but I want to play a "Fantasy" rpg.[/quote]
I'm not going to comment on quotes because those can be taken out of context quite easily and I'd rather reserve judgement until I can read the whole review. Since I can't get ahold of the old review just yet because 1up doesn't work so well at times, I'm just going off of what I've heard of that the review was more of a fanboy rant than a respectable review.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']AHHH, YES! I managed to put the file on the floppy disk, now I can actually sleep tonight.

And maybe even play FFXII for the first time in three days tomorrow =\[/QUOTE]No, no, no. You need to make it reduntant. Get it on a file site like LiquidNight suggested. If something can fail it will.
Since many of you tried to order the PS3 and get the cancellation notice from Bestbuy and also receive $10 electronic coupon.

Holiday season is coming, so my idea is how about we give to the head of CAG our coupon so he can use it for buying christmas gift like what this forum did last year?

I am not sure whether we can stack the coupon, if we can it will be nice.

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Here's a copy of the original review[/quote]
Thanks for the link. I definitely see why they took it down. The whole thing just comes off as a rant by someone who wants the game to be something else and faults it for being what it actually is. His last paragraph tells me he isn't that familiar with D&D RPGs, so he falts it just for aiming and meeting the genre's standards regardless of its quality.

In short, it just seems like he was expecting a different game, maybe something closer to Oblivion, but got a sequel to Neverwinter Nights instead.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Thanks for the link. I definitely see why they took it down. The whole thing just comes off as a rant by someone who wants the game to be something else and faults it for being what it actually is. His last paragraph tells me he isn't that familiar with D&D RPGs, so he falts it just for aiming and meeting the genre's standards regardless of its quality.

In short, it just seems like he was expecting a different game, maybe something closer to Oblivion, but got a sequel to Neverwinter Nights instead.[/QUOTE]

I guess we just read it differentlly. I don't see that at all. I think what he was trying to get across is that the game is basically a game from five years ago, and not current with the latest in gaming. Which i think is a very valid criticism. And it seems apparent from the article that he's familiar with all the other D&D PC RPG's. He mentions them early on. But I do agree he seems to criticize D&D for being D&D, and doesn't focus on the game istelf, which is the problem.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I guess we just read it differentlly. I don't see that at all. I think what he was trying to get across is that the game is basically a game from five years ago, and not current with the latest in gaming. Which i think is a very valid criticism. And it seems apparent from the article that he's familiar with all the other D&D PC RPG's. He mentions them early on. But I do agree he seems to criticize D&D for being D&D, and doesn't focus on the game istelf, which is the problem.[/quote]
He only mentions that the developer of NWN2 is the same one that made those games, but never goes any further to compare them and see what improvements have been made to the formula since then.
[quote name='LiquidNight']I like
french toast with syrup and powdered sugar
more than pancakes.[/QUOTE]
Word. :cool:

Speaking of work, I put in 24 hours during the last pay period, and had to pay around $330 in taxes. I'm not sure if I should be overjoyed at my new pay rate or pissed off at the government. :lol:
[quote name='shrike4242']Work. Feh.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet. I think its next Friday.
[quote name='6669']Yeah, and I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet. I think its next Friday.[/quote]
The joys of being paid every Friday. Woot.

[quote name='LiquidNight']Now that's no example to be showing to us young'uns ;)[/quote]
If you're taking examples for me, you only have yourself to blame. ;)
Guess what time it is?

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

...yep. It works.

Man I've been drinking alot of water as of late. I probably downed around 8, 17 oz. bottles of water in the 9 hours I've been awake today.
[quote name='shrike4242']The joys of being paid every Friday. Woot.[/QUOTE]
They far outweigh the joys of dealing with customers ;)
[quote name='6669']They far outweigh the joys of dealing with customers ;)[/quote]
Something I'm quite glad I never have to deal with again. ;)
[quote name='shrike4242']Something I'm quite glad I never have to deal with again. ;)[/QUOTE]
I think I'm doomed to have to deal with customers till I'm at least outta college. The things I do for drug money ;)
[quote name='6669']I think I'm doomed to have to deal with customers till I'm at least outta college. The things I do for drug money ;)[/quote]
Usually how it works.
[quote name='shrike4242']Usually how it works.[/QUOTE]
Hey, I need my fix.

OMG Hugh Laurie is on the Tonight Show right now. Its so weird seeing him talk real, with the accent and all.
At least dealing with customers it's different assholes every day. When you're in an office, it's the same fuckos day in and day out. :lol:

The internet is my anti-drug. :lol:
bought a new ps2 controller since I was thinking half of the problem of not being able to draw a good circle on okami was due to a crappy mad catz controller. Turns out I was right.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']At least dealing with customers it's different assholes every day. When you're in an office, it's the same fuckos day in and day out. :lol:

The internet is my anti-drug. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Well, everyone I work with is really nice to me.

Damn, British House is freaking me out!
I don't have the TV on as usual, so I'll have to check youtube for that later, 6669.

Actually, I'm just about to watch last week's ep. I was over at my gf's and completely forgot about the show, somehow. ;) :lol:

[quote name='mr ryles']bought a new ps2 controller since I was thinking half of the problem of not being able to draw a good circle on okami was due to a crappy mad catz controller. Turns out I was right.[/QUOTE] Why the fuck didn't you already have at least one good controller? I guess if you're just playing Madden it doesn't matter. :lol:
My previous hatred of "No One Knows" has grown even more fierce. I can try to move on tomorrow, but there's bound to be at least one replacement for it. :whistle2:(
Temporary work where you are left entirely to your own devices with only a task to complete can sometimes be good.

Pretty lonely though.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Why the fuck didn't you already have at least one good controller? I guess if you're just playing Madden it doesn't matter. :lol:[/QUOTE]

madden is for my 360.

I played with crappy controllers as I rarely ever play my ps2.

I will vouch for mad catz as the controller I did have lasted a good 2 years, and the bigger size than the regular ps2 controller I liked. But the analogs did start acting goofy and I couldn't take it anymore.

Not that I like mad catz, that is the only good controller of theres I have had out of the 4 or 5 I have owned in my life time.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']My previous hatred of "No One Knows" has grown even more fierce. I can try to move on tomorrow, but there's bound to be at least one replacement for it. :whistle2:([/QUOTE] I loved that one. I couldn't do better than hard, though. :lol:

[quote name='Strell']Pretty lonely though.[/QUOTE] That's what CAG is for. :lol:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']My previous hatred of "No One Knows" has grown even more fierce. I can try to move on tomorrow, but there's bound to be at least one replacement for it. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

No one knows
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