this OTT sucks.

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fuck fuck fuck LIFE amazon fucking is out of stock of the 16 gig iTouch. I am soooo pissed. This asshole could have paypaled me earlier like he said and it would have all been good but nooooooo.
[quote name='DarthPuma']fuck fuck fuck LIFE amazon fucking is out of stock of the 16 gig iTouch. I am soooo pissed. This asshole could have paypaled me earlier like he said and it would have all been good but nooooooo.[/quote]

Yeah, I am refreshing that Samsung BR player page like every 30 seconds waiting for it to come back in stock.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Why are you always so out of control?[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't have done that if anyone were around to witness it.
[quote name='lordwow']I heard that Apple isn't making any more iPods. I would go ahead and short Apple on the fantasy stocks :cool:[/QUOTE]
This is the 1st gen touches. Are they still making those?
:lol: @ thatinfluentialasshole[quote name='Brak']I wouldn't have done that if anyone were around to witness it.[/quote]Yeah... :roll:
You aren't a true emo unless you know every word to that song.

I believe you are thinking scene girls brak. Emo girls are generally gross imo, but there are quite a few scene chicks I would fuck the brains out of.
[quote name='munch']Brak is on a rampage this morning.[/quote]


I'm guessing Brak is the gorilla...?
Is it me, or does the singer for Dashboard Confessional sound like a whining little girl every time he opens his mouth? Gawd, I remember that damn song Screaming Infidelities getting heavy play years ago.

Emo is nothing but brats that are too afraid to even be kinder goths
If I could choose, I'd select the Werewolf.
[quote name='DarthPuma']You aren't a true emo unless you know every word to that song.

I believe you are thinking scene girls brak. Emo girls are generally gross imo, but there are quite a few scene chicks I would fuck the brains out of.[/QUOTE]
Scene girls are definitely delicious. (Some emo girls are sexy, only because I like dark hair and pale skin, and the like.)
Are the refurbished iPods in the refurb apple store the second gen? They're 219 their too but the tax hurts the deal.

When I think emo I think the emo girls at my school and I definitely would not put my dick in them.
Hey, DarthPuma:

If you could start an emo band, what would you name it?
[quote name='Brak']Hey, DarthPuma:

If you could start an emo band, what would you name it?[/QUOTE]

Emo would have to be something retarded that makes no sense but for some reason the kids love, ala Red Jumpsuit Apparatus or Death Cab for Cutie.

How about Triangle Windows in the White Grass? Retarded as shit.

Or I could go the hxc route and do something As I Lay Dying sounding. Gimme a sec.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Yes, there might even be some items in levels that require it.[/QUOTE]
I could probably play it whenever I'm home.
[quote name='Brak']"fuck fuck fuck LIFE" - various emo bands[/QUOTE]That's what's going through my mind right now, after I saw most every position I applied for at one company get filled (when I checked today, they weren't that way on Friday). :bomb:

But oh well, I'll keep applying to everything I see.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I wish I hadn't gone to bread so early last night. I totally would have nabbed that Samsung player.[/quote]

Me too. It has come in stock for microseconds this morning. I keep refreshing it, waiting for it to pop up.
Hey Mojimbo, if I were to send you my old power brick, would you be willing to set up a trade?

Just noticed that the Elite isn't grounded and the wattage is different by about 27-30 between my old premium and elite
[quote name='Brak']What would you name your real band, DarthPuma?[/QUOTE]

Chippendale's Rejects. It's kind of cliche' but I like it.
It is c-c-cold outside! :cold:

I didn't get a haircut because the barber was closed but I did buy those Jimmy Deans sausage wrapped in pancakes.
[quote name='tiredfornow']dcfox should've crossed out those Iron Maiden lyrics and thrown up some from his favorite band, Pantera.[/quote]
How did Pantera become my favorite band?
[quote name='Mojimbo']This Blackwater shit makes me sick. How do you accidentally murder 17 civilians? :|[/quote]

I live about 20-25 miles from where they are located. They're nothing but mercs...military rejects and ones that failed psych evals. At least thats what Blackwater is
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bread's done