Those who are banned from making an OTT

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Thinking about going ahead and buying the 360 wifi adapter today. I know it's a near waste of money, but I'm going to need it if we're moving in wit the in-laws.

I need to send munch some monies too.
I saw some vending machines (soda) that had slots for swiping your debit/credit card.

Am I :#83: on this?
I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and belted out "FINALLY!"
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Thinking about going ahead and buying the 360 wifi adapter today. I know it's a near waste of money, but I'm going to need it if we're moving in wit the in-laws.

I need to send munch some monies too.[/quote]

You are the gadget dude, make one yourself. I could always sell you my La Fonera Router and you can hack that into a Wifi Adapter.

EDIT: I am with you on that one Dallow. But I have never seen them.
[quote name='dallow']I saw some vending machines (soda) that had slots for swiping your debit/credit card.

Am I :#83: on this?
I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and belted out "FINALLY!"[/quote]

It's not new, just uncommon. I think the only place I've seen them is airports.
Hello people...had a busy weekend was tired as fuck both days...slept late woke up early...ugh finally got some shut eye last night and I think I'm back to normal. I'll hopefully try out the Battlefield:BC beta when I get home from work.

EDIT: Turns out tomorrow is the 25th :oops:
Thank god, someone just picked up my shift for 3-7 PM. I am not doing so hot after working 6-10 AM, plus having to write a 2000 page paper before going back to work at 6 AM tomorrow.
[quote name='lordwow']Thank god, someone just picked up my shift for 3-7 PM. I am not doing so hot after working 6-10 AM, plus having to write a 2000 page paper before going back to work at 6 AM tomorrow.[/quote]

How the fuck are you so good at R6V2 if you're always busy with school and work?
I used a credit card on a payphone 5+ years ago. I desperately needed to make a call and had no change. Figured I was going to be raped on the charges but it actually wasn't bad. I can't remember if it was more than using coins or not but it wasn't much more anyway.
[quote name='dallow']I saw some vending machines (soda) that had slots for swiping your debit/credit card.

Am I :#83: on this?
I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and belted out "FINALLY!"[/quote]

I love it how I can now have access to my money in the bank though these 'vending machines' now with a 'credit' card...I think they call them Money Access Machines and the card is called a Money Access Card. I'll call them MAC for short ;)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How the fuck are you so good at R6V2 if you're always busy with school and work?[/QUOTE]

Natural Skill.

That and one of my jobs (as an RA) lets me play while I'm working. Like Friday night I was "on call" . I'm forced to sit in my room (or stay in my building) from like 7 PM Friday - 7 PM Saturday or Saturday-Sun while I'm "on call", so that does give me some time to play, though it also means I may have to run if I get paged that someone's passed out in the hall or to break up a party and spend an hour or two dealing with that. I got paged a bunch of times actually, but I didn't get paged the first time until 5:30 AM.

But honestly, I only really play on the weekends. During the week I'm pretty busy working my other job/classes/dealing with grad school/and my gf
Target's clearance games didn't drop yet...

However I did get the Ninja Gaiden stylus at Gamestop ($5 preorder I'll never pick up and later put toward Persona 3) so I'm trying to cancel my online NG DS order... been on hold for like 5 fucking minutes on the phone.
[quote name='wubb']I think I'll start Half Life 2 Epi 1 today. Screw going for that 'Use only one bullet' cheesemint.[/QUOTE]

It's not that tough.
[quote name='Rocko']Target's clearance games didn't drop yet...

However I did get the Ninja Gaiden stylus at Gamestop ($5 preorder I'll never pick up and later put toward Persona 3) so I'm trying to cancel my online NG DS order... been on hold for like 5 fucking minutes on the phone.[/quote]

I'm debating on doing the same...except for Persona.
[quote name='Maklershed']Blargh. I feel sick now.[/quote]

Then my plan is working.

That Mr. Mak is the poison eating away at your insides like termites that eat insides.

The best is yet to come.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm debating on doing the same...except for Persona.[/quote]

Why would you preorder and not pick up Persona? There's no bonus.

Unless you mean canceling the order. In which case, don't!

I'm glad I get to save $35 for not buying NG and still get the stylus. ^_^
[quote name='lordwow']It's not that tough.[/QUOTE]

But it sounds like it would make the game more of a chore than fun? I got the cheesemint for only using the gravity gun on the Ravenholm level in Half Life 2 but that wasn't much fun.
[quote name='JolietJake']And people think batman is gay....:lol::applause:[/QUOTE]

gotta watch the follow up [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
I didn't mind it. I felt like the Ravelholm one was much more of a mad scramble to find shit to throw at people. There's like an overabundance of crap to pick up in Ep1 and throw at people. In fact, I can't really think of more than 2 or 3 places I was like "I wish I could use a gun right now" especially since for the first hour its the only thing you can use.

And it's like 40 cheesemints.
[quote name='Rocko']Why would you preorder and not pick up Persona? There's no bonus.

Unless you mean canceling the order. In which case, don't!

I'm glad I get to save $35 for not buying NG and still get the stylus. ^_^[/quote]

I think he means, preorder NG. Get the stylus, then move the preorder to something else. Just like you, except he doesn't want Persona.
[quote name='lordwow']I didn't mind it. I felt like the Ravelholm one was much more of a mad scramble to find shit to throw at people. There's like an overabundance of crap to pick up in Ep1 and throw at people. In fact, I can't really think of more than 2 or 3 places I was like "I wish I could use a gun right now" especially since for the first hour its the only thing you can use.

And it's like 40 cheesemints.[/QUOTE]

Damn you!
[quote name='Soodmeg']Then my plan is working.

That Mr. Mak is the poison eating away at your insides like termites that eat insides.

The best is yet to come.[/quote]


I bequeath my ds stylii to Rocko, my drawing pencils to WSB, my whisky to Scobie, my milk to Brak, and my acheivement points to Wubb.
[quote name='Rocko']Why would you preorder and not pick up Persona? There's no bonus.

Unless you mean canceling the order. In which case, don't!

I'm glad I get to save $35 for not buying NG and still get the stylus. ^_^[/quote]

I was talking about NG...though I kinda want to play it but I have so many games on my DS that I don't even play.
[quote name='Maklershed']:cold:

I bequeath my ds stylii to Rocko, my drawing pencils to WSB, my whisky to Scobie, my milk to Brak, and my acheivement points to Wubb.[/QUOTE]

I definitely come out ahead on that deal. Suckers!
[quote name='darthbudge']I think he means, preorder NG. Get the stylus, then move the preorder to something else. Just like you, except he doesn't want Persona.[/quote]


Yeah, do it. They should give you the stylus when you put the $5 down. But act quickly since the game comes out on Wednesday.
[quote name='Maklershed']:cold:

I bequeath my ds stylii to Rocko, my drawing pencils to WSB, my whisky to Scobie, my milk to Brak, and my acheivement points to Wubb.[/quote]

Can you go ahead and send me your PS3 stuff now? Specifically Uncharted.
[quote name='Rocko']Oh.

Yeah, do it. They should give you the stylus when you put the $5 down. But act quickly since the game comes out on Wednesday.[/quote]

I'll try to go today after work on my way home.
[quote name='Maklershed']:cold:

I bequeath my ds stylii to Rocko, my drawing pencils to WSB, my whisky to Scobie, my milk to Brak, and my acheivement points to Wubb.[/quote]


[quote name='LinkinPrime']I was talking about NG...though I kinda want to play it but I have so many games on my DS that I don't even play.[/quote]

Might as well do it now to get the stylus then you can decide on the game later. You're not going to lose anything. :]
[quote name='darthbudge']Can you go ahead and send me your PS3 stuff now? Specifically Uncharted.[/quote]


You said you like the pc more than the 360 and PS3
[quote name='lordwow']I didn't mind it. I felt like the Ravelholm one was much more of a mad scramble to find shit to throw at people. There's like an overabundance of crap to pick up in Ep1 and throw at people. In fact, I can't really think of more than 2 or 3 places I was like "I wish I could use a gun right now" especially since for the first hour its the only thing you can use.

And it's like 40 cheesemints.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know when I was supposed to use the one bullet, so I was scared, but I chose wisely.
[quote name='wubb']Pretty sure I'm right near the end of Phoenix Wright 2 (picked up it up this weekend after laying off it for a loooong time.)

Anybody want to trade me for it? It's the Japanese version which includes full english.[/QUOTE]

Ever think about joining Goozex? I used Shipwreck's referral link and have traded away about 12 games in less than a month. I'm up to 4750 points. Now I just need to spend them. :D
[quote name='Maklershed']:nottalking:

You said you like the pc more than the 360 and PS3[/quote]

You never give your PS3 any love! I play mine all the time!
[quote name='zewone']fuck.

How far is Mesquite, TX from McAllen?

I can't believe my 360 isn't there yet.[/quote]
Pretty much same distance from Dallas to McAllen.
[quote name='zewone']fuck.

How far is Mesquite, TX from McAllen?

I can't believe my 360 isn't there yet.[/QUOTE]

Mesquite is near Dallas. Probably won't get there for another day.
[quote name='daphatty']Ever think about joining Goozex? I used Shipwreck's referral link and have traded away about 12 games in less than a month. I'm up to 4750 points. Now I just need to spend them. :D[/QUOTE]

I considered it but I feel like the whole thing is going to implode at some point and I don't want to be left holding the bag.
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