Trading PS4, Wii U and 3ds games. Also selling Canon Rebel with lots of accessories.

I'm glad that you liked it :), today I heard that there was really bad weather for the skiers. Supposedly Lindsay Vonn got injured and the rest of the event was postponed to tomorrow so I'll have to check it out tonight. I missed today's hockey match :bomb:, I heard that the both the Canadians and the U.S. did well though.

I wish I could just watch the Olympics online then I wouldn't have to miss out on some of the matches. I also hate how NBC decided to put commercials in that disrupt the flow of the games. Oh, well I'm sure that they're going to sell a DVD of this year's Olympics since they botched the coverage so bad that people are complaining.
I didn't care for the coverage by NBC much but when I googled "nbc olympic coverage" I realized that some of the events were not being covered. Other events were being edited for time, probably to allow for more commercials :(

Just out of curiousity, what did you think of Assassin's Creed 2? Did you like it better than the PSP version?
i did not like the psp version. i havent played ac2 yet. ive been playing darksiders and it is sooo awesome. youd never believe it but it is just like a zelda game, down to the little tune that plays when you solve a puzzle
Seriously, there are puzzles in Darksiders? I guess I'll have to check that game out then, I figured that it was another God of War clone. Unfortunately I'm going to be offline tomorrow, I didn't realize that fast food salsa went bad so fast and it's playing havoc with my stomach :(
[quote name='buffdrew84']i bought mine years ago, its the original, i like it. ive never even played on a newer model[/QUOTE]

That's cool, I stuck with my Phat until I saw that the new PSP's were able to output games to a TV:cool:. I almost waited to see if a PSP 2 was going to come out but I figured it might be UMDless like the PSPgo, plus I found an awesome deal:lol:. Have you ever played Resistance: Retribution?

The PSP controls didn't seem very well suited to shooters so I was happily surprised by how fun it was. I bought Resistance when it first came out but I should have waited and bought more copies when it was on sale for $14 recently ;).
[quote name='buffdrew84']i cant, i have an old school psp that wont output to the tv[/QUOTE]

I just looked it up and the PS3 forums say that the PS3 controller will work with the PSP 1000 :whistle2:s. Unfortunately, I can't test it for you because my phat PSP has the wrong firmware :roll: I wouldn't mind lending you my copy of Resistance if you want to see if it works.
bread's done