Trading PS4, Wii U and 3ds games. Also selling Canon Rebel with lots of accessories.

[quote name='buffdrew84']how was bioshock 2? i wasnt blown away with the first, the story was great but the fetch quests kinda got old.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember that many fetch quests in the first one but there are still a few in this game. I don't want to spoil the game for you so lets just say that there is an interesting twist when you need to fetch the big sister armor ;).

I think that with the new dual weapon system and the multiplayer possibilities that I like Bioshock 2 better than the first one. I pre-ordered the four pack deal on Steam with some friends so for about $34 I received the game and a free copy of the first Bioshock:cool:.
that sounds pretty sweet. i dont know, in the first one if just felt like every objective, especially getting the big daddy suit was go here and get this to come back an access that. thats just me. dont get me wrong it was a good game just not game of the year material, but definitely a nice original setting as opposed to a sequel

I sent out your movie today via Priority Mail so that you will receive it before you move ;). The DC# that PayPal Shipping gave me is: 420333519101785091401461028432
[quote name='buffdrew84']oh and check out my homage on my list under the pending deals toward the top [/QUOTE]

Awesome, thanks for the link :cool: It only cost a little bit more to ship Priority since PayPal shipping is cheaper than the rates at my local Post Office.
I left Feedback but it doesn't seem to be working right, your marketplace feedback is still at 99 :whistle2:k. Oh well, the feedback comment still showed up:cool:
[quote name='OldSchool77']I left Feedback but it doesn't seem to be working right, your marketplace feedback is still at 99 :whistle2:k. Oh well, the feedback comment still showed up:cool:[/QUOTE]

it doesnt go up if you have traded with me before.

[quote name='ex_eBay_buyer']CML for New Super Mario Bros (Wii), also have PayPal.[/QUOTE]

i checked your list but didnt see anthing i was interested in. thanks for looking
[quote name='buffdrew84']it doesnt go up if you have traded with me before.

Thanks for letting me know that feedback left for people I've previously traded with doesn't show up. I guess that I never paid attention to that in my iTrader ratings so I thought it was some sort of glitch :lol:

Is that New Super Mario Bros. Wii any good ? I have some TRU gift cards that I need to use and I think they're supposed to be having a good sale coming up;)
[quote name='buffdrew84']im not liking it all that much, its too freakin difficult that i get frustrated and stop playing. im actually really trying to trade mine[/QUOTE]

Well let me know if you're willing to trade it for a shipping plus a $20 Toys R' Us Gift card.;) Have you watched the bonus content for Donnie Darko? I don't usually watch the bonus content on any of my movies unless they're music videos or deleted scenes/bloopers :lol:
ill trade it to you for that bioshock 2 if you still have

i did watch some of the special features, they are not bad. i do however look forward to watching the movie with commentary so i can understant what the hell is going on
[quote name='buffdrew84']ill trade it to you for that bioshock 2 if you still have

i did watch some of the special features, they are not bad. i do however look forward to watching the movie with commentary so i can understant what the hell is going on[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately I already traded Bioshock 2 for the second Ratchet & Clank PS3 game. Donnie Darko is an unusual movie isn't it:lol: I liked the movie but I figured that I don't need it in HD since I will probably only watch it around Halloween. I have S. Darko too and they both are about time travel and the choices that each person makes. If you've finished the movie, why did you think that he was happy at the end of the movie:whistle2:k
I'm going to use the TRU credit since they're having a B1G1 50% off on Wii games deal. I only want Deadspace: Extraction so is there anything that you're looking for that you would trade the New Super Mario Bros. for ;)

I haven't heard from you so I hope you're doing well. I'm going to get the Diving game that comes with the Wii speak since I think the sale ends this weekend;)
[quote name='OldSchool77']Bump...

I haven't heard from you so I hope you're doing well. I'm going to get the Diving game that comes with the Wii speak since I think the sale ends this weekend;)

i just moved and ive been without internet for almost two weeks. it was awful. thanks for your concern though
[quote name='buffdrew84']i just moved and ive been without internet for almost two weeks. it was awful. thanks for your concern though[/QUOTE]

I wondered what had happened, I figured that you had gone on a vacation for Easter:lol: I like technology but every once in a while I go for a few weeks without any electronics
, when I go camping I don't want to ruin my gear;)
lol, i wanted to check cag so badly because i had a few trades pending and didnt know if they were still good. i did finally get my cod moder warfare 2 for darksiders though
hey buffdrew. the only trade I'm sorta interested in is my MGS4 for your chronicles of riddick dark athena, however shipping FROM canada is not worth it for lower value games such as these.
Hey thx for hittin me up
I didnt see anything that stood out
Do you have sacred 2 or a ps3 usb headset
hit up my thread
thx a bunch
[quote name='buffdrew84']lol, i wanted to check cag so badly because i had a few trades pending and didnt know if they were still good. i did finally get my cod moder warfare 2 for darksiders though[/QUOTE]

Hopefully all the trades still went through, sometimes people are a little impatient. You traded Darksiders!? you must have really wanted COD: MW2:lol: I'll get MW2 eventually but I have to get it on PC since I have a few friends who already have it on Steam and want me to play it with them:cool:

I traded my copy of COD: MW PS3 version away a while ago and I have yet to finish it on PC. I wish the game publishers would slow down a little, those Steam deals are draining my wallet dry. I just got Borderlands for $18.75 this weekend and next weekend I'm sure that they'll probably have another deal:roll:.
[quote name='buffdrew84']simpsons and futurama both are awesome and you know it![/QUOTE]

I love Matt Groening's sense of humor so I try to read or watch all his stuff:lol:. I just became too busy to catch the Simpsons at the time and once I miss a few seasons of a show I tend to lose interest. Did you ever read any of his Life in Hell comic strips? If not, then you should check this out:
bread's done