Trading PS4, Wii U and 3ds games. Also selling Canon Rebel with lots of accessories.


Did you ever try X-blades or do you only have the sealed copy? I was curious if the game is any good because I found one today at a Hollywood Video that is closing.
[quote name='buffdrew84']still sealed....xplay gave it a 1 out of 5 though :([/QUOTE]

Thanks, I used to love X-Play but I haven't seen it in years :( I only read the reviews on Amazon and they averaged to 3/5 so I thought it might be worth trying it for $8 .
[quote name='buffdrew84']i picked it up on clearance at target for like 12 bucks[/QUOTE]

I've picked up a lot of PC games on clearance at Target but there are never any PS3 games on sale. There must be a game hoarder that shops at my local Target since it's almost always sold out of clearance stuff before I get there. If I get X-Blades from Hollywood Video I'll let you know if it's worth playing :)
Thanks, I've been wanting to see how 10,000 BC looked on Blu-ray. I didn't know that you wanted Bioshock 2 :lol:, did you ever play the first game? I have the first Bioshock as a Steam gift if you want it, you can have it for free since everyone else I know already has it.

I didn't see anything on your list for Bioshock 2 but if there any Gamestop stores near you they are going to be having a sale March 25th. I'm looking for one of the following games Dante's Inferno, Resident Evil 5 Gold, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time, or two $20 PSN cards

I already received Darksides as a gift from my brother since yesterday was my birthday! :D
happy belated birthday to you. ill shoot you a pm about our blu ray deal. i have played bioshock already, ps. my pc wont run it right with vista for some reason. obviously i dont have any of your current wants so bioshock 2 is out of the questions but at least we will deall the blu rays.
Thanks for the birthday wishes:) Do you have the disc version of Bioshock 1? I have Vista Home premium with service pack 2 and it runs great, I did have to upgrade my graphics card for it to play well though.

Unfortunately I already have most of the games that you have for trade,
I've put most of what I have in my collection list here:
I have more games that I would have added but they're too old and didn't show up :(
i shot you a pm about our trade and marked it as a pending trade on my list.
there is no way my graphics card will run bioshock, besides i already beat it,
"would you kindly" lol thanks for the offer
What graphics card do you have? I have an Asus ATI 4550 that I bought from Newegg for $50 and it runs Bioshock 1 and 2 very well. I'm probably going to be upgrading my card soon let me know if you want to trade for it, I still need silent hill: shattered memories :)
lol, its some 2 year old nvidia that came with the computer, besides on only have lke 1 gig of ram so ill never be able to run it. im not too interested in trading for a card, i dont play pc games often if ever. i have been focusing on beating darksiders, its taking forever as i have no time to play it so i havent beel playing much silent hill lately.
[quote name='buffdrew84']lol, its some 2 year old nvidia that came with the computer, besides on only have lke 1 gig of ram so ill never be able to run it. im not too interested in trading for a card, i dont play pc games often if ever. i have been focusing on beating darksiders, its taking forever as i have no time to play it so i havent beel playing much silent hill lately.[/QUOTE]

Two years old isn't that bad, that's how old my PC is and I only needed a few inexpensive upgrades to play the latest games;). I used to play computer games around 70% of the time and would only get to play on the console when my older brothers weren't home:lol:.

After the NES came out I played that more often than the PC, around the Mid 90s computer graphics were much better than the consoles so I've been playing mostly PC games ever since:cool:. I'm at the end of Bioshock 2 and after I finish it then I'll start either Darksiders or GOW III, I haven't made up my mind yet. Hopefully Gamestop will have Silent Hill on sale during Game Days then:cry:
[quote name='buffdrew84']darksiders should be next if you are in the mood for a zelda type adventure, trust me you will know what im talking about when you play it[/QUOTE]

I've been playing Minish Cap off and on since I got it from you so I will probably start on GOW III tonight since I finally beat Bioshock 2 last night:D.
bread's done