Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I recommend these external hard drives to anybody who asks this question. I have the 3TB older version of it and it is simply a joy to have. I love being able to have dozens of digital games on my system and still have over 2 TB's of space left and as I've been buying a lot of digital games due to the deals on credit the space really does do wonders.

2TB is $80, 3TB is $108, 4TB is $140, and 5TB is $175.

Also have a 1TB version but since that costs $72 it's just much better to get the 2TB version for $8 more instead.
Thank you, I'll have to check them out. Are you able to partition the drive and use part of it for XB1 storage and another part for other devices like you could with usb storage on the 360?

Any reccomendations for a stand that will charge ps4 controllers and at least hold xbox one controllers?  Trying to fill $35 on amazon and am $18 short.  Edit or any other cool ascessories like some kind of stacker so I can save room on my desk?  I just realized I have a drawer I can throw my controllers in

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No, you can't do that with external hard drives on Xbox One.
That kind of stinks, I was hoping to take care of some backups at the same time. Oh well, at least I won't have to shuffle installs and content around on the XB1 anymore to make room for new games.

Is he really trolling? I could see the question being a poor attempt at spreading FUD. Or maybe it was just a silly question.
He's just mad because I called him out the other day because he's been going into individual threads and posting nonsense that would amount to trolling.

Anyone have thoughts on Microsoft's potential buyout of Mojang? I was pretty surprised to hear about it myself because I didn't think Mojang would be one of those studios looking to sell into a larger company. Although given the ridiculous price that is being thrown around (2 Billion) it's certainly one serious investment to be making.

Personally I think it could easily pay off for them in the long run. I know it's a lot of talk but I seriously think Minecraft has become a massively recognizable IP and the series is immensely popular with younger audiences so I've heard. A Minecraft 2 exclusive to Xbox/PC would be huge given how strong Minecraft has previously sold on consoles (Although still nowhere near PC Sales).

Also if I'm not mistaken they also have two new IP's they've been working on still.

Here are the main details I gathered from the Neogaf page on it.

Originally Posted by Bloomberg

If a deal is reached, Microsoft plans to pay for an acquisition with cash held overseas, one person familiar with the company said. That would have favorable tax consequences for the software maker, whose vast majority of cash and short-term investments are kept outside the U.S.

Persson Selling

The deal came together after Mojang founder Markus Persson reached out to Microsoft a few months ago, based on a positive working relationship on Minecraft for Xbox, said the person familiar with Microsoft.

The two companies quickly agreed on a framework and approximate price and have been working out the details since, the person said. Persson will help out with the transition, though he is unlikely to remain beyond that, according to the person.

Xbox chief Phil Spencer has a close relationship with Persson, and has flown out to have dinners with the Mojang founder, another person familiar with Microsoft said.

The software maker calculates it can boost Minecraft sales by expanding the number of game users through Microsoft’s position in video games and computers, and by expanding licensing for things like toys and movies, said one of the people.

I dont think they will sell. They make so much more money buy having it on many different systems.

Honestly, I wish Microsoft would stop just buying other peoples work and start focusing on building their own studios.

The sale is going to happen, when the Wall street journal reports that a sale is happening it will..

However I think it's a mistake.  With the type of game that Minecraft is, what can they really do in a Minecraft 2?  Honestly the creator of Minecraft said he would never do this, yet here he is.  I'm wondering if he is just realizing there is nothing else that he can do, and seeing Microsoft offer 2 billion, he is saying, heck yea and running away with it.

Had Microsoft done this a year or so ago and made Minecraft an Xbox one exclusive then it would have made sense, otherwise I think it's a bad move.

The sale is going to happen, when the Wall street journal reports that a sale is happening it will..

However I think it's a mistake. With the type of game that Minecraft is, what can they really do in a Minecraft 2? Honestly the creator of Minecraft said he would never do this, yet here he is. I'm wondering if he is just realizing there is nothing else that he can do, and seeing Microsoft offer 2 billion, he is saying, heck yea and running away with it.

Had Microsoft done this a year or so ago and made Minecraft an Xbox one exclusive then it would have made sense, otherwise I think it's a bad move.
I just don't get the point in buying a company that has already pretty much hit peak saturation with their most popular game. I doubt they can make another hit as big

I would like Microsoft to start focusing on some first party studios. Microsoft needs it's Naughty Dog. That's the kind of healthy competition between Sony and Microsoft that can makes games even better for us. I'm getting tired of exclusive timed DLC and timed releases. I want big, badass first party exclusives up against other badass exclusives. Let's go!

Minecraft is a huge property though. Gigantic. I work at Target and we have half an aisle dedicated to Minecraft toys and kids/parents are always asking about it and buying the stuff. 2 billion is a lot but I find myself agreeing with bestkeeper14, it seems like the sale was a little late. A 'Minecraft 2' always seemed stupid to me, I thought they would just constantly update and bring new content that way, although if this sale does go through a sequel is pretty much a certainty. And, who knows, Mojang's other titles could be big hits too.

And what does this mean for Minecraft on PS3/PS4 and Vita?

I just don't get the point in buying a company that has already pretty much hit peak saturation with their most popular game. I doubt they can make another hit as big
my point exactly. if I am the owner of the company that said I would never sell the company, I would definitely sell if i knew it wasn't going to continue...

I would like Microsoft to start focusing on some first party studios. Microsoft needs it's Naughty Dog. That's the kind of healthy competition between Sony and Microsoft that can makes games even better for us. I'm getting tired of exclusive timed DLC and timed releases. I want big, badass first party exclusives up against other badass exclusives. Let's go!

Minecraft is a huge property though. Gigantic. I work at Target and we have half an aisle dedicated to Minecraft toys and kids/parents are always asking about it and buying the stuff. 2 billion is a lot but I find myself agreeing with bestkeeper14, it seems like the sale was a little late. A 'Minecraft 2' always seemed stupid to me, I thought they would just constantly update and bring new content that way, although if this sale does go through a sequel is pretty much a certainty. And, who knows, Mojang's other titles could be big hits too.

And what does this mean for Minecraft on PS3/PS4 and Vita?
Well it is already out on PS3 and PS4, Vita may be at jeopardy... but probably not.

I agree, a lot of people thought that was what MS was doing with Rare, instead they killed them. Now they somewhat have a chance with insomniac, but that type of game is niche, perhaps though sunset overdrive is the beginning and could do something else. I mean naughty Dog started with Crash and Jak, then went serious.

I would like Microsoft to start focusing on some first party studios. Microsoft needs it's Naughty Dog. That's the kind of healthy competition between Sony and Microsoft that can makes games even better for us. I'm getting tired of exclusive timed DLC and timed releases. I want big, badass first party exclusives up against other badass exclusives. Let's go!

Minecraft is a huge property though. Gigantic. I work at Target and we have half an aisle dedicated to Minecraft toys and kids/parents are always asking about it and buying the stuff. 2 billion is a lot but I find myself agreeing with bestkeeper14, it seems like the sale was a little late. A 'Minecraft 2' always seemed stupid to me, I thought they would just constantly update and bring new content that way, although if this sale does go through a sequel is pretty much a certainty. And, who knows, Mojang's other titles could be big hits too.

And what does this mean for Minecraft on PS3/PS4 and Vita?
yep with the capital ms has they could easily tempt talented devs and startup their own developers rather then counting on games coming out earlier or dlc
[quote name="Deader2818" post="12083158" timestamp="1410380941"]I dont think they will sell. They make so much more money buy having it on many different systems.

Honestly, I wish Microsoft would stop just buying other peoples work and start focusing on building their own studios.[/quote]
More than 2 billion in sales? I doubt it. That is if all the rumors are true, of course. As far as buying studios, even Naughty Dog was an indy at one point. That's just how business goes. It doesn't bother me that they buy studios. It does bother me that they waste the talent and IP there (like Rare). New leadership, though, so maybe they can build a nice portfolio for themselves.
[quote name="bestkeeper14" post="12083249" timestamp="1410383027"]The sale is going to happen, when the Wall street journal reports that a sale is happening it will..

However I think it's a mistake. With the type of game that Minecraft is, what can they really do in a Minecraft 2? Honestly the creator of Minecraft said he would never do this, yet here he is. I'm wondering if he is just realizing there is nothing else that he can do, and seeing Microsoft offer 2 billion, he is saying, heck yea and running away with it.

Had Microsoft done this a year or so ago and made Minecraft an Xbox one exclusive then it would have made sense, otherwise I think it's a bad move.[/quote]
Not necessarily. They reported a deal was imminent between Google and Twitch and that didn't happen. Until the paperwork is signed anything can happen.
Rare killed itself, they had nothing to match the success of previous games.

Can't really comment too much on the Mojang sale, but I can only assume it will be beneficial.  A Minecraft sequel might not reached the success of the original as many games don't, but you can't say it won't sell millions on millions of copies.

Kinect titles was essentially to keep the name/company afloat, the games released prior to that bombed commercially.

[quote name="RBK" post="12083368" timestamp="1410386373"]Kinect titles was essentially to keep the name/company afloat, the games released prior to that bombed commercially.[/quote]
Perfect Dark Zero sold over a million copies as a launch title and sits about 81 on metacritic. Viva Piñata sold 1.5 million in the first year of the 360 and was enough to warrant a sequel and spin off game. I agree that they weren't as amazing as Rare's previous efforts, but commercial failures they were not. Then they got stuck working on avatars and kinect games like already mentioned. I do question how much of Nintendo's involvement pushed them to make the awesome games they did have, but there still had to be talent to form that foundation.
The sale is going to happen, when the Wall street journal reports that a sale is happening it will..

However I think it's a mistake. With the type of game that Minecraft is, what can they really do in a Minecraft 2? Honestly the creator of Minecraft said he would never do this, yet here he is. I'm wondering if he is just realizing there is nothing else that he can do, and seeing Microsoft offer 2 billion, he is saying, heck yea and running away with it.

Had Microsoft done this a year or so ago and made Minecraft an Xbox one exclusive then it would have made sense, otherwise I think it's a bad move.
They don't say it's going to happen, but that they're in serious talks. It's not too different from the Google/Twitch article from a few months ago.

While I'll admit that it could be out of date or incorrect, but I've been reading a book about the history of Minecraft and the thing that doesn't make sense with this deal is that Mojang doesn't own Minecraft. Notch has his own company that licenses it to Mojang and shares the profits, though the ratio mentioned in the book heavily favored Notch's company ($60 million for Notch to $9 million for Mojang early on). The article about the rumor doesn't even mention this, so I'm not sure how this would work.

Edit: Okay, this Forbes article actually mentions this fact in their speculation:

Swedish tax documents from April that were obtained by FORBES show that Mojang, which restructured ownership stakes earlier this year, is wholly-owned by a Swedish entity known as Notch Development. Persson controls 71% of Notch Development through Notch Enterprises AB, according to the documents. Porsér owns 21% while CEO Manneh controls 8%.

At a $2 billion purchase price, Persson would receive more than $1.4 billion before taxes if the deal was paid in all cash. That money would come in addition to payments from Mojang to license the “Minecraft” title he created. In the past, the company’s disclosed that it paid entities affiliated with Persson more than $100 million per year in 2012 and 2013 for licensing fees. According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, Microsoft would presumably be acquiring both Mojang and the rights to “Minecraft” from Persson in the potential deal.

I don't really believe that it'll happen until it actually happens. The Mojang guys have taken pride in not taking big investments from venture capitalists nor accepting previous buyouts, so this would be a weird move for that company.

[quote name="FriskyTanuki" post="12083444" timestamp="1410387986"]They don't say it's going to happen, but that they're in serious talks. It's not too different from the Google/Twitch article from a few months ago.

While I'll admit that it could be out of date or incorrect, but I've been reading a book about the history of Minecraft and the thing that doesn't make sense with this deal is that Mojang doesn't own Minecraft. Notch has his own company that licenses it to Mojang and shares the profits, though the ratio mentioned in the book heavily favored Notch's company ($60 million for Notch to $9 million for Mojang early on). The article about the rumor doesn't even mention this, so I'm not sure how this would work.

Edit: Okay, this Forbes article actually mentions this fact in their speculation:

I don't really believe that it'll happen until it actually happens. The Mojang guys have taken pride in not taking big investments from venture capitalists nor accepting previous buyouts, so this would be a weird move for that company.[/quote]

IMO they would be crazy not to take the 2B. Not saying that they need the money but I highly doubt that Mojang will be valued more than that. Sure, Minecraft 2 and Scrolls could end up being a huge hits but they could also flop. Notch can now go and do whatever he wants knowing he will never need financial backing a for any of his future projects whether in gaming or not.
Rare killed itself, they had nothing to match the success of previous games.
This is not true, you should seek out the thread on gaf of all the proposed ip's rare presented to Microsoft that got shot down, it's pretty incredible. I really wish Rare stayed with Nintendo or went independant, would love to see what really would have come from them.

Edit: Here's the GAF thread I was referring to:

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Jim Cramer from CNBC seems to think Microsoft is buying Mojang to put together a package to spin off the Xbox division.
I'm not sure who he is so I can't imagine how important his opinion is. One thing I know is it looks like he is some sort of investor and I know how desperate those guys are to spin news around like Microsoft is/should selling Xbox despite the companies continuously standing behind the division.

Also at this point the sale is more or less happening. Wall Street Journal are usually very accurate at their rumors and I believe they were the ones who posted about Amazon buying Twitch shortly before it was announced while other rumors were talking about Google.

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This is not true, you should seek out the thread on gaf of all the proposed ip's rare presented to Microsoft that got shot down, it's pretty incredible. I really wish Rare stayed with Nintendo or went independant, would love to see what really would have come from them.

Edit: Here's the GAF thread I was referring to:
I realize I'm going to be that guy, but Kameo 2 and Urchin were the only promising looking items. Perfect Dark on 360 was to big a drop for a 3rd game to pull numbers. 3-4 racing games, and some games with no details.

As far as Mojang. Minecraft sales and popularity never made any sense to me, so I see that as a waste of $2B.

First time seeing that list.  Can't really say if any of those games would have been successful either.  

Happens all the time in the industry, nothing new really.

All I want to know how did Grabbed by the Ghoulies get a pass and some of those games didn't?

destiny cost $500 million to make. MS could take that money and invest in at least four current gen and long term possible next gen exclusive IPs the size and scope of destiny. that seems like a much better investment, than buying mojang. what do i know though, MS loves throwing cash at dumb shit like timed DLC and timed exclusives.

Microsoft is looking at a long term approach by buying the Minecraft IP. I read on Neogaf that last year alone Mojang supposedly made over $200 million in ***MERCHANDISE*** revenue. Obviously not pure profit, but that puts a lot of things into perspective. When you factor in to the revenue from Minecraft on various platforms they can safetly make that money back in the long run.

Outside of that, Microsoft would also have a huge IP to show off with their future console/mobile/PC endevors. They could basically say Minecraft 2 (or whatever it will be called) is exclusive on their own console while making the mobile version Windows Phone only or something. 

Lastly, Minecraft is like the best selling game ever across all platforms I believe, and as a single platform was the best selling PC game as of this moment.

I'd say It's a better investment then what EA did with Bioware which was pretty close to 900 million. While Bioware makes great games I doubt EA has made much money especially after making that KOTOR MMO.

[quote name="Kazeno Katana" post="12083857" timestamp="1410397853"]I'm not sure who he is so I can't imagine how important his opinion is. One thing I know is it looks like he is some sort of investor and I know how desperate those guys are to spin news around like Microsoft is/should selling Xbox despite the companies continuously standing behind the division.

Also at this point the sale is more or less happening. Wall Street Journal are usually very accurate at their rumors and I believe they were the ones who posted about Amazon buying Twitch shortly before it was announced while other rumors were talking about Google.[/quote]
They themselves posted that Google was buying Twitch.
destiny cost $500 million to make. MS could take that money and invest in at least four current gen and long term possible next gen exclusive IPs the size and scope of destiny. that seems like a much better investment, than buying mojang. what do i know though, MS loves throwing cash at dumb shit like timed DLC and timed exclusives.
ms has the cash to throw around unlike other gaming companys at this point. you going to troll some more? you must not see how much money mojang makes from minecraft products they don't just do the game they do all the stuff you see in stores.

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They themselves posted that Google was buying Twitch.
well to be fare it came out that google pretty much did agree with twitch on the sale but at last moment amazon came in and twitch took amazon offer. sounds like twitch did not want done what google does to all companys they buy build it as their own.

[quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="12084308" timestamp="1410409914"]well to be fare it came out that google pretty much did agree with twitch on the sale but at last moment amazon came in and twitch took amazon offer. sounds like twitch did not want done what google does to all companys they buy build it as their own.[/quote]
Yes, I know there was some truth to the rumor. The point is that even if Wall Street Journal says it that doesn't make it gospel. Until the contract is signed anything can change.
ms has the cash to throw around unlike other gaming companys at this point. you going to troll some more? you must not see how much money mojang makes from minecraft products they don't just do the game they do all the stuff you see in stores.
how is that trolling? seriously, you piss and moan about how your opinion is called trolling and now its exactly the pot calling the kettle black. good job.

the poster above said mojang made $200M from merchandise, who knows how much of that is profit. $2 billion, no matter what game/IP it is isnt worth it, with the exception of maybe CoD if sony or MS made that exclusive after MW dropped.

ms has the cash to throw around unlike other gaming companys at this point. you going to troll some more? you must not see how much money mojang makes from minecraft products they don't just do the game they do all the stuff you see in stores.
I'm not really sure how his comment was considered "trolling" he makes a fair point. Microsoft could easily take 2 Billion dollars and invest it into high-grade studios and then AAA amazing exclusive games. It's been said for some time Microsoft needs a lot more studios and they need newer IP's to work on.

But instead they take 2 Billion dollars and throw it into pretty much one IP. There's no doubt Minecraft makes serious money but it really seems limiting to pay for one game when you could have gotten dozens.

I'm not really sure how his comment was considered "trolling" he makes a fair point. Microsoft could easily take 2 Billion dollars and invest it into high-grade studios and then AAA amazing exclusive games. It's been said for some time Microsoft needs a lot more studios and they need newer IP's to work on.

But instead they take 2 Billion dollars and throw it into pretty much one IP. There's no doubt Minecraft makes serious money but it really seems limiting to pay for one game when you could have gotten dozens.
they are buying a company not a game. At this point minecraft is a huge money maker as a name brand not just the game it self.

I think the point is going over your head.

I seriously don't get why Microsoft is against investing in making their own studios and creating their own ips
they are buying a company not a game. At this point minecraft is a huge money maker as a name brand not just the game it self.
Them buying a company doesn't change what I said. Mojang is made up of about 40 employees so it's not like they scooped up a mass amount of talent. Owning Minecraft as a brand doesn't change what I said either. I don't care that they're going to make a lot of money off of selling action figures, or stuffed animals, or even future Minecraft titles.

My point was spending 2 billion dollars for one brand is ridiculous when you could have invested in dozens of gaming studios and new or even existing IP's for that price. Microsoft seems to have a problem this generation because it seems to be apparent that they haven't added meat to their existing studio counts from the success they had last generation. They're securing a lot of third-party timed exclusives and simply lack the development power to push out enough first-party exclusive titles. The problem with this strategy is over the few next years a lot of their games may end up releasing on other consoles or PC and then the exclusivity value of their platform is lowered, especially when the competition like Nintendo and Sony are still holding onto their high quality IP's that you can only play on their consoles.

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The system is fine with new IPs from what I've seen. The ones currently are holding strong as well.

The system is fine with new IPs from what I've seen. The ones currently are holding strong as well.
But you'd have to take note that most of these new IP's aren't being developed by Microsoft. Games like Ryse Dead Rising 3, or the future Sunset Overdrive are third-party developed and were timed exclusives that as I said ended up going to other platforms and the same goes for Ori and The Blind Forest.

Don't get me wrong. I love my Xbox One in comparison to my PS4 but console exclusives are going to be part of what shapes your console's lifetime and not having them would be a serious problem. So far I've seen Microsoft spend what could only have been a ridiculous amount of money on Tomb Raider as a timed exclusive, and supposedly they're spending a boatload to acquire Mojang. This is all money that could have gone into founding new studios to support their portfolio. Hell I think Microsoft already has a lot of great IP's to work off of with games like Banjo, Perfect Dark, Fusion Frenzy, Kameo, Conker, and MUCH more but as I mentioned they need more studios to develop these games because their current ones can only balance so much.

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ms has the cash to throw around unlike other gaming companys at this point. you going to troll some more? you must not see how much money mojang makes from minecraft products they don't just do the game they do all the stuff you see in stores.
Ironic coming from someone like you.

Majority of video games are developed by 2nd or 3rd party developers to begin with.  God of War might be the only franchise I can think of that in developed in house.

I could be wrong of course, but I take developers like Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, and Guerilla Games out of the picture.  

If you want to name and correct me, feel free to do so.

bread's done