You can't spell Ottawa without OTT!

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The smallest one has a runny nose. I give it less than a week until it spreds to the rest of the household depowering us all.
At least I get my mandatory free flu shot at work today.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']SEANR why did you delete me from your facebook~[/QUOTE]

Because the night of my engagement you started leaving goofy-ass comments all over my wall.
It was definitely 4, including one on the picture of the ring saying, "Wow, what a nerd, look at that desk chair."

It be like Budge getting engaged and me posting "how many cases did you solve to afford this one, budget budge!"
I wonder if getting a dry erase board to write down daily tasks/goals would help motivate me to actually try and be productive. This new routine of eating and sleeping must go.
[quote name='Dkellar']I wonder if getting a dry erase board to write down daily tasks/goals would help motivate me to actually try and be productive. This new routine of eating and sleeping must go.[/QUOTE]

I bought one. It didn't help.
[quote name='seanr1221']It was definitely 4, including one on the picture of the ring saying, "Wow, what a nerd, look at that desk chair."

It be like Budge getting engaged and me posting "how many cases did you solve to afford this one, budget budge!"[/QUOTE]

And this is why I don't add CAGs to my Facebook. I'll leave that shit to Google+.
[quote name='Dkellar']I wonder if getting a dry erase board to write down daily tasks/goals would help motivate me to actually try and be productive. This new routine of eating and sleeping must go.[/QUOTE]

I bought one for that reason, but I can't get motivated to write anything on it.
Somewhat similar idea although different in that I'm in college and it's school work, I write out a 3x5 index card every week of every assignment I have to do for every class, as well as whatever tasks need to be completed for the week, and cross them off as I complete them. I find it keeps me in check and on top of my work load.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']And this is why I don't add CAGs to my Facebook. I'll leave that shit to Google+.[/QUOTE]
Jose Rangle is too cool for CAG.

*giggle, snort*
[quote name='corrosivefrost']You're still playing the original God of War? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

Lulz, no...I actually finished all 3 of those games.
I was pretty good at keeping mental notes of assignments in my head during school. Then again, everything was listed online and students are required to check the class websites daily along with their school e-mail. I think a small dry erase board on the fridge would do nicely.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I just learned that the "hook-em" horns hand gesture that Texans sometime use means "your wife is unfaithful" in many countries. Just don't use them in Brazil.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I think that picture is wrong. They mean the two finger salute, or the reversed peace sign. They describe it properly in the paragraph but I think they screwed up the picture somehow.[/QUOTE]

I actually knew that - and yes, it's sort of like " devils horns". Like in parts of Mexico, if you wanna insult a man's masculinity, you call him most animal that have horns.

[quote name='Dkellar']I was pretty good at keeping mental notes of assignments in my head during school. Then again, everything was listed online and students are required to check the class websites daily along with their school e-mail. I think a small dry erase board on the fridge would do nicely.[/QUOTE]

Check out Zig Zigler's books. He has a very specific method of breaking down your dreams into goals into specific steps into deadlines with rewards/consequences. Not my thing, but I thought it was interesting.
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Got my car looked at today and apparently had to replace my battery and alternator. I'm still feeling a little pissed in the sense that my one roommate wanted me to drive down to Autozone, pick up and alternator and come back so he didn't have to drive to town after work. I started it up, made it about a mile before my car died, had to get jumped and said fuck it and turned around and went home.

$270 or so which is really not what I wanted to spend. Wish I had better luck with cars. Also have to spend probably close to 4 hours on the road tomorrow on top of working which I really don't want to do either. But I'm just hoping I don't have any more unexpected (or big) expenses until next March when I go get my car inspected.

On a more positive note, I may have heard about them and forgot, but heard Corrosion of Conformity on the radio today. Need to check them out some more. Good stuff.
[quote name='JStryke']People can play their GoW3. I'll be playing RE4 for the first time ever. :cool:[/QUOTE]

I think most people played God of War 3 by now. It's been out since March. :lol:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I think most people played God of War 3 by now. It's been out since March. :lol:[/QUOTE]

GoW = Gears of War. I never had a Playstation 2/3 so I never associated GoW with God of War. Did have a PSP though, but that doesn't count. :razz:
[quote name='JStryke']GoW = Gears of War. I never had a Playstation 2/3 so I never associated GoW with God of War. Did have a PSP though, but that doesn't count. :razz:[/QUOTE]

Notice how Casey and Zew refer to it. :cool:

*The more you know...
[quote name='zewone']GGT>OTT

I'm getting RE4 tomorrow and gears next week. I'm not sure yet.[/QUOTE]
Truest thing ever.

GGT4LYFE. :cool:

Straight up, I be coppin' dat Gears and RE4 tomorrow.
[quote name='TheRock88']Please tell me your joking[/QUOTE]

I probably spend more time reading the GGT now than the OTT. Almost everyone in here is boring (myself included).
[quote name='giantqtipz']TWO AND A HALF MEN IS DEAD.

ASHTON SUCKED! I miss charlie :'([/QUOTE]

Forgot the season premiere was tonight. Was afraid it was going to suck. Hoping it's online by tomorrow. Maybe I can watch it during breakfast.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I probably spend more time reading the GGT now than the OTT. Almost everyone in here is boring (myself included).[/QUOTE]

I do agree its been boring here but I'd take boring any day over the week over queers and attention whores.
[quote name='TheRock88']I do agree its been boring here but I'd take boring any day over the week over queers and attention whores.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this. I dealt with enough aspie mouth-breathers at school and now at work. Don't need it in my "social" circle.

[quote name='giantqtipz']TWO AND A HALF MEN IS DEAD.

ASHTON SUCKED! I miss charlie :'([/QUOTE]

You say that like it dying is cause for grief. That shit was a fucking abomination.
[quote name='JStryke']Forgot the season premiere was tonight. Was afraid it was going to suck. Hoping it's online by tomorrow. Maybe I can watch it during breakfast.[/QUOTE]

Saw this and thought of you:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Notice how Casey and Zew refer to it. :cool:

*The more you know...[/QUOTE]

Is it because the God of War PS3 release of the PSP games has more relevance today than Gears of War 3, that someone who refers to GoW automatically thinks of God of War? ;)
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I probably spend more time reading the GGT now than the OTT. Almost everyone in here is boring (myself included).[/QUOTE]

Then GTFO and take JolietJake with you!

I kid, because I know how much you like JJ.
[quote name='Chika']Saw this and thought of you:

I've seen that before actually. The metal carts were nice with the cart pusher, but they were a bitch by hand. Funny how with the plastic carts, it's the other way around.
Since no one else is awake, and I have to be up in 5 hours...

I was hoping Roy Halladay would win tonight as that would have given him a chance for 20 wins this season.
Halladay doesn't need anymore wins. Then again, not like it matters at this point since they already clinched the division.
[quote name='Number83']Is it because the God of War PS3 release of the PSP games has more relevance today than Gears of War 3, that someone who refers to GoW automatically thinks of God of War? ;)[/QUOTE]

Nah, it's because anyone I know who's actually played the games for any amount of time usually refers to it as Gears. Hell, even Chika knows that. ;)
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Nah, it's because anyone I know who's actually played the games for any amount of time usually refers to it as Gears. Hell, even Chika knows that. ;)[/QUOTE]

I was able to grab some more free bread today. So much for limiting myself this time. I brought home a combination of bagels, dinner rolls, sandwich buns, and regular loafs of bread for a grand total of 19 pieces. My freezer is full and my parents will have their freezer full come tomorrow. So much for my goal of 12% body fat come October 1st. Hell, I think whatever gains I made have been erased thanks to two days of pizza, cake, Red Lobster's endless shrimp(and the biscuits), and this new endless supply for bread. Time for a massive amount of HIIT the next few days(weeks).
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bread's done