Search results

  1. Loner Gamer

    RPG's with great stories?

    Xenogears has a really mature, complex storyline. The best in all the RPGs I have played.
  2. Loner Gamer

    Best 360 Co-Op Games?

    Most fun co-op experiences I ever had so far on the 360 came from Resident Evil 5 and Gears of War 2.
  3. Loner Gamer

    DRM for PSN games?

    Oh that's terrible - let's hope people don't buy the game so that the ugly "Ubisoft" DRM will never show up on the PS3 ever again. The X-Box 360 is definitely the better place to get digital distributed games out of the two consoles because you can always transfer the licenses yourself to a new...
  4. Loner Gamer

    I need your help settle a bet: What video game has the single greatest storyline?

    Xenogears didn't make the list? But out of those 5, I would say Mass Effect.
  5. Loner Gamer

    deadly premonition, best game this year.

    I wouldn't call it my favorite game of the year but it is quite hilarious and entertaining.
  6. Loner Gamer

    What upcoming games are you looking forward to?

    I am really looking forward to the Radiant Silvergun re-release on X-Box 360. Yum.
  7. Loner Gamer

    Any game ever make you cry or really sad?

    I would have to say some of the deaths in Valkyrie Profile made me shed some tears. Well, the whole game is very morbid and depressing to begin with since you are recruiting souls of the dead. It's really is brilliant how you get to watch the final moments of the characters lives and some of...
  8. Loner Gamer

    Surround Sound Headphones Recommendations?

    I used the Sony MDR-DS3000 Wireless Digital Surround Headphones when I play my games at night while I was living in a small apartment and it worked great. It can process Dolby Digital and DTS using an optical cable. You can rest the headphones on the receiver unit to recharge it after use. You...
  9. Loner Gamer

    LED vs LCD vs PLASMA - Which is the better HDTV format?

    I am still content with my LCD but if I were to upgrade today, those Samsung LEDs do look rather delicious:rofl:
  10. Loner Gamer

    "Tales of" Games - good place to start??

    Not all the Tales games are a part of the same storyline unless they are direct sequels to one another and carry the same title - for example the two "Tales of Symphonia" games. Speaking of that particular entry, Symphonia on the GameCube is definitely one of my favorites in the entire Tales...
  11. Loner Gamer

    Does it drive you crazy knowing people are paying full price for your presents?

    There used to be a time when I did get a bit troubled by such things. But the price difference in the end doesn't really take away the thoughts behind the gift-getting. Sure, noone deserves to pay the full price for games when they don't have to but then again, video gaming is an expensive hobby...
  12. Loner Gamer

    OnLive Game System unboxing

    OnLive is a good idea for those who do not have a nice gaming rig. I like the community feature and the brag clips but the problem I found with it is that they are not necessarily using a high end pc to run these games at the server so the graphics don't look that great - and coupled with the...
  13. Loner Gamer

    Question For 30+ Age Gamers - Do You Wish You Were Born Later in Life?

    Interesting question. I think gaming-wise, I am perfectly happy with being able to see the industry rise from its infancy. The only time when I wish that I was born later into the future is when I started thinking about all the injustices in the world and how I would love to see the day when...
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