An ignorant man-child will keep posting in this OTT

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[quote name='h3llbring3r']I forgot about that entrance. I mean the third one, the hill between Bally's and This That & the Other.[/quote]I never even realized there was an entrance there.

The rest of the ATL CAG thread seems to be pretty down on the possibility of a meet up.
:wails: No one ever wants to do anythiiiiiiiiiiiiiing with me.

I'd like to try for one if only to maybe try and trade/sell at cost some of my older TL stuff.
Yeah, who ever it was that mentioned that had a good idea. I've traded most of my stuff in, but I still have some extras that someone may want.

I ran into an Exxon right next to the Dallas Post Office today, I've never been in this station before, mind you... the man at the counter (never seen this guy before either) looks at me, says, "Hi, you look great!!" I was kinda stunned and said thanks. He went on, "Yeah, top to bottom. Its all great!! What's your name?" I told him Gwen, paid and hustled out of there.

Clearly, he has great taste and is very perceptive. All the same, it was a tad creepy.
[quote name='Rocko']A friend of mine has a Pre. Pretty spiffy. Not as nice as the iPhone, though, IMO.[/QUOTE]The physical keyboard, even if it's not outstanding and WebOS make it more appealing to me than the Iphone.

The only real concern I had was their app store, what with Palm being super shitty with working with developers, but with the guys from Mozilla now heading up developer relations and already making huge changes has left me optimistic on that front.

[quote name='manthing']Nice.

I want impressions man.[/QUOTE]Of course. :)

It'll be great to finally have an all-in-one pocket gadget. Carrying around my Blackberry Pearl and Touch was kind of a hassle.
Sounds like you could use a mental break if nothing else, budge. Even if you can't get home for the weekend, try and get all the work you absolutely need to do out of the way and take a day or two off, even if you miss a couple classes on Monday. Going to class isn't really that important now that all the professors post the lecture notes online. Not to mention if you do your homework and understand it, you really don't even need to go to class unless you need something clarified.
Beatles set a glorious new benchmark that Activision will continue to ignore, and will continue to outsell Rock Band titles by gigantic margins.
Did i ever tell you guys how my stats class works? Basically we sit there and he reads us powerpoint slides. Sometimes he'll give an example on the board, but that's rare.

I wish so much i had taken this online, it basically is anyway.
I recommend relaxing with a bottle of Cisco. It'll make you forget about your worries and you'll pull in $60 to boot.

Another stipulation though, is you have to be wearing those shades you stole out of your aunt's purse for a portion of the segment.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Officially getting a Pre. :)

It'll take a week or so to arrive though. :[[/QUOTE]Congrats. Your family is moving over to Sprint from T-mobile or are you setting up your own plan?
I can't do online courses because I always forget to check the pages on a daily basis. If I'm supposed to be in class, it's easier for me to remember to check for one reason or another. I guess I feel like I'm actually missing something.

Honestly, I feel like a chump paying for classes when I probably go to 60% of the scheduled meetings, but it's not like I can get a degree from buying and reading text on my own.

[quote name='guinaevere']The only Cisco I know is the network systems company.[/QUOTE]

Jake, that's how one of my stats profs ran his class.

What you need to do is do problems in class when the prof is doing that, as he has no interest in teaching kids stats.

What kind of stats are they?
Sorry Temp, I'm really bad. Did you have the driver assists turned off? That game is fucking hard without traction control.

But yeah, you totally beat the shit out of me. It was fun though. :lol:

You have to admit, my RX8 had a bitchin' paint job.
Wow, what a day so far. So that kitten I mentioned about yesterday,

Found him today after school soaking wet (dont know how he got that way) and covered in flies. I honestly thought he was already dead but luckily he started to move when I got closer to him. Put him in a box and my bro drove him to the pet clinic. Vet checked up on him and said hes gonna be alright and if we wanted to adopt him. My bro said we couldn't but luckily there was another guy sitting there who said his friend was looking for a kitten and said if he could adopt him instead. My bro said it was alright and the other guy said he's email us regularly with pics of the kitten in his new home. Everyone there thanked my bro for saving its life.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Sorry Temp, I'm really bad. Did you have the driver assists turned off? That game is fucking hard without traction control.

But yeah, you totally beat the shit out of me. It was fun though. :lol:

You have to admit, my RX8 had a bitchin' paint job.[/QUOTE]

I have the assists turned off. But yeah, that was fun. At one point I was doing 40 mph just to see if you could catch up to me. :lol:

Your RX8 was pretty awesome though. I suck at paint jobs.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Congrats. Your family is moving over to Sprint from T-mobile or are you setting up your own plan?[/QUOTE]

Our contract with Tmobile expired today, I think. I'm moving over with my family because it's waaaaaay cheaper (and because my phone is about the only thing other than tuition that they pay for me :lol:).
We're also getting unlimited everything for all our lines for $20/month/line, because my parents know someone whose kid works for Sprint. :cool:
[quote name='Eviltude']I can't do online courses because I always forget to check the pages on a daily basis. If I'm supposed to be in class, it's easier for me to remember to check for one reason or another. I guess I feel like I'm actually missing something.

Honestly, I feel like a chump paying for classes when I probably go to 60% of the scheduled meetings, but it's not like I can get a degree from buying and reading text on my own.

[/QUOTE]Chrome hair!:lol:

Thing is, i'm basically teaching myself/being taught by the site we're using anyway. All our homework and quizzes are online.

I can sit and read PowerPoint slides myself.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Tmobile has dropped calls for me with 5 bars, and I can't have a conversation longer than 2 minutes at my apartment.[/QUOTE]

T-Mobile sucks here as well. Great plans, but really shitty reception.
[quote name='manthing']Jake, that's how one of my stats profs ran his class.

What you need to do is do problems in class when the prof is doing that, as he has no interest in teaching kids stats.

What kind of stats are they?[/QUOTE]I think you're right, he seems bored as hell most of the time, plus he confuses himself sometimes to the point that he takes up time trying to figure out his own problem.

It's an elementary statistics course.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Duck Butt.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Aragonianfa9et[/QUOTE]:rofl:

Anyone have a one month or twelve month XBL code they want to sell?
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I've never had any dropped calls, but sometimes when I go in certain buildings I get zero bars.[/QUOTE]

That's because the rebar in walls acts as a Faraday cage. :cool:
[quote name='JolietJake']Did you see where i mentioned dry air, Budge? Could be causing the nose bleeds.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think that is it.

[quote name='Eviltude']Sounds like you could use a mental break if nothing else, budge. Even if you can't get home for the weekend, try and get all the work you absolutely need to do out of the way and take a day or two off, even if you miss a couple classes on Monday. Going to class isn't really that important now that all the professors post the lecture notes online. Not to mention if you do your homework and understand it, you really don't even need to go to class unless you need something clarified.[/QUOTE]

:whee: I called my mom and she is gonna get me like $35 in Paypal so I can get my license renewed and enough gas to get home. I am gonna take off after class tomorrow afternoon and go home. I am pretty happy about it. I'll get to see friends, get some good food, watch the LSU vs. Florida game in HD, and hopefully get to relax some.

I just have to make sure I get my paper done over the weekend...

[quote name='Mojimbo']becuzimmusic[/QUOTE]

I was gonna suggest this.
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