CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

By all accounts, Crackdown 2 is basically the demo x 100. I played co-op with Metaly for one hour and we probably saw the entire game in that hour. That's just sad.

I had such high hopes for Crackdown 2 but unless I can get it for $20 or less (It is already retailing for $40 at some places I think) it's a complete pass for me. This sucks!!!! I wanted to do some Crackdown multiplayer sometime too!
I wasn't really impressed by the Crackdown 2 demo. It's fun to jump over buildings but the shooting didn't feel very good. I also remember specifically thinking, while doing that beacon mission again on our second playthrough, that it would be good to see what other mission types the full game has. Apparently the full game is just the beacon mission over and over, though. :whistle2:k

[quote name='bmachine']Patapon 3 multiplayer demo in the PSN store later today! It supports up to 8 players.

Anyone want to give a whirl?[/QUOTE]

I upgraded my firmware for this and it still won't run. :cry:
[quote name='metaly']I upgraded my firmware for this and it still won't run. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Updating mine now. I'll let you know how it goes. :bomb:

EDIT: Works fine on my PSP. Haven't gone online with it yet but I'm working through the tutorial now.
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I watched some videos of War for Cybertron last night... looked pretty cool actually. Almost looked like a Transformers version of Battlefield with the different classes, vehicles, and modes.
As tempting as RDR looks to be, I think I'll have to pass... if only because my backlog is insane at the moment, and I'd like to work on that for a while. Maybe down the road I might get it. :/
I'm the same way, I got a few things in my backlog I want to get done, I need to finish up Saboteur, then Bioshock 2, then Army of Two Two, then I gotta few other things, but for $25... it's a little hard to pass up. :/
People in the deal thread keep saying that Gamestop Power Hour games are new copies. I'm still undecided because of the backlog and chances are that the price will come down elsewhere in a few months. And Dragon Quest IX is this weekend!

Also I love CAG:
[quote name='jaredhenry13']lol. I'll buy RDR and flip it for a $20 profit on ebay.[/QUOTE]

On topic... Volition posted the first response to their community Q&A, but they only answered three questions so far and none of them were my question, which is the important one. ;)
They're new... Well hot damn. Assuming I can get a copy I'm glad I didn't trade randy's games to Smog for it. XD

Also... The goozex players need to do a RFG night. :twisted:

Everyone with a Goozex account go back up my suggestion!
So apparently, my account that I had on here a while ago is gone - no idea what happened. So I'm back with a new name.

Also, this is V-Singular. :)

You can prove it by shooting me a PM over on the official community site.

Anyway, if you guys are doing the RFG night tonight, I'd like to join in - maybe I'll even shoot out a few announcements to get a bunch more people on. Let me know.
Yeah not picking up RDR sorry.

Something did come in the mail today though...
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[quote name='OneLetter']So apparently, my account that I had on here a while ago is gone - no idea what happened. So I'm back with a new name.

Also, this is V-Singular. :)

You can prove it by shooting me a PM over on the official community site.

Anyway, if you guys are doing the RFG night tonight, I'd like to join in - maybe I'll even shoot out a few announcements to get a bunch more people on. Let me know.[/QUOTE]
You're welcome to join and announce it... but after last week (had a few people join... it was a disaster, between the guy tea-bagging every time he got a kill, the guy dropping derogatory remarks (don't get me wrong... we curse like sailors and have discussions that would make Ron Jeremy blush, but this was a bit much), insulting us (basically said one of us sucked at the game), and the guys playing music/eating their mics/having their dad's TV coming through the mic, it felt like we were playing a pub MW2 (or whatever the "kiddies" are playing) game on XBL) don't be surprised if we're not all thrilled about having new, random people join in.:lol:

Also... if you join us, be sure to have a mic, I'm sure we'll all talk your ears off about stuff that should be in RF:A.

As for RDR... I could not fall asleep last night, then I slept until 1, so no cheap RDR for me... though maybe all the people flipping copies will cause me to jump up in the queue on goozex.
Just checked... I'm 20 in line for RDR... only 10 people are active and ahead of me though... if I got pushed to first active I'd dump Borderlands (since randy like to boycott shit :lol:) out to have enough points to get RDR I think.

Yeah... so I was going by what MrB said (or at least what I heard him say) last night... that RDR was on sale today, not Friday. :rofl:
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[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah... so I was going by what MrB said (or at least what I heard him say) last night... that RDR was on sale today, not Friday. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Yeah I thought it was today also, well if its tomorrow, I can trade in MLB 10 tonight and use the edge card credit to get it tomorrow. Maybe I can get RDR then.
Awesome, it's V-Singular! Of course you're welcome to join, just send me (and maybe Randy, for good measure) a friend request before game night. I'd say go ahead and invite people as well, but I think people are feeling a little xenophobic after last week's debacle, so please invite with discretion.

Mr. B don't you know that RDR is R2 to shoot???
[quote name='metaly']Mr. B don't you know that RDR is R2 to shoot???[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mguiddy']Don't tell him THAT!!![/QUOTE]


I actually just thought of that driving back from the gamestop. While I really really don't want to give money to lazy devs, co-op makes almost anything wrong with a game at least bearable.

Is it a limited copy sale (i.e. can sell out) or is it just unlimited copies can sell only during that hour for the sale price?
Also, free shipping is for $25 and over, so figure out what cheap ass game you're going to buy before tomorrow. :lol:
Harvey Birdman is like $3 used... I'm thinking of that...
But it's Phoenix Wright Harvey Birdman!
Or I could just take it back to the store to get my money back since it'll be a shitty disc only copy. :lol:
That tactical siege game was pretty awesome, until we forgot that you have to go all the way around comm tower 1 when you don't have backpacks. Boooo.

We may never know the reason for all the disconnects, but at least they seem to happen towards the start.
Looks like at least DD, freaky, x3x, and I got copies of RDR. Too bad it game me the super slow shipping when I picked the 3 day option. Oh well instead of having to pay like 2 bucks in real money, the game cost me zero money out of pocket.

Honestly the waiting for shipping is the main reason why I almost never buy anything online, I will pay the extra few bucks if I could just drive to a store today and pick something up.
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[quote name='mguiddy']*psst*
Buy in brick and mortar then return the copy you ordered online when it arrives.

The requires 60 bucks I do not have, and then as you stated on twitter, the copies from GS could be gutted then I would be fucked.

Getting RDR and winning a contest, been a pretty good start to the day :D.
bread's done