CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='bmachine']I'm just hanging around the house tonight. Anybody here like video games?[/QUOTE]

Y'all wanna play some Tetris tonight?
[quote name='bmachine']Where did you get the Catherine demo from? The Japanese store?

I think I might want to play that game. What didn't you like about it?[/QUOTE] Yeah got it from the Japanese store.

Gameplay basically consists of climbing a block staircase while it steady gets destroyed below you. You need to take the right paths, and pull or push blocks to make your way to the top. There is bonus stuff to get, and hazards to escape. It's fine and all, but it just seems like a lame way to make this a "game" given the basic plot and Persona team weirdness of it.

It just feels like if this was on a handheld, I'd have no problem with it.
[quote name='MisterBee']Are you sure you want to play Catherine Randy? It comes from a land far far away called Japan...[/QUOTE]

It's a horror game, right? I like scary stuff. I've played all of the Silent Hills (I think) and Siren.

It looks bizarre a fucked up, two traits I find appealing. As long as it's not secretly a Japanese dating sim and the localization is competant, I'll probably be ok!
[quote name='bmachine']It's a horror game, right? I like scary stuff. I've played all of the Silent Hills (I think) and Siren.

It looks bizarre a fucked up, two traits I find appealing. As long as it's not secretly a Japanese dating sim and the localization is competant, I'll probably be ok![/QUOTE]

Just admit that the PS3 box art is what lured you towards the game.

I prefer the 360 box art in case anyone asks.
[quote name='Wolfkin']looks pretty how much are they?[/QUOTE]

They were $100, but I purchased them from the official site (due to ordering something else from there also). They are a few dollars cheaper on Amazon and Newegg.

EDIT: Forgot to say I am up to play anything to help me stay awake until GSL Finals start at 1am
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I am no longer in the stoneage
ahh worms. good times back in the day. One day I'd like to get that.

are other game gen discussion threads secretly offtopic wonderlands like this?

it's like that time I walked into what I thought was a near abandoned goodwill store and instead found a full costume speak-easy. only .. that never actually happened.
I don't know if I'll ever spin that wheel again... >_>
Only bad things come from it when I spin it, and the good stuff only happens when I'm broke... sometimes. :cry:
[quote name='MisterBee']

I am no longer in the stoneage[/QUOTE]
I think we have the same receivers Bubbles. Does yours have the 2 subwoofers or just 1?

[quote name='kube00']Anyone have dead rising 2 or Vanquish they might be willing to loan me in the future?[/QUOTE] I should be getting Vanquish back from Random this week so I'll loan it out to you before Friday.
Congratulations to both Randy and TRW!
That's insane... I know one winning was a real possibility, but I didn't think TWO of us would end up flying to Illinois. :D
Terribly excited. Looking forward to meeting TRW, as well!

I wonder if we'll get to see Insane or Saints Row 3?
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Congrats guys! I was surprised as hell when I looked at what names actually corresponded to each of the numbers chosen. can be a strange force sometimes.

Also, how dare you call it "Saint's Row" - there's no apostrophe! That's like calling Los Carnales, The Los Carnales! Geeeeeeez.

Anyway, congrats again to you guys and I look forward to seeing all of you in late February. Once we get your paperwork in, I'll book your flights. :)
[quote name='bmachine']Anyone for Dead Space 2 or Little Big Planet 2 multi tonight?[/QUOTE]

If you guys want to do LBP2 tonight, I'll be down for that. ;)
Sorry I missed you earlier, Freaky...I'm totally hooked on Dead Space right now!

I suppose I should play some RFG this Thursday, huh?
[quote name='metaly']Oh great I unlocked like 40 new colors for E. Honda.[/QUOTE]

I think I now have like 20 different variations of Dhalsim, it's crazy. :boxing:

[quote name='bmachine']Sorry I missed you earlier, Freaky...I'm totally hooked on Dead Space right now!

Nah, it's fine... I was just finishing up the story levels anyway. I got that done tonight and now I'm halfway through acing all the story levels! ;)
I still need a lot of the stickers from the 3x and 4x rooms though. :whistle2:(
[quote name='kube00']so what are we playing Thursday? Some RFG in honor of the winners? Uc2?[/QUOTE]
I like that you play with us so little you don't realize we've still been playing RFG on Thursdays. :lol:

[quote name='zenprime']Double Dude and More then 2 Random words we're playing Chronicles of the Knight that is white online tonight right?[/QUOTE]
After about six minutes of reading that... yeah.
I'll be on earlier than 10 if anyone wants to start early. Gotta get me some fire beast fangs. :D
[quote name='zenprime']Double Dude and More then 2 Random words we're playing Chronicles of the Knight that is white online tonight right?[/QUOTE]

Fine then, I guess I am not invited ...runsawaycrying...
[quote name='MisterBee']Fine then, I guess I am not invited ...runsawaycrying...[/QUOTE]
Who needs fake PSN friends anyway. :cool:
wow i had no idea that dickwolves was still a thing. wasn't that like november? I need to get acomputer powerful enough to run Google Reader again. I had no idea it was this big.

:sigh: again I'd like to play with ya'll but my sister will be studying French downstairs so I'm off-line. Things like this are why I haven't revived the Fat Princess clan yet. i mean she has her own room it's crazy right.. just plain crazy.
bread's done