Diamond; Pearl; Platinum 1-A (Friend Codes; Online Discussion; Trades, Battles, etc.)

Hey guys,

I'm dying to add Palkia to my pokedex so I can start importing my ruby/sapphire/fire red/leaf green pokemon.

If anyone is wanting to trade and then trade back (or battling... that adds it to the pokedex, right?) palka for dialga or palka for manaphy, please let me know. I can also breed you a chimchar for your help, if you like.

I don't know how to get my friend code yet (sure that's in the instructions somewhere). But if anyone is willing to set up a time to trade/battle with me please lemme know. I will make time from my schedule for this.

desperate in sinnoh,
[quote name='guinaevere']Hey guys,

I'm dying to add Palkia to my pokedex so I can start importing my ruby/sapphire/fire red/leaf green pokemon.

If anyone is wanting to trade and then trade back (or battling... that adds it to the pokedex, right?) palka for dialga or palka for manaphy, please let me know. I can also breed you a chimchar for your help, if you like.

I don't know how to get my friend code yet (sure that's in the instructions somewhere). But if anyone is willing to set up a time to trade/battle with me please lemme know. I will make time from my schedule for this.

desperate in sinnoh,

I can do a trade/trade back with you. I have Palkia, Dialga, and Manaphy. You need Palkia in your 'dex, right? Trading and trading back logs them in.

To get your friend code, go to your bag. It should be under key items. It'll be in your "Pal Pad". If you don't have this, go to a Pokecenter and head downstairs. Talk to one of the ladies and they should give you one.

4338 9451 2261 is my FC.
Lemme know when ya wanna do this. I don't really need anything, so we can do a simple trade & trade back :)
[quote name='guinaevere']Hey guys,

I'm dying to add Palkia to my pokedex so I can start importing my ruby/sapphire/fire red/leaf green pokemon.

If anyone is wanting to trade and then trade back (or battling... that adds it to the pokedex, right?) palka for dialga or palka for manaphy, please let me know. I can also breed you a chimchar for your help, if you like.

I don't know how to get my friend code yet (sure that's in the instructions somewhere). But if anyone is willing to set up a time to trade/battle with me please lemme know. I will make time from my schedule for this.

desperate in sinnoh,

That is not necessary. Head over to Celestic town, and talk to the old lady in the northern house. She'll show you a picture that adds Palkia/Dialga to your pokedex.
[quote name='yayece']That is not necessary. Head over to Celestic town, and talk to the old lady in the northern house. She'll show you a picture that adds Palkia/Dialga to your pokedex.[/quote]Just wanted to thank you, I'm good now! :bouncy:

Also wanted to thank lilboo for the friendcode info. =)

I've been finishing my second run through ruby/sapphire and soon I'm going to try importing them into Diamond. Going back to the gba graphics, I was really surprized at the difference. Ruby was the first pokemon game I played, and possibly my fav GBA game ever. But after a couple years and having played Diamond, when I went back the Sapphire (started ages ago, then forgot about) it was a bit of a let down.
before you import your r/s pokes, you may want to consider leaving them there if you have any really good iv/nature ones. they're way easier to clone on emerald than on d/p, and once you move them over, you can't move them back.
[quote name='banpeikun']before you import your r/s pokes, you may want to consider leaving them there if you have any really good iv/nature ones. they're way easier to clone on emerald than on d/p, and once you move them over, you can't move them back.[/quote]I know what nature is, but I don't know what IV is. And I don't know how to clone.

Even if I did, I don't think I would. A rare or ultra rare should be exactly that. And yeah, it took me forever to breed a Chancy with the nature I wanted, but that makes her more special to me. If I went and cloned her, it'd be... eh, not the same. *shrugs*
[quote name='Ziv_Zulander']Anybody willing to let me "see" their Dialga? He's the only Pokemon I need to complete the Sinnoh Dex.[/QUOTE]
you can see it by going to talk to the old lady in celestic town
I'd probably stink at battling, but I'd like to try meeting people in the underground (you have to talk to 32 in the underground to find Spirit Tomb, right?). I have to set up times in advance (gotta go to McD's to use nintendo wifi), and I'm not entirely sure how to set it up to meet in the underground... but if anyone wants to do that or do some swapping, let me know.
[quote name='guinaevere']I'd probably stink at battling, but I'd like to try meeting people in the underground (you have to talk to 32 in the underground to find Spirit Tomb, right?). I have to set up times in advance (gotta go to McD's to use nintendo wifi), and I'm not entirely sure how to set it up to meet in the underground... but if anyone wants to do that or do some swapping, let me know.[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, the Underground is local wireless and not wifi.
I haven't played since..the summer? September? ::shrugs::? But if I remember correctly, you DO have to talk to 32 people underground for SpiritTomb. However, if you have 1 person with you..you can go underground..talk to them..leave..go back..talk...and that would count for 2 people. So if you DO have someone, and you have like an hour to waste (LOL) you can do that for SpiritTomb to appeaar.

But still, go to McDonald's anyway!! Mmmm chicken nuggets!
Damn Suko, I haven't seen you around in a while. I'd like to take another stab at battling. You gonna be free later this evening, say around 8 pacific?
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Damn Suko, I haven't seen you around in a while. I'd like to take another stab at battling. You gonna be free later this evening, say around 8 pacific?[/QUOTE]

I may be one during that time, not sure. Send a PM when you're ready and we'll see.

I checked when I last played, and it was July 31, 2007 lol
I kind of miss being into Pokemon.

I had such high hopes for competing in all sorts of battles, but they never came to be. In every generation prior I have spent well over 100, sometimes 200 hours getting everything just perfect for battle...but...I just had so many other games to play this time that I did not have enough time available for planning and training my perfect line-up. Oh well, it is still a fun game nevertheless.
Just picked up Diamond. Its fun but to similar to all the others. I have so many easy to implement ideas that would breath life into the game... I wish I were a consultant... Or that Pokemon was awesome again the next time around.
fixing to crack back into this since I'm running out of handheld games to play on the ds. my battle team is almost ready (for the most part) so If someone wants to battle, feel free to add my FC info.
From what I heard, there's a sort of online tournament scene going on. When I get more info on it, I'll post here.

Also Sl41n, I might add your info sooner or later.
[quote name='suko_32']I'm kinda curious to know what your new team is, Sl4in.[/quote]

I think it will amuse you. It's certainly better than my first iterations.
[quote name='SL4IN']I think it will amuse you. It's certainly better than my first iterations.[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for a battle with your new team. Actually, I'm just very curious to see what it's like :)
[quote name='Mr. Beef']From what I heard, there's a sort of online tournament scene going on. When I get more info on it, I'll post here.

[quote name='Quintessence']It is an all Ditto team! :applause:[/QUOTE]

I'd laugh if you got it right.

Edit: If anyone wants to battle, let me know. It's too laggy to play Halo/CoD 4 right now.
[quote name='suko_32']I'd laugh if you got it right.

I would love to see somebody actually make a team of six level 100 Dittos. That would be hilarious to see!
Does anyone have the starting Gold/Silver Pokemon that they'd be willing to trade? Ain't got much to offer except maybe a ditto, or the R/B/Y starters. If anyone is interested let me know...

And what level are you guys' pokemon at for battling online? I'm wondering if I'm a straggler or at a good place for "competitive online matches"?
When you battle online, your pokemon will be auto adjusted to lv. 50 or 100; whichever one you choose to battle on. However, if you were to battle someone like me or SL4IN, you'd want to make sure your pokemon are EV trained or else you wouldn't stand a chance.
[quote name='suko_32']When you battle online, your pokemon will be auto adjusted to lv. 50 or 100; whichever one you choose to battle on. However, if you were to battle someone like me or SL4IN, you'd want to make sure your pokemon are EV trained or else you wouldn't stand a chance.[/QUOTE]

Hah... I've done no EV training at all. I can honestly say that I don't have that kind of patience. But the real reason I got really deep back into this, was my sisters boyfriend kept bringing Battle Revolutions to the house, and I figured I'd train some up and mess around with them on the Wii. It definitely increased the longevity of this game for me.
I totally understand the EV training thing. Back then I was so absorbed into this game that I hardly touched my console games. It was surprising too since I planned on just beating this once and being done with it. Now, I haven't really played it since June of last year and if you told me to EV train or breed pokemon, I'd probably cry. Still, I keep telling myself I'll get back into the game one day to try out some unfinished stuff I wanted to try.
[quote name='cucubbie']does anyone need any pokemon pearl styluses?

i bought a bunch a while back and have a few extras.

PM if you want one.[/quote]are you selling them or just offering them?
[quote name='suko_32']I totally understand the EV training thing. Back then I was so absorbed into this game that I hardly touched my console games. It was surprising too since I planned on just beating this once and being done with it. Now, I haven't really played it since June of last year and if you told me to EV train or breed pokemon, I'd probably cry. Still, I keep telling myself I'll get back into the game one day to try out some unfinished stuff I wanted to try.[/quote]

if you want to battle sometime this weekend, I'd be up for it. My team is just about ready, just a few tedious EV training situations.
[quote name='SL4IN']if you want to battle sometime this weekend, I'd be up for it. My team is just about ready, just a few tedious EV training situations.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sure. Just IM me (if you still have my AIM thing) or just send a PM whenever you're ready. I got a feeling your new team will obliterate mine.

Secretely, I hope it does so I'll have a real incentive reason to play this again.
[quote name='suko_32']Yeah, sure. Just IM me (if you still have my AIM thing) or just send a PM whenever you're ready. I got a feeling your new team will obliterate mine.

Secretely, I hope it does so I'll have a real incentive reason to play this again.

well hopefully I've done enough of the right training to do well.
[quote name='SL4IN']if you want to battle sometime this weekend, I'd be up for it. My team is just about ready, just a few tedious EV training situations.[/quote]
Haha. When you say "a few tedious EV training situations," I get the impression that you mean it's more tedious than normal. To me, this would imply that you're not able to use the standard Macho Brace, etc items. That can only mean one thing... YOU'RE MAKING A SWITCHEROO LOPUNNY!

At this point, it's clear I'm a pokemon dork, and could be reading too much into things. ;)
[quote name='yayece']Haha. When you say "a few tedious EV training situations," I get the impression that you mean it's more tedious than normal. To me, this would imply that you're not able to use the standard Macho Brace, etc items. That can only mean one thing... YOU'RE MAKING A SWITCHEROO LOPUNNY!

At this point, it's clear I'm a pokemon dork, and could be reading too much into things. ;)[/quote]

well since I've been able to spread PokeRus to all of my pokemon that I EV train, it cuts down the the values by half. and then when I fight pokemon that give 2 effort values in the skill I'm training in, it cuts that number in half. So, I only have to fight 1/4 of the normal battles that I would have to fight. I guess if I used macho brace, it would half that as well, but I haven't even bothered with using it.
[quote name='suko_32']I've never EV trained without Pokerus and that EV training item. Even then it takes a while. Sucks when you lose count too.[/quote]

yeah, I don't even know where my macho brace is. My team is just about final, but I'm debating on what the 6th pokemon should be (yeah, I still have that problem) and I'm currently trying to remember what you had when we last battled. I remember 3 of them, but I'm having trouble remembering the other 3....
[quote name='SL4IN']yeah, I don't even know where my macho brace is. My team is just about final, but I'm debating on what the 6th pokemon should be (yeah, I still have that problem) and I'm currently trying to remember what you had when we last battled. I remember 3 of them, but I'm having trouble remembering the other 3....[/QUOTE]


Edit: I'm gonna train one new pokemon I think, or 2 at most for this reunion battle.
[quote name='suko_32']:booty:

Edit: I'm gonna train one new pokemon I think, or 2 at most for this reunion battle.[/quote]

well I'll most likely have 6 for this battle, but 1 will get axed afterwards depending on which one didn't prove itself.
On the second thought, it will depend on how I feel.

[quote name='SL4IN']well I'll most likely have 6 for this battle, but 1 will get axed afterwards depending on which one didn't prove itself.[/QUOTE]

This sounds like a rated M episode of Pokemon...
[quote name='suko_32']On the second thought, it will depend on how I feel.

This sounds like a rated M episode of Pokemon...[/quote]

Oh I would never hurt or abuse my pokemon. :)
bread's done