General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='Moxio']Hey Azumangaperson, you interested in selling your Xenosaga games? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]
Uh huh, thats why they are in my list.
If you got a serious offer, PM me!
I need monies, so give me yours :)
Maybe having a PS3 and 360 wouldn't be too much. If I get that BlockBuster job I'll have unlimited access to Blu-rays and I only would have to buy the PS3 exclusives since I would get all multiplatform games on 360.

Then when I go to college I can see what my roommate and I want to do.
Is the Simpsons Game really that funny? X-Play promises it's on par with older episodes when they used to be sharper, clever and still actually funny. I wouldn't even care about boring and generic gameplay if it's like watching a classic episode.

Just bought 2 of these for $60 total on ebay. Definitely gonna use them more than I did my SFIV fight pads.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I might drive up to The Break today to check out Tekken 6... get sad, ReRo.[/QUOTE]
Eight on the Break? In Jersey? I went there once. It didn't smell so good.
[quote name='Flak']Is the Simpsons Game really that funny? X-Play promises it's on par with older episodes when they used to be sharper, clever and still actually funny. I wouldn't even care about boring and generic gameplay if it's like watching a classic episode.[/QUOTE]

I just finished it and it's funny. The gameplay is generic but manages to stay relatively fresh throughout the six or so hours it'll take to get through it. Just walking around town between missions can be fun because you'll run into every character from the show and they all have one or two funny one-liners. I also liked how the game played homage to many different games like Gauntlet, DDR, GTA, and pretty much everything in between. It's a great weekend rental.
Bah, I've been expecting Assassins Creed from goozex for the last few weeks now and it never showed up. I feel bad but I'll just have to give the guy negative feedback...

Seeing as I have nothing new to play until the end of august I'll probably just go buy something. I kind of want Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 but I'm not paying full price for that one.. Maybe Alone in the Dark for the PS3? It's supposed to be slightly better then the 360 version right?
Still split on picking up infamous and killzone. Mostly because on 360 I have to finish up Prototype, Fallout expansions, Fight Night, Orange Box and I just got Juarez from the video store. Plus KoF and all those arcade games are coming out.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I bought BlazBlue today. I'm dying to open it up and watch the bluray, but I know I should keep it sealed for a bit, at least until I have to take the one I rented back.[/QUOTE]

BlazBlue :br:?

You bought the wrong version kiddo
Just watching these crazy guys trying to beat 11 of the 12 main Final Fantasy games in a week for some charity. Why? Because regular TV sucks.

I'm also going insane trying to do everything in Tales of Vesperia. to get. And it's not like I'm at 95% or something, I'm at like 75% with only a mere
141 hours played
and I still have a second playthrough to go with a speed run, too. :(
[quote name='manthing']BlazBlue :br:?

You bought the wrong version kiddo[/QUOTE]

I don't have my stick dual modded yet, so it was my only option. I'll get the 360 version when I mod the stick.

Still haven't opened it yet. It doesn't look like prices are going to climb past 95 bucks or so, so I'm probably keeping it.
I finally got around to putting in a few of those flipping BBV B1G1 leftovers - some were better than expected, some not so much.

I think I'll like Mercs 2 a lot, from first impression. Bullet Witch is not good, but I think I might play it. It reeks of first gen 360 development - the dithered (i think) shadows are just fucking awful. Bullet Witch is like a bastard, mentally handicapped, alpha version of bayonetta.
Well, at least it won't break. I think mine is going to break soon, given the amount of Vesperia I've been playing lately. This 360 is revving up the fans about 5-10 minutes after I start playing it now.

Speaking of Vesperia, I finally
beat the final FINAL boss, meaning the weapons that get more powerful the more I kill are now unlocked
. All I have to do now is grind Grade for a couple of hours and I'll have enough to start a speed run.
RE5 is super fun, but it really feels pretty much exactly like RE4. Like there's some asshole at my side that wastes ammo by shooting me in the back, and no more of that awesome merchant.
[quote name='zewone']Co-op is the way to play.[/QUOTE]

We've had this conversation already. If I could set aside the time to do it, I would most certainly do it that way.
[quote name='zewone']You can't play with random people?[/QUOTE]

No, I'd prefer not to since I tend to play very short sessions. Like one section of a chapter at a time.
[quote name='manthing']Buying a cross-platform title on the :ps3:?


still dont see the logic unless ur playing a 2007 PS3 game.

Blaz on PS3 has remote play, which is crazy.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']still dont see the logic unless ur playing a 2007 PS3 game.

Blaz on PS3 has remote play, which is crazy.[/QUOTE]

Better online, achievements, more players online (particularly once the game gets older.)

Remote play on BB = useless.
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