GGT 64: Memory Expansion Pak Required

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[quote name='Krymner']Started up Final Fantasy X. Just got past the Blitzball tourney. The ball game was kinda wonky, but I'm enjoying the overall story so far.[/quote]
Yeah, I HATED Blitzball in FFX.

If you play Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter anytime soon let me know how it is. I have been thinking about picking it up for years now, but I just keep passing on it.
[quote name='pete5883']So is Fat Princess basically Warcraft, with something to carry back at the end of the level?[/QUOTE]
I'm not even close. You don't control a whole squad like an RTS, you control a single person along with other people online. Since RR didn't correct me, I'm going to assume he knows less about the game than I do. I'm interested now.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Yeah, I HATED Blitzball in FFX.

If you play Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter anytime soon let me know how it is. I have been thinking about picking it up for years now, but I just keep passing on it.[/QUOTE]
I played a lot of Blitzball. BoF:DQ is cool in that it's a very different RPG with almost Chrono Trigger-esque replay value, but it is TOUGH, and has Dead Rising's save system.
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[quote name='pete5883']I played a lot of Blitzball. BoF:DQ is cool in that it's a very different RPG with almost Chrono Trigger-esque replay value, but it is TOUGH, and has Dead Rising's save system.[/quote]
What do you mean by Chrono Trigger-esque? It seems that I'm one of the few people who haven't played it.
Microsoft seemed to be the only one at E3 with anything much of interest to show. Rhythm Heaven and Retro Game whatever it's called on DS are two huge bones to throw to hardcore games. I thought we'd never see those games come to america.

Resistance 2 = the yawnage.
When you start the game you have a low rank, when you beat the game you get a higher rank. With a higher rank, you see more cutscenes you couldn't see your first time through. I don't remember what else you had to do, or what else you get.
Dead Rising's awful save system made me sell my copy. If they fix that, I'll be interested. If they add a REAL infinity mode (i.e. sandbox mode), then it will be a day 1 purchase.

Also, I stopped watching the All-Star Game after the 9th inning because it was already almost midnight and I have work. If Wagner didn't screw up in the 8th, I could've slept a little easier...
I really like the new PoP look, only thing that bothers is that the characters look so disconnected from the environment. Maybe I just need to loosen the way I'm looking at those screens. Could look better in motion too.
[quote name='crzyboy88']Dead Rising's awful save system made me sell my copy. If they fix that, I'll be interested. If they add a REAL infinity mode (i.e. sandbox mode), then it will be a day 1 purchase.[/quote]
The Save system never bugged me. My Biggest problem with the game was actually the Convicts. Do I really need to harassed by them every time I leave the mall? yeah I know you could kill them, but why bother when they just respawn? And I was also turned off by the real-time mission(is that what you would call it?). I like to take my time with things when I'm not involved with mission. But the game forces you to complete a mission to rush to another area to start another mission...
I hope PoP plays well. That's some pretty hot stuff. Really, I'd even take a Sands of Time remake in that design.

Are developers finally figuring out that stylized > realistic? I hope so.
I keep forgetting to ask this but, could anyone recommend a beginner character in SC? I've been playing it lately so I could get used to the SC4 stick I got a few days ago.
Morn GGT. Gonna play some college football today, and clean the house. Primus, pm me dat GT so we can play some NCAA. Who's goin to see The Dark Knight tomorrow night? I'm not, i hafta work:cry:
Driving was awesome before gas prices went up.

Anyway, I should go watch Xam'd later(seems it's subtitled). I downloaded it from PSN last night to check it out.
[quote name='gunm']Dead Rising + Wii? Yuck, sounds like awkward in an awkward fest.

Isn't Dead Rising II being outsourced? Not that it matters. I just hope some of the clunkiness of the original game is improved upon.

Aaaannd, I'm off for a little PSP action before bed. I think I'm the last guy to post in GGT most nights. :p[/QUOTE]

Dead Rising on the Wii could definitely equal yuck, and if they outsource it to India or some shitty country, then yeah, that could definitely suck.

But I almost see the game being on Wii as a good thing. Because they can't do the whole "ZOMG MILLIONS OF ZOMBIES LOOK AT OUR BRILLIANT GAMEPLYA CONCEPT!!!?!!!!!?!!?!?!!?"

Since they can't have a ton of zombies, they have to design a decent game this time. I'd expect the environmental interactivity to be there still, so if they take that, but have 1) level design and 2) Controls that aren't clunky, then this could be what the first game should've been. The original game was a cool tech demo, but as a game, it was pretty lacking.
[quote name='MarkMan']Wait til' you guys see Dead Rising II... and yes it IS in development :x[/quote]I'm wanting to know the storyline.
Do they do where Carlito infected the 50 kids? If so, that could be 50 sequels. Hey, it's Capcom. I wouldn't put that possibility past them. ;):lol:

And I dont want Frank to be dead. What was the last line, the hunger in his belly was never satisfied? I love Frank. Make him unzombified.

[quote name='gunm']Isn't Dead Rising II being outsourced? Not that it matters. I just hope some of the clunkiness of the original game is improved upon.[/quote]
Biggest problem is escorting the survivors. If they can fix their ai, I would have had zero problems. Well, that and freakin' Otis.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']My Biggest problem with the game was actually the Convicts. Do I really need to harassed by them every time I leave the mall? yeah I know you could kill them, but why bother when they just respawn? [/quote]They only respawned once a day. Still goofy, but that means you only had to face them three times total. On the first run through, the first time you encounter them, they're nigh impossible. After that is no problem. Off 'em for some Prestige Points and grab their gun if you're looking for a weapon.

And I was also turned off by the real-time mission(is that what you would call it?). I like to take my time with things when I'm not involved with mission. But the game forces you to complete a mission to rush to another area to start another mission...
The Case Missions you mean? That was kinda the point. Helicopter comes at noon in three days. You have so much time to figure everything out. I can see where if you dont do well with deadlines it would be a problem, but I liked it.

[quote name='Chacrana']and 2) Controls that aren't clunky, then this could be what the first game should've been. [/quote]Clunky controls?
I just remember trying to fight that fucking clown, and it being basically impossible to attack something that moves that fast while Frank is such a damn goon.
[quote name='guinaevere']The Case Missions you mean? That was kinda the point. Helicopter comes at noon in three days. You have so much time to figure everything out. I can see where if you dont do well with deadlines it would be a problem, but I liked it.[/quote]

Thats what I meant. I know they were going for realism there. But it took alot of fun out of the game for me. Like I said I like to pace myself, But Dead Rising didn't really give me much of a choice(if I wanted to finish the game).
[quote name='Chacrana']I just remember trying to fight that fucking clown, and it being basically impossible to attack something that moves that fast while Frank is such a damn goon.[/quote]Ah, with Adam you just have to watch his pattern. When he's using the chainsaws, and you attack, he'll immediately block and there's no gettingg through the chainsaw block. They're invincible as far as I've been able to gather.

Just put some distance between you and he if you're not far leveled up.

Right up where the fight begins there's a sports store. I grabbed a golf club and when he'd be blowing a balloon, just whack at him from far enough away that the gas in the balloon wont hurt you too, and it's an easy kill. A little time consuming, but safe. He also does some move where after blows fire, he's very vulnerable... you'll know because he's kinda bent over and IIRC he's wheezing. That's when you hit him if you're fighting up close melee style.

Killing Adam is key to making the rest of the game easier. a) you have access to the mini chainsaw from there on out (it respawns there everytime you enter wonderland plaza) and with the right three books, those things last freaking forEVER. b) you can then save Greg who shows you the shortcut between Wonderland Plaza to um... um.. Paradise Plaza, and that's critical.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Thats what I meant. I know they were going for realism there. But it took alot of fun out of the game for me. Like I said I like to pace myself, But Dead Rising didn't really give me much of a choice(if I wanted to finish the game).[/quote]I hear ya. The thing is, the game is really short. It was designed to be replayed. I did one play through solely for the Genecide achievement. I went straight to the tunnels, picked up the maintenence key, then drove back and forth killing zombies for (in the game) around two days to get the 53,800~ kills. Then the rest of that run through I did the Gourmet acheivement.

But I enjoy this kind of game, I do realize it's not for everyone.
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While browsing the new video store on the PSN... I was wondering... how long do you think it'll take before they get as much content as the XBL video store? Will it even happen?

The anime section for PSN is lulz.

[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I entertained the idea of getting the Genocide achievement just for for the megabuster...[/quote]The megabuster is like a OHKO against psychopaths. Takes a lot of the challenge out of the game. But I think I'm going to try it to get the HellaCopter cheesemint.
I think it'll happen at some point, though I most assuredly don't plan to watch anything from it.

I want games.

Where they at?

Also, the Siren demo was bogus. I was kinda disappointed.

Totally watching Konami's press conference today. Hopefully they'll have games! Konami = best developer. At worst, they're tied with Capcom, whom I also love to bits. Be still, my heart!
Siren demo was okay. The only thing I didn't like about the gameplay is the camera angle and camera control.

The demo got much better after you pulled the gat out and laid those slobs out...
I couldn't stand the melee combat or the fact that it was so dark, but still didn't feel especially moody or anything. And yeah, the camera made me sick like... immediately, and I don't get sick.

I'm hoping like Hell that Silent Hill V is good. The EGM preview from last year made the game look 2 legit.
2 legit to quit...

BTW, Famitsu gave Siren a 9/9/9/9...

I wonder if thats a $9$9$9$9 or a legitsky 9z.

But yea. The melee controls are lol. The characters and the way they hone their weapons... Bruce Lees they are not... Bruze Lose...
[quote name='MarkMan']The anime section for PSN is lulz.[/quote]
Yeah, every title with the exception of one is already on XBLM. And who knows if it will ever as much as the 360 has.

Also, I played like a second of the Siren demo before wussing out....
And with the Netflix partnership, there's even more anime to watch now on 360.

I enjoyed the Siren demo. I'll probably get the first episode, but I'll hold out on any others until after I've played it. Any word on how often episodes will come out?
I'm torn on the Siren demo. I want to like it but it's wayyy dark. I accidentally moved to fast when I was trying to sneak past the first monster guy and he knocked me down and turn my flashlight off. So I was disoriented and tried to turn it on and when I did I couldnt find where he was cause the stupid thing isnt bright enough or displays enough light in a wide area so I was completely lost. Needless to say I ended up getting killed immediately. I imagine there must be better lit areas though.
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm torn on the Siren demo. I want to like it but it's wayyy dark. I accidentally moved to fast when I was trying to sneak past the first monster guy and he knocked me down and turn my flashlight off. So I was disoriented and tried to turn it on and when I did I couldnt find where he was cause the stupid thing isnt bright enough or displays enough light in a wide area so I was completely lost. Needless to say I ended up getting killed immediately. I imagine there must be better lit areas though.[/QUOTE]

yea i was like that at first, but i tried it again and i got used to thing is that it was TOO EASY!!!

found another disc only Bushido Blade 2 for $2....i had to pick it up, it looked so loney :lol:
Are there any fallout 3 videos that show what its like to play 100% in turn based mode? All I've seen so far is AP based shooting, but not moving, which makes it seem pretty worthless.
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The Siren demo is easy, the first time going through I encountered that horde of enemies and I didn't have the gun yet... so I ran across the bridge to the other side (where the cop is)... those bastards followed me the whole way! So I died, next time I went to the cop first, ganked his piece... then sprayed those poor fools while making my dual shock reverberate into their bodies with that kung fu grip action
I'm just going by the pics.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Siren 2 was pretty fun. Depending on the price I'll probably pick it up. Isn't it being released in episodes on the PSN?[/QUOTE]

3 4-packs for $15 each or all 12 episodes for $40

also, this is more like Siren 3...since 2 was something else if i recall (and wasnt release here)

i wonder if the JP BD had english on it like the Asia release
I've been playing Ninja Gaiden 2 for NES and it's good, but I think as far as games like that go, I like Batman better...the controls just seem more responsive, plus it's Batman :p
[quote name='Nelo Ice']so what does everyone think about bungie makign a new halo game?[/QUOTE]

I think I won't be playing it for the plot.

Not exactly surprising in any sense, though I'm starting to feel like the only person in the world who wishes they'd go back to making Myth games. Hopefully they do something new with the gameplay.
[quote name='guinaevere']Completely predictable?[/QUOTE]


Didn't Bungie seperate from MS so they wouldn't have to make anymore Halo games or something like that?
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