I broke the OTT...but I did not break the site!

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[quote name='zewone']Linkin, don't merge my RE5 demo thread into your craptacular Gen. Discussion and Info garbage.[/quote]

Do it!!! Do it!!!
Show of hands...Who has, from the time that you purchased something in the past 10 days, had at least 6 Amazon price drops in the last 3 days?

I have purchased 10 items from Amazon dating back at the most 10 days ago...6 of those items have dropped in price within the last 3 days.
[quote name='zewone']Linkin, don't merge my RE5 demo thread into your craptacular Gen. Discussion and Info garbage.[/quote]

Too late. There's no reason to have a separate thread for it.
had there been no separate threat I would have never known how to get the demo. I think it should be separate.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Riiiight...

I would but all the gaming sites are blocked from work. :whistle2:|

What did you need?[/QUOTE]

Just wondering if my replacement 360 is covered for another year.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Too late. There's no reason to have a separate thread for it.[/QUOTE]

Uh yeah, there is. It's thread specifically about the demo, not the game.
[quote name='wubb']Just wondering if my replacement 360 is covered for another year.[/QUOTE]

It's not. I hope yours breaks after the 30 day warranty refurbs get.
Best Cockmass Ever.

[quote name='tiredfornow']"Gordon Freeman has the best cock ever." - Admiral Ackbar[/QUOTE]

He does. It's shaped like a crowbar.

And just as long.
Funny enough there were questions about what my favorite show, Ranger, villian, and Zord are


They put DDR as a sport

[quote name='darthbudge']Yes, you should be covered.[/QUOTE]

You were right, set me up for a repair with no out of pocket cost to me. Maybe I'll have it back by the new year. :sigh:

They didn't want my HDD even though according to google error E79 is a HDD problem and E71 is a dashboard update problem. (Those are the two I've hit.) Figured they might want the HDD to check it.
[quote name='manthing']Funny enough there were questions about what my favorite show, Ranger, villian, and Zord are


They put DDR as a sport


Hey, if Wii Tennis is a sport then DDR should be too.
[quote name='lordwow']I kinda want to try and beat No Mercy on expert tonight.[/QUOTE]

I'll join that just to laugh at our mutal miserable failure.
That's awesome that your HDD is the problem and they didn't ask for it back. It's going to be sweet when you get it back and still can't play. :cool:
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']What is your favorite Zord, Manthing?[/quote]

They only gave the gestalt/combined Zords as choices. I chose the original as it's the only Megazord I'm familiar with.

I don't really know much about of the individual zords, except I remember a green dragon and white tiger
[quote name='lordwow']83, did you see TFU is getting DLC?[/quote]

What kind? I saw some character packs up last night as well as some new mission.
Did you try that ":cool:" iPhone thing out yet, zewone? It looks like the whole thing is a lot better than it used to be, especially with those sharing apps, if they work right.
[quote name='lordwow']I know it's going to suck. But I've already tried with randoms and it didn't work well.[/QUOTE]

Because of their great aim you'll do even worse with real humans.

The Ai is great with the basic stuff but terrible with tactics. Humans are great with tactics but terrible with the basic stuff.

Whenever I play with the Ai it pops the head off a boomer from a mile away but can't figure out how to enter a room. People know all the best places to go but don't have that uncanny aim and situational awareness.
Already up:

LucasArts Announces Release of New Single-Player Level For Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

LucasArts today announced that it has released a new single-player level for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Available now for Xbox 360 owners through Xbox LIVE Marketplace and for PlayStation 3 owners through the PlayStation Network, the level features The “Secret Apprentice” in an entirely new mission set in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. The Secret Apprentice travels to the Jedi Temple to learn more about his father, and while searching through the rubble of the destroyed building he must confront his inner demons.

Bundled with the single-player level are nine new costumes, which allow gamers to play through the game disguised as several new characters, including:
• Apprentice’s Temple Exploration Gear
• Apprentice - Cybernetic Reconstruction
• Apprentice’s Sith Training Gear
• Mace Windu
• Darth Maul
• Qui-Gon Jinn
• Dark Stalker
• Lightsaber Training Droid
• Combat Training Droid

In addition, LucasArts also released a new stand-alone costume pack which includes:
• Apprentice’s Utility Combat Suit
• Apprentice – Animated
• Spirit Apprentice
• Republic Trooper
• Luke Skywalker – Tatooine Gear
• Ben Kenobi
• Plo Koon
• Count Dooku
• Jango Fett
• C-3P0

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was released on September 16, and has since become a worldwide hit. The game completely re-imagines the scope and scale of the Force and casts players as Darth Vader’s “Secret Apprentice,” unveiling new revelations about the Star Wars galaxy seen through the eyes of this mysterious new character armed with unprecedented powers.

More information about the game can be found at the official website, www.theforceunleashed.com
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Because of their great aim you'll do even worse with real humans.

The Ai is great with the basic stuff but terrible with tactics. Humans are great with tactics but terrible with the basic stuff.

Whenever I play with the Ai it pops the head off a boomer from a mile away but can't figure out how to enter a room. People know all the best places to go but don't have that uncanny aim and situational awareness.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point, I think I'm going to try and get the no friendly fire one with the AI, they never hit me, as long as I can avoid them.

But ya, they are insanely good shooters, but awful at strategy (namely that you have to lead).
Sweet...just gotta wait to get the game now. The one I got from GS.com came in a black dvd case and it didn't have a manual...my OCD won't let me keep that shit.
I bought it only cause it was on sale at Amazon for $30. My mom bought a 360 bundle for my bro with it though, should have waited I guess :lol:
[quote name='Mojimbo']Did you try that ":cool:" iPhone thing out yet, zewone? It looks like the whole thing is a lot better than it used to be, especially with those sharing apps, if they work right.[/QUOTE]

What's that?
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