*~Shini's List! Ebay auctions online! SMT:Devil Summoner/Psyvariar/LE OST's/Etc..~*

[quote name='Inf^Shini']Nah, I don't have Gears yet, or any 360 games for that matter.

I'll start building a 360 collection in the near future, probably a month or so before I get the actual system, since the longer I put it off, the cheaper the games will get.

There'd be no point in getting a game for $50-30 when it might drop to $20 or less in the future :p

Penance, is that some secret/optional boss in FFX International? Never heard of it :eek:[/quote]

Ah I see...
well any interest in a complete crackdown? hehe.

As for penance - it's a supposedly ubber boss of the FF series - ranking one of the hardest FF boss around along with emerald, ruby, omega & such...
I've every boss - except for this one since, I don't have a jps2 hehe. Also, along with penance there are DARK AEONS you have to beat too... so there's some added content.
I would fill you in with more... that is if you can FIND those DISKS! lol.

Well LMK!
and tell me when you get a 360 too!!

Heh heh, I'm still lookin' for the disks

Crackdown eh? Well I'll think about that. Maybe I'll take that if I can find the disks :p
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I have The Darkness (PS3) and want to trade it for Rainbow Six: Vegas (PS3)[/quote]

I'm assuming the Darkness is your cup of tea or is somewhat bad?
I was thinking of getting that for the 360..

but I rather get dark sector haha!
[quote name='guynextshore']I'm assuming the Darkness is your cup of tea or is somewhat bad?
I was thinking of getting that for the 360..

but I rather get dark sector haha!
While I like The Darkness (Crazy story, execution moves, trippy darkness powers :eek: ), I'd rather play RS: Vegas since the # of CAG's on-line in that game seems to be increasing and gameplay very enjoyable. I've played a couple Rainbow Six games on the PC + Ghost Recon so this would my 48 Oz. Slurpy on a hot day :cool:
[quote name='refusedchaos']PM a second PM was sent a day or two ago[/quote]

Yea, sorry I never got back to you :/

I just responded :D
Had to RMA my Video Card so I'll be out of commission for awhile, hopefully a week at the most :(

I'll still try to get on to check PM's and posts once in a while.

Edicttree, don't worry man, I haven't forgotten about you ;). Your stuff will be arriving this week
[quote name='themightypencil']hey..i dropped you a pm last night, but in case you didnt get it...how much for the blockbuster/sharpeed legend of mana? lemme know[/quote]

Sorry for the late response, how about $30 shipped?

I can only take Postal Money Orders for payment.
It's been a while since a bump!

I see that DJ Max 2 LE is still 'sold' ;) & I hear you're the 'master' of the cag resistance clan...

Can't wait til I get my PS3! muahaha.
[quote name='oakleyswitch']hey there, did you get it yet?[/quote]

Yea, I got it yesterday dude, and I juuuuust dropped you a feedback haha.

Thanks a lot, I love me some black DS and the design on top of it kicks ass since I'm a sports nut. It just looks cool :p

What's funny is that it arrived the same day as my CAG PU Peguin DS cases came, so it turned out to be a great day :mrgreen:
Just started playing the first Phoenix Wright game (Thanks Guy ;)) and I'm lovin' it.
I noticed that the touch screen is a lot nicer on this DS as well compared to my last one :eek:

Now that I have this, all that's left is the FF Crisis Core Slim PSP that's coming out and I'll have a kick ass custom version DS and PSP! :D
[quote name='guynextshore']It's been a while since a bump!

I see that DJ Max 2 LE is still 'sold' ;) & I hear you're the 'master' of the cag resistance clan...

Can't wait til I get my PS3! muahaha.[/quote]

Thanks dude :D

Haha, I really need to clean up my list, I believe a renovation is in order since I have a lot of stuff I need to start moving.

I'm the leader of the CAG clan, so I gotta stay up on my gaming skills ;)
When you get your PS3, I'd be down for some one on one once your comfortable with the game ;D
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Thanks dude :D

Haha, I really need to clean up my list, I believe a renovation is in order since I have a lot of stuff I need to start moving.

I'm the leader of the CAG clan, so I gotta stay up on my gaming skills ;)
When you get your PS3, I'd be down for some one on one once your comfortable with the game ;D[/quote]

sweet - lmk if you have more items up for trade! anything from that collection thats growing so massive.

As for resistance - yea defiantely... I'll practice a bit on the halo series (only FPS) i have for the moment once I get my new 360 HDMI. By then I think I'll have some 'basic' skill for resistance once I get a ps3 this following holiday ( just waiting for that right price/deal ;)).

Oh yea,
i'm definately adding you along with my broski (silent) once i get in on this PS (TRIPLE!) haha.
[quote name='guynextshore']haha,
sweet - lmk if you have more items up for trade! anything from that collection thats growing so massive.

As for resistance - yea defiantely... I'll practice a bit on the halo series (only FPS) i have for the moment once I get my new 360 HDMI. By then I think I'll have some 'basic' skill for resistance once I get a ps3 this following holiday ( just waiting for that right price/deal ;)).

Oh yea,
i'm definately adding you along with my broski (silent) once i get in on this PS (TRIPLE!) haha.[/quote]

Yea dude, I'mma start skimming my collection for real. Only thing I'm not touching is my Saturn collection, which is already thin >.>

I got a good amount of FPS experience under my belt :p
--> Counter-Strike 1.5/1.6 (two years on/off); CS: Source (bout's two years non-stop); Halo 2 (First Console FPS, went through everything, although Legendary was a bitch for a while, then I got used to it - Played online for about a year, highest I ever went was Level 37 though, I kept running into a bunch of modders, pretty much the reason why I gave up on it :/)

I still need to get used to Resistance and the PS3 controller though, since the xbox-s controller was a tad bigger and joysticks were thicker. It still feels a bit clunky during online play only, but once I play enough I'll get used to it. I'm going through Resistance on Superhuman difficulty right now, so :twoguns:

Some of the weapons and enemies are just too cool.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yea dude, I'mma start skimming my collection for real. Only thing I'm not touching is my Saturn collection, which is already thin >.>

I got a good amount of FPS experience under my belt :p
--> Counter-Strike 1.5/1.6 (two years on/off); CS: Source (bout's two years non-stop); Halo 2 (First Console FPS, went through everything, although Legendary was a bitch for a while, then I got used to it - Played online for about a year, highest I ever went was Level 37 though, I kept running into a bunch of modders, pretty much the reason why I gave up on it :/)

I still need to get used to Resistance and the PS3 controller though, since the xbox-s controller was a tad bigger and joysticks were thicker. It still feels a bit clunky during online play only, but once I play enough I'll get used to it. I'm going through Resistance on Superhuman difficulty right now, so :twoguns:

Some of the weapons and enemies are just too cool.[/quote]

Ooo can't wait to see what else I can grab along with DJ MAX 2!!

haha - looks like you're an FPS pro... I think I'll be murdered if I played a 1-1 match with you. I hated counterstrike - simple because everyone I played with like to spawn kill & snipe SOB. can't say I'd do better anyway - I'm an RPGer at heart.

Can't wait to get some PS3 Resistance play on... I only wish that there were more games I'd be interested in. But thankfully heavenly sword is comming out. how's the demo for that? GoW is like?? I hope not - I hope they reinvent this with superbe movements...

curious what else would you recommend in getting for the PS3?
I already have my eye sight for Resistance/ NGS/ Heavenly sword

there's also Assassins creed & RE5 - but I'd like to see which console it's 'better' in....

superhuman huh?- insane!
[quote name='guynextshore']Ooo can't wait to see what else I can grab along with DJ MAX 2!!

haha - looks like you're an FPS pro... I think I'll be murdered if I played a 1-1 match with you. I hated counterstrike - simple because everyone I played with like to spawn kill & snipe SOB. can't say I'd do better anyway - I'm an RPGer at heart.

Can't wait to get some PS3 Resistance play on... I only wish that there were more games I'd be interested in. But thankfully heavenly sword is comming out. how's the demo for that? GoW is like?? I hope not - I hope they reinvent this with superbe movements...

curious what else would you recommend in getting for the PS3?
I already have my eye sight for Resistance/ NGS/ Heavenly sword

there's also Assassins creed & RE5 - but I'd like to see which console it's 'better' in....

superhuman huh?- insane![/quote]

Haha, spawn killing sucks. I was great with the awp, but I preferred the scout simply because it didn't slow me down and was more challening and getting kills with it gave me more satisfaction >:D

My usual combo was P228 pistol w/ scout. Otherwise I'd go with deagle + M4A1/AK, mainly AK b/c 1 shot HS ftw!

I'd recommend NGS and oblivion if you haven't played it yet. I have the NGS Collector's edition. Almost missed out on it too ;)

I used to be an RPG fan at heart, Ys series will always be my fav. Now I'm more of a pick up and play type of gamer since I have less time. It's the sad, slow death of a gamer lol.

Closest thing I've been playing to an RPG is Phoenix Wright. I just started it yesterday and I'm loving it. The stories are interesting (so far) and trials are fun :p

The Heavenly Sword demo was very fun but very short as well. It does show off a very nice enviroment, and the combos/counters are really fun to pull off :D
Apparently it's an old build, so all the FPS problems have been ironed out/fixed so I'm eager to see what the finished product is. Also, according to the official thread, apparently it's going to be a trilogy
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Haha, spawn killing sucks. I was great with the awp, but I preferred the scout simply because it didn't slow me down and was more challening and getting kills with it gave me more satisfaction >:D

My usual combo was P228 pistol w/ scout. Otherwise I'd go with deagle + M4A1/AK, mainly AK b/c 1 shot HS ftw!

I'd recommend NGS and oblivion if you haven't played it yet. I have the NGS Collector's edition. Almost missed out on it too ;)

I used to be an RPG fan at heart, Ys series will always be my fav. Now I'm more of a pick up and play type of gamer since I have less time. It's the sad, slow death of a gamer lol.

Closest thing I've been playing to an RPG is Phoenix Wright. I just started it yesterday and I'm loving it. The stories are interesting (so far) and trials are fun :p

The Heavenly Sword demo was very fun but very short as well. It does show off a very nice enviroment, and the combos/counters are really fun to pull off :D
Apparently it's an old build, so all the FPS problems have been ironed out/fixed so I'm eager to see what the finished product is. Also, according to the official thread, apparently it's going to be a trilogy[/quote]

So you basically lost me there with all the Counter strike lingo - I told you I hated the game.. because I kept dying - so I didn't try as much.
I played lots of halo though...haha. I love to sticky everything!

Anyhow... appearantly, oblivion isn't my kindo f game - I tried the elder scrolls for the orig. xbox - didn't take it to heart & rather play my PS2 RPGs really.

However, I get what you mean regarding the death of the gamer. Only RPG i've touched is Nocturne & I'm still planning to get persona 3 (shocking I know).

So wait... what's becoming a trilogy?
Heavenly sword or resistance? - either way I'm getting both.

NICEE snag on the NGS CE... are they rare now? hmmm I wonder if I can still get a copy. =/.
[quote name='guynextshore']So you basically lost me there with all the Counter strike lingo - I told you I hated the game.. because I kept dying - so I didn't try as much.
I played lots of halo though...haha. I love to sticky everything!

Anyhow... appearantly, oblivion isn't my kindo f game - I tried the elder scrolls for the orig. xbox - didn't take it to heart & rather play my PS2 RPGs really.

However, I get what you mean regarding the death of the gamer. Only RPG i've touched is Nocturne & I'm still planning to get persona 3 (shocking I know).

So wait... what's becoming a trilogy?
Heavenly sword or resistance? - either way I'm getting both.

NICEE snag on the NGS CE... are they rare now? hmmm I wonder if I can still get a copy. =/.[/quote]
Haha, sorry for the lingo, when I talk about CS Source I started getting technical about it heh heh.
Too many discussions over Teamspeak/Ventrillo/mIRC and in-game source chat have hammered the lingo into my mind o_O

I have never tried any of the previous elder scrolls games, and never had any interest in them. After all the hype about oblivion though, I payed attention, mainly to the fact that it played differently than the rest of the series.
It started growing on me after playing a little while because you can change to a third person view and playing like that reminded me of Fable, and I really enjoyed that game. Hearing that this was a deep and long game made me more interested in trying it out. However, I don't play it much, especially with NGS and Resistance to take up my PS3 gaming time along with Super Stardust ;)

Heavenly Sword is going to become a trilogy, from what I've read in the official thread here at CAG.
Resistance should be having a sequel, since the ending left it wide open for one.

The NGS CE is becoming rarer since it only had one print run so it's OOP, and there weren't that many left over after pre-orders, and I got lucky in finding one store a couple miles away that had one sealed copy left. I traded in VF5 and RR7 for it and had to drop $10 since it was over the $60 value.

They have sold from as low as $50 to as high as $120 + shipping. I'd say the average value on there is around $80-90 + shipping.

Good luck finding a copy, I had to phone at least 10 stores in a 20 mile radius before I got a hit. I realized this would be my best chance to get it with the trade-in promotion they were having at the time. This was almost a month ago, or maybe even longer :whistle2:s
bread's done